package edu.brown.logging; /* * Copyright 2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout; import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * <p> A layout wich has the same functions as the * Patternlayout.</p> * <p> But it also allows to let the output be colored</p> * <p> The ColorStrings are formated as follows <br> * "foreground/background/attribute" where * <ul> * <li> foreground and backround is one of * <ul> * <li>black</li> * <li>red</li> * <li>green</li> * <li>yellow</li> * <li>blue</li> * <li>magenta</li> * <li>cyan</li> * <li>white</li> * </ul> * </li> * <li> attribute is one of * <ul> * <li>normal</li><li>bright</li><li>dim</li> * <li>underline</li><li>blink</li><li>reverse</li> * <li>hidden</li> * </ul> * </li> * </li> * </ul> * </p> * <p> * the following colors could be set * <ul> * <li>FatalErrorColor</li> * <li>ErrorColor</li> * <li>WarnColor</li> * <li>InfoColor</li> * <li>DebugColor</li> * </ul> * </p> * * major parts of this class came from the apache ant AnsiColorLogger * @author Ingo Thon isthon a-t gmx d0t de * @version 0.1 (alpha) */ public class ColoredPatternLayout extends PatternLayout{ private static final String CONFIGURATION_SEPARATOR="/"; private static final String PREFIX = "\u001b["; private static final String SUFFIX = "m"; private static final char SEPARATOR = ';'; private static final String END_COLOR = PREFIX + SUFFIX; private static final String ATTR_NORMAL = "0"; private static final String ATTR_BRIGHT = "1"; private static final String ATTR_DIM = "2"; private static final String ATTR_UNDERLINE = "3"; private static final String ATTR_BLINK = "5"; private static final String ATTR_REVERSE = "7"; private static final String ATTR_HIDDEN = "8"; private static final String FG_BLACK = "30"; private static final String FG_RED = "31"; private static final String FG_GREEN = "32"; private static final String FG_YELLOW = "33"; private static final String FG_BLUE = "34"; private static final String FG_MAGENTA = "35"; private static final String FG_CYAN = "36"; private static final String FG_WHITE = "37"; private static final String BG_BLACK = "40"; private static final String BG_RED = "41"; private static final String BG_GREEN = "42"; private static final String BG_YELLOW = "44"; private static final String BG_BLUE = "44"; private static final String BG_MAGENTA = "45"; private static final String BG_CYAN = "46"; private static final String BG_WHITE = "47"; private String fatalErrorColor = PREFIX + ATTR_DIM + SEPARATOR + FG_RED + SUFFIX; private String errorColor = PREFIX + ATTR_DIM + SEPARATOR + FG_RED + SUFFIX; private String warnColor = PREFIX + ATTR_DIM + SEPARATOR + FG_MAGENTA + SUFFIX; private String infoColor = PREFIX + ATTR_DIM + SEPARATOR + FG_GREEN + SUFFIX; private String debugColor = PREFIX + ATTR_DIM + SEPARATOR + FG_WHITE + SUFFIX; public ColoredPatternLayout(){ super(); } public ColoredPatternLayout(String pattern){ super(pattern); } public String format(LoggingEvent event){ if( event.getLevel() == Level.FATAL){ return fatalErrorColor+super.format(event)+END_COLOR; }else if( event.getLevel() == Level.ERROR){ return errorColor+super.format(event)+END_COLOR; }if( event.getLevel() == Level.WARN){ return super.format(event); // return warnColor+super.format(event)+END_COLOR; }if( event.getLevel() == Level.INFO){ return super.format(event); // return infoColor+super.format(event)+END_COLOR; }if( event.getLevel() == Level.DEBUG){ return super.format(event); // return debugColor+super.format(event)+END_COLOR; }else{ throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported Level "+event.toString()); } } private String makeFgString(String fgColorName){ //System.out.println("fg "+fgColorName); if(fgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("black")){ return FG_BLACK; }else if(fgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("red")){ return FG_RED; }else if(fgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("green")){ return FG_GREEN; }else if(fgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("yellow")){ return FG_YELLOW; }else if(fgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("blue")){ return FG_BLUE; }else if(fgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("magenta")){ return FG_MAGENTA; }else if(fgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("cyan")){ return FG_CYAN; }else if(fgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("white")){ return FG_WHITE; } System.out.println("log4j: ColoredPatternLayout Unsupported FgColor "+fgColorName); return "-1"; } private String makeBgString(String bgColorName){ //System.out.println("bg "+bgColorName); if(bgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("black")){ return BG_BLACK; }else if(bgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("red")){ return BG_RED; }else if(bgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("green")){ return BG_GREEN; }else if(bgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("yellow")){ return BG_YELLOW; }else if(bgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("blue")){ return BG_BLUE; }else if(bgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("magenta")){ return BG_MAGENTA; }else if(bgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("cyan")){ return BG_CYAN; }else if(bgColorName.toLowerCase().equals("white")){ return BG_WHITE; } System.out.println("log4j: ColoredPatternLayout Unsupported BgColor "+bgColorName); return "-1"; } private String makeAttributeString(String attributeName){ //System.out.println("attribute "+attributeName); if(attributeName.toLowerCase().equals("normal")){ return ATTR_NORMAL; }else if(attributeName.toLowerCase().equals("bright")){ return ATTR_BRIGHT; }else if(attributeName.toLowerCase().equals("dim")){ return ATTR_DIM; }else if(attributeName.toLowerCase().equals("underline")){ return ATTR_UNDERLINE; }else if(attributeName.toLowerCase().equals("blink")){ return ATTR_BLINK; }else if(attributeName.toLowerCase().equals("reverse")){ return ATTR_REVERSE; }else if(attributeName.toLowerCase().equals("hidden")){ return ATTR_HIDDEN; } System.out.println("log4j: ColoredPatternLayout Unsupported Attribute "+attributeName); return "-1"; } private String makeColorString(String colorName){ //System.out.println(colorName); StringTokenizer tokenizer=new StringTokenizer(colorName, CONFIGURATION_SEPARATOR); String fgColor=FG_WHITE; String bgColor=BG_BLACK; String attr=ATTR_NORMAL; if(!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ return PREFIX + ATTR_NORMAL + SEPARATOR + FG_WHITE + SUFFIX; } if(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ fgColor=makeFgString(tokenizer.nextToken()); } if(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ bgColor=makeBgString(tokenizer.nextToken()); } if(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ attr=makeAttributeString(tokenizer.nextToken()); } //return PREFIX + ATTR_DIM + SEPARATOR + FG_WHITE + SUFFIX; return PREFIX + attr + SEPARATOR + fgColor + SEPARATOR + bgColor +SUFFIX; } //--> from here configuration { /** returns the configured color for error msgs * should normally return only the string for the color */ public String getFatalErrorColor(){ return fatalErrorColor; } public void setFatalErrorColor(String colorName){ fatalErrorColor=makeColorString(colorName); } /** returns the configured color for error msgs * should normally return only the string for the color */ public String getErrorColor(){ return errorColor; } public void setErrorColor(String colorName){ //System.out.println(colorName); errorColor=makeColorString(colorName); } /** returns the configured color for error msgs * should normally return only the string for the color */ public String getWarnColor(){ return warnColor; } public void setWarnColor(String colorName){ warnColor=makeColorString(colorName); } /** returns the configured color for error msgs * should normally return only the string for the color */ public String getInfoColor(){ return infoColor; } public void setInfoColor(String colorName){ infoColor=makeColorString(colorName); } /** returns the configured color for error msgs * should normally return only the string for the color */ public String getDebugColor(){ return debugColor; } public void setDebugColor(String colorName){ //System.out.println(makeColorString(colorName)); debugColor=makeColorString(colorName); } //<-- configuration } }