package org.yamcs.xtce; import; public class ComparisonOperatorType implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 200706141154L; enum Type { EQUALITY, INEQUALITY, LARGERTHAN, LARGEROREQUALTHAN, SMALLERTHAN, SMALLEROREQUALTHAN } Type type; ComparisonOperatorType(String type) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (type.equals("==")) { this.type = Type.EQUALITY; } else { if (type.equals("!=")) { this.type = Type.INEQUALITY; } else { if (type.equals(">")) { this.type = Type.LARGERTHAN; } else { if (type.equals(">=")) { this.type = Type.LARGEROREQUALTHAN; } else { if (type.equals("<")) { this.type = Type.SMALLERTHAN; } else { if (type.equals("<=")) { this.type = Type.SMALLEROREQUALTHAN; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the following type is not a valid ComparisonOperatorType: " + type); } } } } } } } public boolean apply(long value1, long value2) { switch (this.type) { case EQUALITY: { return (value1 == value2); } case INEQUALITY: { return (value1 != value2); } case LARGERTHAN: { return (value1 > value2); } case LARGEROREQUALTHAN: { return (value1 >= value2); } case SMALLERTHAN: { return (value1 < value2); } case SMALLEROREQUALTHAN: { return (value1 <= value2); } } return true; // should never be reached } public String value() { switch (this.type) { case EQUALITY: { return "=="; } case INEQUALITY: { return "!="; } case LARGERTHAN: { return ">"; } case LARGEROREQUALTHAN: { return ">="; } case SMALLERTHAN: { return "<"; } case SMALLEROREQUALTHAN: { return "<="; } } return ""; // should never be reached } }