package edu.brown.graphs; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.collections15.set.ListOrderedSet; import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogType; import org.voltdb.catalog.Database; import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogKey; import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil; import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath.ShortestPathUtils; import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath.UnweightedShortestPath; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType; public class InnerGraphInformation<V extends AbstractVertex, E extends AbstractEdge> { // private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(InnerGraphInformation.class); private static final AtomicInteger NEXT_GRAPH_ID = new AtomicInteger(10000); private enum DirtyIndex { DESCENDANTS, ANCESTORS, ROOTS, }; private Integer graph_id; private final Database catalog_db; private final IGraph<V, E> graph; private final Map<String, V> catalog_vertex_xref = new HashMap<String, V>(); private final Map<Long, V> element_id_xref = new HashMap<Long, V>(); private String name; private boolean enable_dirty_checks = false; private final boolean dirty[]; private ListOrderedSet<V> descendants; private List<V> ancestors; private ListOrderedSet<V> roots; // private transient final Map<V, Map<V, E>> cache_findEdge = new ConcurrentHashMap<V, Map<V, E>>(); /** * Constructor * @param graph * @param catalog_db */ protected InnerGraphInformation(IGraph<V, E> graph, Database catalog_db) { this.graph = graph; this.catalog_db = catalog_db; this.dirty = new boolean[DirtyIndex.values().length]; this.markAllDirty(false); } public Database getDatabase() { return catalog_db; } public int getGraphId() { if (this.graph_id == null) { synchronized (this) { if (this.graph_id == null) this.graph_id = NEXT_GRAPH_ID.getAndIncrement(); } } return (this.graph_id.intValue()); } public synchronized void setGraphId(int id) { this.graph_id = id; NEXT_GRAPH_ID.set(this.graph_id); } /** * Sets verbose output for all elements * @param verbose */ public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) { this.setEdgeVerbose(verbose); this.setVertexVerbose(verbose); } public void setEdgeVerbose(boolean verbose) { for (E e : this.graph.getEdges()) { e.setVerbose(verbose); } // FOR } public void setVertexVerbose(boolean verbose) { for (V v : this.graph.getVertices()) { v.setVerbose(verbose); } // FOR } /** * Enable internal book keeping for when the graph has been modified */ public void enableDirtyChecks() { this.enable_dirty_checks = true; this.markAllDirty(true); } /** * Returns true if this has been modified * @return */ protected boolean isDirty(DirtyIndex idx) { return (this.enable_dirty_checks == true && this.dirty[idx.ordinal()]); } /** * Reset the internal dirty bit for this graph to false */ protected void resetDirty(DirtyIndex idx) { this.dirty[idx.ordinal()] = false; } /** * Mark all of the internal dirty flags as the given value */ private void markAllDirty(boolean value) { for (int i = 0, cnt = this.dirty.length; i < cnt; i++) { this.dirty[i] = value; } // FOR } public synchronized void addVertx(V v) { this.catalog_vertex_xref.put(CatalogKey.createKey(v.getCatalogItem()), v); this.element_id_xref.put(v.getElementId(), v); if (this.enable_dirty_checks) this.markAllDirty(true); } public synchronized void addEdge(E e) { if (this.enable_dirty_checks) this.markAllDirty(true); } // public E findEdge(V v1, V v2) { // this.graph. // return (this.graph.findEdge(v1, v2)); //// E e = null; //// synchronized (v1) { //// Map<V, E> cache = this.cache_findEdge.get(v1); //// if (cache == null) { //// cache = new HashMap<V, E>(); //// this.cache_findEdge.put(v1, cache); //// } //// e = cache.get(v2); //// if (v2 == null) { //// e = this.graph.findEdge(v1, v2); //// cache.put(v2, e); //// } //// System.err.println(v2 + ": " + cache); //// } // SYNCH //// return (e); // } public V getVertex(String catalog_key) { return (this.catalog_vertex_xref.get(catalog_key)); } public V getVertex(CatalogType catalog_item) { return (this.catalog_vertex_xref.get(CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_item))); } public V getVertex(Long element_id) { return (this.element_id_xref.get(element_id)); } public List<E> getPath(V source, V target) { return (ShortestPathUtils.getPath(this.graph, new UnweightedShortestPath<V, E>(this.graph), source, target)); } /** * For the given list of vertices, return the list of edges that connect consecutive vertices in the path * @param path * @return */ public List<E> getPath(List<V> path) { final List<E> ret = new ArrayList<E>(); V last = null; for (V v : path) { if (last != null) { E e = this.graph.findEdge(last, v); // if (e == null) return (ret); assert(e != null) : "No edge exists between " + v + " and " + last; ret.add(e); } last = v; } // FOR return (ret); } /** * Return the set of vertices that are descedants of the given vertices * @param vertex * @return */ public synchronized Set<V> getDescendants(V vertex) { boolean recompute = false; // First time if (this.descendants == null) { this.descendants = new ListOrderedSet<V>(); recompute = true; // Check whether it's been marked as dirty. If it hasn't, then // we know that our cache is still valid } else if (this.isDirty(DirtyIndex.DESCENDANTS)) { recompute = true; } if (recompute) { this.descendants.clear(); new VertexTreeWalker<V, E>(this.graph) { @Override protected void callback(V element) { descendants.add(element); } }.traverse(vertex); // Probably a race condition... this.resetDirty(DirtyIndex.DESCENDANTS); } return (Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.descendants)); } /** * Get the path of ancestor vertices up to a root * @param vertex * @return */ public synchronized List<V> getAncestors(final V vertex) { boolean recompute = false; // First time if (this.ancestors == null) { this.ancestors = new ArrayList<V>(); recompute = true; // Check whether it's been marked as dirty. If it hasn't, then // we know that our cache is still valid } else if (this.isDirty(DirtyIndex.ANCESTORS)) { recompute = true; } if (recompute) { this.ancestors.clear(); this.buildAncestorsList(vertex); // Probably a race condition... this.resetDirty(DirtyIndex.DESCENDANTS); } return (Collections.unmodifiableList(this.ancestors)); } private void buildAncestorsList(final V v) { for (V parent : this.graph.getPredecessors(v)) { if (!this.ancestors.contains(parent)) { this.ancestors.add(parent); this.buildAncestorsList(parent); } } // FOR return; } /** * Get the lists of roots for this graph. * This probably won't work if the graph is undirected * @return */ public synchronized Set<V> getRoots() { boolean recompute = false; // First time if (this.roots == null) { this.roots = new ListOrderedSet<V>(); recompute = true; // Check whether it's been marked as dirty. If it hasn't, then // we know that our cache is still valid } else if (this.isDirty(DirtyIndex.ROOTS)) { recompute = true; } if (recompute) { this.roots.clear(); for (V v : this.graph.getVertices()) { if (this.graph.getPredecessorCount(v) == 0) { this.roots.add(v); } } // FOR // Probably a race condition this.resetDirty(DirtyIndex.ROOTS); } return (Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.roots)); } public void pruneIsolatedVertices() { List<V> vertices = new ArrayList<V>(this.graph.getVertices()); for (V V : vertices) { if (this.graph.getIncidentEdges(V).isEmpty()) { this.graph.removeVertex(V); } } // FOR } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } @Override public String toString() { Map<String, Object> m = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); m.put("Vertices", StringUtil.join("\n", this.graph.getVertices())); m.put("Edges", StringUtil.join("\n", this.graph.getEdges())); return StringUtil.formatMaps(m); } public String toString(E e, boolean verbose) { String edge_marker = null; V source = null; V dest = null; // Directed if (this.graph.getEdgeType(e) == EdgeType.DIRECTED) { edge_marker = "->"; source = this.graph.getSource(e); dest = this.graph.getDest(e); // Undirected } else { edge_marker = "--"; for (V v : this.graph.getIncidentVertices(e)) { if (source == null) source = v; else if (dest == null) dest = v; else assert(false); } // FOR } assert(source != null); assert(dest != null); String source_lbl = source.toString(); String dest_lbl = dest.toString(); // If the edge doesn't have verbose output enabled, truncate the vertex labels if (verbose == false) { source_lbl = source_lbl.substring(0, 2); dest_lbl = dest_lbl.substring(0, 2); } return (source_lbl + edge_marker + dest_lbl); } }