package; /* * default logging */ import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * creates an end state for productions that have an explicit remove, OR a match * but no modify. The end state returned is a query end state * * @author harrison */ public class RemovalEndStateComputer implements IBufferEndStateComputer { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory .getLog(RemovalEndStateComputer.class); public Collection<BufferEndState> computePossibleEndStatesFor( BufferEndStates endStates, String bufferName, SequenceAnalyzer analyzer) { String lowerBufferName = bufferName.toLowerCase(); Map<String, CommonTree> actions = endStates .getMapOfTrees(JACTRBuilder.REMOVE_ACTION); if (actions.containsKey(lowerBufferName)) { /* * need to check for an add too.. in case they did -retrieval +retrieval */ Map<String, CommonTree> addActions = endStates .getMapOfTrees(JACTRBuilder.ADD_ACTION); if (!addActions.containsKey(lowerBufferName)) return Collections.singleton((BufferEndState) new SimpleBufferEndState( bufferName, "buffer", BufferEndState.EMPTY, BufferEndState.FULL)); /* * there is an add!! the bastard. we will ignore it and hope that the * AddEndStateComputer can handle it.. */ return Collections.emptyList(); } /* * no removal on this buffer, dig deeper by checking for match and modify */ /* * goal never has strict harvesting enabled */ if (lowerBufferName.equals("goal")) return Collections.emptyList(); actions = endStates.getMapOfTrees(JACTRBuilder.MODIFY_ACTION); if (actions.containsKey(lowerBufferName) && endStates.getMapOfTrees(JACTRBuilder.MATCH_CONDITION).containsKey( lowerBufferName)) return Collections.singleton((BufferEndState) new SimpleBufferEndState( bufferName, "If " + bufferName + ".StrictHaverstingEnabled = true", "buffer", BufferEndState.EMPTY, BufferEndState.FULL)); return Collections.emptyList(); } }