package org.jactr.core.module.procedural.six.learning; /* * default logging */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import javolution.util.FastList; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jactr.core.buffer.IActivationBuffer; import org.jactr.core.chunk.IChunk; import org.jactr.core.chunktype.IChunkType; import org.jactr.core.module.procedural.IProceduralModule; import org.jactr.core.module.procedural.five.learning.ICompilableBuffer; import org.jactr.core.module.procedural.five.learning.IProductionCompiler; import org.jactr.core.production.IInstantiation; import org.jactr.core.production.IProduction; import org.jactr.core.production.VariableBindings; import org.jactr.core.production.action.AddAction; import org.jactr.core.production.action.IAction; import org.jactr.core.production.action.IBufferAction; import org.jactr.core.production.action.ModifyAction; import org.jactr.core.production.action.OutputAction; import org.jactr.core.production.action.RemoveAction; import org.jactr.core.production.action.SetAction; import org.jactr.core.production.condition.ChunkTypeCondition; import org.jactr.core.production.condition.IBufferCondition; import org.jactr.core.production.condition.ICondition; import org.jactr.core.production.condition.QueryCondition; import org.jactr.core.production.condition.VariableCondition; import org.jactr.core.production.request.ChunkRequest; import org.jactr.core.production.request.ChunkTypeRequest; import org.jactr.core.production.request.IRequest; import org.jactr.core.production.request.SlotBasedRequest; import org.jactr.core.slot.BasicSlot; import org.jactr.core.slot.DefaultMutableSlot; import org.jactr.core.slot.IMutableSlot; import org.jactr.core.slot.IMutableVariableNameSlot; import org.jactr.core.slot.ISlot; import org.jactr.core.slot.ISlotContainer; public class DefaultProductionCompiler6 implements IProductionCompiler { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory .getLog(DefaultProductionCompiler6.class); private IInstantiation _lastInstantiation; //private ICodeGenerator _codeGenerator = new JACTRCodeGenerator(); private ProductionCompilerEvaluator evaluator; FastList<ISlot> __slotList = new FastList<ISlot>(); // for fast iterating through slot lists public DefaultProductionCompiler6() { evaluator = new ProductionCompilerEvaluator(); } public IProduction productionFired(IInstantiation instantiation, IProceduralModule proceduralModule) { LOGGER.debug("Got that production " + instantiation + " fired; last fired was " + _lastInstantiation); IProduction compiled = null; Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapOne = new HashMap<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct>(); Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapTwo = new HashMap<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct>(); try { if (_lastInstantiation != null && canCompile(_lastInstantiation, instantiation, compilationMapOne, compilationMapTwo)) { compiled = doCompilation(_lastInstantiation, instantiation, compilationMapOne, compilationMapTwo); if(compiled != null) {"Compiled "); + ":"); for(ICondition condition : _lastInstantiation.getSymbolicProduction().getConditions());"===>"); for(IAction action : _lastInstantiation.getSymbolicProduction().getActions()); //for (StringBuilder line : _codeGenerator.generate(ASTResolver.toAST(_lastInstantiation.getProduction()), false)) // { //; // line.delete(0, line.length()); // } //for (BufferStruct s : compilationMapOne.values()) { // + ": " + s.bindingsToString()); //}" and "); + ":"); for(ICondition condition : instantiation.getSymbolicProduction().getConditions());"===>"); for(IAction action : instantiation.getSymbolicProduction().getActions()); // for (StringBuilder line : _codeGenerator.generate(ASTResolver.toAST(instantiation.getProduction()), false)) // { //; // line.delete(0, line.length()); // } // for (BufferStruct s : compilationMapTwo.values()) { // + ": " + s.bindingsToString()); // }" into "); + ":"); for(ICondition condition : compiled.getSymbolicProduction().getConditions());"===>"); for(IAction action : compiled.getSymbolicProduction().getActions()); // for (StringBuilder line : _codeGenerator.generate(ASTResolver.toAST(compiled), false)) // { //; // line.delete(0, line.length()); // } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("got an exception: ", e); } _lastInstantiation = instantiation; return compiled; // for now, for testing } protected boolean canCompile(IInstantiation instantiationOne, IInstantiation instantiationTwo, Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapOne, Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapTwo) { HashSet<ICompilableBuffer> buffers = new HashSet<ICompilableBuffer>(); //check individually; return false if buffers involved aren't ICompilableBuffers if(!(checkBuffers(instantiationOne, compilationMapOne) && checkBuffers(instantiationTwo, compilationMapTwo))) return false; //LOGGER.debug("Checking to see whether productions can be compiled (via Evaluators)..."); //now check the maps buffers.addAll(compilationMapOne.keySet()); buffers.addAll(compilationMapTwo.keySet()); for(ICompilableBuffer buffer : buffers) { if(compilationMapOne.get(buffer) == null) { compilationMapOne.put(buffer, new BufferStruct(buffer.getName(), buffer.isStrictHarvestingEnabled(), instantiationOne.getVariableBindings())); } if(compilationMapTwo.get(buffer) == null) { compilationMapTwo.put(buffer, new BufferStruct(buffer.getName(), buffer.isStrictHarvestingEnabled(), instantiationTwo.getVariableBindings())); } if(!evaluator.canCompile(compilationMapOne.get(buffer), compilationMapTwo.get(buffer), buffer)) {"Cannot compile because not the right conditions/actions for buffer " + buffer); return false; } } //LOGGER.debug("can compile!"); return true; } protected IProduction doCompilation(IInstantiation instantiationOne, IInstantiation instantiationTwo, Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapOne, Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapTwo) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { ArrayList<ICondition> tempTwoConditions = new ArrayList<ICondition>(); ArrayList<IAction> tempTwoActions = new ArrayList<IAction>(); //FIRST: Unification //Step 1: rename duplicate variables HashMap<String, Object> mapping = findDuplicateVariableMapping(compilationMapOne, compilationMapTwo); if(mapping == null) return null; if(!renameVariables(compilationMapTwo, mapping)) return null; //Step 2: do buffer mappings HashMap<ICompilableBuffer, Map<String, Object> > bufferMappings = new HashMap<ICompilableBuffer, Map<String, Object> >(); if(!extractBufferMappings(bufferMappings, compilationMapOne, compilationMapTwo, instantiationOne, tempTwoConditions, tempTwoActions)) return null; //Step 3: Merge Mappings Map<String, Object> mergedMapping = mergeBufferMappings(bufferMappings); if(mergedMapping == null) return null; //SECOND: Substitution - just reuse earlier code. if(!renameVariables(compilationMapOne, mergedMapping)) return null; if(!renameVariables(compilationMapTwo, mergedMapping)) return null; //THIRD: Collapsing IProduction p = collapseProductions(compilationMapOne, compilationMapTwo, instantiationOne.getModel().getProceduralModule().createProduction(instantiationOne.getSymbolicProduction().getName() + "-" + instantiationTwo.getSymbolicProduction().getName()).get()); if(p == null) return null; return bindFreeVariables(p, compilationMapTwo, instantiationTwo); } private IProduction bindFreeVariables(IProduction p, Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapTwo, IInstantiation instantiation) { HashSet<String> boundVariables = new HashSet<String>(); //LOGGER.debug("production is " + p); if(!getConditionVariables(p.getSymbolicProduction().getConditions(), boundVariables)) return null; for (IAction action : p.getSymbolicProduction().getActions()) { if(action instanceof AddAction && ((AddAction)action).getChunkName() != null) { if(!boundVariables.contains(((AddAction)action).getChunkName())) { LOGGER.warn("Should never be here where AddAction's chunk name isn't resolved " + action); return null; } } else if(action instanceof ISlotContainer) { __slotList.clear(); for(ISlot s : ((ISlotContainer) action).getSlots(__slotList)) { if(s.getName().startsWith("=") && !boundVariables.contains(s.getName())) { LOGGER.warn("Variable name in condition slot name... we don't currently handle this. " + s); return null; } if(s.getValue().toString().startsWith("=") && !boundVariables.contains(s.getValue().toString())) { // LOGGER.debug("found an unbound variable..." + s); //get value from second instantiation ((ISlotContainer)action).removeSlot(s); IMutableSlot newSlot = ((DefaultMutableSlot)s).clone(); newSlot.setValue(compilationMapTwo.get(instantiation.getModel().getActivationBuffer(((IBufferAction)action).getBufferName())).bindings.get(s.getValue().toString())); ((ISlotContainer)action).addSlot(newSlot); } } } //ignoring here Add production chunk name variables } return p; } private IProduction collapseProductions(Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapOne, Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapTwo, IProduction newProduction) { HashSet<ICompilableBuffer> buffers = new HashSet<ICompilableBuffer>(); buffers.addAll(compilationMapOne.keySet()); buffers.addAll(compilationMapTwo.keySet()); BufferStruct result; for(ICompilableBuffer buffer : buffers) { result = evaluator.collapseBuffer(compilationMapOne.get(buffer), compilationMapTwo.get(buffer), buffer); if(result == null) {"Couldn't compile productions for " + buffer + " so stopping compilation process. If your Evaluator/Mapper/Collapser tables were consistent, and all your Collapser functions were being called correctly, you probably wouldn't be here."); return null; } else { for(ICondition condition : result.conditions) newProduction.getSymbolicProduction().addCondition(condition); for(IAction action : result.actions) { //if(action instanceof ISlotContainer) LOGGER.debug("adding action " + action + ((ISlotContainer)action).getSlots()); newProduction.getSymbolicProduction().addAction(action); } } } return newProduction; } private Map<String, Object> mergeBufferMappings(Map<ICompilableBuffer, Map<String, Object> > bufferMappings) { Map<String, Object> mergedMappings = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for(Map<String, Object> bufferMap : bufferMappings.values()) { for(String s : bufferMap.keySet()) { if(mergedMappings.containsKey(s)) { LOGGER.debug("merged mappings contains " + s); Object val1 = mergedMappings.get(s); Object val2 = bufferMap.get(s); if(val1.equals(val2)) { //they are the same; just move on. continue; } else if(val1.toString().startsWith("=")) { if(val2.toString().startsWith("=")) { LOGGER.warn("can't merge mappings because " + s + " maps to both " + val1 + " and " + val2); return null; } else { //val1 is a variable and val2 is a value; update s entry so that these can be applied in any order. mergedMappings.put(s, val2); mergedMappings.put(val1.toString(), val2); } } else if(val2.toString().startsWith("=")) { //val1 is a value and val2 is a variable mergedMappings.put(val2.toString(), val1); } else { LOGGER.warn("can't merge mappings because " + s + " maps to both " + val1 + " and " + val2); return null; } } else { mergedMappings.put(s, bufferMap.get(s)); } } } return mergedMappings; } private boolean extractBufferMappings(HashMap<ICompilableBuffer, Map<String, Object> > bufferMappings, Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapOne, Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapTwo, IInstantiation instantiationOne, ArrayList<ICondition> tempTwoConditions, ArrayList<IAction> tempTwoActions) { HashSet<ICompilableBuffer> buffers = new HashSet<ICompilableBuffer>(); buffers.addAll(compilationMapOne.keySet()); buffers.addAll(compilationMapTwo.keySet()); for(ICompilableBuffer buffer : buffers) { Map<String, Object> bufferMap = evaluator.extractMap(compilationMapOne.get(buffer), compilationMapTwo.get(buffer), buffer); if(bufferMap == null) {"Couldn't extract buffer mappings for " + buffer + " so stopping compilation process. If your Evaluator/Mapper tables were consistent, and all your Mapper functions were being called correctly, you probably wouldn't be here."); return false; } else { LOGGER.debug("got buffer mappings: " + bufferMap); bufferMappings.put(buffer, bufferMap); } } return true; } private boolean getConditionVariables(Collection<ICondition> conditions, HashSet<String> variables) { for (ICondition condition : conditions) { if(condition instanceof ChunkTypeCondition) { for(ISlot s : ((ChunkTypeCondition) condition).getSlots(__slotList)) { //LOGGER.debug("checking slot " + s + " while getting condition variables."); if(s.getName().startsWith("=")) { //oneVariables.add(s.getName()); //ALTHOUGH this should NEVER be the case... LOGGER.warn("Variable name in condition slot name... we don't currently handle this. " + s); return false; } if(s.getValue() != null && s.getValue().toString().startsWith("=")) variables.add(s.getValue().toString()); } } else if(condition instanceof VariableCondition) { //here even though we don't handle this yet variables.add(((VariableCondition)condition).getVariableName()); } //else - no variables. most likely.... hopefully. } return true; } //find variables that are in both production one and production 2; provide mapping for renaming variables in p2 //Hash second param is an object for compatibility with renameVariables. private HashMap<String, Object> findDuplicateVariableMapping(Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapOne, Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMapTwo) { //Assumes (correctly?) that all variables are initially "declared" in the conditions HashSet<String> oneVariables = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> twoVariables = new HashSet<String>(); for(BufferStruct struct : compilationMapOne.values()) { if(!getConditionVariables(struct.conditions, oneVariables)) return null; } for(BufferStruct struct : compilationMapTwo.values()) { if(!getConditionVariables(struct.conditions, twoVariables)) return null; } //LOGGER.debug("variables one are " + oneVariables + " and two are " + twoVariables); //Now find duplicates and rename them in production 2 HashSet<String> commonVariables = new HashSet<String>(); commonVariables.addAll(oneVariables); commonVariables.retainAll(twoVariables); //LOGGER.debug("common variables are " + commonVariables); HashMap<String, Object> mapping = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String newS; for(String s : commonVariables) { newS = s + "-0"; while(oneVariables.contains(newS) || twoVariables.contains(newS)) newS = newS + "-0"; mapping.put(s, newS); } return mapping; } /** * * @param compilationMap - map of the production whose variables should be renamed * @param mapping - mapping of old->new variable names * @return */ private boolean renameVariables(Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMap, Map<String, Object> mapping) { if(mapping.size() > 0) { ArrayList<ICondition> newConds = new ArrayList<ICondition>(); ArrayList<IAction> newActs = new ArrayList<IAction>(); String name; Object value; for(BufferStruct struct : compilationMap.values()) { newConds.clear(); newActs.clear(); ArrayList<ISlot> newSlots = new ArrayList<ISlot>(); //First do in conditions for (ICondition condition : struct.conditions) { newSlots.clear(); if(condition instanceof ChunkTypeCondition) { __slotList.clear(); for(ISlot s : ((ChunkTypeCondition) condition).getSlots(__slotList)) { if(mapping.containsKey(s.getName())) { //name = mapping.get(s.getName()); //Should NEVER be the case for conditions. LOGGER.warn("Variable name in condition slot name... we don't handle this. " + s); return false; } else name = s.getName(); if(mapping.containsKey(s.getValue())) value = mapping.get(s.getValue()); else value = s.getValue(); //don't handle the first case for conditions. //if(s instanceof IMutableVariableNameSlot && s instanceof IMutableSlot && s instanceof BasicSlot) { // IMutableVariableNameSlot newSlot = (IMutableVariableNameSlot) ((BasicSlot)s).clone(); // newSlot.setName(name); // ((IMutableSlot)newSlot).setValue(value); // newSlots.add(newSlot); //} else if (s instanceof IMutableSlot && s instanceof BasicSlot) { IMutableSlot newSlot = (IMutableSlot) ((BasicSlot)s).clone(); newSlot.setValue(value); newSlots.add(newSlot); } else { LOGGER.warn("Slot " + s + " is not the type expected (IMutableSlot and BasicSlot), but is " + s.getClass()); return false; } } newConds.add(new ChunkTypeCondition(struct.bufferName, ((ChunkTypeCondition)condition).getChunkType(), newSlots)); } else if(condition instanceof VariableCondition) { if(mapping.containsKey(((VariableCondition)condition).getVariableName())) { if(mapping.get(((VariableCondition)condition).getVariableName()) instanceof String) { newConds.add(new VariableCondition(struct.bufferName, (String) mapping.get(((VariableCondition)condition).getVariableName()))); } else { LOGGER.warn("Can't map a variable condition variable name to a non-string object: " + condition); return false; } } else newConds.add(new VariableCondition(struct.bufferName, ((VariableCondition)condition).getVariableName())); } else newConds.add(condition); //else - no variables. most likely.... hopefully. } struct.conditions.clear(); struct.conditions.addAll(newConds); //Now do for actions for (IAction action : struct.actions){ newSlots.clear(); if((action instanceof ModifyAction && !(action instanceof RemoveAction)) || (action instanceof AddAction)) { __slotList.clear(); for(ISlot s : ((org.jactr.core.slot.ISlotContainer) action).getSlots(__slotList)) { if(mapping.containsKey(s.getName())) { if(mapping.get(s.getName()).toString().startsWith("=")) { //name = (String) mapping.get(s.getName()); LOGGER.warn("Variable name in action slot name... we don't currently handle this. " + s); return false; } else { LOGGER.warn("Can't map a slot name to a non-string object (and don't currently handle string object anyway): " + s); return false; } } else name = s.getName(); if(mapping.containsKey(s.getValue())) value = mapping.get(s.getValue()); else value = s.getValue(); if(s instanceof IMutableVariableNameSlot && s instanceof IMutableSlot && s instanceof BasicSlot) { IMutableVariableNameSlot newSlot = (IMutableVariableNameSlot) ((BasicSlot)s).clone(); newSlot.setName(name); ((IMutableSlot)newSlot).setValue(value); newSlots.add(newSlot); } else if (s instanceof IMutableSlot && s instanceof BasicSlot) { IMutableSlot newSlot = (IMutableSlot) ((BasicSlot)s).clone(); newSlot.setValue(value); newSlots.add(newSlot); } else { LOGGER.warn("Slot " + s + " is not the type expected (IMutableSlot and BasicSlot), but is " + s.getClass()); return false; } } if(action instanceof ModifyAction) newActs.add(new ModifyAction(struct.bufferName, newSlots)); else newActs.add(new AddAction(struct.bufferName, ((AddAction)action).getReferant(), newSlots)); } else { //nothing to do for the others; Remove doesn't refer to anything and Set is excluded from compilation newActs.add(action); } } struct.actions.clear(); struct.actions.addAll(newActs); //LOGGER.debug("updating bindings " + struct.bindings + " with " + mapping); //Now do for variable bindings Collection<String> vars = new ArrayList<String>(); vars.addAll(struct.bindings.getVariables()); for(String s : vars) { if(mapping.containsKey(s)) { if(mapping.get(s).toString().startsWith("=")) { struct.bindings.bind(mapping.get(s).toString(), struct.bindings.get(s), struct.bindings.getSource(s)); } else { //otherwise, might be a different value so update. doesn't really matter though since we're getting rid of this variable anyway. struct.bindings.bind(s, mapping.get(s)); } } } } } return true; } protected boolean checkBuffers(IInstantiation instantiation, Map<ICompilableBuffer, BufferStruct> compilationMap) { for (ICondition condition : instantiation.getProduction().getSymbolicProduction().getConditions()) { if (condition instanceof IBufferCondition) { IActivationBuffer buffer = instantiation.getModel().getActivationBuffer((((IBufferCondition) condition).getBufferName())); if(!(buffer instanceof ICompilableBuffer) || ((ICompilableBuffer) buffer).getCompilableContext() == null) { LOGGER.debug("returning false because condition " + condition + " has a non-compilable buffer " + buffer); return false; //definitely can't compile } ICompilableBuffer cBuffer = (ICompilableBuffer) buffer; if(!compilationMap.containsKey(cBuffer)) { compilationMap.put(cBuffer, new BufferStruct(cBuffer.getName(), buffer.isStrictHarvestingEnabled(), instantiation.getVariableBindings())); } if (condition instanceof QueryCondition) compilationMap.put(cBuffer, compilationMap.get(cBuffer).update(ProductionCompilerEvaluator.query, condition)); else if (condition instanceof ChunkTypeCondition) compilationMap.put(cBuffer, compilationMap.get(cBuffer).update(ProductionCompilerEvaluator.match, condition)); else { LOGGER.debug("returning false because don't currently handle conditions like " + condition); return false; } } else { LOGGER.debug("returning false because condition " + condition + " is not a buffer condition"); return false; } } for (IAction action : instantiation.getProduction().getSymbolicProduction().getActions()) { if (action instanceof IBufferAction) { IActivationBuffer buffer = instantiation.getModel().getActivationBuffer((((IBufferAction) action).getBufferName())); if(!(buffer instanceof ICompilableBuffer)) { LOGGER.debug("returning false because action " + action + " has a non-compilable buffer " + buffer); return false; //definitely can't compile } ICompilableBuffer cBuffer = (ICompilableBuffer) buffer; if(!compilationMap.containsKey(cBuffer)) { compilationMap.put(cBuffer, new BufferStruct(cBuffer.getName(), buffer.isStrictHarvestingEnabled(), instantiation.getVariableBindings())); } if (action instanceof RemoveAction) compilationMap.put(cBuffer, compilationMap.get(cBuffer).update(ProductionCompilerEvaluator.remove, action)); else if (action instanceof ModifyAction) compilationMap.put(cBuffer, compilationMap.get(cBuffer).update(ProductionCompilerEvaluator.modify, action)); else if (action instanceof AddAction && ((AddAction)action).getReferant() instanceof IChunkType) compilationMap.put(cBuffer, compilationMap.get(cBuffer).update(ProductionCompilerEvaluator.add, action)); else if (action instanceof SetAction) { LOGGER.debug("returning false because not allowing set action" + action); return false; } else { LOGGER.debug("returning false because don't currently handle actions like " + action); return false; } } else if (action instanceof OutputAction) { LOGGER.debug("found OutputAction, ignoring it for production compilation."); } else { LOGGER.debug("returning false because action " + action + " is not a buffer action"); return false; } } return true; } /* private static Integer empty = 0; private static Integer match = 8; private static Integer query = 16; private static Integer modify = 1; private static Integer add = 4; private static Integer remove = 2; */ /** helper struct to organize buffer-dependent knowledge **/ public static class BufferStruct { public Integer index; //hash of what types of actions/conditions this buffer has public Collection<ICondition> conditions; public Collection<IAction> actions; public String bufferName; //just for good measure public boolean strict_harvesting; public VariableBindings bindings = null; public BufferStruct(String name, Integer i, boolean sh, Collection<ICondition> conds, Collection<IAction> acts, VariableBindings vb) { bufferName = name; index = i; conditions = conds; actions = acts; strict_harvesting = sh; bindings = vb; } public BufferStruct(String name, boolean sh, VariableBindings vb) { bufferName = name; strict_harvesting = sh; index = ProductionCompilerEvaluator.empty; conditions = new ArrayList<ICondition>(); actions = new ArrayList<IAction>(); bindings = vb; } public BufferStruct update(int i, ICondition c) { index = index + i; conditions.add(c); return this; } public BufferStruct update(int i, IAction a) { index = index + i; actions.add(a); return this; } public String getName() { return bufferName; } public Collection<ICondition> getConditions() { return conditions; } public Collection<IAction> getActions() { return actions; } public boolean hasStrictHarvesting() { return strict_harvesting; } public VariableBindings getVariableBindings() { return bindings; } public String bindingsToString() { String result = "["; for(String s : bindings.getVariables()) { result += s + "," + bindings.get(s) + ";"; } result += "]"; return result; } public IRequest getIRequest() { for(IAction a : actions) { if (a instanceof AddAction) { //copied from AddAction IRequest request = null; Object referant = ((AddAction)a).getReferant(); if (referant instanceof IRequest) request = (IRequest) referant; else if (referant instanceof IChunk) /* * +buffer> chunk (or =chunk) */ request = new ChunkRequest((IChunk) referant, ((AddAction)a).getSlots()); else if (referant instanceof IChunkType) /* * +buffer> isa chunk */ request = new ChunkTypeRequest((IChunkType) referant, ((AddAction)a).getSlots()); else /* * +buffer> slot value */ request = new SlotBasedRequest(((AddAction)a).getSlots()); return request; } } return null; } } }