package org.jactr.embed; /* * default logging */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jactr.core.model.IModel; import org.jactr.core.reality.connector.IConnector; import org.jactr.core.runtime.ACTRRuntime; import org.jactr.core.runtime.controller.DefaultController; import org.jactr.core.runtime.controller.IController; import org.jactr.core.runtime.controller.debug.DebugController; import; import; import org.jactr.scripting.ScriptingManager; /** * The start of a runtime builder to better support embedding. If running * outside of the Eclipse environment and are using externally contributed * modules, you must ensure that classpaths are accessible. This is not * reusable, and assumes no one else is attempting to conifugre the runtime * * @author harrison */ public class RuntimeBuilder { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory .getLog(RuntimeBuilder.class); private Collection<Runnable> _parserInitializers; private Collection<Runnable> _astInitializers; private Collection<Runnable> _scriptInitializers; private Supplier<Object> _applicationDataSupplier; private Collection<IModel> _models; private IConnector _connector; static public RuntimeBuilder newBuilder() { return new RuntimeBuilder(); } protected RuntimeBuilder() { _parserInitializers = new ArrayList<Runnable>(); _astInitializers = new ArrayList<Runnable>(); _scriptInitializers = new ArrayList<Runnable>(); _models = new ArrayList<IModel>(); } /** * add the model to the runtime to be built. This model must have all it's * instruments installed already. * * @param model * @return */ public RuntimeBuilder addModel(IModel model) { _models.add(model); return this; } /** * If you need to add access to custom model parsers, it can be contributed at * this point. Accessible via the {@link ModelParserFactory} singleton * * @param initializer * @return */ public RuntimeBuilder addParserInitializer(Runnable initializer) { _parserInitializers.add(initializer); return this; } /** * If you need to add access to custome ast participants (used by modules & * extensions), it is contributed here. Accesible via the * {@link ASTParticipantRegistry} singelton * * @param intializer * @return */ public RuntimeBuilder addASTInitializer(Runnable intializer) { _astInitializers.add(intializer); return this; } /** * If you need to add access to custom scripting support. Accessible via the * {@link ScriptingManager} singleton * * @param initializer * @return */ public RuntimeBuilder addScriptInitializer(Runnable initializer) { _scriptInitializers.add(initializer); return this; } public RuntimeBuilder setApplicationData(Supplier<Object> supplier) { _applicationDataSupplier = supplier; return this; } /** * @param connector * @return */ public RuntimeBuilder with(IConnector connector) { _connector = connector; return this; } /** * Terminal build operator that will construct and configure the runtime. It * returns the controller that should be used to manage the runtime. * * @return */ public IController build() { buildInternal(); return defaultController(); } /** * Alternatitve terminal build operator that constructs the runtime, returning * a debug controller for finer grained runtime control. * * @return */ public IController debugBuild() { buildInternal(); return debugController(); } protected DefaultController defaultController() { ACTRRuntime runtime = ACTRRuntime.getRuntime(); DefaultController controller = new DefaultController(); runtime.setController(controller); return controller; } protected DebugController debugController() { ACTRRuntime runtime = ACTRRuntime.getRuntime(); DebugController controller = new DebugController(); runtime.setController(controller); return controller; } protected void buildInternal() { resetRuntime(); bootstrap(); initialize(); } protected void resetRuntime() { ACTRRuntime runtime = ACTRRuntime.getRuntime(); IController controller = runtime.getController(); if (controller != null) { if (controller.isRunning()) try { controller.terminate().get(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to terminate runtime, forcing forward ", e); } runtime.setController(null); } runtime.setConnector(null); /* * zero our application data */ runtime.setApplicationData(null); Collection<IModel> models = runtime.getModels(); // cleanup any existing models models.forEach((m) -> { runtime.removeModel(m); m.dispose(); }); } protected void bootstrap() { /* * TODO defensive exception handling */ for (Runnable init : _scriptInitializers); for (Runnable init : _astInitializers); for (Runnable init : _parserInitializers); if (_applicationDataSupplier != null) ACTRRuntime.getRuntime().setApplicationData( _applicationDataSupplier.get()); } protected void initialize() { ACTRRuntime runtime = ACTRRuntime.getRuntime(); runtime.setConnector(_connector); for (IModel model : _models) runtime.addModel(model); } }