package edu.brown.hstore.specexec; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.voltdb.ParameterSet; import org.voltdb.exceptions.ServerFaultException; import org.voltdb.messaging.FastDeserializer; import; import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreSite; import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.WorkFragment; import edu.brown.hstore.txns.AbstractTransaction; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean; /** * Utility methods for processing prefetch queries in txns * @author pavlo */ public abstract class PrefetchQueryUtil { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PrefetchQueryUtil.class); private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean(); static { LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug); } /** * * @param hstore_site * @param ts * @param fd * @param partition * @return */ public static boolean dispatchPrefetchQueries(final HStoreSite hstore_site, final AbstractTransaction ts, final FastDeserializer fd, final int partition) { if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Looking to dispatch prefetch %s for partition %d", ts, WorkFragment.class.getSimpleName(), partition)); // Go through the prefetch WorkFragments and find the one that we need to send // to our target partition. We'll then queue it up at its corresponding PartitionExecutor boolean sent = false; for (WorkFragment frag : ts.getPrefetchFragments()) { if (frag.getPartitionId() == partition) { if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Dispatching prefetch %s to partition %d", ts, frag.getClass().getSimpleName(), partition)); // We need to convert our raw ByteString ParameterSets into the actual objects if (ts.hasPrefetchParameters() == false) { synchronized (ts) { if (ts.hasPrefetchParameters() == false) { convertPrefetchParameters(ts, fd); } } // SYNCH } hstore_site.transactionWork(ts, frag); sent = true; break; } } // FOR if (debug.val && sent == false) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Did not find a prefetch %s for partition %d", ts, WorkFragment.class.getSimpleName(), partition)); return (sent); } protected static void convertPrefetchParameters(AbstractTransaction ts, FastDeserializer fd) { if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Converting raw prefetch parameter bytes into ParameterSets", ts)); List<ByteString> rawParams = ts.getPrefetchRawParameterSets(); int num_parameters = rawParams.size(); ParameterSet params[] = new ParameterSet[num_parameters]; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { fd.setBuffer(rawParams.get(i).asReadOnlyByteBuffer()); try { params[i] = fd.readObject(ParameterSet.class); } catch (IOException ex) { String msg = "Failed to deserialize pre-fetch ParameterSet at offset #" + i; throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex, ts.getTransactionId()); } if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Prefetch ParameterSet [%02d] -> %s", ts, i, params[i])); } // FOR ts.attachPrefetchParameters(params); } }