package; /* * default logging */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jactr.core.model.IModel; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class LispParserTest extends TestCase { /** * Logger definition */ static private final transient Log LOGGER = LogFactory .getLog(LispParserTest.class); @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); ModelParserFactory.addParser("lisp",; } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } public void testAddition() throws Exception { CommonTree mDesc = parserTest("org/jactr/tutorial/unit1/addition.lisp", 6, 22, 4, 3); mDesc = compilerTest(mDesc); IModel model = builderTest(mDesc, 6, 21, 4, 3); model.dispose(); } public void testVisual() throws Exception { CommonTree mDesc = parserTest("org/jactr/tutorial/unit1/visual.lisp", 19, 28, 4, 3); mDesc = compilerTest(mDesc); IModel model = builderTest(mDesc, 6, 21, 4, 3); model.dispose(); } public void testCount() throws Exception { /* * 6 chunktypes, 16 chunks, 3 prod, 3 buffers */ CommonTree mDesc = parserTest("org/jactr/tutorial/unit1/count.lisp", 6, 17, 3, 3); mDesc = compilerTest(mDesc); IModel model = builderTest(mDesc, 6, 16, 3, 3); model.dispose(); } public void testSemantic() throws Exception { CommonTree mDesc = parserTest("org/jactr/tutorial/unit1/semantic.lisp", 6, 63, 4, 3); mDesc = compilerTest(mDesc); IModel model = builderTest(mDesc, 6, 62, 4, 3); model.dispose(); } private CommonTree compilerTest(CommonTree modelDesc) throws Exception { ArrayList<Exception> warnings = new ArrayList<Exception>(); ArrayList<Exception> errors = new ArrayList<Exception>(); IOUtilities.compileModelDescriptor(modelDesc, warnings, errors); String name = ASTSupport.getName(modelDesc); for(Exception warning : warnings) LOGGER.debug("Warning "+name+" ", warning); for(Exception error : errors) LOGGER.debug("Error "+name+" ",error); if(errors.size()!=0) fail("Compilation errors detected "); return modelDesc; } private IModel builderTest(CommonTree modelDesc, int chunkTypes, int chunks, int productions, int buffers) throws Exception { ArrayList<Exception> warnings = new ArrayList<Exception>(); ArrayList<Exception> errors = new ArrayList<Exception>(); IModel model = IOUtilities.constructModel(modelDesc, warnings, errors); String name = ASTSupport.getName(modelDesc); for(Exception warning : warnings) LOGGER.debug("Warning "+name+" ", warning); for(Exception error : errors) LOGGER.debug("Error "+name+" ",error); if(errors.size()!=0) fail("Building errors detected "); return model; } private CommonTree parserTest(String file, int chunkTypes, int chunks, int productions, int buffers) throws Exception { IModelParser modelParser = CommonIO .parseModel(file); CommonTree modelDescriptor = CommonIO.getModelDescriptor(modelParser); Map<String, CommonTree> elements = ASTSupport.getMapOfTrees( modelDescriptor, JACTRCompiler.CHUNK_TYPE); assertEquals("Incorrect number of chunktypes, known :" + elements.keySet(), chunkTypes, elements.size()); elements = ASTSupport.getMapOfTrees(modelDescriptor, JACTRCompiler.CHUNK); assertEquals("Incorrect number of chunks, known : " + elements.keySet(), chunks, elements.size()); elements = ASTSupport.getMapOfTrees(modelDescriptor, JACTRCompiler.PRODUCTION); assertEquals("Incorrect number of productions, known : " + elements.keySet(), productions, elements.size()); elements = ASTSupport.getMapOfTrees(modelDescriptor, JACTRCompiler.BUFFER); // expecting imaginal, retrieval, goal assertEquals("Incorrect number of buffers, known : " + elements.keySet(), buffers, elements.size()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { for (StringBuilder line : CommonIO .generateSource(modelDescriptor, "lisp")) LOGGER.debug(line.toString()); for (StringBuilder line : CommonIO.generateSource(modelDescriptor, "jactr")) LOGGER.debug(line.toString()); } for(Exception warning : modelParser.getParseWarnings()) LOGGER.debug("Warning "+file+" ", warning); for(Exception error : modelParser.getParseErrors()) LOGGER.debug("Error "+file+" ",error); return modelDescriptor; } }