package org.yamcs.cli; import; import; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.FileSystemException; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import org.rocksdb.BackupEngine; import org.rocksdb.BackupInfo; import org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions; import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor; import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle; import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions; import org.rocksdb.DBOptions; import org.rocksdb.Env; import org.rocksdb.Options; import org.rocksdb.RestoreOptions; import org.rocksdb.RocksDB; import org.yamcs.api.YamcsConnectionProperties; import; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.QueryStringEncoder; /** * Command line backup utility for yamcs. * * Taking a backup can be done via the REST interface when the Yamcs server is running. * * Restoring it has to be done using this tool when the Yamcs server is not running. * * @author nm * */ @Parameters(commandDescription = "Allows to perform and restore backups") public class Backup extends Command { public Backup(YamcsCli yamcsCli) { super("backup", yamcsCli); addSubCommand(new BackupCreate()); addSubCommand(new BackupDelete()); addSubCommand(new BackupList()); addSubCommand(new BackupRestore()); } @Override void execute() throws Exception { RocksDB.loadLibrary(); super.execute(); } private void error(String msg) { throw new ParameterException(getFullCommandName()+": "+msg); } public static void verifyBackupDirectory(String backupDir, boolean mustExist) throws IOException { Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(backupDir); if(Files.exists(path)) { if(!Files.isDirectory(path)) { throw new FileSystemException(backupDir, null, "File '"+backupDir+"' exists and is not a directory"); } boolean isEmpty = true; boolean isBackupDir = false; try(DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(path)) { for(Path p: dirStream) { isEmpty = false; if(p.endsWith("meta")) { isBackupDir = true; break; } } } if(!isEmpty && !isBackupDir) { throw new FileSystemException(backupDir, null, "Directory '"+backupDir+"' is not a backup directory"); } if(!Files.isWritable(path)) { throw new FileSystemException(backupDir, null, "Directory '"+backupDir+"' is not writable"); } } else { if(mustExist) { throw new FileSystemException(backupDir, null, "Directory '"+backupDir+"' does not exist"); } else { Files.createDirectories(path); } } } private static RocksDB openDb(String dbDir) throws Exception { File current = new File(dbDir+File.separatorChar+"CURRENT"); if(!current.exists()) { throw new Exception("'"+dbDir+"' does not look like a RocksDB database directory"); } List<byte[]> cfl = RocksDB.listColumnFamilies(new Options(), dbDir); ColumnFamilyOptions cfOptions = new ColumnFamilyOptions(); DBOptions dbOptions = new DBOptions(); List<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> cfdList = new ArrayList<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>(cfl.size()); for(byte[] b: cfl) { cfdList.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor(b, cfOptions)); } List<ColumnFamilyHandle> cfhList = new ArrayList<ColumnFamilyHandle>(cfl.size()); return, dbDir, cfdList, cfhList); } private abstract class BackupCommand extends Command { public BackupCommand(String name, Command parent) { super(name, parent); } @Parameter(names="--backupDir", description="backup directory") String backupDir; } @Parameters(commandDescription = "Create a new backup. Backups can be done directly or via a running Yamcs server.") private class BackupCreate extends BackupCommand { @Parameter(names="--dbDir", description="database directory", required=true) String dbDir; public BackupCreate() { super("create", Backup.this); } void validate() { YamcsConnectionProperties yamcsConn = getYamcsConnectionProperties(); if(yamcsConn!=null) { if(yamcsConn.getInstance()==null) { error("please specify the yamcs instance in the yamcs connection url (-y)"); } } } @Override void execute() throws Exception { YamcsConnectionProperties yamcsConn = getYamcsConnectionProperties(); if(yamcsConn==null) { //backup directly verifyBackupDirectory(backupDir, false); try { BackupableDBOptions opt = new BackupableDBOptions(backupDir); BackupEngine backupEngine =, opt); RocksDB db = openDb(dbDir); backupEngine.createNewBackup(db); backupEngine.close(); db.close(); opt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error when backing up database '"+dbDir+"' to '"+backupDir+"': "+e.getMessage()); } } else { //make a rest request RestClient restClient = new RestClient(yamcsConn); QueryStringEncoder qse = new QueryStringEncoder("/archive/"+yamcsConn.getInstance()+"/rocksdb/backup"+dbDir); qse.addParam("backupDir", backupDir); String resource = qse.toString(); try { restClient.doRequest(resource, HttpMethod.POST).get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwable t = e.getCause(); throw new Exception("got error when performing POST request for resource '"+resource+"': "+t.getMessage()); } } console.println("Backup performed succesfully"); } } @Parameters(commandDescription = "Restore a backup. This can only be done when the Yamcs server is not running.") private class BackupRestore extends BackupCommand { @Parameter(names="--restoreDir", description="restore directory (where the backup will be restored)", required=true) String restoreDir; @Parameter(names = "--backupId", description="Backup id. If not specified, the last backup will be restored.") Integer backupId; public BackupRestore() { super("restore", Backup.this); } @Override void execute() throws Exception { verifyBackupDirectory(backupDir, true); BackupableDBOptions opt = new BackupableDBOptions(backupDir); BackupEngine backupEngine =, opt); RestoreOptions restoreOpt = new RestoreOptions(true); if(backupId!=null) { backupEngine.restoreDbFromBackup(backupId, restoreDir, restoreDir, restoreOpt); } else { backupEngine.restoreDbFromLatestBackup(restoreDir, restoreDir, restoreOpt); } backupEngine.close(); restoreOpt.close(); opt.close(); console.println("Backup restored successfully to "+restoreDir); } } @Parameters(commandDescription = "List the existing backups") private class BackupList extends BackupCommand { public BackupList() { super("list", Backup.this); } @Override void execute() throws Exception { verifyBackupDirectory(backupDir, true); BackupableDBOptions opt = new BackupableDBOptions(backupDir); BackupEngine backupEngine =, opt); List<BackupInfo> blist= backupEngine.getBackupInfo(); String sep = "+----------+---------------+----------+------------------------------+"; final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME.withZone(ZoneId.of("UTC")); console.println(sep); console.println(String.format("|%10s|%15s|%10s|%30s|", "backup id", "size (bytes)", "num files", "time")); console.println(sep); for(BackupInfo bi: blist) { console.println(String.format("|%10d|%15d|%10d|%30s|", bi.backupId(), bi.size(), bi.numberFiles(), formatter.format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1000*bi.timestamp())))); } console.println(sep); backupEngine.close(); opt.close(); } } @Parameters(commandDescription = "Delete a backup") public class BackupDelete extends BackupCommand { @Parameter(names = "--backupId", description="backup id", required=true) Integer backupId; public BackupDelete() { super("delete", Backup.this); } @Override void execute() throws Exception { verifyBackupDirectory(backupDir, true); BackupableDBOptions opt = new BackupableDBOptions(backupDir); BackupEngine backupEngine =, opt); backupEngine.deleteBackup(backupId); backupEngine.close(); console.println("Backup with id "+backupId+" removed"); } } }