package; /* * default logging */ import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.jactr.core.slot.IConditionalSlot; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * computes the end state for a given buffer where the action is a modify and * possibly a condition (well, there'd better be a condition). * * @author harrison */ public class ModifyEndStateComputer implements IBufferEndStateComputer { public Collection<BufferEndState> computePossibleEndStatesFor( BufferEndStates endStates, String bufferName, SequenceAnalyzer analyzer) { String lowerBufferName = bufferName.toLowerCase(); CommonTree modify = endStates.getMapOfTrees(JACTRBuilder.MODIFY_ACTION) .get(lowerBufferName); if (modify == null) return Collections.emptyList(); CommonTree condition = endStates .getMapOfTrees(JACTRBuilder.MATCH_CONDITION).get(lowerBufferName); if (condition == null) return Collections.emptyList(); /* * now we snag all the non variable slots */ Map<Integer, Collection<CommonTree>> allCSlots = BufferStateUtilities .getSlots(condition); Collection<CommonTree> cSlots = BufferStateUtilities .getNonVariables(allCSlots); Collection<CommonTree> mSlots = BufferStateUtilities .getAssignments(BufferStateUtilities.getSlots(modify)); BufferEndState endState = new BufferEndState(bufferName); /* * we will add all the modified slots, and then all the conditional slots * that weren't overwritten by the modified slots */ Set<String> addedSlotNames = new TreeSet<String>(); for (CommonTree mSlot : mSlots) { String name = ASTSupport.getName(mSlot); addedSlotNames.add(name.toLowerCase()); if (BufferStateUtilities.contentIsType(mSlot, JACTRBuilder.VARIABLE)) { for (CommonTree expanded : BufferStateUtilities.expandVariable(name, BufferStateUtilities.getContent(mSlot), endStates)) endState.addSlotHypothesis(expanded); } else endState.addSlotHypothesis(mSlot); } for (CommonTree cSlot : cSlots) if (!addedSlotNames.contains(ASTSupport.getName(cSlot).toLowerCase())) { endState.addSlotHypothesis(cSlot); addedSlotNames.add(ASTSupport.getName(cSlot).toLowerCase()); } /* * one last step. We ignored the variablized slots in the condition above. * Now we need to go through them because any variable is actually the same * as != null */ if (allCSlots.containsKey(JACTRBuilder.VARIABLE)) for (CommonTree cSlot : allCSlots.get(JACTRBuilder.VARIABLE)) { String name = ASTSupport.getName(cSlot); if (!addedSlotNames.contains(name.toLowerCase())) { for (CommonTree expanded : BufferStateUtilities.expandVariable(name, BufferStateUtilities.getContent(cSlot), endStates)) endState.addSlotHypothesis(expanded); addedSlotNames.add(name.toLowerCase()); } } if (endState.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); return Collections.singleton(endState); } }