package; /* * default logging */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jactr.core.slot.IConditionalSlot; import; import; import; import; public class BufferStateUtilities { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory .getLog(BufferStateUtilities.class); /** * {@value #YES} means that given the values and the conditions the slots * have, they COULD be equivalent (but still might not be)<br> * {@value #NO} means that given the values and the conditions, the two slots * can never be equivalent <br> * {@value #AMBIGUOUS} means that the given values and conditions are not * sufficient to make any judgement.<br> * * @author harrison */ static public enum Consistent { YES, NO, AMBIGUOUS }; /** * this will search through all the conditions and queries looking for more * information about variableName. When it finds another slot that matches to * that variable name, all other non-variable conditions for that slot are * saved and remapped to the provided slotName. ex: <br> * <code> * (p * =goal> * isa fact * - arg1 Z * arg1 =value * * ==> * +retrieval> * isa other-fact * argA =value * ) * </code> * <br> * We know that other-fact.argA cannot be null OR Z.<br> * Ideally this method should be recursively because some mean modeler might * use a whole slew of variable indirections within a single production.. but * that will be for version 2. * * @param slotName * @param variableName * @param endStates * @return */ static public Collection<CommonTree> expandVariable(String slotName, String variableName, BufferEndStates endStates) { Collection<CommonTree> rtn = new ArrayList<CommonTree>(); Set<String> slotNamesToExpand = new TreeSet<String>(); for (CommonTree condition : endStates.getMapOfTrees( JACTRBuilder.MATCH_CONDITION).values()) { slotNamesToExpand.clear(); Map<Integer, Collection<CommonTree>> allSlots = getSlots(condition); /* * zip through the variables to see if anyone references the equality of * the provided variable name.. */ if (allSlots.containsKey(JACTRBuilder.VARIABLE)) for (CommonTree slot : allSlots.get(JACTRBuilder.VARIABLE)) if (conditionIs(slot, IConditionalSlot.EQUALS) && variableName.equalsIgnoreCase(getContent(slot))) slotNamesToExpand.add(ASTSupport.getName(slot).toLowerCase()); /* * now we have all the names of the slots that reference variableName * within this condition. We need to go through once more to grab all the * actual references to this slot (other than the variables) */ for (CommonTree slot : getNonVariables(allSlots)) { String name = ASTSupport.getName(slot); if (slotNamesToExpand.contains(name.toLowerCase())) rtn.add(BufferEndState.getSupport().createSlot(slotName, (CommonTree)slot.getChild(1), (CommonTree)slot.getChild(2))); } } /* * sometimes we cant resolve much of anything, but we do know that * the the slot name is not going to be null/nil... */ if(rtn.size()==0) { rtn.add(BufferEndState.getSupport().createSlot(slotName, IConditionalSlot.NOT_EQUALS, BufferEndState.NULL)); rtn.add(BufferEndState.getSupport().createSlot(slotName, IConditionalSlot.NOT_EQUALS, BufferEndState.NIL)); } return rtn; } /** * return a map of collections of slot ASTs contained by the condition or * action. the map is keyed on the type of content in the slot, typically * {@link JACTRBuilder#IDENTIFIER}, {@link JACTRBuilder#VARIABLE}, or * {@link JACTRBuilder#NUMBER} * * @param conditionOrAction * @return */ static public Map<Integer, Collection<CommonTree>> getSlots( CommonTree conditionOrAction) { Map<Integer, Collection<CommonTree>> rtn = new TreeMap<Integer, Collection<CommonTree>>(); for (CommonTree slot : ASTSupport.getTrees(conditionOrAction, JACTRBuilder.SLOT)) { // slot(name condition content) int contentType = slot.getChild(2).getType(); Collection<CommonTree> slots = rtn.get(contentType); if (slots == null) { slots = new ArrayList<CommonTree>(); rtn.put(contentType, slots); } slots.add(slot); } return rtn; } /** * return all slots that arent variables * * @param mapOfSlots * @return */ static public Collection<CommonTree> getNonVariables( Map<Integer, Collection<CommonTree>> mapOfSlots) { ArrayList<CommonTree> rtn = new ArrayList<CommonTree>(); for (int type : new int[] { JACTRBuilder.IDENTIFIER, JACTRBuilder.NUMBER, JACTRBuilder.STRING }) { Collection<CommonTree> slots = mapOfSlots.get(type); if (slots != null) rtn.addAll(slots); } return rtn; } /** * return all slots that are equality conditions (aka assignments), even * variables * * @param mapOfTrees * @return */ static public Collection<CommonTree> getAssignments( Map<Integer, Collection<CommonTree>> mapOfTrees) { ArrayList<CommonTree> rtn = new ArrayList<CommonTree>(); for (Collection<CommonTree> slots : mapOfTrees.values()) for (CommonTree slot : slots) if (conditionIs(slot, IConditionalSlot.EQUALS)) rtn.add(slot); return rtn; } static public boolean contentIsType(CommonTree slot, int type) { return slot.getChild(2).getType() == type; } static public String getContent(CommonTree slot) { return slot.getChild(2).getText(); } /** * uses {@link IConditionalSlot} condition constants, not {@link JACTRBuilder} * * @param slot * @param condition * @return */ static public boolean conditionIs(CommonTree slot, int condition) { int cond = slot.getChild(1).getType(); if (cond == JACTRBuilder.EQUALS && condition == IConditionalSlot.EQUALS) return true; if (cond == JACTRBuilder.NOT && condition == IConditionalSlot.NOT_EQUALS) return true; if (cond == JACTRBuilder.GT && condition == IConditionalSlot.GREATER_THAN) return true; if (cond == JACTRBuilder.GTE && condition == IConditionalSlot.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS) return true; if (cond == JACTRBuilder.LT && condition == IConditionalSlot.LESS_THAN) return true; if (cond == JACTRBuilder.LTE && condition == IConditionalSlot.LESS_THAN_EQUALS) return true; return false; } /** * compare two slots to see if they are applicable, this is just a name check * * @param endStateSlot * @param conditionalSlot * @return */ static public boolean slotIsApplicable(CommonTree endStateSlot, CommonTree conditionalSlot) { return conditionalSlot.getChild(0).getText().equalsIgnoreCase( endStateSlot.getChild(0).getText()); } /** * return true if the endstate slot is consistent with the conditional slot. * this will check the conditions on both the slots and compare their values * accordingly. The values should NEVER be variables in either slot. * similarly, before calling this, * {@link #slotIsApplicable(CommonTree, CommonTree)} should have returned * true.<br> * <br> * Currently this will return ambiguous if either slot condition is anything * but equals or not * * @param endStateSlot * @param conditionalSlot * @throws IllegalStateException * if either is a variable or the condition type is not recognized * @return {@link Consistent} */ static public Consistent isConsistentWith(CommonTree endStateSlot, CommonTree conditionalSlot) { int endCondition = endStateSlot.getChild(1).getType(); int queryCondition = conditionalSlot.getChild(1).getType(); if (endStateSlot.getChild(2).getType() == JACTRBuilder.VARIABLE || conditionalSlot.getChild(2).getType() == JACTRBuilder.VARIABLE) throw new IllegalStateException( "neither conditional nor end state slots may be variables"); String endContent = endStateSlot.getChild(2).getText(); String queryContent = conditionalSlot.getChild(2).getText(); if (endCondition == JACTRBuilder.EQUALS) { // both equal if (queryCondition == endCondition) if (endContent.equalsIgnoreCase(queryContent)) return Consistent.YES; else return Consistent.NO; if (queryCondition == JACTRBuilder.NOT) if (endContent.equalsIgnoreCase(queryContent)) // a=1 a!=1 return Consistent.NO; else // a=1 a!=2 return Consistent.YES; return Consistent.AMBIGUOUS; } else if (endCondition == JACTRBuilder.NOT) { // a!=2 a!=3 if (queryCondition == endCondition) return Consistent.YES; if (queryCondition == JACTRBuilder.EQUALS) if (endContent.equalsIgnoreCase(queryContent)) // a!=2 a=2 return Consistent.NO; else // a!=2 a=4 return Consistent.YES; return Consistent.AMBIGUOUS; } else return Consistent.AMBIGUOUS; } }