package edu.brown.designer.partitioners.plan; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONStringer; import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogType; import org.voltdb.catalog.Column; import org.voltdb.catalog.Database; import org.voltdb.catalog.ProcParameter; import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure; import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement; import org.voltdb.catalog.Table; import org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode; import org.voltdb.types.PartitionMethodType; import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil; import edu.brown.catalog.special.NullProcParameter; import edu.brown.catalog.special.RandomProcParameter; import edu.brown.catalog.special.ReplicatedColumn; import edu.brown.catalog.special.VerticalPartitionColumn; import edu.brown.designer.DesignerHints; import edu.brown.designer.partitioners.PartitionerUtil; import edu.brown.designer.partitioners.VerticalPartitionerUtil; import edu.brown.plannodes.PlanNodeUtil; import edu.brown.utils.AbstractTreeWalker; import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil; import edu.brown.utils.JSONSerializable; import edu.brown.utils.JSONUtil; /** * @author pavlo */ public class PartitionPlan implements JSONSerializable { protected static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PartitionPlan.class.getName()); public enum Members { TABLE_ENTRIES, PROC_ENTRIES, } /** * Table Partition Entries */ public final Map<Table, TableEntry> table_entries = new TreeMap<Table, TableEntry>(); /** * Procedure Partition Entries */ public final Map<Procedure, ProcedureEntry> proc_entries = new TreeMap<Procedure, ProcedureEntry>(); /** * For each table, we store an ordered list tables up to the root of the * schema tree Table -> Vector * <Table> */ private transient final Map<Table, List<Table>> table_ancestors = new HashMap<Table, List<Table>>(); private transient Map<Table, Table> table_roots = new HashMap<Table, Table>(); /** * List of children for each table */ private transient final Map<Table, Set<Table>> table_children = new HashMap<Table, Set<Table>>(); /** * For each table we store a set of the tables that are dependent to it * Table -> Set * <Table> */ private transient final Map<Table, Set<Table>> table_descendants = new HashMap<Table, Set<Table>>(); /** * Constructor */ public PartitionPlan() { super(); } /** * Copy Constructor * * @param pplan */ public PartitionPlan(PartitionPlan pplan) { this(); createFromMap(this, pplan.toMap()); } public void addTablePartitionEntry(Table catalog_tbl, TableEntry pentry) { this.table_entries.put(catalog_tbl, pentry); } public void addProcedurePartitionEntry(Procedure catalog_proc, ProcedureEntry pentry) { this.proc_entries.put(catalog_proc, pentry); } public Map<Table, TableEntry> getTableEntries() { return (this.table_entries); } public TableEntry getTableEntry(Table catalog_tbl) { assert (catalog_tbl != null); return (this.table_entries.get(catalog_tbl)); } public Map<Procedure, ProcedureEntry> getProcedureEntries() { return (this.proc_entries); } public ProcedureEntry getProcedureEntry(Procedure catalog_proc) { assert (catalog_proc != null); return (this.proc_entries.get(catalog_proc)); } public void setNullProcParameter(Procedure catalog_proc) { ProcedureEntry entry = new ProcedureEntry(PartitionMethodType.NONE); this.proc_entries.put(catalog_proc, entry); } public void setRandomProcParameter(Procedure catalog_proc) { ProcedureEntry entry = new ProcedureEntry(PartitionMethodType.RANDOM); this.proc_entries.put(catalog_proc, entry); } public int getTableCount() { return (this.table_entries.size()); } public int getProcedureCount() { return (this.proc_entries.size()); } /** * */ public void initializeDependencies() { for (Table catalog_tbl : this.table_entries.keySet()) { TableEntry entry = this.table_entries.get(catalog_tbl); this.table_descendants.put(catalog_tbl, new HashSet<Table>()); this.table_children.put(catalog_tbl, new HashSet<Table>()); // Children for (Table other_tbl : this.table_entries.keySet()) { if (catalog_tbl.equals(other_tbl)) continue; TableEntry other = this.table_entries.get(other_tbl); if (!entry.equals(other) && other.getParent() != null && other.getParent().equals(catalog_tbl)) { this.table_children.get(catalog_tbl).add(other_tbl); } } // FOR // Ancestors final Vector<Table> ancestors = new Vector<Table>(); new AbstractTreeWalker<Table>() { protected void populate_children(AbstractTreeWalker.Children<Table> children, Table element) { TableEntry current_entry = table_entries.get(element); Table parent = current_entry.getParent(); if (parent != null) { TableEntry parent_entry = PartitionPlan.this.table_entries.get(parent); if (parent_entry == null) { LOG.warn(String.format("Missing parent entry %s for child %s: %s", parent, element, table_entries.keySet())); } else { // assert(parent_entry != null) : // "Missing parent entry " + parent + " for " + // element; if (!this.hasVisited(parent)) children.addAfter(parent); } } }; @Override protected void callback(Table element) { if (element != this.getFirst()) { ancestors.add(element); } } }.traverse(catalog_tbl); this.table_ancestors.put(catalog_tbl, ancestors); } // FOR // Descendants & Roots // Table last_tbl = null; for (Table catalog_tbl : this.table_ancestors.keySet()) { for (Table ancestor_tbl : this.table_ancestors.get(catalog_tbl)) { if (!this.table_descendants.containsKey(ancestor_tbl)) { this.table_descendants.put(ancestor_tbl, new HashSet<Table>()); } this.table_descendants.get(ancestor_tbl).add(catalog_tbl); } // FOR Table root = (this.table_ancestors.get(catalog_tbl).isEmpty() ? catalog_tbl : CollectionUtil.last(this.table_ancestors.get(catalog_tbl))); this.table_roots.put(catalog_tbl, root); // last_tbl = catalog_tbl; } // FOR } /** * Apply the partitioning plan to the given catalog * * @param catalog_db */ public void apply(Database catalog_db) { this.apply(catalog_db, true); } public void apply(Database catalog_db, boolean enableVerticalPartitions) { final boolean debug = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); if (debug) LOG.debug("Applying PartitionPlan to catalog"); Set<VerticalPartitionColumn> vp_cols = new HashSet<VerticalPartitionColumn>(); Collection<Table> tables = new HashSet<Table>(catalog_db.getTables()); for (Table catalog_tbl : tables) { if (catalog_tbl.getSystable()) continue; TableEntry pentry = this.table_entries.get(catalog_tbl); if (pentry != null) { if (debug) LOG.debug("Applying PartitionEntry to " + catalog_tbl.getName() + ": " + pentry); if (pentry.getMethod() == PartitionMethodType.REPLICATION) { catalog_tbl.setIsreplicated(true); catalog_tbl.setPartitioncolumn(ReplicatedColumn.get(catalog_tbl)); } else { Column catalog_col = (Column) pentry.getAttribute(); assert (catalog_col != null); if (catalog_col instanceof VerticalPartitionColumn && enableVerticalPartitions == false) { catalog_col = ((VerticalPartitionColumn) catalog_col).getHorizontalColumn(); } catalog_tbl.setPartitioncolumn(catalog_col); catalog_tbl.setIsreplicated(false); } if (catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn() instanceof VerticalPartitionColumn) { assert (enableVerticalPartitions) : "Unexpected " + catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn().fullName(); VerticalPartitionColumn vp_col = (VerticalPartitionColumn) catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn(); vp_cols.add(vp_col); } } else { if (debug) LOG.warn("Missing PartitionEntry for " + catalog_tbl); } } // FOR // Create optimized queries if (vp_cols.isEmpty() == false) { boolean clearCache = false; for (VerticalPartitionColumn vc : vp_cols) { boolean ret = VerticalPartitionerUtil.generateOptimizedQueries(catalog_db, vc); if (ret == false) { LOG.warn(String.format("Failed to generate optimized queries for %s\n%s", vc.getClass().getSimpleName(), vc)); } else { assert (vc.hasOptimizedQueries()) : vc; Statement catalog_stmt = CollectionUtil.first(vc.getOptimizedQueries()); assert (catalog_stmt != null); Procedure catalog_proc = catalog_stmt.getParent(); String stmtName = catalog_stmt.getName(); if (vc.isUpdateApplied() == false) vc.applyUpdate(); catalog_stmt = catalog_proc.getStatements().get(stmtName); AbstractPlanNode root = PlanNodeUtil.getRootPlanNodeForStatement(catalog_stmt, false); if (debug) LOG.debug(catalog_stmt.fullName() + "\n" + PlanNodeUtil.debug(root)); clearCache = true; } } // FOR if (clearCache) { CatalogUtil.clearCache(catalog_db); PlanNodeUtil.clearCache(); } } for (Procedure catalog_proc : catalog_db.getProcedures()) { ProcedureEntry pentry = this.proc_entries.get(catalog_proc); if (catalog_proc.getSystemproc() || pentry == null || catalog_proc.getParameters().size() == 0) continue; if (debug) LOG.debug("Applying PartitionEntry to " + catalog_proc.getName() + ": " + pentry); ProcParameter catalog_proc_param = null; switch (pentry.getMethod()) { case NONE: catalog_proc_param = NullProcParameter.singleton(catalog_proc); break; case RANDOM: catalog_proc_param = RandomProcParameter.singleton(catalog_proc); break; case HASH: catalog_proc_param = pentry.getAttribute(); break; default: assert (false) : "Unexpected PartitionMethodType for " + catalog_proc + ": " + pentry.getMethod(); } // SWITCH assert (catalog_proc_param != null) : "Null ProcParameter for " + catalog_proc; catalog_proc.setPartitionparameter(catalog_proc_param.getIndex()); Boolean single_partition = pentry.isSinglePartition(); if (single_partition != null) catalog_proc.setSinglepartition(single_partition); } // FOR } /** * Get the set of catalog items that differ between this PartitionPlan and * another PartitionPlan * * @param other * @return */ public Collection<CatalogType> getChangedEntries(PartitionPlan other) { Set<CatalogType> changed = new HashSet<CatalogType>(); changed.addAll(this.getChangedTableEntries(other)); changed.addAll(this.getChangedProcedureEntries(other)); return (changed); } public Collection<Table> getChangedTableEntries(PartitionPlan other) { Set<Table> changed = new HashSet<Table>(); for (Entry<Table, TableEntry> e : this.table_entries.entrySet()) { if (!other.table_entries.containsKey(e.getKey())) { changed.add(e.getKey()); } else { TableEntry pe0 = e.getValue(); TableEntry pe1 = other.table_entries.get(e.getKey()); if (!pe0.equals(pe1)) changed.add(e.getKey()); } } // FOR return (changed); } public Collection<Procedure> getChangedProcedureEntries(PartitionPlan other) { Set<Procedure> changed = new HashSet<Procedure>(); for (Entry<Procedure, ProcedureEntry> e : this.proc_entries.entrySet()) { if (!other.proc_entries.containsKey(e.getKey())) { changed.add(e.getKey()); } else { ProcedureEntry pe0 = e.getValue(); ProcedureEntry pe1 = other.proc_entries.get(e.getKey()); if (!pe0.equals(pe1)) changed.add(e.getKey()); } } // FOR return (changed); } /** * Return the root tables of this PartitionPlan * * @return */ public Collection<Table> getRoots() { Set<Table> roots = new HashSet<Table>(); for (Table catalog_tbl : this.table_entries.keySet()) { TableEntry entry = this.table_entries.get(catalog_tbl); if (entry.getParent() == null) roots.add(catalog_tbl); } // FOR return (roots); } /** * @param catalog_tbl * @return */ public Table getRoot(Table catalog_tbl) { return (this.table_roots.get(catalog_tbl)); } /** * Return the set of non-replicated roots for this PartitionPlan * * @return */ public Collection<Table> getNonReplicatedRoots() { Set<Table> roots = new HashSet<Table>(); for (Table catalog_tbl : this.table_entries.keySet()) { TableEntry entry = this.table_entries.get(catalog_tbl); if (entry.getParent() == null && entry.getMethod() != PartitionMethodType.REPLICATION) { roots.add(catalog_tbl); } } // FOR return (roots); } public Collection<Table> getAncestors(Table catalog_tbl) { return (this.table_ancestors.get(catalog_tbl)); } public Collection<Table> getDescendants(Table catalog_tbl) { return (this.table_descendants.get(catalog_tbl)); } /** * @param catalog_tbl * @return */ public Set<Table> getChildren(Table catalog_tbl) { // assert(this.table_children.containsKey(catalog_tbl)) : // "No entry for " + catalog_tbl; return (this.table_children.get(catalog_tbl)); } public Map<CatalogType, CatalogType> toMap() { HashMap<CatalogType, CatalogType> map = new HashMap<CatalogType, CatalogType>(); // TABLES for (Entry<Table, TableEntry> e : this.table_entries.entrySet()) { switch (e.getValue().getMethod()) { case REPLICATION: map.put(e.getKey(), ReplicatedColumn.get(e.getKey())); break; case HASH: case MAP: map.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAttribute()); break; default: assert (false) : "Unexpected " + e.getValue().getMethod(); } } // FOR // PROCEDURES for (Entry<Procedure, ProcedureEntry> e : this.proc_entries.entrySet()) { switch (e.getValue().getMethod()) { case NONE: map.put(e.getKey(), NullProcParameter.singleton(e.getKey())); break; case HASH: map.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAttribute()); break; default: assert (false) : "Unexpected " + e.getValue().getMethod(); } } // FOR return (map); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof PartitionPlan)) return (false); PartitionPlan other = (PartitionPlan) obj; return (this.proc_entries.equals(other.proc_entries) && this.table_entries.equals(other.table_entries)); } public String toString() { final int col_width = 30; final String format = "%-" + col_width + "s"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String labels[] = { "TABLE", "METHOD", "ATTRIBUTE", "MAPPING" }; for (String label : labels) { sb.append(String.format(format, label)); } String single_line = ""; String double_line = ""; for (int i = 0, cnt = col_width * labels.length; i < cnt; i++) { single_line += "-"; double_line += "="; } // FOR sb.append("\n").append(single_line).append("\n"); for (Table catalog_tbl : this.table_entries.keySet()) { TableEntry entry = this.table_entries.get(catalog_tbl); assert (entry != null) : "Null PartitionEntry: " + catalog_tbl; String mapping = (entry.getParent() != null ? CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(entry.getParentAttribute()) : "<none>"); sb.append(String.format(format, catalog_tbl.getName())).append(String.format(format, entry.getMethod())) .append(String.format(format, (entry.getAttribute() != null ? entry.getAttribute().getName() : "<none>"))).append(String.format(format, mapping)).append("\n"); } // FOR sb.append(double_line).append("\n"); labels = new String[] { "PROCEDURE", "METHOD", "ATTRIBUTE", "SINGLEPARTITION" }; for (String label : labels) { sb.append(String.format(format, label)); } sb.append("\n").append(single_line).append("\n"); for (Procedure catalog_proc : this.proc_entries.keySet()) { ProcedureEntry entry = this.proc_entries.get(catalog_proc); assert (entry != null) : "Null PartitionEntry: " + catalog_proc; sb.append(String.format(format, catalog_proc.getName())).append(String.format(format, entry.getMethod())) .append(String.format(format, (entry.getAttribute() != null ? entry.getAttribute().getName() : "<none>"))).append(String.format(format, entry.isSinglePartition())).append("\n"); } // FOR return (sb.toString()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // STATIC GENERATION METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static PartitionPlan createFromMap(Map<? extends CatalogType, ? extends CatalogType> pplan_map) { return (createFromMap(new PartitionPlan(), pplan_map)); } public static PartitionPlan createFromMap(final PartitionPlan pplan, Map<? extends CatalogType, ? extends CatalogType> pplan_map) { assert (pplan_map.isEmpty() == false) : "PartitionPlan map is empty!"; Database catalog_db = null; for (Entry<? extends CatalogType, ? extends CatalogType> e : pplan_map.entrySet()) { PartitionMethodType method = null; if (e.getValue() != null) assert (e.getKey().equals(e.getValue().getParent())) : e; // Table Partitioning if (e.getKey() instanceof Table) { Table catalog_tbl = (Table) e.getKey(); Column catalog_col = (Column) e.getValue(); Column attribute = null; if (catalog_col instanceof ReplicatedColumn) { method = PartitionMethodType.REPLICATION; } else { method = PartitionMethodType.HASH; attribute = catalog_col; assert (catalog_col != null) : "Unexcept Null Partitioning Column: " + catalog_tbl.getName(); assert (catalog_col.getParent().equals(e.getKey())) : "Parent mismatch: " + catalog_col.getParent() + " != " + e.getKey(); } TableEntry pentry = new TableEntry(method, attribute, null, null); try { pplan.addTablePartitionEntry(catalog_tbl, pentry); } catch (AssertionError ex) { LOG.fatal("FAILED: " + e); throw ex; } // Procedure Partitioning } else if (e.getKey() instanceof Procedure) { Procedure catalog_proc = (Procedure) e.getKey(); ProcParameter catalog_proc_param = (ProcParameter) e.getValue(); boolean single_partition = true; ProcParameter attribute = null; if (catalog_proc.getSystemproc()) { continue; } else if (catalog_proc_param instanceof NullProcParameter || catalog_proc_param == null || catalog_proc.getParameters().size() == 0) { method = PartitionMethodType.NONE; single_partition = false; // attribute = // NullProcParameter.getNullProcParameter(catalog_proc); } else { method = PartitionMethodType.HASH; attribute = catalog_proc_param; single_partition = catalog_proc.getSinglepartition(); assert (catalog_proc_param != null) : "Unexcept Null ProcParameter: " + catalog_proc; assert (catalog_proc_param.getParent().equals(e.getKey())) : "Parent mismatch: " + catalog_proc_param.getParent() + " != " + e.getKey(); } ProcedureEntry pentry = new ProcedureEntry(method, attribute, single_partition); try { pplan.addProcedurePartitionEntry(catalog_proc, pentry); } catch (AssertionError ex) { LOG.fatal("FAILED: " + e); throw ex; } // Unknown! } else { assert (false) : "Unexpected CatalogType: " + e.getKey(); } catalog_db = CatalogUtil.getDatabase(e.getKey()); } // Then go back and try to resolve foreign key relations for tables for (TableEntry pentry : pplan.getTableEntries().values()) { if (pentry.isReplicated()) continue; assert (pentry != null); // Check whether it is partitioned on a foreign key attribute that // has a parent // who is not replicate Column partition_col = pentry.getAttribute(); Column parent_col = CatalogUtil.getForeignKeyParent(partition_col); if (parent_col != null) { pentry.setMethod(PartitionMethodType.MAP); pentry.setParent((Table) parent_col.getParent()); pentry.setParentAttribute(parent_col); } } // FOR assert (catalog_db != null); // Construct a partition tree from ourselves and then populate the // dependency relationships // PartitionTree ptree = PartitionPlanTreeGenerator.generate(catalog_db, // pplan); // pplan.setPartitionTree(ptree); pplan.initializeDependencies(); return (pplan); } /** * Create a partitioning plan object from a catalog * * @param catalog_db * @return */ public static PartitionPlan createFromCatalog(Database catalog_db) { return (createFromCatalog(catalog_db, null)); } public static PartitionPlan createFromCatalog(Database catalog_db, DesignerHints hints) { final Map<CatalogType, CatalogType> pplan_map = new HashMap<CatalogType, CatalogType>(); // Table Partitioning for (Table catalog_tbl : catalog_db.getTables()) { if (catalog_tbl.getSystable()) continue; if (catalog_tbl.getIsreplicated()) { pplan_map.put(catalog_tbl, ReplicatedColumn.get(catalog_tbl)); } else { Column partition_col = catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn(); pplan_map.put(catalog_tbl, partition_col); } } // FOR // Procedure Partitioning for (Procedure catalog_proc : catalog_db.getProcedures()) { if (PartitionerUtil.shouldIgnoreProcedure(hints, catalog_proc)) { continue; } else if (catalog_proc.getPartitionparameter() == NullProcParameter.PARAM_IDX) { pplan_map.put(catalog_proc, NullProcParameter.singleton(catalog_proc)); } else { int param_idx = catalog_proc.getPartitionparameter(); assert (param_idx >= 0); ProcParameter catalog_proc_param = catalog_proc.getParameters().get(param_idx); assert (catalog_proc_param != null) : "Null ProcParameter for " + catalog_proc.getName() + ": Idx #" + param_idx; pplan_map.put(catalog_proc, catalog_proc_param); } } return (PartitionPlan.createFromMap(pplan_map)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SERIALIZATION METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void load(File input_path, Database catalog_db) throws IOException { JSONUtil.load(this, catalog_db, input_path); } @Override public void save(File output_path) throws IOException {, output_path); } @Override public String toJSONString() { return (JSONUtil.toJSONString(this)); } @Override public void toJSON(JSONStringer stringer) throws JSONException { JSONUtil.fieldsToJSON(stringer, this, PartitionPlan.class, PartitionPlan.Members.values()); } @Override public void fromJSON(JSONObject json_object, Database catalog_db) throws JSONException { JSONUtil.fieldsFromJSON(json_object, catalog_db, this, PartitionPlan.class, PartitionPlan.Members.values()); this.initializeDependencies(); } }