package; /* * default logging */ import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.commonreality.efferent.IEfferentCommand; import org.commonreality.identifier.IIdentifier; import org.jactr.core.chunktype.IChunkType; import org.jactr.core.production.condition.ChunkPattern; import org.jactr.core.production.request.ChunkTypeRequest; import org.jactr.core.utils.parameter.IParameterized; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public interface IMotorModule extends IPerceptualModule, IParameterized { static public final String MOVEMENT_CHUNK_TYPE = "motor-command"; static public final String ABORT_CHUNK_TYPE = "abort"; static public final String MUSCLE_SLOT = "muscle"; static public final String ABORTING_CHUNK = "aborting"; /** * the root movement type chunk * @return */ public IChunkType getMovementChunkType(); public IChunkType getAbortChunkType(); /** * the {@link IMotorTimeEquation} that determines how much time is spent * processing the movement. Actual equation times are determined by * individual {@link IEfferentCommandTranslator}s. * @return */ public IMotorTimeEquation getProcessingTimeEquation(); /** * the {@link IMotorTimeEquation} that determines how long the preparation * of a motor movement lasts * @return */ public IMotorTimeEquation getPreparationTimeEquation(); /** * returns the most recently prepared movement for the given muscle * @param muscle if null, return the last movement regardless of the muscle * @return */ public IMovement getLastMovement(IIdentifier muscle); /** * responsible code snippet that translates {@link ChunkPattern}s into * {@link IEfferentCommand}s * @return */ public ICommandTranslator getCommandTranslator(); /** * tracker and manager of muscle info * * @return */ public MuscleStateManager getMuscleManager(); public MotorCommandManager getCommandManager(); /** * return true if we could prepare this motor command * * @param pattern * @return */ public boolean canPrepare(ChunkTypeRequest pattern); /** * prepare a motor movement. This involves creating the movement, setting up * the buffer (and queueing timed events), and negotiating the newly created * {@link IEfferentCommand} with common reality * * @param pattern */ public Future<IMovement> prepare(ChunkTypeRequest pattern, double requestTime, boolean prepareOnly); public boolean canExecute(ChunkTypeRequest pattern); /** * execute a motor movement. This involves communicating the movement * start with common reality and queueing whatever timed events are necessary * * @param movement * @return */ public Future<IMovement> execute(IMovement movement, double requestTime); public boolean canAbort(ChunkTypeRequest request); public boolean canAbort(IMovement movement); public Future<IMovement> abort(IMovement movement, double requestTime); public boolean canAdjust(ChunkTypeRequest request); public boolean canAdjust(IMovement movement); public Future<IMovement> adjust(IMovement movement, ChunkTypeRequest request, double requestTime); public IMotorActivationBuffer getBuffer(); /** * reset the motor system. this should force all executing movements to stop. */ public void reset(); public void addListener(IMotorModuleListener listener, Executor executor); public void removeListener(IMotorModuleListener listener); public boolean hasListeners(); public void dispatch(MotorModuleEvent event); }