package edu.brown.markov; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.voltdb.VoltProcedure; import org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.procedures.neworder; import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure; import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement; import edu.brown.BaseTestCase; import edu.brown.mappings.ParameterMappingsSet; import edu.brown.markov.MarkovVertex.Type; import edu.brown.markov.containers.MarkovGraphsContainerUtil; import edu.brown.markov.containers.MarkovGraphsContainer; import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil; import edu.brown.utils.MathUtil; import edu.brown.utils.PartitionSet; import edu.brown.utils.ProjectType; import edu.brown.workload.Workload; import edu.brown.workload.filters.BasePartitionTxnFilter; import edu.brown.workload.filters.Filter; import edu.brown.workload.filters.ProcedureLimitFilter; import edu.brown.workload.filters.ProcedureNameFilter; public class TestMarkovGraph extends BaseTestCase { private static final Class<? extends VoltProcedure> TARGET_PROCEDURE = neworder.class; private static final int WORKLOAD_XACT_LIMIT = 1000; private static final int BASE_PARTITION = 1; private static final int NUM_PARTITIONS = 20; private static Workload workload; private static MarkovGraphsContainer markovs; private static ParameterMappingsSet correlations; private Procedure catalog_proc; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(ProjectType.TPCC); this.addPartitions(NUM_PARTITIONS); this.catalog_proc = this.getProcedure(TARGET_PROCEDURE); if (markovs == null) { File file = this.getParameterMappingsFile(ProjectType.TPCC); correlations = new ParameterMappingsSet(); correlations.load(file, catalogContext.database); file = this.getWorkloadFile(ProjectType.TPCC); workload = new Workload(catalogContext.catalog); // Check out this beauty: // (1) Filter by procedure name // (2) Filter on partitions that start on our BASE_PARTITION // (3) Filter to only include multi-partition txns // (4) Another limit to stop after allowing ### txns // Where is your god now??? Filter filter = new ProcedureNameFilter(false).include(TARGET_PROCEDURE.getSimpleName()); filter.attach(new BasePartitionTxnFilter(p_estimator, BASE_PARTITION)) // .attach(new MultiPartitionTxnFilter(p_estimator)) .attach(new ProcedureLimitFilter(WORKLOAD_XACT_LIMIT)); workload.load(file, catalogContext.database, filter); // assertEquals(WORKLOAD_XACT_LIMIT, workload.getTransactionCount()); // for (TransactionTrace xact : workload.getTransactions()) { // System.err.println(xact + ": " + p_estimator.getAllPartitions(xact)); // } // Generate MarkovGraphs markovs = MarkovGraphsContainerUtil.createBasePartitionMarkovGraphsContainer(catalogContext, workload, p_estimator); assertNotNull(markovs); assertEquals(1, markovs.size()); } } private void validateProbabilities(MarkovVertex v) { // assertNotNull(v.toString(), v.getSinglePartitionProbability()); // assert (v.getSinglePartitionProbability() >= 0.0) : "Invalid SingleSited for " + v + ": " // + v.getSinglePartitionProbability(); // assert (v.getSinglePartitionProbability() <= 1.0) : "Invalid SingleSited for " + v + ": " // + v.getSinglePartitionProbability(); assertNotNull(v.toString(), v.getAbortProbability()); assert (v.getAbortProbability() >= 0.0) : "Invalid Abort for " + v + ": " + v.getAbortProbability(); assert (v.getAbortProbability() <= 1.0) : "Invalid Abort for " + v + ": " + v.getAbortProbability(); for (int partition = 0; partition < NUM_PARTITIONS; partition++) { final float done = v.getDoneProbability(partition); final float write = v.getWriteProbability(partition); // final float read_only = v.getReadOnlyProbability(partition); Map<MarkovVertex.Probability, Float> probabilities = new HashMap<MarkovVertex.Probability, Float>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { this.put(MarkovVertex.Probability.DONE, done); this.put(MarkovVertex.Probability.WRITE, write); // this.put(MarkovVertex.Probability.READ_ONLY, read_only); } }; for (Entry<MarkovVertex.Probability, Float> e : probabilities.entrySet()) { assertNotNull("Null " + e.getKey() + " => " + v.toString() + " Partition #" + partition, e.getValue()); assert (e.getValue() >= 0.0) : "Invalid " + e.getKey() + " for " + v + " at Partition #" + partition + ": " + e.getValue(); if (e.getValue() > 1) { System.err.println(v.debug()); } assert(MathUtil.lessThanEquals(e.getValue(), 1.0f, MarkovGraph.PROBABILITY_EPSILON)) : "Invalid " + e.getKey() + " for " + v + " at Partition #" + partition + ": " + e.getValue(); } // FOR // If the DONE probability is 1.0, then the probability that we read/write at // a partition must be zero if (MathUtil.equals(1.0, done, 0.0001)) { assertEquals(v + " Partition #" + partition, 0.0f, write, MarkovGraph.PROBABILITY_EPSILON); // assertEquals(v + " Partition #" + partition, 1.0f, read_only, MarkovGraph.PROBABILITY_EPSILON); // Otherwise, we should at least be reading or writing at this partition with some probability } else { double sum = write; // + read_only; if (sum == 0) { System.err.println("DONE at Partition #" + partition + " => " + done + " -- " + v.probabilities[MarkovVertex.Probability.DONE.ordinal()][partition]); System.err.println(v.debug()); } assert (sum > 0) : v + " Partition #" + partition + " [" + sum + "]"; } } // FOR // If this vertex touches a partition that is not the same as the BASE_PARTITION, then // SINGLE_SITED probability should be zero! if (v.getType() == Type.QUERY && (v.getPartitions().size() > 1 || v.getPartitions().contains(BASE_PARTITION) == false)) { // assertEquals(v.toString(), 0.0f, v.getSinglePartitionProbability(), MarkovGraph.PROBABILITY_EPSILON); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TEST METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * testCalculateProbabilities */ @Test public void testCalculateProbabilities() throws Exception { MarkovGraph markov = markovs.get(BASE_PARTITION, this.catalog_proc); assertNotNull(markov); // We want to check that the read/write/finish probabilities are properly set MarkovVertex start = markov.getStartVertex(); MarkovVertex commit = markov.getCommitVertex(); assertNotNull(start); assertNotNull(commit); // System.err.println(start.debug()); // System.err.println("Single-Sited: " + start.getSingleSitedProbability()); // System.err.println("Abort: " + start.getAbortProbability()); // MarkovUtil.exportGraphviz(markov, true, null).writeToTempFile(catalog_proc); for (MarkovVertex v : markov.getVertices()) { validateProbabilities(v); } // // Double-check that all of the vertices adjacent to the COMMIT vertex have their DONE // // probability set to 1.0 if they don't touch the partition. And if they have only one // // partition then it should be single-partitioned // for (MarkovVertex v : markov.getPredecessors(commit)) { // Collection<Integer> partitions = v.getPartitions(); // assertFalse(v.toString(), partitions.isEmpty()); // // // MULTI-PARTITION // if (partitions.size() > 1) { //// assertEquals(v.toString(), 0.0f, v.getSinglePartitionProbability()); // } // // for (int partition = 0; partition < NUM_PARTITIONS; partition++) { // String debug = "PARTITION:"+partition+"\n"+v.debug(); // if (partitions.contains(partition)) { // assertTrue(debug, v.getDoneProbability(partition) < 1.0f); // // We can only do this check if the vertex does not have edges to another vertex // } else if (markov.getSuccessorCount(v) == 1) { // assertEquals(debug, 1.0f, v.getDoneProbability(partition), 0.001); // } // } // FOR // } // FOR } /** * testAddToEdge */ @Test public void testAddToEdge() throws Exception { MarkovGraph testGraph = new MarkovGraph(this.catalog_proc); testGraph.initialize(); MarkovVertex start = testGraph.getStartVertex(); MarkovVertex stop = testGraph.getCommitVertex(); Statement catalog_stmt = CollectionUtil.first(this.catalog_proc.getStatements()); PartitionSet all_previous = new PartitionSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { PartitionSet partitions = new PartitionSet(); partitions.add(i % NUM_PARTITIONS); PartitionSet previous = new PartitionSet(all_previous); MarkovVertex current = new MarkovVertex(catalog_stmt, MarkovVertex.Type.QUERY, i, partitions, previous); testGraph.addVertex(current); long startcount = start.getInstanceHits(); testGraph.addToEdge(start, current); MarkovEdge e = testGraph.addToEdge(current, stop); start.incrementInstanceHits(); current.incrementInstanceHits(); e.incrementInstanceHits(); assertEquals(startcount + 1, start.getInstanceHits()); assertEquals(1, current.getInstanceHits()); all_previous.addAll(partitions); } testGraph.calculateProbabilities(catalogContext.getAllPartitionIds()); // if (testGraph.isValid() == false) { // System.err.println("FAILED: " + MarkovUtil.exportGraphviz(testGraph, true, null).writeToTempFile()); // } testGraph.validate(); } /** * testGraphSerialization */ public void testGraphSerialization() throws Exception { Statement catalog_stmt = this.getStatement(catalog_proc, "getWarehouseTaxRate"); MarkovGraph graph = new MarkovGraph(catalog_proc); graph.initialize(); MarkovVertex v0 = graph.getStartVertex(); MarkovVertex v1 = new MarkovVertex(catalog_stmt, MarkovVertex.Type.QUERY, 0, PartitionSet.singleton(BASE_PARTITION),PartitionSet.singleton(BASE_PARTITION)); MarkovVertex v2 = new MarkovVertex(catalog_stmt, MarkovVertex.Type.QUERY, 1, PartitionSet.singleton(BASE_PARTITION),PartitionSet.singleton(BASE_PARTITION)); MarkovVertex last = null; for (MarkovVertex v : new MarkovVertex[]{v0, v1, v2, graph.getCommitVertex(), null}) { if (v == null) break; if (v.isQueryVertex()) graph.addVertex(v); v.incrementInstanceHits(); if (last != null) { graph.addToEdge(last, v).incrementInstanceHits(); } last = v; } // FOR graph.setTransactionCount(1); graph.calculateProbabilities(catalogContext.getAllPartitionIds()); String json = graph.toJSONString(); assertNotNull(json); assertFalse(json.isEmpty()); JSONObject json_object = new JSONObject(json); assertNotNull(json_object); // System.err.println(json_object.toString(1)); MarkovGraph clone = new MarkovGraph(catalog_proc); clone.fromJSON(json_object, catalogContext.database); // assertEquals(graph.getBasePartition(), clone.getBasePartition()); assertEquals(graph.getEdgeCount(), clone.getEdgeCount()); assertEquals(graph.getVertexCount(), clone.getVertexCount()); // It's lame, but we'll just have to use toString() to match things up Map<String, Set<String>> edges = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); for (MarkovEdge e : graph.getEdges()) { v0 = graph.getSource(e); assertNotNull(v0); String s0 = v0.toString(); v1 = graph.getDest(e); assertNotNull(v1); String s1 = v1.toString(); if (!edges.containsKey(s0)) edges.put(s0, new HashSet<String>()); edges.get(s0).add(s1); System.err.println(v0 + " -> " + v1); } // FOR System.err.println("--------------"); for (MarkovEdge e : clone.getEdges()) { v0 = clone.getSource(e); assertNotNull(v0); String s0 = v0.toString(); v1 = clone.getDest(e); assertNotNull(v1); String s1 = v1.toString(); System.err.println(v0 + " -> " + v1); assert(edges.containsKey(s0)) : edges; assert(edges.get(s0).contains(s1)) : "Invalid edge: " + s0 + " -> " + s1; edges.get(s0).remove(s1); } // FOR for (String s0 : edges.keySet()) { assert(edges.get(s0).isEmpty()) : "Missing edges: " + edges.get(s0); } // FOR } }