package edu.brown.optimizer; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections15.CollectionUtils; import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogMap; import org.voltdb.catalog.Column; import org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression; import org.voltdb.expressions.TupleValueExpression; import org.voltdb.planner.PlanColumn; import org.voltdb.planner.PlannerContext; import org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode; import org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractScanPlanNode; import org.voltdb.plannodes.AggregatePlanNode; import org.voltdb.plannodes.DistinctPlanNode; import org.voltdb.plannodes.NestLoopIndexPlanNode; import org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode; import org.voltdb.plannodes.ProjectionPlanNode; import org.voltdb.plannodes.SeqScanPlanNode; import org.voltdb.types.ExpressionType; import org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType; import edu.brown.BaseTestCase; import edu.brown.benchmark.AbstractProjectBuilder; import edu.brown.expressions.ExpressionTreeWalker; import edu.brown.plannodes.PlanNodeTreeWalker; import edu.brown.plannodes.PlanNodeUtil; import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil; public abstract class BasePlanOptimizerTestCase extends BaseTestCase { public static class PlanOptimizerTestProjectBuilder extends AbstractProjectBuilder { public PlanOptimizerTestProjectBuilder(String name) { super("test-" + name, AbstractProjectBuilder.class, null, null); File schema = new File(BasePlanOptimizerTestCase.class.getResource("test-planopt-ddl.sql").getFile()); assert(schema.exists()) : "Missing test schema file: " + schema; this.addSchema(schema); this.addTablePartitionInfo("TABLEA", "A_ID"); this.addTablePartitionInfo("TABLEB", "B_A_ID"); this.addTablePartitionInfo("TABLEC", "C_B_A_ID"); } } @Override protected void setUp(AbstractProjectBuilder projectBuilder) throws Exception { super.setUp(projectBuilder); } public void checkColumnIndex(TupleValueExpression expr, Map<String, Integer> tbl_map) { // check column exists in the map assert (tbl_map.containsKey(expr.getColumnAlias())) : expr.getColumnAlias() + " does not exist in scanned table"; // check column has correct index assert (expr.getColumnIndex() == tbl_map.get(expr.getColumnAlias())) : "Column : " + expr.getColumnAlias() + " has offset: " + expr.getColumnIndex() + " expected: " + tbl_map.get(expr.getColumnAlias()); } public void checkColumnIndex(Column col, Map<String, Integer> tbl_map) { // check column exists in the map assert (tbl_map.containsKey(col.getName())) : col.getName() + " does not exist in intermediate table"; // check column has correct index assert (col.getIndex() == tbl_map.get(col.getName())) : "Column : " + col.getName() + " has offset: " + col.getIndex() + " expected: " + tbl_map.get(col.getName()); } /** Given a ScanNode, builds a map mapping column names to indices. **/ public Map<String, Integer> buildTableMap(AbstractScanPlanNode node) { // build hashmap mapping column names to column index values final Map<String, Integer> tbl_col_index_map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); CatalogMap<Column> node_map = catalog_db.getTables().get(node.getTargetTableName()).getColumns(); assert (node_map != null) : " Failed to retrieve columns for table: " + node.getTargetTableName(); Column[] node_tbl_cols = new Column[node_map.size()]; node_map.toArray(node_tbl_cols); for (Column col : node_tbl_cols) { tbl_col_index_map.put(col.getName(), col.getIndex()); } return tbl_col_index_map; } /** * Given a plan node, checks to see all the expressions within the plan node * match up with the intermediate table **/ public void checkExpressionOffsets(AbstractPlanNode node, final Map<String, Integer> tbl_map) { // check all tuplevalueexpression offsets in the scannode // System.out.println("map: " + tbl_map); Collection<AbstractExpression> exps = CollectionUtils.union(PlanNodeUtil.getExpressionsForPlanNode(node), PlanNodeUtil.getOutputExpressionsForPlanNode(node)); assert(exps.size() > 0) : "No Expressions: " + node; for (AbstractExpression exp : exps) { new ExpressionTreeWalker() { @Override protected void callback(AbstractExpression exp_element) { if (exp_element instanceof TupleValueExpression) { System.out.println("element column: " + ((TupleValueExpression)exp_element).getColumnAlias() + " element index: " + ((TupleValueExpression)exp_element).getColumnIndex()); checkColumnIndex((TupleValueExpression) exp_element, tbl_map); } } }.traverse(exp); } } /** Updates intermediate table for column offsets **/ public void updateIntermediateTblOffset(AbstractPlanNode node, final Map<String, Integer> intermediate_offset_tbl) { int offset_cnt = 0; intermediate_offset_tbl.clear(); for (Integer col_guid : node.getOutputColumnGUIDs()) { PlanColumn plan_col = PlannerContext.singleton().get(col_guid); // TupleValueExpression tv_expr = // (TupleValueExpression)plan_col.getExpression(); intermediate_offset_tbl.put(plan_col.getDisplayName(), offset_cnt); offset_cnt++; } } /** Updates intermediate table for column GUIDs **/ public void updateIntermediateTblGUIDs(AbstractPlanNode node, final Map<String, Integer> intermediate_GUID_tbl) { // int offset_cnt = 0; intermediate_GUID_tbl.clear(); for (Integer col_guid : node.getOutputColumnGUIDs()) { PlanColumn plan_col = PlannerContext.singleton().get(col_guid); // TupleValueExpression tv_expr = // (TupleValueExpression)plan_col.getExpression(); intermediate_GUID_tbl.put(plan_col.getDisplayName(), plan_col.guid()); } } public void checkTableOffsets(AbstractPlanNode node, final Map<String, Integer> tbl_map) { /** Aggregates **/ if (node instanceof AggregatePlanNode) { /** check aggregate column offsets **/ for (Integer col_guid : ((AggregatePlanNode) node).getAggregateColumnGuids()) { PlanColumn plan_col = PlannerContext.singleton().get(col_guid); assert (plan_col.getExpression().getExpressionType().equals(ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE)) : " plan column expression type is: " + plan_col.getExpression().getExpressionType() + " NOT TupleValueExpression"; TupleValueExpression tv_exp = (TupleValueExpression) plan_col.getExpression(); checkColumnIndex(tv_exp, tbl_map); } /** check output column offsets **/ for (Integer col_guid : ((AggregatePlanNode) node).getAggregateOutputColumns()) { PlanColumn plan_col = PlannerContext.singleton().get(col_guid); assert (plan_col.getExpression().getExpressionType().equals(ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE)) : " plan column expression type is: " + plan_col.getExpression().getExpressionType() + " NOT TupleValueExpression"; TupleValueExpression tv_exp = (TupleValueExpression) plan_col.getExpression(); checkColumnIndex(tv_exp, tbl_map); } /** check group by column offsets **/ for (Integer col_guid : ((AggregatePlanNode) node).getGroupByColumnOffsets()) { PlanColumn plan_col = PlannerContext.singleton().get(col_guid); assert (plan_col.getExpression().getExpressionType().equals(ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE)) : " plan column expression type is: " + plan_col.getExpression().getExpressionType() + " NOT TupleValueExpression"; TupleValueExpression tv_exp = (TupleValueExpression) plan_col.getExpression(); checkColumnIndex(tv_exp, tbl_map); } /** Order By's **/ } else if (node instanceof OrderByPlanNode) { } else { // check the offsets of the output column // Set<TupleValueExpression> ExpressionUtil.getExpressions(node, // TupleValueExpression.class); for (Integer col_guid : node.getOutputColumnGUIDs()) { PlanColumn plan_col = PlannerContext.singleton().get(col_guid); new ExpressionTreeWalker() { @Override protected void callback(AbstractExpression element) { if (element.getClass().equals(TupleValueExpression.class)) { assert (element.getExpressionType().equals(ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE)) : "plan column expression type is: " + element.getExpressionType() + " NOT TupleValueExpression"; TupleValueExpression tv_exp = (TupleValueExpression) element; checkColumnIndex(tv_exp, tbl_map); } return; } }.traverse(plan_col.getExpression()); } } } /** * make sure the output columns of a node exactly match its inline columns * (guid for guid) **/ public void checkMatchInline(AbstractPlanNode node, AbstractPlanNode inline_node) { for (int i = 0; i < node.getOutputColumnGUIDs().size(); i++) { Integer guid0 = node.getOutputColumnGUIDs().get(i); assertNotNull(guid0); Integer guid1 = inline_node.getOutputColumnGUIDs().get(i); assertNotNull(guid1); assertEquals(node + " Node guid doesn't match inline plan guid", guid0, guid1); } } /** * walk through the output columns of the current plan_node and compare the * GUIDs of the output columns of the child of the current plan_node **/ public void checkNodeColumnGUIDs(AbstractPlanNode plan_node, Map<String, Integer> intermediate_GUID_tbl) { for (Integer orig_guid : plan_node.getOutputColumnGUIDs()) { PlanColumn orig_pc = PlannerContext.singleton().get(orig_guid); assertNotNull(orig_pc); // XXX boolean found = false; for (String int_name : intermediate_GUID_tbl.keySet()) { Integer new_guid = intermediate_GUID_tbl.get(int_name); if (orig_pc.getDisplayName().equals(int_name)) { assertEquals(plan_node + " Column name: " + int_name + " guid id: " + orig_guid + " doesn't match guid from child: ", orig_guid, new_guid); } } } } /** walk the tree starting at the given root and validate **/ public void validateNodeColumnOffsets(AbstractPlanNode node) { final int total_depth = PlanNodeUtil.getDepth(node); // maintain data structure - (most recent "immediate" table) final Map<String, Integer> intermediate_offset_tbl = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // maintain column name to GUID final Map<String, Integer> intermediate_GUID_tbl = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); new PlanNodeTreeWalker() { @Override protected void callback(AbstractPlanNode element) { // skip the column offset checking for the root send - the EE // doesn't care if (this.getDepth() != 0) { /** Bottom Scan Node **/ if (this.getDepth() == total_depth && element instanceof AbstractScanPlanNode) { // if its bottom most node (scan node), check offsets // against // the table being scanned Map<String, Integer> target_tbl_map = buildTableMap((AbstractScanPlanNode) element); checkExpressionOffsets(element, target_tbl_map); checkTableOffsets(element, target_tbl_map); // if inline nodes exist, check offsets of output // columns match inline projection output columns if (element.getInlinePlanNodes().size() > 0) { // only 1 inline plan node - must be projection assert (element.getInlinePlanNodes().size() == 1) : "More than 1 Inline Nodes in leaf Scan Node"; assert (element.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION) != null) : "Leaf scan node's inline node is not a projection"; // TO D0: compare inline projection columns with // output columns of scan - should be identical checkMatchInline(element, element.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION)); } // update the intermediate table offsets + GUIDS - with // output columns from the scan updateIntermediateTblOffset(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); updateIntermediateTblGUIDs(element, intermediate_GUID_tbl); } /** NestLoopIndex Node **/ else if (element instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode) { // The only type of join we're currently handling. The // join mashes the Receive node // intermediate table with the inline index scan // check the inline scan node's column offsets are based // on the "mashing" of the intermediate table // and the target scan table assert (element.getInlinePlanNodes().size() == 1) : "More than 1 Inline Nodes in NestLoopIndex"; assert (element.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN) != null || element.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.SEQSCAN) != null) : "No scan nodes exist in inline plan nodes"; AbstractScanPlanNode scan_node = (AbstractScanPlanNode) CollectionUtil.first(element.getInlinePlanNodes().values()); // get all columns of the "target table" being scanned // and append them to the current intermediate table // + determine new offsets + determine new guids Map<String, Integer> scan_node_map = buildTableMap(scan_node); Integer intermediate_tbl_offset = intermediate_offset_tbl.size(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> col : scan_node_map.entrySet()) { intermediate_offset_tbl.put(col.getKey(), intermediate_tbl_offset + col.getValue()); } for (Integer col_guid : scan_node.getOutputColumnGUIDs()) { PlanColumn plan_col = PlannerContext.singleton().get(col_guid); intermediate_GUID_tbl.put(plan_col.getDisplayName(), plan_col.guid()); } // check that expression column offsets + output column // offsets match + GUIDs match with the original target // table checkExpressionOffsets(scan_node, intermediate_offset_tbl); checkTableOffsets(scan_node, intermediate_offset_tbl); checkMatchInline(element, scan_node); checkNodeColumnGUIDs(element, intermediate_GUID_tbl); } /** Projection Node **/ else if (element instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) { // check that expression column offsets + output column // offsets match + GUIDs match with the original target // table checkExpressionOffsets(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); checkTableOffsets(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); checkNodeColumnGUIDs(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); // update intermediate table (offset + guids) updateIntermediateTblOffset(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); updateIntermediateTblGUIDs(element, intermediate_GUID_tbl); } else if (element instanceof AggregatePlanNode) { // only want to check the expression here because the // output will be different for aggregates checkExpressionOffsets(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); // update intermediate table to reflect output of // aggregates updateIntermediateTblOffset(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); } else if (element instanceof OrderByPlanNode) { // check sort column GUIDs against the intermediate // table for (int order_node_guid : ((OrderByPlanNode) element).getSortColumnGuids()) { PlanColumn order_node_pc = PlannerContext.singleton().get(order_node_guid); int int_order_node_guid = -1; int_order_node_guid = intermediate_GUID_tbl.get(order_node_pc.getDisplayName()); assert (int_order_node_guid != -1) : order_node_pc.getDisplayName() + " doesn't exist in intermediate table"; assert (order_node_guid == int_order_node_guid) : order_node_pc.getDisplayName() + " sort column guid: " + order_node_guid + " doesn't match: " + int_order_node_guid; } // only want to check the expression here because the // output will be different for aggregates checkExpressionOffsets(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); // update intermediate table to reflect output of // aggregates updateIntermediateTblOffset(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); } /** * Any other types of AbstractPlanNode (Send, Recieve, * Limit, etc.) **/ else { checkExpressionOffsets(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); checkTableOffsets(element, intermediate_offset_tbl); } } } }.traverse(node); } public static void validate(final AbstractPlanNode node) throws Exception { // System.err.println("Validating: " + node + " / " + node.getPlanNodeType()); switch (node.getPlanNodeType()) { // Make sure that the output columns from this node match the output // columns of the scan node below us that is feeding into it // case NESTLOOPINDEX: { // assert(root.getChildPlanNodeCount() == 1); // AbstractPlanNode child = root.getChild(0); // assert(child != null); // if ((child instanceof SeqScanPlanNode) == false) break; // // PlannerContext plannerContext = PlannerContext.singleton(); // for (int i = 0, cnt = child.getOutputColumnGUIDCount(); i < cnt; i++) { // int child_guid = child.getOutputColumnGUID(i); // PlanColumn child_col = plannerContext.get(child_guid); // assert(child_col != null); // // int root_guid = root.getOutputColumnGUID(i); // PlanColumn root_col = plannerContext.get(root_guid); // assert(root_col != null); // // if (child_guid != root_guid) { // throw new Exception(String.format("Output Column mismatch at position %d : %s != %s", // i, child_col, root_col)); // } // } // FOR // break; // } case DISTINCT: { // Make sure the DISTINCT column is in the output columns DistinctPlanNode cast_node = (DistinctPlanNode)node; Integer distinct_col = cast_node.getDistinctColumnGuid(); assertTrue(String.format("%s is missing DISTINCT PlanColumn GUID %d in its output columns", cast_node, distinct_col), cast_node.getOutputColumnGUIDs().contains(distinct_col)); break; } case HASHAGGREGATE: case AGGREGATE: { // Every PlanColumn referenced in this node must appear in its children's output Collection<Integer> planCols = node.getOutputColumnGUIDs(); assert(planCols != null); // System.err.println(PlanNodeUtil.debugNode(node)); AggregatePlanNode cast_node = (AggregatePlanNode)node; assertEquals(cast_node.toString(), cast_node.getAggregateTypes().size(), cast_node.getAggregateColumnGuids().size()); assertEquals(cast_node.toString(), cast_node.getAggregateTypes().size(), cast_node.getAggregateColumnNames().size()); assertEquals(cast_node.toString(), cast_node.getAggregateTypes().size(), cast_node.getAggregateOutputColumns().size()); // Set<Integer> foundCols = new HashSet<Integer>(); // for (AbstractPlanNode child : node.getChildren()) { // Collection<Integer> childCols = PlanNodeUtil.getOutputColumnIdsForPlanNode(child); // System.err.println("CHILD " + child + " OUTPUT: " + childCols); // // for (Integer childCol : childCols) { // if (planCols.contains(childCol)) { // foundCols.add(childCol); // } // } // FOR // if (foundCols.size() == planCols.size()) break; // } // FOR // // if (PlanNodeUtil.getPlanNodes(node, SeqScanPlanNode.class).isEmpty() && // HACK // foundCols.containsAll(planCols) == false) { // throw new Exception(String.format("Failed to find all of the columns referenced by %s in the output columns of %s", // node, planCols)); // } break; } } // SWITCH for (AbstractPlanNode child : node.getChildren()) { BasePlanOptimizerTestCase.validate(child); } return; } }