package org.yamcs.utils; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Utility class to convert between TAI and UTC. * It reads the UTC-TAI.history (available at * * It only supports added leap seconds not removed ones (negative leap seconds have never happened and probably never will). * * It only works correctly with the times after 1972 when the difference between TAI and UTC is an integer number of seconds. * * Most of the code is copied or inspired from the TAI C library * * */ public class TaiUtcConverter { long[] timesecs; //TAI time in seconds when leap seconds are added int diffTaiUtc; //the difference between the TAI and UTC at the last interval static String UTC_TAI_HISTORY_FN="UTC-TAI.history"; static final int[] times365 = new int[]{ 0, 365, 730, 1095 } ; static final int[] times36524 = new int[]{ 0, 36524, 73048, 109572 } ; static final int[] montab = { 0, 31, 61, 92, 122, 153, 184, 214, 245, 275, 306, 337 } ; /* month length after february is (306 * m + 5) / 10 */ static final int[] PREVIOUS_MONTH_END_DAY = {0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334}; static final int[] PREVIOUS_MONTH_END_DAY_LS = {0, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335}; public TaiUtcConverter() throws IOException, ParseException { InputStream is = TaiUtcConverter.class.getResourceAsStream("/"+UTC_TAI_HISTORY_FN); if(is==null) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find "+UTC_TAI_HISTORY_FN+" in the classpath"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); String line =null; // 1974 Jan. 1 - 1975 Jan. 1 13s String dp = "\\s?(\\d+)?\\s+(\\w{3})\\.?\\s+(\\d+)"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(dp+"\\s*\\.?\\-\\s*("+dp+")?\\s*(\\d+)s\\s*"); ArrayList<Long> tmp1 = new ArrayList<Long>(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy MMM dd", Locale.ENGLISH); sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); diffTaiUtc = -1; int lineNum=0; String prevYear = null; while((line=reader.readLine()) != null) { lineNum++; Matcher m = p.matcher(line); if(m.matches()) { String year =; if(year==null) { year = prevYear; } Date d = sdf.parse(year+" " " "; tmp1.add(d.getTime()); int ls = Integer.valueOf(; if((diffTaiUtc!=-1) && (ls!=diffTaiUtc+1)) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading line "+lineNum+" of UTC-TAI.history: only positive leap seconds are supported"); } diffTaiUtc = ls; prevYear = year; } } timesecs = new long[tmp1.size()]; for(int i = 0; i<timesecs.length; i++) { timesecs[i]=tmp1.get(i)/1000 + diffTaiUtc - timesecs.length + i; } } //converts Modified Julian Day to calendar day private void caldateFromMjd(DateTimeComponents cd, long day) { int year; int month; int yday; year = (int)(day / 146097); day %= 146097L; day += 678881L; while (day >= 146097L) { day -= 146097L; ++year; } /* year * 146097 + day - 678881 is MJD; 0 <= day < 146097 */ /* 2000-03-01, MJD 51604, is year 5, day 0 */ year *= 4; if (day == 146096L) { year += 3; day = 36524; } else { year += day / 36524L; day %= 36524L; } year *= 25; year += day / 1461; day %= 1461; year *= 4; yday = (day < 306)?1:0; if (day == 1460) { year += 3; day = 365; } else { year += day / 365; day %= 365; } yday += day; day *= 10; month = (int)((day + 5) / 306); day = (day + 5) % 306; day /= 10; if (month >= 10) { yday -= 306; ++year; month -= 10; } else { yday += 59; month += 2; } cd.year = year; cd.month = month + 1; = (int)(day + 1); cd.doy=yday+1; } //converts calendar date to Modified Julian Day //doy is ignored private long caldateToMjd(DateTimeComponents dtc) { int y; int m; int d; d = - 678882; m = dtc.month - 1; y = dtc.year; d += 146097L * (y / 400); y %= 400; if (m >= 2) m -= 2; else { m += 10; --y; } y += (m / 12); m %= 12; if (m < 0) { m += 12; --y; } d += montab[m]; d += 146097L * (y / 400); y %= 400; if (y < 0) { y += 400; d -= 146097L; } d += times365[y & 3]; y >>= 2; d += 1461L * (y % 25); y /= 25; d += times36524[y & 3]; return d; } DateTimeComponents instantToUtc(long t) { DateTimeComponents dtc = new DateTimeComponents(); long u; int leap; long s; u = t/1000; dtc.millisec = (int)( t % 1000); //leap = leapsecs_sub(&t2); leap = 0; int ls = diffTaiUtc; for(int i = timesecs.length -1 ; i>=0; i--){ if (u > timesecs[i]) break; if (u == timesecs[i]) { leap = 1; break;} ls--; } u-=ls; u+=86400L; //to avoid u being negative s = u % 86400L; dtc.second = (int)((s % 60) + leap); s /= 60; dtc.minute = (int)(s % 60); s /= 60; dtc.hour = (int)s; u /= 86400L; long mjd = 40586+u; caldateFromMjd(dtc, mjd); return dtc; } /** * transforms Instant to Unix time expressed in milliseconds since 1970 * @param t * @return */ long instantToUnix(long t) { long u = t/1000; int ls = diffTaiUtc; for(int i = timesecs.length -1 ; i>=0; i--){ if (u >= timesecs[i]) break; ls--; } return t-ls*1000; } /** * Converts UTC to instant. * WARNING: DOY is ignored. * @param dtc * @return */ long utcToInstant(DateTimeComponents dtc) { long day = caldateToMjd(dtc); long s = dtc.hour * 60 + dtc.minute; s = s * 60 + dtc.second + (day - 40587) * 86400L; int ls = diffTaiUtc; for(int i = timesecs.length -1 ; i>=0; i--) { long u = timesecs[i]-ls+1; if (s > u) break; if((s < u) || (dtc.second==60)) ls--; } s+=ls; return dtc.millisec + 1000 * s; } /** * transforms unix time expressed in milliseconds since 1970 to instant * @param t * @return */ long unixToInstant(long t) { long u = t/1000; int ls = diffTaiUtc; for(int i = timesecs.length -1 ; i>=0; i--){ if (u >= timesecs[i]-ls+1) break; ls--; } return t+ls*1000; } public static boolean isLeap(final int year) { return ((year % 4) == 0) && (((year % 400) == 0) || ((year % 100) != 0)); } public static class DateTimeComponents { public int year; public int month; //month starting with 1 public int day; public int hour; public int minute; public int second; public int millisec; public int doy; public DateTimeComponents(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisec) { this.year=year; this.month=month;; this.hour=hour; this.minute=minute; this.second=second; this.millisec=millisec; } private DateTimeComponents() { } public DateTimeComponents(int year, int doy, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisec) { this.year=year; this.doy = doy; this.hour=hour; this.minute=minute; this.second=second; this.millisec=millisec; if(isLeap(year)) { this.month = (doy < 32) ? 1 : (10 * doy + 313) / 306; = doy - PREVIOUS_MONTH_END_DAY_LS[this.month]; } else { this.month = (doy < 32) ? 1 : (10 * doy + 323) / 306; = doy - PREVIOUS_MONTH_END_DAY[this.month]; } } @Override public String toString() { return "DateTimeComponents [year=" + year + ", month=" + month + ", day=" + day + ", hour=" + hour + ", minute=" + minute + ", second=" + second + ", millisec=" + millisec + ", doy=" + doy + "]"; } public String toIso8860String() { return String.format("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisec); } } }