package; /* * default logging */ import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.commonreality.identifier.IIdentifier; import org.commonreality.modalities.visual.Color; import org.commonreality.modalities.visual.DefaultVisualPropertyHandler; import org.commonreality.modalities.visual.IVisualPropertyHandler; import org.commonreality.modalities.visual.geom.Dimension2D; import org.commonreality.modalities.visual.geom.Point2D; import org.commonreality.object.IAfferentObject; import org.commonreality.object.UnknownPropertyNameException; import org.jactr.core.chunk.IChunk; import org.jactr.core.chunk.ISymbolicChunk; import org.jactr.core.chunktype.IChunkType; import org.jactr.core.logging.Logger; import org.jactr.core.model.IModel; import org.jactr.core.module.declarative.IDeclarativeModule; import org.jactr.core.slot.IMutableSlot; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * abstract base implementation of a visual chunk encoder. Extenders must * implement {@link #canEncodeVisualObjectType(IAfferentObject)} which tests to * see if this encoder can encode that type of percept. If there is any actual * content in the encoded chunk, * {@link #updateSlots(IAfferentObject, IChunk, IVisualMemory)}, * {@link #isDirty(IAfferentObject, IChunk, IPerceptualMemory)}, and * {@link #isTooDirty(IAfferentObject, IChunk, IVisualMemory)} should be * extended as well. This implementation handles the creation of new chunks as * well as updating if they are dirty. * * @author harrison */ public abstract class AbstractVisualEncoder implements IPerceptualEncoder { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory .getLog(AbstractVisualEncoder.class); static private DefaultVisualPropertyHandler _handler = new DefaultVisualPropertyHandler(); private final String _chunkTypeName; private IChunkType _chunkType; /** * @param chunkTypeName * name of the chunktype that is to be created */ public AbstractVisualEncoder(String chunkTypeName) { _chunkTypeName = chunkTypeName; } /** * return the visual location (defined by * {@link IVisualPropertyHandler#RETINAL_LOCATION}) of the object. If no * location is defined, it is outside the visual field, or it is not visible, * null is returned * * @param afferentObject * @param visualMemory * @return */ static public IChunk getVisualLocation(IAfferentObject afferentObject, IVisualMemory visualMemory) { try { boolean isVisible = getHandler().isVisible(afferentObject); if (!isVisible) return null; Point2D location = getHandler().getRetinalLocation(afferentObject); IChunk visualLocation = visualMemory.getVisualLocationChunkAt( location.getX(), location.getY()); return visualLocation; } catch (UnknownPropertyNameException e) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("No retinal location defined for " + afferentObject.getIdentifier()); return null; } } /** * return the contents of screen-pos, but only if it is a visual-location * chunk * * @param visualChunk * @return */ static public IChunk getVisualLocation(IChunk visualChunk, IVisualMemory visualMemory) { Object loc = visualChunk.getSymbolicChunk() .getSlot(IVisualModule.SCREEN_POSITION_SLOT).getValue(); if (loc != null && loc instanceof IChunk) if (((IChunk) loc).isA(visualMemory.getVisualModule() .getVisualLocationChunkType())) return (IChunk) loc; return null; } /** * only works if visualMemory is DefaultVisualMemory. Will return the existing * color chunk for this color, or create it. null if no default visual * * @param color * @param visualMemory * @return */ static public IChunk getColor(Color color, IVisualMemory visualMemory) { if (visualMemory instanceof DefaultVisualMemory) return ((DefaultVisualMemory) visualMemory).getColorChunkCache() .getColorChunk(color); LOGGER.warn("getColor only properly functions with DefaultVisualMemory "); return null; } static protected IVisualPropertyHandler getHandler() { return _handler; } /** * checks the expected visual location against the previously encoded visual * location. The read lock will already have been acquired. * * @param afferentObject * @param oldChunk * @param memory * @return * @see, * org.jactr.core.chunk.IChunk, * */ public boolean isDirty(IAfferentObject afferentObject, IChunk oldChunk, IPerceptualMemory memory) { IChunk oldLoc = getVisualLocation(oldChunk, (IVisualMemory) memory); IChunk newLoc = getVisualLocation(afferentObject, (IVisualMemory) memory); return oldLoc != newLoc; } /** * used to trigger a reencoding if the old chunk is too dirty. default returns * true only if old and new visuallocations exceed movement tolerance. * * @param afferentObject * @param oldChunk * @param visualMemory * @return */ protected boolean isTooDirty(IAfferentObject afferentObject, IChunk oldChunk, IVisualMemory visualMemory) { if (oldChunk.isEncoded() || oldChunk.hasBeenDisposed()) return true; IChunk oldLoc = getVisualLocation(oldChunk, visualMemory); IChunk newLoc = getVisualLocation(afferentObject, visualMemory); /* * originally this returned oldLoc!=newLoc, however, what we really want in * this case (the percept has disappeared or appeared) is to update the slot * values as usual and not generate a new encoding. The updated chunk will * then be passed to the DefaultPerceptListener which will determine if the * encoded chunk should trigger an error (due to disappearing) */ if (oldLoc == null || newLoc == null) return false; if (isAttendedSticky(afferentObject.getIdentifier(), oldChunk, visualMemory)) return false; return exceedsMovementTolerance(oldLoc, newLoc, visualMemory); } /** * if {@link IVisualMemory#isStickyAttentionEnabled()} and the chunk is in the * visual buffer. OR, if the latest search found the matching percept * * @param encoding * @param visualMemory * @return */ protected boolean isAttendedSticky(IIdentifier perceptId, IChunk encoding, IVisualMemory visualMemory) { if (VisualUtilities.isCurrentlySticky(perceptId, visualMemory)) return true; if (VisualUtilities.isCurrentlySticky(encoding, visualMemory, visualMemory .getVisualModule().getVisualActivationBuffer())) return true; return false; } /** * returns true if the visual locations are separated by more than * {@link IVisualMemory#getMovementTolerance()}, * * @param oldVisualLocation * @param newVisualLocation * @param visualMemory * @return */ static public boolean exceedsMovementTolerance(IChunk oldVisualLocation, IChunk newVisualLocation, IVisualMemory visualMemory) { double[] oLoc = getLocation(oldVisualLocation); double[] nLoc = getLocation(newVisualLocation); double distSq = Math.pow(oLoc[0] - nLoc[0], 2) + Math.pow(oLoc[1] - nLoc[1], 2); return distSq > Math.pow(visualMemory.getMovementTolerance(), 2); } static public double[] getLocation(IChunk visualLocation) { try { double x = ((Number) visualLocation.getSymbolicChunk() .getSlot(IVisualModule.SCREEN_X_SLOT).getValue()).doubleValue(); double y = ((Number) visualLocation.getSymbolicChunk() .getSlot(IVisualModule.SCREEN_Y_SLOT).getValue()).doubleValue(); return new double[] { x, y }; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * returns true if the percept has the * {@link IVisualPropertyHandler#IS_VISUAL} property. * * @param afferentObject * @return * @see */ public boolean isInterestedIn(IAfferentObject afferentObject) { return getHandler().hasModality(afferentObject) && canEncodeVisualObjectType(afferentObject); } /** * returns true if this particular encoder can be used for this object * * @param afferentObject * @return */ abstract protected boolean canEncodeVisualObjectType( IAfferentObject afferentObject); /** * fill the slot values of the encoded chunk. The default impl handles * screen-pos, width, height, token, and type. The write lock for the chunk * will have already been acqquired. * * @param afferentObject * @param encoding * @param memory */ protected void updateSlots(IAfferentObject afferentObject, IChunk encoding, IVisualMemory memory) { try { ISymbolicChunk sc = encoding.getSymbolicChunk(); IChunk visualLocation = getVisualLocation(afferentObject, memory); ((IMutableSlot) sc.getSlot(IVisualModule.SCREEN_POSITION_SLOT)) .setValue(visualLocation); Dimension2D size = getHandler().getRetinalSize(afferentObject); ((IMutableSlot) sc.getSlot(IVisualModule.HEIGHT_SLOT)).setValue(size .getHeight()); ((IMutableSlot) sc.getSlot(IVisualModule.WIDTH_SLOT)).setValue(size .getWidth()); IChunk color = getColor(getHandler().getColors(afferentObject)[0], memory); ((IMutableSlot) sc.getSlot(IVisualModule.COLOR_SLOT)).setValue(color); IVisualModule vModule = memory.getVisualModule(); Object boundSymbol = vModule.getSymbolGrounder().getSymbolForPercept( afferentObject, vModule, memory.getModule().getModel().getDeclarativeModule()); if (boundSymbol != null) { ((IMutableSlot) sc.getSlot(IVisualModule.TOKEN_SLOT)) .setValue(boundSymbol); ((IMutableSlot) sc.getSlot(IVisualModule.VALUE_SLOT)) .setValue(boundSymbol); } ((IMutableSlot) sc.getSlot(IVisualModule.TYPE_SLOT)).setValue(sc .getChunkType()); IModel model = memory.getModule().getModel(); if (Logger.hasLoggers(model)) Logger.log(model, Logger.Stream.VISUAL, "Updated precoding of " + encoding); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not set slot values for " + _chunkTypeName + " encoding of " + afferentObject.getIdentifier(), e); } } protected String guessChunkName(IAfferentObject afferentObject) { String candidateName = afferentObject.getIdentifier().getName(); if (candidateName == null || candidateName.length() == 0) candidateName = _chunkTypeName; candidateName += "-" + _chunkType.getSymbolicChunkType().getNumberOfChunks(); return candidateName; } public IChunk encode(IAfferentObject afferentObject, IPerceptualMemory memory) { IChunkType chunkType = getVisualObjectChunkType((IVisualMemory) memory); IChunk encoding = newChunk(chunkType, guessChunkName(afferentObject)); IModel model = memory.getModule().getModel(); if (Logger.hasLoggers(model)) Logger.log(model, Logger.Stream.VISUAL, "Precoded " + encoding); /* * we are the only ones with access.. but just in case */ try { encoding.getWriteLock().lock(); updateSlots(afferentObject, encoding, (IVisualMemory) memory); } finally { encoding.getWriteLock().unlock(); } return encoding; } /** * called to update the encoding of a chunk. A new chunk may be returned if * the encoding {@link #isTooDirty(IAfferentObject, IChunk, IVisualMemory)}. * The write lock will have already been acquired. * * @param afferentObject * @param oldChunk * @param memory * @return * @see, * org.jactr.core.chunk.IChunk, * */ public IChunk update(IAfferentObject afferentObject, IChunk oldChunk, IPerceptualMemory memory) { if (isTooDirty(afferentObject, oldChunk, (IVisualMemory) memory)) oldChunk = encode(afferentObject, memory); else updateSlots(afferentObject, oldChunk, (IVisualMemory) memory); return oldChunk; } /** * return the chunktype * * @param visualMemory * @return */ final private IChunkType getVisualObjectChunkType(IVisualMemory visualMemory) { if (_chunkType == null) try { _chunkType = visualMemory.getModule().getModel().getDeclarativeModule() .getChunkType(_chunkTypeName).get(); if (_chunkType == null) throw new NullPointerException(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Failed to retrieve reference to chunktype " + _chunkTypeName + ". Has it been installed?", e); } return _chunkType; } /** * create a new chunk. If something goes wrong, it will throw an * illegalStateException * * @param chunkType * @param name * @return */ final private IChunk newChunk(IChunkType chunkType, String name) { IDeclarativeModule decM = chunkType.getModel().getDeclarativeModule(); try { return decM.createChunk(chunkType, name).get(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create chunk of " + chunkType, e); } } }