package; /* * default logging */ import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.commonreality.efferent.IEfferentCommand; import org.commonreality.efferent.IEfferentCommand.ActualState; import org.commonreality.identifier.IIdentifier; public class IndividualCommandManager<C extends IEfferentCommand> { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory .getLog(IndividualCommandManager.class); final private IIdentifier _identifier; final private EfferentCommandManager<C> _globalManager; private ActualState _lastKnownState; public IndividualCommandManager(EfferentCommandManager<C> manager, IIdentifier command) { _globalManager = manager; _identifier = command; _lastKnownState = ActualState.UNKNOWN; } public C getCommand() { return (C) _globalManager.getAgent().getEfferentCommandManager().get( _identifier); } public IIdentifier getIdentifier() { return _identifier; } public ActualState getState() { return _lastKnownState; } public boolean canAbort() { return _lastKnownState == ActualState.RUNNING; } public boolean canExecute() { return _lastKnownState == ActualState.ACCEPTED; } public boolean hasCompleted() { return _lastKnownState == ActualState.COMPLETED; } public boolean isRunning() { return _lastKnownState == ActualState.RUNNING; } public boolean hasAborted() { return _lastKnownState == ActualState.ABORTED; } public boolean isDone() { return hasAborted() || hasCompleted(); } /** * update the states, and return true if some signalling (outside the locks) * is necessary. * * @return */ public boolean update() { IEfferentCommand command = _globalManager.getAgent() .getEfferentCommandManager().get(_identifier); if (command == null) throw new IllegalStateException(_identifier + " has no associated command"); return update(command); } public boolean update(IEfferentCommand command) { ActualState currentState = command.getActualState(); // no change if (currentState == getState()) return false; _lastKnownState = currentState; return true; } }