package edu.brown.benchmark.wikipedia; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.voltdb.CatalogContext; import org.voltdb.VoltTable; import org.voltdb.catalog.Column; import org.voltdb.catalog.Database; import org.voltdb.catalog.Table; import org.voltdb.client.Client; import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse; import org.voltdb.types.TimestampType; import edu.brown.api.Loader; import; import; import; import edu.brown.benchmark.wikipedia.procedures.UpdateRevisionCounters; import edu.brown.benchmark.wikipedia.util.TextGenerator; import edu.brown.benchmark.wikipedia.util.WikipediaUtil; import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil; import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.Status; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean; import edu.brown.rand.RandomDistribution.FlatHistogram; import edu.brown.rand.RandomDistribution.Zipf; import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil; import edu.brown.utils.ThreadUtil; /** * Synthetic Wikipedia Data Loader * @author pavlo * @author djellel * @author xin */ public class WikipediaLoader extends Loader { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(WikipediaLoader.class); private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean(); private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean(); static { LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace); } private final Random randGenerator = new Random(); private final WikipediaUtil util; /** * UserId -> # of Revisions */ private final int user_revision_ctr[]; /** * PageId -> Last Revision Id */ private final int page_last_rev_id[]; /** * PageId -> Last Revision Length */ private final int page_last_rev_length[]; private final AtomicInteger page_counter = new AtomicInteger(0); /** * Constructor * @param benchmark * @param c */ public WikipediaLoader(String[] args) { super(args); this.util = new WikipediaUtil(this.randGenerator, this.getScaleFactor()); this.user_revision_ctr = new int[this.util.num_users]; this.page_last_rev_id = new int[this.util.num_pages]; this.page_last_rev_length = new int[this.util.num_pages]; Arrays.fill(this.page_last_rev_id, 0); Arrays.fill(this.user_revision_ctr, 0); Arrays.fill(this.page_last_rev_length, 0); if (debug.val) { LOG.debug("# of USERS: " + util.num_users); LOG.debug("# of PAGES: " + util.num_pages); } } @Override public void load() throws IOException { final CatalogContext catalogContext = this.getCatalogContext(); try { // Load Data this.loadUsers(catalogContext.database); this.loadPages(catalogContext.database); this.loadWatchlist(catalogContext.database); // Multiple Threads List<Runnable> runnables = new ArrayList<Runnable>(); int num_threads = ThreadUtil.availableProcessors(); int pageId = 1; int pagesPerThread = (int)Math.ceil(util.num_pages / (double)num_threads); for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { final int firstPageId = pageId; final int lastPageId = Math.min(util.num_pages, firstPageId + pagesPerThread); Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { WikipediaLoader.this.loadRevision(catalogContext.database, firstPageId, lastPageId); } }; runnables.add(r); pageId += pagesPerThread; } // FOR ThreadUtil.runGlobalPool(runnables); // Update Counters this.updateCounters(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void updateCounters() throws Exception { // UPDATE USER & UPDATE PAGES Client client = this.getClientHandle(); ClientResponse cr = client.callProcedure(UpdateRevisionCounters.class.getSimpleName(), this.user_revision_ctr, util.num_pages, this.page_last_rev_id, this.page_last_rev_length); assert(cr != null); assert(cr.getStatus() == Status.OK); if (debug.val) LOG.debug("Updated page/user revision counters"); } /** * USERACCTS */ private void loadUsers(Database catalog_db) { Table userTable = catalog_db.getTables().getIgnoreCase(WikipediaConstants.TABLENAME_USER); assert(userTable != null); VoltTable vt = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(userTable); int num_cols = userTable.getColumns().size(); int batchSize = 0; int lastPercent = -1; for (int userId = 1; userId <= util.num_users; userId++) { // The name will be prefixed with their UserId. This increases // the likelihood that all of our usernames are going to be unique // It's not a guarantee, but it's good enough... String name = Integer.toString(userId) + TextGenerator.randomStr(randGenerator, util.h_nameLength.nextValue().intValue()); String realName = TextGenerator.randomStr(randGenerator, util.h_realNameLength.nextValue().intValue()); int revCount = util.h_revCount.nextValue().intValue(); String password = StringUtil.repeat("*", randGenerator.nextInt(32)); char eChars[] = TextGenerator.randomChars(randGenerator, randGenerator.nextInt(32) + 5); eChars[4 + randGenerator.nextInt(eChars.length-4)] = '@'; String email = new String(eChars); String token = TextGenerator.randomStr(randGenerator, WikipediaConstants.TOKEN_LENGTH); String userOptions = "fake_longoptionslist"; TimestampType newPassTime = new TimestampType(); TimestampType touched = new TimestampType(); Object row[] = new Object[num_cols]; int param = 0; row[param++] = userId; // user_id row[param++] = name; // user_name row[param++] = realName; // user_real_name row[param++] = password; // user_password row[param++] = password; // user_newpassword row[param++] = newPassTime; // user_newpass_time row[param++] = email; // user_email row[param++] = userOptions; // user_options row[param++] = touched; // user_touched row[param++] = token; // user_token row[param++] = null; // user_email_authenticated row[param++] = null; // user_email_token row[param++] = null; // user_email_token_expires row[param++] = null; // user_registration row[param++] = revCount; // user_editcount vt.addRow(row); if (++batchSize % WikipediaConstants.BATCH_SIZE == 0) { this.loadVoltTable(userTable.getName(), vt); vt.clearRowData(); batchSize = 0; if (debug.val) { int percent = (int) (((double) userId / (double) util.num_users) * 100); if (percent != lastPercent) LOG.debug("USERACCT (" + percent + "%)"); lastPercent = percent; } } } // FOR if (batchSize > 0) { this.loadVoltTable(userTable.getName(), vt); vt.clearRowData(); } if (debug.val) LOG.debug(userTable.getName() + " Loaded"); } /** * PAGE */ private void loadPages(Database catalog_db) { Table pageTable = catalog_db.getTables().get(WikipediaConstants.TABLENAME_PAGE); assert(pageTable != null); VoltTable vt = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(pageTable); int num_cols = pageTable.getColumns().size(); int batchSize = 0; int lastPercent = -1; for (long pageId = 1; pageId <= util.num_pages; pageId++) { String title = TextGenerator.randomStr(this.randGenerator, util.h_titleLength.nextValue().intValue()); int namespace = util.getPageNameSpace(pageId); String restrictions = util.h_restrictions.nextValue(); double pageRandom = randGenerator.nextDouble(); TimestampType pageTouched = new TimestampType(); Object row[] = new Object[num_cols]; int param = 0; row[param++] = pageId; // page_id row[param++] = namespace; // page_namespace row[param++] = title; // page_title row[param++] = restrictions; // page_restrictions row[param++] = 0; // page_counter row[param++] = 0; // page_is_redirect row[param++] = 0; // page_is_new row[param++] = pageRandom; // page_random row[param++] = pageTouched; // page_touched row[param++] = 0; // page_latest row[param++] = 0; // page_len vt.addRow(row); if (++batchSize % WikipediaConstants.BATCH_SIZE == 0) { this.loadVoltTable(pageTable.getName(), vt); vt.clearRowData(); batchSize = 0; if (debug.val) { int percent = (int) (((double) pageId / (double) util.num_pages) * 100); if (percent != lastPercent) LOG.debug("PAGE (" + percent + "%)"); lastPercent = percent; } } } // FOR if (batchSize > 0) { this.loadVoltTable(pageTable.getName(), vt); vt.clearRowData(); } if (debug.val) LOG.debug(pageTable.getName() + " Loaded"); } /** * WATCHLIST */ private void loadWatchlist(Database catalog_db) { Table watchTable = catalog_db.getTables().get(WikipediaConstants.TABLENAME_WATCHLIST); assert(watchTable != null); VoltTable vt = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(watchTable); int num_cols = watchTable.getColumns().size(); int batchSize = 0; int lastPercent = -1; Set<Long> userPages = new HashSet<Long>(); for (int user_id = 1; user_id <= util.num_users; user_id++) { int num_watches = util.h_watchPageCount.nextInt(); if (trace.val) LOG.trace(user_id + " => " + num_watches); userPages.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < num_watches; i++) { long pageId = util.h_watchPageId.nextLong(); while (userPages.contains(pageId)) { pageId = util.h_watchPageId.nextLong(); } // WHILE userPages.add(pageId); int nameSpace = util.getPageNameSpace(pageId); Object row[] = new Object[num_cols]; int param = 0; row[param++] = user_id; // wl_user row[param++] = nameSpace; // wl_namespace row[param++] = pageId; // wl_page row[param++] = null; // wl_notificationtimestamp vt.addRow(row); batchSize++; } // FOR if (batchSize >= WikipediaConstants.BATCH_SIZE) { if (trace.val) LOG.trace("watchList(batch):\n" + vt); this.loadVoltTable(watchTable.getName(), vt); vt.clearRowData(); batchSize = 0; if (debug.val) { int percent = (int) (((double) user_id / (double) util.num_users) * 100); if (percent != lastPercent) LOG.debug("WATCHLIST (" + percent + "%)"); lastPercent = percent; } } } // FOR if (batchSize > 0) { if (trace.val) LOG.trace("watchList(<batch):\n" + vt); this.loadVoltTable(watchTable.getName(), vt); vt.clearRowData(); } if (debug.val) LOG.debug(watchTable.getName() + " Loaded"); } /** * REVISIONS */ private void loadRevision(Database catalog_db, int firstPageId, long lastPageId) { // TEXT Table textTable = catalog_db.getTables().get(WikipediaConstants.TABLENAME_TEXT); assert(textTable != null) : "Failed to find " + WikipediaConstants.TABLENAME_TEXT; Column textTableColumn = textTable.getColumns().getIgnoreCase("OLD_TEXT"); assert(textTableColumn != null) : "Failed to find " + WikipediaConstants.TABLENAME_TEXT + ".OLD_TEXT"; int max_text_length = textTableColumn.getSize(); // REVISION Table revTable = catalog_db.getTables().get(WikipediaConstants.TABLENAME_REVISION); assert(revTable != null) : "Failed to find " + WikipediaConstants.TABLENAME_REVISION; VoltTable vtText = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(textTable); VoltTable vtRev = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(revTable); int num_txt_cols = textTable.getColumns().size(); int num_rev_cols = revTable.getColumns().size(); int batchSize = 1; Zipf h_users = new Zipf(this.randGenerator, 1, util.num_users, WikipediaConstants.REVISION_USER_SIGMA); FlatHistogram<Integer> h_textLength = new FlatHistogram<Integer>(this.randGenerator, TextHistograms.TEXT_LENGTH); FlatHistogram<Integer> h_nameLength = new FlatHistogram<Integer>(this.randGenerator, UserHistograms.NAME_LENGTH); FlatHistogram<Integer> h_numRevisions = new FlatHistogram<Integer>(this.randGenerator, PageHistograms.REVISIONS_PER_PAGE); int lastPercent = -1; for (int pageId = firstPageId; pageId <= lastPageId; pageId++) { // There must be at least one revision per page int num_revised = h_numRevisions.nextValue().intValue(); // Generate what the new revision is going to be int old_text_length = h_textLength.nextValue().intValue(); if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Max length:" + max_text_length + " old_text_length:" + old_text_length); assert(old_text_length > 0); assert(old_text_length < max_text_length); char old_text[] = TextGenerator.randomChars(randGenerator, old_text_length); long batchBytes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_revised; i++) { // Generate the User who's doing the revision and the Page revised // Makes sure that we always update their counter int user_id = h_users.nextInt(); assert(user_id > 0 && user_id <= util.num_users) : "Invalid UserId '" + user_id + "'"; this.user_revision_ctr[user_id-1]++; TimestampType timestamp = new TimestampType(); // Generate what the new revision is going to be if (i > 0) { old_text = util.generateRevisionText(old_text); old_text_length = old_text.length; } int rev_id = ++this.page_last_rev_id[pageId-1]; this.page_last_rev_length[pageId-1] = old_text_length; // TEXT Object row[] = new Object[num_txt_cols]; int col = 0; row[col++] = rev_id; // old_id row[col++] = new String(old_text); // old_text row[col++] = "utf-8"; // old_flags row[col++] = pageId; // old_page vtText.addRow(row); // The REV_USER_TEXT field is usually the username, but we'll just // put in gibberish for now String user_text = new String(TextGenerator.randomChars(randGenerator, h_nameLength.nextValue().intValue())); String rev_comment = new String(TextGenerator.randomChars(randGenerator, util.h_commentLength.nextValue().intValue())); int minor_edit = util.h_minorEdit.nextValue().intValue(); // REVISION col = 0; row = new Object[num_rev_cols]; row[col++] = rev_id; // rev_id row[col++] = pageId; // rev_page row[col++] = rev_id; // rev_text_id row[col++] = rev_comment; // rev_comment row[col++] = user_id; // rev_user row[col++] = user_text; // rev_user_text row[col++] = timestamp; // rev_timestamp row[col++] = minor_edit; // rev_minor_edit row[col++] = 0; // rev_deleted row[col++] = old_text.length; // rev_len row[col++] = 0; // rev_parent_id vtRev.addRow(row); if (trace.val) LOG.trace(String.format("%s [pageId=%05d / revId=%05d]", revTable.getName(), pageId, rev_id)); batchBytes += old_text.length; batchSize++; if (batchSize > WikipediaConstants.BATCH_SIZE || batchBytes >= 16777216) { this.loadVoltTable(textTable.getName(), vtText); this.loadVoltTable(revTable.getName(), vtRev); vtText.clearRowData(); vtRev.clearRowData(); batchSize = 0; batchBytes = 0; } } // FOR (revision) // XXX: We have to push out the batch for each page, because sometimes we // generate a batch that is too large and we lose our connection to the database if (batchSize > WikipediaConstants.BATCH_SIZE || batchBytes >= 16777216) { this.loadVoltTable(textTable.getName(), vtText); this.loadVoltTable(revTable.getName(), vtRev); vtText.clearRowData(); vtRev.clearRowData(); batchSize = 0; batchBytes = 0; } if (debug.val) { int percent = (int) (((double) this.page_counter.incrementAndGet() / (double) util.num_pages) * 100); if (percent != lastPercent) LOG.debug("REVISIONS (" + percent + "%)"); lastPercent = percent; } } // FOR (page) if (batchSize > 0) { this.loadVoltTable(textTable.getName(), vtText); this.loadVoltTable(revTable.getName(), vtRev); vtText.clearRowData(); vtRev.clearRowData(); } if (debug.val) LOG.debug(textTable.getName() + " Loaded"); if (debug.val) LOG.debug(revTable.getName() + " Loaded"); } }