package edu.brown.hstore.specexec; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.voltdb.CatalogContext; import org.voltdb.ParameterSet; import org.voltdb.SQLStmt; import org.voltdb.VoltProcedure; import org.voltdb.catalog.ProcParameter; import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure; import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement; import org.voltdb.catalog.StmtParameter; import org.voltdb.exceptions.ServerFaultException; import org.voltdb.messaging.FastSerializer; import; import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil; import edu.brown.catalog.special.CountedStatement; import edu.brown.hstore.BatchPlanner; import edu.brown.hstore.BatchPlanner.BatchPlan; import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreThreadManager; import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.TransactionInitRequest; import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.WorkFragment; import edu.brown.hstore.estimators.markov.MarkovEstimatorState; import edu.brown.hstore.txns.DependencyTracker; import edu.brown.hstore.txns.LocalTransaction; import edu.brown.hstore.txns.TransactionUtil; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean; import edu.brown.mappings.ParameterMapping; import edu.brown.mappings.ParametersUtil; import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil; import edu.brown.utils.PartitionEstimator; import edu.brown.utils.PartitionSet; import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil; /** * Special planner for prefetching queries for distributed txns. * @author pavlo * @author cjl6 */ public class PrefetchQueryPlanner { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PrefetchQueryPlanner.class); private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean(); private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean(); static { LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace); } private final PartitionEstimator p_estimator; private final int[] partitionSiteXref; private final CatalogContext catalogContext; // ThreadLocal Stuff private final ThreadLocal<Map<Integer, BatchPlanner>> planners = new ThreadLocal<Map<Integer,BatchPlanner>>() { protected java.util.Map<Integer,BatchPlanner> initialValue() { return (new HashMap<Integer, BatchPlanner>()); } }; /** * Constructor * @param catalogContext * @param p_estimator */ public PrefetchQueryPlanner(CatalogContext catalogContext, PartitionEstimator p_estimator) { this.catalogContext = catalogContext; this.p_estimator = p_estimator; // Initialize a BatchPlanner for each Procedure if it has the // prefetch flag set to true. We generate an array of the SQLStmt // handles that we will want to prefetch for each Procedure List<SQLStmt> prefetchStmts = new ArrayList<SQLStmt>(); int stmt_ctr = 0; int proc_ctr = 0; for (Procedure catalog_proc : this.catalogContext.procedures.values()) { if (catalog_proc.getPrefetchable() == false) continue; prefetchStmts.clear(); for (Statement catalog_stmt : catalog_proc.getStatements().values()) { if (catalog_stmt.getPrefetchable() == false) continue; // Make sure that all of this Statement's input parameters // are mapped to one of the Procedure's ProcParameter boolean valid = true; for (StmtParameter catalog_param : catalog_stmt.getParameters().values()) { if (catalog_param.getProcparameter() == null) { LOG.warn(String.format("Unable to mark %s as prefetchable because %s is not " + "mapped to a ProcParameter", catalog_stmt.fullName(), catalog_param.fullName())); valid = false; } } // FOR if (valid) prefetchStmts.add(new SQLStmt(catalog_stmt)); } // FOR if (prefetchStmts.isEmpty() == false) { stmt_ctr += prefetchStmts.size(); proc_ctr++; } else { LOG.warn("There are no prefetchable Statements available for " + catalog_proc); catalog_proc.setPrefetchable(false); } } // FOR (procedure) this.partitionSiteXref = CatalogUtil.getPartitionSiteXrefArray(catalogContext.database); if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("Initialized %s for %d Procedures " + "with a total of %d prefetchable Statements", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), proc_ctr, stmt_ctr)); if (this.catalogContext.paramMappings == null) { LOG.warn("Unable to generate prefetachable query plans without a ParameterMappingSet"); } } /** * Initialize a new cached BatchPlanner that is specific to the prefetch batch. * @param catalog_proc * @param prefetchable * @param prefetchStmts * @return */ protected BatchPlanner addPlanner(Procedure catalog_proc, List<CountedStatement> prefetchable, SQLStmt[] prefetchStmts) { BatchPlanner planner = new BatchPlanner(prefetchStmts, prefetchStmts.length, catalog_proc, this.p_estimator); planner.setPrefetchFlag(true); int batchId = VoltProcedure.getBatchHashCode(prefetchStmts, prefetchStmts.length); this.planners.get().put(batchId, planner); if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("%s Prefetch Statements: %s", catalog_proc.getName(), Arrays.toString(prefetchStmts))); return planner; } /** * Generate a list of TransactionInitRequest builders that contain WorkFragments * for queries that can be prefetched. * @param ts The txn handle to generate plans for. * @param procParams The txn's procedure input parameters. * @param depTracker The DependencyTracker for this txn's base partition. * @param fs The FastSerializer handle to use to serialize various data items. * @return */ public TransactionInitRequest.Builder[] plan(LocalTransaction ts, ParameterSet procParams, DependencyTracker depTracker, FastSerializer fs) { // We can't do this without a ParameterMappingSet if (this.catalogContext.paramMappings == null) { if (debug.val) LOG.warn(ts + " - No parameter mappings available. Unable to schedule prefetch queries"); return (null); } // Or without queries that can be prefetched. List<CountedStatement> prefetchable = ts.getEstimatorState().getPrefetchableStatements(); if (prefetchable.isEmpty()) { if (debug.val) LOG.warn(ts + " - No prefetchable queries were found in the transaction's initial path estimate. " + "Unable to schedule prefetch queries."); return (null); } if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Generating prefetch WorkFragments using %s", ts, procParams)); // Create a SQLStmt batch as if it was created during the normal txn execution process SQLStmt[] prefetchStmts = new SQLStmt[prefetchable.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < prefetchStmts.length; ++i) { prefetchStmts[i] = new SQLStmt(prefetchable.get(i).statement); } // FOR // Use the StmtParameter mappings for the queries we // want to prefetch and extract the ProcParameters // to populate an array of ParameterSets to use as the batchArgs int hashcode = VoltProcedure.getBatchHashCode(prefetchStmts, prefetchStmts.length); // Check if we've used this planner in the past. If not, then create it. BatchPlanner planner = this.planners.get().get(hashcode); if (planner == null) { planner = this.addPlanner(ts.getProcedure(), prefetchable, prefetchStmts); } assert(planner != null) : "Missing BatchPlanner for " + ts.getProcedure(); final ParameterSet prefetchParams[] = new ParameterSet[planner.getBatchSize()]; final int prefetchCounters[] = new int[planner.getBatchSize()]; final ByteString prefetchParamsSerialized[] = new ByteString[prefetchParams.length]; final int basePartition = ts.getBasePartition(); // Makes a list of ByteStrings containing the ParameterSets that we need // to send over to the remote sites so that they can execute our // prefetchable queries Object proc_params[] = procParams.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < prefetchParams.length; i++) { CountedStatement counted_stmt = prefetchable.get(i); if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Building ParameterSet for prefetchable query %s", ts, counted_stmt)); Object stmt_params[] = new Object[counted_stmt.statement.getParameters().size()]; // Generates a new object array using a mapping from the // ProcParameter to the StmtParameter. This relies on a // ParameterMapping already being installed in the catalog for (StmtParameter catalog_param : counted_stmt.statement.getParameters().values()) { Collection<ParameterMapping> pmSets = this.catalogContext.paramMappings.get( counted_stmt.statement, counted_stmt.counter, catalog_param); assert(pmSets != null) : String.format("Unexpected null %s %s set for %s", counted_stmt, ParameterMapping.class.getSimpleName(), catalog_param); ParameterMapping pm = CollectionUtil.first(pmSets); assert(pm != null) : String.format("Unexpected null %s for %s [%s]", ParameterMapping.class.getSimpleName(), catalog_param.fullName(), counted_stmt); assert(pm.statement_index == counted_stmt.counter) : String.format("Mismatch StmtCounter for %s - Expected[%d] != Actual[%d]\n%s", counted_stmt, counted_stmt.counter, pm.statement_index, pm); if (pm.procedure_parameter.getIsarray()) { try { stmt_params[catalog_param.getIndex()] = ParametersUtil.getValue(procParams, pm); } catch (Throwable ex) { String msg = String.format("Unable to get %s value for %s in %s\n" + "ProcParams: %s\nParameterMapping: %s", catalog_param.fullName(), ts, counted_stmt, procParams, pm); LOG.error(msg, ex); throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex, ts.getTransactionId()); } } else { ProcParameter catalog_proc_param = pm.procedure_parameter; assert(catalog_proc_param != null) : "Missing mapping from " + catalog_param.fullName() + " to ProcParameter"; stmt_params[catalog_param.getIndex()] = proc_params[catalog_proc_param.getIndex()]; } } // FOR (StmtParameter) prefetchParams[i] = new ParameterSet(stmt_params); prefetchCounters[i] = counted_stmt.counter; if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - [Prefetch %02d] %s -> %s", ts, i, counted_stmt, prefetchParams[i])); // Serialize this ParameterSet for the TransactionInitRequests try { fs.clear(); prefetchParams[i].writeExternal(fs); prefetchParamsSerialized[i] = ByteString.copyFrom(fs.getBBContainer().b); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to serialize ParameterSet " + i + " for " + ts, ex); } } // FOR (Statement) // Generate the WorkFragments that we will need to send in our TransactionInitRequest BatchPlan plan = planner.plan(ts.getTransactionId(), basePartition, ts.getPredictTouchedPartitions(), ts.getTouchedPartitions(), prefetchParams); List<WorkFragment.Builder> fragmentBuilders = new ArrayList<WorkFragment.Builder>(); plan.getWorkFragmentsBuilders(ts.getTransactionId(), prefetchCounters, fragmentBuilders); // Loop through the fragments and check whether at least one of // them needs to be executed at the base (local) partition. If so, we need a // separate TransactionInitRequest per site. Group the WorkFragments by siteID. // If we have a prefetchable query for the base partition, it means that // we will try to execute it before we actually need it whenever the // PartitionExecutor is idle. That means, we don't want to serialize all this // if it's only going to the base partition. TransactionInitRequest.Builder[] builders = new TransactionInitRequest.Builder[this.catalogContext.numberOfSites]; boolean first = true; int local_site_id = this.partitionSiteXref[ts.getBasePartition()]; for (WorkFragment.Builder fragment : fragmentBuilders) { // IMPORTANT: We need to check whether our estimator goofed and is trying to have us // prefetch a query at our base partition. This is bad for all sorts of reasons... if (basePartition == fragment.getPartitionId()) { if (debug.val) LOG.warn(String.format("%s - Trying to schedule prefetch %s at base partition %d. Skipping...\n" + "ProcParameters: %s\n", ts, WorkFragment.class.getSimpleName(), basePartition, procParams)); // If we got a busted estimate, then we definitely want to be able to // follow the txn as it runs and correct ourselves! if (ts.getEstimatorState() instanceof MarkovEstimatorState) { ts.getEstimatorState().enableUpdates(); } continue; } // Update DependencyTracker // This has to be done *before* you add it to the TransactionInitRequest if (first) { // Make sure that we initialize our internal PrefetchState for this txn ts.initializePrefetch(); depTracker.addTransaction(ts); if (ts.profiler != null) ts.profiler.addPrefetchQuery(prefetchStmts.length); first = false; } // HACK: Attach the prefetch params in the transaction handle in case we need to use it locally int site_id = this.partitionSiteXref[fragment.getPartitionId()]; if (site_id == local_site_id && ts.hasPrefetchParameters() == false) { ts.attachPrefetchParameters(prefetchParams); } if (builders[site_id] == null) { builders[site_id] = TransactionUtil.createTransactionInitBuilder(ts, fs); for (ByteString bs : prefetchParamsSerialized) { builders[site_id].addPrefetchParams(bs); } // FOR } depTracker.addPrefetchWorkFragment(ts, fragment, prefetchParams); builders[site_id].addPrefetchFragments(fragment); } // FOR (WorkFragment) if (first == true) { if (debug.val) LOG.warn(ts + " - No remote partition prefetchable queries were found in the transaction's " + "initial path estimate. Unable to schedule prefetch queries."); return (null); } PartitionSet touched_partitions = ts.getPredictTouchedPartitions(); boolean touched_sites[] = new boolean[this.catalogContext.numberOfSites]; Arrays.fill(touched_sites, false); for (int partition : touched_partitions.values()) { touched_sites[this.partitionSiteXref[partition]] = true; } // FOR TransactionInitRequest.Builder default_request = null; for (int site_id = 0; site_id < this.catalogContext.numberOfSites; ++site_id) { // If this site has no prefetched fragments ... // but it has other non-prefetched WorkFragments, create a // default TransactionInitRequest. if (builders[site_id] == null && touched_sites[site_id]) { if (default_request == null) { default_request = TransactionUtil.createTransactionInitBuilder(ts, fs); } builders[site_id] = default_request; if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Sending default %s to site %s", ts, TransactionInitRequest.class.getSimpleName(), HStoreThreadManager.formatSiteName(site_id))); } } // FOR (Site) if (trace.val) LOG.trace(ts + " - TransactionInitRequests\n" + StringUtil.join("\n", builders)); return (builders); } }