package; /* * default logging */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.Tree; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jactr.core.buffer.BufferUtilities; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SequenceAnalyzer { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory .getLog(SequenceAnalyzer.class); /** * tracks chunktypes (key) and all their children */ protected Map<String, Set<String>> _chunkTypeChildren; protected Map<String, CommonTree> _chunkTypes; protected Map<CommonTree, ProductionRelationships> _relationships; protected Collection<IBufferEndStateComputer> _endStateComputers; protected Collection<IRelationshipComputer> _relationshipComputers; public SequenceAnalyzer() { _chunkTypeChildren = new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(); _chunkTypes = new TreeMap<String, CommonTree>(); _relationships = new HashMap<CommonTree, ProductionRelationships>(); _endStateComputers = new ArrayList<IBufferEndStateComputer>(); _relationshipComputers = new ArrayList<IRelationshipComputer>(); } public void reset() { _chunkTypeChildren.clear(); _relationships.clear(); } public void add(IBufferEndStateComputer computer) { _endStateComputers.add(computer); } public void add(IRelationshipComputer computer) { _relationshipComputers.add(computer); } public ProductionRelationships getRelationships(CommonTree production) { return _relationships.get(production); } public Map<CommonTree, ProductionRelationships> getAllRelationships() { return new HashMap<CommonTree, ProductionRelationships>(_relationships); } /** * we track all the chunktypes and their children so that we can check * chunktype conditions * * @param chunkType */ public void addChunkType(CommonTree chunkType) { String chunkTypeName = ASTSupport.getName(chunkType).toLowerCase(); _chunkTypes.put(chunkTypeName, chunkType); CommonTree parent = ASTSupport.getFirstDescendantWithType(chunkType, JACTRBuilder.PARENT); if (parent == null) { if (!_chunkTypeChildren.containsKey(chunkTypeName)) _chunkTypeChildren.put(chunkTypeName, new TreeSet<String>()); } else { String parentName = parent.getText().toLowerCase(); if (!_chunkTypeChildren.containsKey(parentName)) _chunkTypeChildren.put(parentName, new TreeSet<String>()); _chunkTypeChildren.get(parentName).add(chunkTypeName); } } public void addProduction(CommonTree production) { String productionName = ASTSupport.getName(production).toLowerCase(); BufferEndStates endStates = computeBufferEndStates(production); ProductionRelationships relations = new ProductionRelationships( productionName, endStates); _relationships.put(production, relations); for (Map.Entry<CommonTree, ProductionRelationships> entry : _relationships .entrySet()) { CommonTree other = entry.getKey(); ProductionRelationships otherRels = entry.getValue(); /* * we compute the relationships in both directions, adding the * relationships to each (but only once if we are comparing to ourselves) */ for (IRelationship relation : computeRelationship(production, other)) { relations.addRelationship(relation); // no need to add twice, we'll do it again below if (production != other) otherRels.addRelationship(relation); } /* * and the other direction */ for (IRelationship relation : computeRelationship(other, production)) { relations.addRelationship(relation); // no need to add twice, we already added above if (production != other) otherRels.addRelationship(relation); } } } protected BufferEndStates computeBufferEndStates(CommonTree production) { String productionName = ASTSupport.getName(production); Set<String> bufferConditionNames = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String bufferName : ASTSupport.getMapOfTrees(production, JACTRBuilder.QUERY_CONDITION).keySet()) bufferConditionNames.add(bufferName); for (String bufferName : ASTSupport.getMapOfTrees(production, JACTRBuilder.MATCH_CONDITION).keySet()) bufferConditionNames.add(bufferName); BufferEndStates endStates = new BufferEndStates(production); /* * we compute the buffer end states for each of the buffers checked in the * lhs */ for (String bufferName : bufferConditionNames) for (IBufferEndStateComputer computer : _endStateComputers) for (BufferEndState endState : computer.computePossibleEndStatesFor( endStates, bufferName, this)) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(productionName + " end state for " + bufferName + " = " + endState); endStates.addEndState(endState); } return endStates; } protected Collection<IRelationship> computeRelationship(CommonTree head, CommonTree tail) { Collection<IRelationship> rtn = new ArrayList<IRelationship>(); for (IRelationshipComputer computer : _relationshipComputers) { IRelationship relationship = computer.computeRelationship(_relationships .get(head).getEndStates(), _relationships.get(tail).getEndStates()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(ASTSupport.getName(head) + " " + relationship.getScore() + " " + ASTSupport.getName(tail)); rtn.add(relationship); } return rtn; } public Collection<CommonTree> getChunkTypeSlots(String chunkTypeName) { Map<String, CommonTree> slots = new TreeMap<String, CommonTree>(); while (chunkTypeName != null) { CommonTree chunkType = _chunkTypes.get(chunkTypeName.toLowerCase()); if (chunkType == null) { chunkTypeName = null; continue; } /* * snag the named slots contained in the first slots container in the * chunk type. We cant just use getMapOfTrees(chunkType, SLOT) as that * will traverse all the chunks too */ Map<String, CommonTree> cSlots = ASTSupport.getMapOfTrees(ASTSupport .getFirstDescendantWithType(chunkType, JACTRBuilder.SLOTS), JACTRBuilder.SLOT); for (String slotName : cSlots.keySet()) if (!slots.containsKey(slotName)) { CommonTree slot = cSlots.get(slotName); String content = BufferStateUtilities.getContent(slot); if (!content.equalsIgnoreCase("nil") && !content.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("chunk type " + chunkTypeName + " contributed " + slot.toStringTree()); slots.put(slotName, slot); } } /* * the second child, if it is a PARENT is the name of the parent */ Tree node = chunkType.getChild(1); if (node.getType() == JACTRBuilder.PARENT) chunkTypeName = node.getText(); else chunkTypeName = null; // terminate } return slots.values(); } }