package edu.brown.benchmark.markov; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.voltdb.CatalogContext; import org.voltdb.VoltTable; import org.voltdb.VoltType; import org.voltdb.catalog.Column; import org.voltdb.catalog.Table; import edu.brown.BaseTestCase; import edu.brown.utils.ProjectType; public class TestMarkovLoader extends BaseTestCase { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TestMarkovLoader.class.getSimpleName()); protected static final double SCALE_FACTOR = 0.01; protected MarkovLoader loader; protected Long current_tablesize; protected Long current_batchsize; protected Long total_rows = 0l; protected static final String LOADER_ARGS[] = { "CLIENT.SCALEFACTOR=" + SCALE_FACTOR, "NUMCLIENTS=1", "NOCONNECTIONS=true", }; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(ProjectType.MARKOV); this.loader = new MarkovLoader(LOADER_ARGS) { @Override public CatalogContext getCatalogContext() { return (BaseTestCase.catalogContext); } @Override protected void loadTable(String tablename, VoltTable table) { LOG.debug("LOAD TABLE: " + tablename + " [" + "tablesize=" + TestMarkovLoader.this.current_tablesize + "," + "batchsize=" + TestMarkovLoader.this.current_batchsize + "," + "num_rows=" + table.getRowCount() + "," + "total_rows=" + TestMarkovLoader.this.total_rows + "]"); assertNotNull("Got null VoltTable object for table '" + tablename + "'", table); // Simple checks int num_rows = table.getRowCount(); TestMarkovLoader.this.total_rows += num_rows; assert (num_rows > 0); assert (num_rows <= TestMarkovLoader.this.current_batchsize); assert (TestMarkovLoader.this.total_rows <= TestMarkovLoader.this.current_tablesize); // VARCHAR Column checks Table catalog_tbl = TestMarkovLoader.this.getTable(tablename); table.resetRowPosition(); while (table.advanceRow()) { int row = table.getActiveRowIndex(); for (Column catalog_col : catalog_tbl.getColumns()) { int index = catalog_col.getIndex(); VoltType col_type = VoltType.get(catalog_col.getType()); switch (col_type) { case TINYINT: case SMALLINT: case INTEGER: { // TODO break; } case BIGINT: { long value = table.getLong(index); assert (value < Long.MAX_VALUE); break; } case STRING: { int length = catalog_col.getSize(); String value = table.getString(index); assertNotNull("The value in " + catalog_col + " at row " + row + " is null", value); assertTrue("The value in " + catalog_col + " at row " + row + " is " + value.length() + ". Max is " + length, value.length() <= length); break; } case TIMESTAMP: { // TODO break; } default: assert (false) : "Unexpected type " + col_type + " for column " + catalog_col.getName() + " for row " + row; } // SWITCH } // FOR } // WHILE // if (true || // tablename.equals(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLEB)) //; table.resetRowPosition(); // TABLEB and TABLEC Checks if (tablename.equals(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLEB) || tablename.equals(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLEC)) { while (table.advanceRow()) { long id = table.getLong(0); long a_id = table.getLong(1); // Make sure that the first and second columns are not // equal assertNotSame(tablename + ".ID and A_ID are the same value", id, a_id); // And then make sure that the *_ID can be converted as // a CompositeId long decoded[] = MarkovLoader.decodeCompositeId(id); assertEquals(a_id, decoded[0]); } // WHILE } } }; } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); // assert(this.total_rows == this.current_tablesize); } protected void setCurrentTable(String tablename) throws Exception { LOG.debug("Retrieving attributes for table '" + tablename + "'"); String field_name = "TABLESIZE_" + tablename; Field field_handle = MarkovConstants.class.getField(field_name); assertNotNull(field_handle); this.current_tablesize = Math.round((Long) field_handle.get(null) * SCALE_FACTOR); field_name = "BATCHSIZE_" + tablename; field_handle = MarkovConstants.class.getField(field_name); assertNotNull(field_handle); this.current_batchsize = (Long) field_handle.get(null); this.total_rows = 0l; } /** * testGenerateTABLEA */ public void testGenerateTABLEA() throws Exception { this.setCurrentTable(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLEA); this.loader.generateTableData(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLEA); } /** * testGenerateTABLEB */ public void testGenerateTABLEB() throws Exception { this.setCurrentTable(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLEB); this.loader.generateTableData(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLEB); } /** * testGenerateTABLEC */ public void testGenerateTABLEC() throws Exception { this.setCurrentTable(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLEC); this.loader.generateTableData(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLEC); } /** * testGenerateTABLED */ public void testGenerateTABLED() throws Exception { this.setCurrentTable(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLED); this.loader.generateTableData(MarkovConstants.TABLENAME_TABLED); } }