package org.jactr.core.chunk.six; /* * default logging */ import javolution.util.FastList; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jactr.core.chunk.IChunk; import org.jactr.core.chunk.four.Link4; import; import; import org.jactr.core.model.IModel; import org.jactr.core.module.declarative.associative.IAssociativeLinkContainer; import org.jactr.core.module.declarative.six.learning.IDeclarativeLearningModule6; public class AssociativeLinkEquation6 implements IAssociativeLinkEquation { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory .getLog(AssociativeLinkEquation6.class); private IDeclarativeLearningModule6 _declarativeLearningModule; public AssociativeLinkEquation6(IDeclarativeLearningModule6 decLM) { _declarativeLearningModule = decLM; } public double computeLearnedStrength(IAssociativeLink link) { return computeDefaultStrength(link); } public double computeDefaultStrength(IAssociativeLink link) { if (Double.isNaN(_declarativeLearningModule.getMaximumStrength())) return 0; double max = _declarativeLearningModule.getMaximumStrength(); /** * In theory, this is Sji = Smax - ln(fanj). However, the lisp manual * mentions fanj = fanj+1 / count */ double fanj = link.getJChunk().getAdapter(IAssociativeLinkContainer.class) .getNumberOfOutboundLinks(); // fanj++; fanj = fanj / ((Link4) link).getCount(); double ln = Math.log(fanj); double strength = max - ln; if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(String.format( "Sji j:%s i:%s fanj = %.2f, ln(fanj) = %.2f, max = %.2f yields Sji %.2f", link.getJChunk(), link.getIChunk(), fanj, ln, max, strength)); return strength; } public void resetStrengths(IModel model) { try { FastList<IAssociativeLink> links = FastList.newInstance(); for (IChunk chunk : model.getDeclarativeModule().getChunks().get()) { IAssociativeLinkContainer alc = chunk .getAdapter(IAssociativeLinkContainer.class); links.clear(); alc.getOutboundLinks(links); for (IAssociativeLink link : links) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Reseting strength of " + link); ((Link4) link).setStrength(computeDefaultStrength(link)); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Could not reset links because of an exception ", e); } } }