package org.yamcs.yarch.rocksdb; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.rocksdb.RocksDB; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.yamcs.TimeInterval; import org.yamcs.archive.TagDb; import org.yamcs.utils.FileUtils; import org.yamcs.yarch.AbstractStream; import org.yamcs.yarch.HistogramRecord; import org.yamcs.yarch.Partition; import org.yamcs.yarch.StorageEngine; import org.yamcs.yarch.TableDefinition; import org.yamcs.yarch.TableDefinition.PartitionStorage; import org.yamcs.yarch.TableWriter; import org.yamcs.yarch.TableWriter.InsertMode; import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchDatabase; import org.yamcs.yarch.YarchException; /** * Storage Engine based on RocksDB. * * Tables are mapped to multiple RocksDB databases - one for each time based partition. * Value based partitions are mapped to column families. * * */ public class RdbStorageEngine implements StorageEngine { Map<TableDefinition, RdbPartitionManager> partitionManagers = new HashMap<>(); final YarchDatabase ydb; static Map<YarchDatabase, RdbStorageEngine> instances = new HashMap<>(); static { RocksDB.loadLibrary(); } static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RdbStorageEngine.class.getName()); RdbTagDb rdbTagDb = null; boolean ignoreVersionIncompatibility = false; public RdbStorageEngine(YarchDatabase ydb, boolean ignoreVersionIncompatibility) throws YarchException { this.ydb = ydb; instances.put(ydb, this); this.ignoreVersionIncompatibility = ignoreVersionIncompatibility; } public RdbStorageEngine(YarchDatabase ydb) throws YarchException { this(ydb, false); } @Override public void loadTable(TableDefinition tbl) throws YarchException { if(tbl.hasPartitioning()) { RdbPartitionManager pm = new RdbPartitionManager(ydb, tbl); pm.readPartitionsFromDisk(); partitionManagers.put(tbl, pm); } } @Override public void dropTable(TableDefinition tbl) throws YarchException { RdbPartitionManager pm = partitionManagers.remove(tbl); for(Partition p:pm.getPartitions()) { RdbPartition rdbp = (RdbPartition)p; File f=new File(tbl.getDataDir()+"/"+rdbp.dir); RDBFactory rdbFactory = RDBFactory.getInstance(ydb.getName()); rdbFactory.closeIfOpen(f.getAbsolutePath()); try { if(f.exists()) { log.debug("Recursively removing {}", f); FileUtils.deleteRecursively(f.toPath()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new YarchException("Cannot remove "+f, e); } } } @Override public TableWriter newTableWriter(TableDefinition tblDef, InsertMode insertMode) throws YarchException { if(!partitionManagers.containsKey(tblDef)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Do not have a partition manager for this table"); } checkFormatVersion(tblDef); try { if(tblDef.isPartitionedByValue()) { if(tblDef.getPartitionStorage()==PartitionStorage.COLUMN_FAMILY) { return new CfTableWriter(ydb, tblDef, insertMode, partitionManagers.get(tblDef)); } else if(tblDef.getPartitionStorage()==PartitionStorage.IN_KEY) { return new InKeyTableWriter(ydb, tblDef, insertMode, partitionManagers.get(tblDef)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknwon partition storage: "+tblDef.getPartitionStorage()); } } else { return new CfTableWriter(ydb, tblDef, insertMode, partitionManagers.get(tblDef)); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new YarchException("Failed to create writer", e); } } @Override public AbstractStream newTableReaderStream(TableDefinition tbl, boolean ascending, boolean follow) { if(!partitionManagers.containsKey(tbl)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Do not have a partition manager for this table"); } if(tbl.isPartitionedByValue()) { if(tbl.getPartitionStorage()==PartitionStorage.COLUMN_FAMILY) { return new CfTableReaderStream(ydb, tbl, partitionManagers.get(tbl), ascending, follow); } else if(tbl.getPartitionStorage()==PartitionStorage.IN_KEY) { return new InkeyTableReaderStream(ydb, tbl, partitionManagers.get(tbl), ascending, follow); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknwon partition storage: "+tbl.getPartitionStorage()); } } else { return new CfTableReaderStream(ydb, tbl, partitionManagers.get(tbl), ascending, follow); } } @Override public void createTable(TableDefinition def) { RdbPartitionManager pm = new RdbPartitionManager(ydb, def); partitionManagers.put(def, pm); } public static synchronized RdbStorageEngine getInstance(YarchDatabase ydb) { return instances.get(ydb); } public RdbPartitionManager getPartitionManager(TableDefinition tdef) { return partitionManagers.get(tdef); } @Override public synchronized TagDb getTagDb() throws YarchException { if(rdbTagDb==null) { try { rdbTagDb = new RdbTagDb(ydb); } catch (RocksDBException e) { throw new YarchException("Cannot create tag db",e); } } return rdbTagDb; } /** * Called from Unit tests to cleanup before the next test */ public void shutdown() { RDBFactory rdbFactory = RDBFactory.getInstance(ydb.getName()); rdbFactory.shutdown(); } /** * Called from unit tests to cleanup before the next test * @param ydb */ public static synchronized void removeInstance(YarchDatabase ydb) { RdbStorageEngine rse = instances.remove(ydb); if(rse!=null) { rse.shutdown(); } } /** * set to ignore version incompatibility - only used from the version upgrading functions to allow loading old tables. * * @param b */ public void setIgnoreVersionIncompatibility(boolean b) { this.ignoreVersionIncompatibility = b; } private void checkFormatVersion(TableDefinition tblDef) throws YarchException { if(ignoreVersionIncompatibility) { return; } if(tblDef.getFormatVersion()!=TableDefinition.CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION) { throw new YarchException("Table "+ydb.getName()+"/"+tblDef.getName()+" format version is "+tblDef.getFormatVersion() + " instead of "+TableDefinition.CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION+", please upgrade (use the \"yamcs archive upgrade\" command)."); } } @Override public Iterator<HistogramRecord> getHistogramIterator(TableDefinition tblDef, String columnName, TimeInterval interval, long mergeTime) throws YarchException { checkFormatVersion(tblDef); try { return new RdbHistogramIterator(ydb, tblDef, columnName, interval, mergeTime); } catch (RocksDBException e) { throw new YarchException(e); } } }