package edu.brown.markov; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import; import org.apache.commons.collections15.set.ListOrderedSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONStringer; import org.voltdb.VoltType; import org.voltdb.catalog.Database; import org.voltdb.utils.VoltTypeUtil; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.FastVector; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean; import edu.brown.markov.features.AbstractFeature; import edu.brown.markov.features.BasePartitionFeature; import edu.brown.markov.features.FeatureUtil; import edu.brown.markov.features.TransactionIdFeature; import edu.brown.statistics.HistogramUtil; import edu.brown.statistics.ObjectHistogram; import edu.brown.utils.ClassUtil; import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil; import edu.brown.utils.JSONSerializable; import edu.brown.utils.JSONUtil; import edu.brown.workload.TransactionTrace; public class FeatureSet implements JSONSerializable { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FeatureSet.class); private final static LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean(); private final static LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean(); static { LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace); } public enum Members { TXN_VALUES, ATTRIBUTES, LAST_NUM_ATTRIBUTES, ATTRIBUTE_HISTOGRAMS, ATTRIBUTE_TYPES, } public enum Type { NUMERIC, STRING, RANGE, BOOLEAN, } /** * The row values for each txn record */ public final Map<Long, Vector<Object>> txn_values = new ListOrderedMap<Long, Vector<Object>>(); /** * The list of attributes that each txn should have */ public final ListOrderedMap<String, Type> attributes = new ListOrderedMap<String, Type>(); public int last_num_attributes = 0; /** * Attribute Value Histograms */ public final Map<String, ObjectHistogram> attribute_histograms = new HashMap<String, ObjectHistogram>(); /** * */ public final Map<String, VoltType> attribute_types = new HashMap<String, VoltType>(); /** * Constructor */ public FeatureSet() { // Nothing for now... } /** * Total number of attributes stored in this FeatureSet */ public int getAttributeCount() { return (this.attributes.size()); } /** * Total number of transactions that we have extracted features for */ public int getTransactionCount() { return (this.txn_values.size()); } public List<String> getFeatures() { return (this.attributes.asList()); } public Type getFeatureType(String key) { return (this.attributes.get(key)); } public void addFeature(TransactionTrace txn, String key, Object val) { this.addFeature(txn, key, val, null); } /** * Returns true if the given key has been included in the set of attributes * @param key * @return */ public boolean hasFeature(String key) { return (this.attributes.containsKey(key)); } /** * Return the index in the list of attributes for the given key * @param key * @return */ public Integer getFeatureIndex(String key) { int idx = this.attributes.indexOf(key); return (idx != -1 ? idx : null); } /** * Return the indexes of all the features for the given prefix * @param feature_class * @return */ public Set<Integer> getFeatureIndexes(Class<? extends AbstractFeature> feature_class) { Set<Integer> ret = new HashSet<Integer>(); String prefix = FeatureUtil.getFeatureKeyPrefix(feature_class); for (int i = 0, cnt = this.attributes.size(); i < cnt; i++) { String key = this.attributes.get(i); if (key.startsWith(prefix)) ret.add(i); } // FOR return (ret); } public List<Object> getFeatureValues(Long txn_id) { return (this.txn_values.get(txn_id)); } public List<Object> getFeatureValues(TransactionTrace txn_trace) { return (this.getFeatureValues(txn_trace.getTransactionId())); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T getFeatureValue(Long txn_id, String key) { int idx = this.attributes.indexOf(key); return ((T)this.txn_values.get(txn_id).get(idx)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T getFeatureValue(TransactionTrace txn_trace, String key) { return ((T)this.getFeatureValue(txn_trace.getTransactionId(), key)); } /** * * @param txn * @param key * @param val * @param type */ public synchronized void addFeature(TransactionTrace txn, String key, Object val, Type type) { long txn_id = txn.getTransactionId(); // Add the attribute if it's new if (!this.attributes.containsKey(key)) { // Figure out what type it is if (type == null) { Class<?> valClass = val.getClass(); if (valClass.equals(Boolean.class) || valClass.equals(boolean.class)) { type = Type.BOOLEAN; } else if (ClassUtil.getSuperClasses(valClass).contains(Number.class)) { type = Type.NUMERIC; } else if (val instanceof String) { type = Type.STRING; } else { type = Type.RANGE; } } if (debug.val) LOG.debug("Adding new attribute " + key + " [" + type + "]"); this.attributes.put(key, type); this.attribute_histograms.put(key, new ObjectHistogram()); this.attribute_types.put(key, VoltType.NULL); } // HACK if (val != null && (val.getClass().equals(int.class) || val.getClass().equals(Integer.class))) { val = new Long((Integer)val); } // Always store the values in a histogram so we can normalize them later on try { this.attribute_histograms.get(key).put(val); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("\n" + this.attribute_histograms.get(key)); LOG.error("Invalid value '" + val + "' for attribute '" + key + "'", ex); System.exit(1); } // Now add the values into this txn's feature vector int idx = this.attributes.indexOf(key); int num_attributes = this.attributes.size(); Vector<Object> values = this.txn_values.get(txn_id); if (values == null) { if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Creating new feature vector for " + txn_id); values = new Vector<Object>(num_attributes); values.setSize(num_attributes); this.txn_values.put(txn_id, values); } if (num_attributes != this.last_num_attributes) { assert(num_attributes > this.last_num_attributes); for (Vector<Object> v : this.txn_values.values()) { v.setSize(num_attributes); } // FOR this.last_num_attributes = num_attributes; if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Increased FeatureSet size to " + this.last_num_attributes + " attributes"); } this.txn_values.get(txn_id).set(idx, val); if (val != null && this.attribute_types.get(key) == VoltType.NULL) { this.attribute_types.put(key, VoltType.typeFromClass(val.getClass())); } if (trace.val) LOG.trace(txn_id + ": " + key + " => " + val); } /** * Export the FeatureSet to a Weka Instances * @param name * @return */ public Instances export(String name) { return (this.export(name, false, this.attributes.keySet())); } public Instances export(String name, boolean normalize) { return (this.export(name, normalize, this.attributes.keySet())); } /** * Export this FeatureSet to a Weka Instances data set * @param name * @param normalize * @param prefix_include * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Instances export(String name, boolean normalize, Collection<String> prefix_include) { // Figure out what attributes we want to export Set<String> export_attrs = new ListOrderedSet<String>(); for (String key : this.attributes.keySet()) { boolean include = false; for (String prefix : prefix_include) { if (key.startsWith(prefix)) { include = true; break; } } // FOR if (include) export_attrs.add(key); } // FOR if (debug.val) LOG.debug("# of Attributes to Export: " + export_attrs.size()); List<Map<Object, Double>> normalized_values = null; Set<String> normalize_ignore = new HashSet<String>(); if (normalize) { normalize_ignore.add(FeatureUtil.getFeatureKeyPrefix(TransactionIdFeature.class)); normalize_ignore.add(FeatureUtil.getFeatureKeyPrefix(BasePartitionFeature.class)); if (debug.val) LOG.debug("Normalizing values!"); normalized_values = new ArrayList<Map<Object,Double>>(); for (String key : export_attrs) { if (normalize_ignore.contains(key) == false) { normalized_values.add(HistogramUtil.normalize(this.attribute_histograms.get(key))); } else { normalized_values.add(null); } } // FOR } // Attributes FastVector attrs = new FastVector(); for (String key : export_attrs) { Type type = this.attributes.get(key); Attribute a = null; boolean normalize_attr = (normalize && normalize_ignore.contains(key) == false); // Normalized values will always just be numeric if (normalize_attr) { a = new Attribute(key); // Otherwise we can play games with ranges and strings } else { switch (type) { case RANGE: case BOOLEAN: { FastVector range_values = new FastVector(); for (Object v : this.attribute_histograms.get(key).values()) { range_values.addElement(v.toString()); } // FOR a = new Attribute(key, range_values); break; } case STRING: a = new Attribute(key, (FastVector)null); break; default: a = new Attribute(key); } // SWITCH } attrs.addElement(a); } // FOR assert(attrs.size() == export_attrs.size()); Instances data = new Instances(name, attrs, 0); // Instance Values for (Vector<Object> values : this.txn_values.values()) { double instance[] = new double[data.numAttributes()]; int i = 0; for (String key : export_attrs) { int attr_idx = this.attributes.indexOf(key); Object value = values.get(attr_idx); Type type = this.attributes.getValue(attr_idx); boolean normalize_attr = (normalize && normalize_ignore.contains(key) == false); // Null => Missing Value Placeholder if (value == null) { instance[i] = Instance.missingValue(); // Normalized } else if (normalize_attr) { assert(normalized_values != null); try { instance[i] = normalized_values.get(i).get(value); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(normalized_values.get(i)); LOG.fatal("Failed to get normalized value '" + value + "' for Attribute '" + key + "'"); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } // Actual Values } else { switch (type) { case NUMERIC: instance[i] = ((Number)value).doubleValue(); break; case STRING: instance[i] = data.attribute(i).addStringValue(value.toString()); break; case BOOLEAN: instance[i] = data.attribute(i).indexOfValue(Boolean.toString((Boolean)value)); break; case RANGE: instance[i] = data.attribute(i).indexOfValue(value.toString()); break; default: assert(false) : "Unexpected attribute type " + type; } // SWITCH } i += 1; } // FOR data.add(new Instance(1.0, instance)); } // FOR return (data); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // SERIALIZATION // ----------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void load(File input_path, Database catalog_db) throws IOException { JSONUtil.load(this, catalog_db, input_path); } @Override public void save(File output_path) throws IOException {, output_path); } @Override public String toJSONString() { return (JSONUtil.toJSONString(this)); } @Override public void toJSON(JSONStringer stringer) throws JSONException { JSONUtil.fieldsToJSON(stringer, this, FeatureSet.class, FeatureSet.Members.values()); } @Override public void fromJSON(JSONObject json_object, Database catalog_db) throws JSONException { // First deserialize all of the fields except for TXN_VALUES Set<Members> fields = CollectionUtil.getAllExcluding(FeatureSet.Members.values(), FeatureSet.Members.TXN_VALUES); JSONUtil.fieldsFromJSON(json_object, catalog_db, this, FeatureSet.class, fields.toArray(new Members[0])); // Then we have reconstruct this mofo ourselves because the object types are implicit JSONObject inner_obj = json_object.getJSONObject(; assert(inner_obj != null); Iterator<String> it = inner_obj.keys(); while (it.hasNext()) { String inner_key =; long txn_id = Long.valueOf(inner_key); this.txn_values.put(txn_id, new Vector<Object>()); JSONArray inner_arr = inner_obj.getJSONArray(inner_key); for (int i = 0, cnt = inner_arr.length(); i < cnt; i++) { Object val = null; if (inner_arr.isNull(i) == false) { String json_val = inner_arr.getString(i); String attr_key = this.attributes.get(i); Type attr_type = this.attributes.getValue(i); try { switch (attr_type) { case NUMERIC: val = VoltTypeUtil.getObjectFromString(this.attribute_types.get(attr_key), json_val); break; case BOOLEAN: val = Boolean.valueOf(json_val); break; case RANGE: { // Get the value type from the histogram ObjectHistogram h = this.attribute_histograms.get(attr_key); assert(h != null); VoltType volt_type = h.getEstimatedType(); assert(volt_type != VoltType.INVALID); val = VoltTypeUtil.getObjectFromString(volt_type, json_val); break; } case STRING: val = json_val; break; default: assert(false) : "Unexpected Type: " + attr_type; } // SWITCH } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.fatal("Failed to deserialize TXN_VALUES-" + inner_key + "-" + i); throw new JSONException(ex); } } this.txn_values.get(txn_id).add(val); } // FOR } // WHILE } }