package edu.brown.protorpc; import ca.evanjones.protorpc.Protocol; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil; public class ProtoRpcController implements RpcController { // Call reset() to initialize everything public ProtoRpcController() { reset(); } // This is effectively the "constructor" for this class. @Override public void reset() { eventLoop = null; builder = null; callback = null; status = Protocol.Status.INVALID; errorText = null; } @Override public String errorText() { checkRpcState(); if (status == Protocol.Status.OK) { throw new IllegalStateException("RPC has not failed"); } return errorText; } @Override public boolean failed() { checkRpcState(); return status != Protocol.Status.OK; } private void checkRpcState() { if (status == Protocol.Status.INVALID) { String message = "No RPC active."; if (callback != null) { message = "RPC has not completed."; } throw new IllegalStateException(message); } } @Override public boolean isCanceled() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unimplemented"); } @Override public void notifyOnCancel(RpcCallback<Object> callback) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unimplemented"); } @Override public void setFailed(String reason) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unimplemented"); } @Override public void startCancel() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unimplemented"); } /** Wait for the current RPC to complete. */ public void block() { if (status == Protocol.Status.OK) { // Assume mockFinishRpcForTest was called. return; } assert eventLoop != null; assert callback != null; // TODO: If we have a threaded implementation, this will need to be more complicated. while (callback != null) { eventLoop.runOnce(); } } public void startRpc(EventLoop eventLoop, Message.Builder builder, RpcCallback<Message> callback) { if (this.callback != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "ProtoRpcController already in use by another RPC call; " + "wait for callback before reusing."); } if (callback == null) { throw new NullPointerException("callback cannot be null"); } assert this.eventLoop == null; assert eventLoop != null; assert this.builder == null; assert builder != null; this.eventLoop = eventLoop; this.builder = builder; this.callback = callback; status = Protocol.Status.INVALID; } /** Finish an RPC for unit tests. */ // TODO: Create a factory to avoid needing this? public void mockFinishRpcForTest() { assert status == Protocol.Status.INVALID || status == Protocol.Status.OK; assert callback == null; status = Protocol.Status.OK; } public void finishRpcSuccess(ByteString response) { assert response != null; finishRpc(Protocol.Status.OK, response, null); } public void finishRpcFailure(Protocol.Status status, String errorText) { finishRpc(status, null, errorText); } private void finishRpc(Protocol.Status status, ByteString response, String errorText) { assert this.status == Protocol.Status.INVALID : String.format("Trying to invoke finishRPC more than once [status=%s, errorText=%s]\n%s", this.status, errorText, response); assert callback != null; assert status != Protocol.Status.INVALID; boolean success = status == Protocol.Status.OK; if (success) { assert response != null; assert errorText == null; } else { assert response == null; assert errorText != null; } // Set the status and reset state before we invoke the callback this.status = status; this.errorText = errorText; eventLoop = null; Message.Builder tempBuilder = builder; builder = null; RpcCallback<Message> tempCallback = callback; callback = null; Message result = null; if (success) { try { tempBuilder.mergeFrom(response); result =; } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { System.err.println("RESPONSE: " + StringUtil.hexDump(response)); System.err.println("BUILDER: " + tempBuilder.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }; } private EventLoop eventLoop; private Message.Builder builder; private RpcCallback<Message> callback; private Protocol.Status status; private String errorText; }