package edu.brown.hstore.conf; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.voltdb.ProcInfo; import edu.brown.hstore.conf.HStoreConf.Conf; import edu.brown.utils.ArgumentsParser; import edu.brown.utils.FileUtil; import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil; /** * Utility code for HStoreConf * @author pavlo */ public abstract class HStoreConfUtil { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HStoreConfUtil.class); public static final String groups[] = { "global", "client", "site" }; public static final String navigationLink = "[previous] [next]"; private static final Pattern REGEX_URL = Pattern.compile("(http[s]?://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|])"); private static final String REGEX_URL_REPLACE = "<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>"; private static final Pattern REGEX_CONFIG = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{([\\w]+)\\.([\\w\\_]+)\\}"); private static final String REGEX_CONFIG_REPLACE = "<a href=\"/documentation/configuration/properties-file/$1#$2\" class=\"property\">$1.$2</a>"; private static final Pattern REGEX_SYSPROC = Pattern.compile("\\@([A-Z][\\w]+)"); private static final String REGEX_SYSPROC_REPLACE = "<a href=\"/documentation/system-procedures/%s\" class=\"sysproc\">@%s</a>"; private static final String NO_PREFIX_MARKER = "*NONE*"; private static final Map<String, String> PREFIX_LABELS = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { // If the parameter doesn't have a prefix, then it will get this one PREFIX_LABELS.put(NO_PREFIX_MARKER, "System & Environment"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("exec", "Execution"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("cpu", "CPU Affinity"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("specexec", "Speculative Execution"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("commandlog", "Command Logging"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("anticache", "Anti-Caching"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("mr", "MapReduce"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("network", "Network"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("txn", "Transaction"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("queue", "Workload Queue"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("mappings", "Parameter Mappings"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("markov", "Transaction Prediction Models"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("planner", "Runtime SQL Batch Planner"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("coordinator", "Cluster Coordinator"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("trace", "Workload Traces"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("status", "Site Debug Status"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("pool", "Object Pools"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("log", "Debug Logging"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("codespeed", "Codespeed API"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("output", "Benchmark Output Control"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("storage", "Internal Storage"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("aries", "ARIES-based Recovery"); PREFIX_LABELS.put("snapshot", "Snapshot Checkpoints"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HTML OUTPUT METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String makeIndexHTML(HStoreConf conf, String group) { final Conf handle = conf.getHandles().get(group); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(String.format("<h2>%s Parameters</h2>\n<ul>\n", StringUtil.title(group))); for (Entry<Field, ConfigProperty> e : handle.getConfigProperties().entrySet()) { Field f = e.getKey(); String entry = REGEX_CONFIG_REPLACE.replace("$1", group).replace("$2", f.getName()).replace("\\$", "$"); sb.append(" <li> ").append(entry).append("\n"); } // FOR sb.append("</ul>\n\n"); return (sb.toString()); } public static String makeHTML(HStoreConf conf, String group) { final Conf handle = conf.getHandles().get(group); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("\n"); final Map<Field, ConfigProperty> props = handle.getConfigProperties(); // Parameters: // (1) Row Type Name // (2) Row Key // (3) Row Value final String htmlRow = "<tr><td class=\"prop-%s\">%s:</td><td><tt>%s</tt></td>\n"; // Parameters: // (1) parameter // (2) parameter // (3) experimental // (4) default value // (5) description final String template = "<a name=\"@@PROP@@\"></a>\n" + "<li><tt class=\"property\">@@PROPFULL@@</tt>@@EXP@@ @@DEPRECATED@@\n" + "<table>\n" + String.format(htmlRow, "default", "Default", "@@DEFAULT@@") + String.format(htmlRow, "type", "Permitted Tye", "@@TYPE@@") + "@@VALUES_FULL@@" + "@@DEPRECATED_FULL@@" + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">@@DESC@@</td></tr>\n" + "</table></li>\n\n"; // Configuraiton Section Header final String sectStart = "<ul class=\"property-list\">\n\n"; final Pattern sectSplitter = Pattern.compile("_"); // First split the fields based on their section names. // We will use a special marker to indicate that the field does not belong // to any section. We want that section to always come first. Map<String, List<Field>> sectFields = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Field>>(); sectFields.put(NO_PREFIX_MARKER, new ArrayList<Field>()); for (Field f : props.keySet()) { String prefix = sectSplitter.split(f.getName(), 2)[0]; if (PREFIX_LABELS.containsKey(prefix) == false) { sectFields.get(NO_PREFIX_MARKER).add(f); } else { if (sectFields.containsKey(prefix) == false) { sectFields.put(prefix, new ArrayList<Field>()); } sectFields.get(prefix).add(f); } } // FOR Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String sectPrefix : sectFields.keySet()) { String sectName = String.format("%s Parameters", PREFIX_LABELS.get(sectPrefix)); // Wordpress adds extra <p> with this // sb.append(String.format("\n<!-- %s -->", sectName.toUpperCase())); if (sectPrefix != NO_PREFIX_MARKER) { sb.append(String.format("<a name=\"%s\"></a>", sectPrefix)); } sb.append(String.format("<h2 class=\"property-list\">%s</h2>\n", sectName)); sb.append(sectStart); for (Field f : sectFields.get(sectPrefix)) { ConfigProperty cp = props.get(f); values.clear(); // PROP values.put("PROP", f.getName()); values.put("PROPFULL", String.format("%s.%s", group, f.getName())); // DEFAULT Object defaultValue = conf.getDefaultValue(f, cp); if (defaultValue != null) { String value = defaultValue.toString(); Matcher m = REGEX_CONFIG.matcher(value); if (m.find()) value = m.replaceAll(REGEX_CONFIG_REPLACE); defaultValue = value; } values.put("DEFAULT", (defaultValue != null ? defaultValue.toString() : "null")); // TYPE values.put("TYPE", f.getType().getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); // EXPERIMENTAL values.put("EXP", ""); if (cp.experimental()) { values.put("EXP", " <b class=\"experimental\">Experimental</b>"); } // PERMITED VALUES (for Enums) values.put("VALUES_FULL", ""); if (cp.enumOptions() != null && !cp.enumOptions().isEmpty()) { Enum<?> permitted[] = conf.getEnumOptions(f, cp); values.put("VALUES_FULL", String.format(htmlRow, "values", "Permitted Values", Arrays.toString(permitted)) + String.format(htmlRow, "values", "See Also", cp.enumOptions()) ); } // DEPRECATED values.put("DEPRECATED", ""); values.put("DEPRECATED_FULL", ""); if (cp.replacedBy() != null && !cp.replacedBy().isEmpty()) { String replacedBy = "${" + cp.replacedBy() + "}"; Matcher m = REGEX_CONFIG.matcher(replacedBy); if (m.find()) replacedBy = m.replaceAll(REGEX_CONFIG_REPLACE); values.put("DEPRECATED", " <b class=\"deprecated\">Deprecated</b>"); values.put("DEPRECATED_FULL", String.format(htmlRow, "replaced", "Replaced By", replacedBy)); } // DESC String desc = cp.description(); // Create links to remote sites Matcher m = REGEX_URL.matcher(desc); if (m.find()) desc = m.replaceAll(REGEX_URL_REPLACE); // Create links to other parameters m = REGEX_CONFIG.matcher(desc); if (m.find()) desc = m.replaceAll(REGEX_CONFIG_REPLACE); // Create links to sysprocs m = REGEX_SYSPROC.matcher(desc); if (m.find()) { String sysproc =; // Skip @ProcInfo if (sysproc.equalsIgnoreCase(ProcInfo.class.getSimpleName()) == false) { String replace = String.format(REGEX_SYSPROC_REPLACE, sysproc.toLowerCase(), sysproc); desc = m.replaceAll(replace); } } values.put("DESC", desc); // CREATE HTML FROM TEMPLATE String copy = template; for (String key : values.keySet()) { copy = copy.replace("@@" + key.toUpperCase() + "@@", values.get(key)); } sb.append(copy); } // FOR sb.append("</ul>"); } // SECTION return (sb.toString().trim()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BUILD COMMON OUTPUT METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String makeBuildCommonHeader() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<!-- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -->\n"); sb.append("<!-- See the documentation page on how to add new HStoreConf parameters -->\n"); sb.append("<!-- -->\n\n"); return (sb.toString()); } public static String makeBuildCommonXML(HStoreConf conf, String group) { final Conf handle = conf.getHandles().get(group); assert(handle != null); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<!-- " + group.toUpperCase() + " -->\n"); for (Entry<Field, ConfigProperty> e : handle.getConfigProperties().entrySet()) { Field f = e.getKey(); ConfigProperty cp = e.getValue(); if (cp.experimental()) { } String propName = String.format("%s.%s", group, f.getName()); sb.append(String.format("<arg value=\"%s=${%s}\" />\n", propName, propName)); } // FOR sb.append("\n"); return (sb.toString()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FILE OUTPUT METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String makeDefaultConfig(HStoreConf conf) { return (makeConfig(conf, false)); } public static String makeConfig(HStoreConf conf, boolean experimental) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String group : conf.getHandles().keySet()) { Conf handle = conf.getHandles().get(group); sb.append("## ").append(StringUtil.repeat("-", 100)).append("\n") .append("## ").append(StringUtil.title(group)).append(" Parameters\n") .append("## ").append(StringUtil.repeat("-", 100)).append("\n\n"); for (Entry<Field, ConfigProperty> e : handle.getConfigProperties().entrySet()) { Field f = e.getKey(); ConfigProperty cp = e.getValue(); if (cp.experimental() && experimental == false) continue; String key = String.format("%s.%s", group, f.getName()); Object val = null; try { val = f.get(handle); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get " + key, ex); } if (val instanceof String) { String str = (String)val; if (str.startsWith( { val = str.replace(, "${global.temp_dir}"); } else if (str.equals( { val = str.replace(, "${global.defaulthost}"); } } sb.append(String.format("%-50s= %s\n", key, val)); } // FOR sb.append("\n"); } // FOR return (sb.toString()); } public static void main(String[] vargs) throws Exception { ArgumentsParser args = ArgumentsParser.load(vargs); // Default HStoreConf HStoreConf hstore_conf = HStoreConf.singleton(true); // Build Common File file = new File(args.getOptParam(0)); assert(file.exists()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(makeBuildCommonHeader()); for (String group : groups) { sb.append(makeBuildCommonXML(hstore_conf, group)); } // FOR FileUtil.writeStringToFile(file, sb.toString());"Updated " + file); // Conf Index file = new File("conf-index.html"); String contents = navigationLink + "\n\n"; for (String prefix : groups) { contents += makeIndexHTML(hstore_conf, prefix); } // FOR contents += "\n" + navigationLink; FileUtil.writeStringToFile(file, contents);"Updated " + file); // Group Conf Listings for (String prefix : groups) { file = new File("conf-" + prefix + ".html"); contents = navigationLink + "\n" + makeHTML(hstore_conf, prefix) + "\n\n" + navigationLink; FileUtil.writeStringToFile(file, contents);"Updated " + file); } // FOR } }