/* This file is part of VoltDB. * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 VoltDB L.L.C. * * VoltDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * VoltDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.voltdb.exceptions; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.voltdb.types.ConstraintType; import org.voltdb.PrivateVoltTableFactory; import org.voltdb.VoltTable; import org.voltdb.messaging.FastDeserializer; import org.voltdb.messaging.FastSerializer; /** * Exception generated when a constraint is violated. Contains more information then a SQLException. * */ public class ConstraintFailureException extends SQLException { protected static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ConstraintFailureException.class.getName()); /** * Constructor for deserializing an exception returned from the EE. * @param exceptionBuffer */ public ConstraintFailureException(ByteBuffer exceptionBuffer) { super(exceptionBuffer); type = ConstraintType.get(exceptionBuffer.getInt()); try { tableName = FastDeserializer.readString(exceptionBuffer); } catch (IOException e) { // implies that the EE created an invalid constraint // failure, which would be a corruption/defect. throw new ServerFaultException("Unexpected error when deserializing exception from EE", e); } if (exceptionBuffer.hasRemaining()) { int tableSize = exceptionBuffer.getInt(); buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tableSize); //Copy the exception details. exceptionBuffer.get(buffer.array()); } else { buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0); } } /** * Get the type of constraint violation that occurred * @return Type of constraint violation */ public ConstraintType getType() { return type; } public String getTableName() { return tableName; } /** * Get the table containing the involved tuples (target and source) that caused the constraint violation. The table * is lazy deserialized for performance. */ public VoltTable getTuples() { if (table != null) { return table; } table = PrivateVoltTableFactory.createUninitializedVoltTable(); try { table.readExternal(new FastDeserializer(buffer)); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.severe(e.toString()); return null; } return table; } /** * ByteBuffer containing a serialized copy of a table with the tuples involved in the constraint violation */ private final ByteBuffer buffer; /** * Type of constraint violation that caused this exception to be thrown */ private final ConstraintType type; /** * Name of the table that the constraint violation occurred in. */ private String tableName = null; /** * Lazy deserialized copy of a table with the tuples involved in the constraint violation */ private VoltTable table = null; @Override public String getMessage() { if (buffer.capacity() == 0) { return super.getMessage(); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(super.getMessage()); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("Constraint Type "); sb.append(type); sb.append(", Table CatalogId "); sb.append(tableName); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(getTuples().toString()); return sb.toString(); } } /** * Retrieve a string representation of the exception. If this is a rethrown HSQLDB exception it returns the enclosed exceptions * string. Otherwise a new string is generated with the details of the constraint violation. */ @Override public String toString() { return getMessage(); } @Override protected SerializableExceptions getExceptionType() { return SerializableExceptions.ConstraintFailureException; } @Override protected int p_getSerializedSize() { // ... + 8 + string prefix + string length + ... return super.p_getSerializedSize() + 8 + 4 + tableName.length() + buffer.capacity(); } @Override protected void p_serializeToBuffer(ByteBuffer b) throws IOException { super.p_serializeToBuffer(b); b.putInt(type.getValue()); FastSerializer.writeString(tableName, b); b.putInt(buffer.capacity()); buffer.rewind(); b.put(buffer); } /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }