package; /* * default logging */ import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import javolution.util.FastSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.commonreality.identifier.IIdentifier; import org.jactr.core.chunk.IChunk; import org.jactr.core.production.request.ChunkTypeRequest; import org.jactr.core.slot.IConditionalSlot; import org.jactr.core.slot.ISlot; import; public abstract class AbstractSortedFeatureMap<T> extends AbstractFeatureMap<T> { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory .getLog(AbstractSortedFeatureMap.class); private SortedMap<T, Set<IIdentifier>> _valueMap; private Map<IIdentifier, T> _currentValues; public AbstractSortedFeatureMap(String requestSlotName, String crPropertyName) { super(requestSlotName, crPropertyName); _valueMap = new TreeMap<T, Set<IIdentifier>>(); _currentValues = new HashMap<IIdentifier, T>(); } @Override protected void clearInternal() { _currentValues.clear(); _valueMap.clear(); } @Override protected T getCurrentValue(IIdentifier identifier) { return _currentValues.get(identifier); } protected void not(T value, Set<IIdentifier> container) { for (Map.Entry<T, Set<IIdentifier>> entry : _valueMap.entrySet()) if (!value.equals(entry.getKey())) container.addAll(entry.getValue()); } protected void equals(T value, Set<IIdentifier> container) { Set<IIdentifier> tmp = _valueMap.get(value); if (tmp != null) container.addAll(tmp); } protected void lessThan(T value, Set<IIdentifier> container) { for (Set<IIdentifier> ids : _valueMap.headMap(value).values()) container.addAll(ids); } protected void greaterThan(T value, Set<IIdentifier> container) { for (Map.Entry<T, Set<IIdentifier>> entry : _valueMap.tailMap(value) .entrySet()) if (!value.equals(entry.getKey())) container.addAll(entry.getValue()); } /** * resolves lowest, highest * * @param request * @see */ public void normalizeRequest(ChunkTypeRequest request) { String relevantSlot = getRelevantSlotName(); for (IConditionalSlot cSlot : request.getConditionalSlots()) if (cSlot.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(relevantSlot)) { Object slotValue = cSlot.getValue(); String valueChunkName = null; if (slotValue instanceof IChunk) valueChunkName = ((IChunk) slotValue).getSymbolicChunk().getName(); try { if (IPerceptualModule.LOWEST_CHUNK.equalsIgnoreCase(valueChunkName)) { T value = _valueMap.firstKey(); if (value != null) cSlot.setValue(value); else if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("No values in " + this + " to resolve " + valueChunkName); } else if (IPerceptualModule.HIGHEST_CHUNK .equalsIgnoreCase(valueChunkName)) { T value = _valueMap.lastKey(); if (value != null) cSlot.setValue(value); else if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("No values in " + this + " to resolve " + valueChunkName); } } catch (NoSuchElementException nsef) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("No value in " + this + " to resolve " + valueChunkName); } } } /** * converts a slot value to the appropriate type * * @param slot * @return */ abstract protected T toData(ISlot slot); /** * tests to be sure the value of the slot is a valid type * * @param slot * @return */ abstract protected boolean isValidValue(ISlot slot); @Override protected void getCandidates(ChunkTypeRequest request, Set<IIdentifier> results) { boolean firstInsertion = true; String slotName = getRelevantSlotName(); FastSet<IIdentifier> tmp = FastSet.newInstance(); for (IConditionalSlot slot : request.getConditionalSlots()) if (slot.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(slotName)) if (isValidValue(slot)) { tmp.clear(); T value = toData(slot); switch (slot.getCondition()) { case IConditionalSlot.LESS_THAN_EQUALS: equals(value, tmp); case IConditionalSlot.LESS_THAN: lessThan(value, tmp); break; case IConditionalSlot.GREATER_THAN_EQUALS: equals(value, tmp); case IConditionalSlot.GREATER_THAN: greaterThan(value, tmp); break; case IConditionalSlot.NOT_EQUALS: not(value, tmp); break; case IConditionalSlot.WITHIN: LOGGER.warn("within is not implemented"); default: equals(value, tmp); break; } if (firstInsertion) results.addAll(tmp); else results.retainAll(tmp); firstInsertion = false; if (results.size() == 0) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(this + " No possible results, returning early"); break; } } else if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(this + " " + slot + " value is not naturally ordered"); FastSet.recycle(tmp); } @Override protected void addInformation(IIdentifier identifier, T data) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(this + " Adding " + identifier + " has " + data); Set<IIdentifier> identifiers = _valueMap.get(data); if (identifiers == null) { identifiers = FastSet.newInstance(); _valueMap.put(data, identifiers); } identifiers.add(identifier); _currentValues.put(identifier, data); } @Override protected T removeInformation(IIdentifier identifier) { T value = _currentValues.get(identifier); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(this + " Removing " + identifier + " has " + value); if (value != null) { Set<IIdentifier> identifiers = _valueMap.get(value); if (identifiers != null) { identifiers.remove(identifier); if (identifiers.size() == 0) { _valueMap.remove(value); FastSet.recycle((FastSet) identifiers); } } } return value; } // public void fillSlotValues(ChunkTypeRequest mutableRequest, // IIdentifier identifier, IChunk encodedChunk, // ChunkTypeRequest originalSearchRequest) // { // String slotName = getRelevantSlotName(); // if (slotName == null) return; // // T value = getCurrentValue(identifier); // // if (value != null) // mutableRequest.addSlot(new BasicSlot(slotName, value)); // else if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled()) // LOGGER.warn("No " + slotName + " information for " + identifier); // } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } }