package edu.brown.hstore; import; import java.util.Collection; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.voltdb.SysProcSelector; import org.voltdb.VoltTable; import org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.TPCCConstants; import org.voltdb.benchmark.tpcc.TPCCProjectBuilder; import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure; import org.voltdb.catalog.Site; import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement; import org.voltdb.catalog.Table; import org.voltdb.client.Client; import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse; import org.voltdb.exceptions.UnknownBlockAccessException; import org.voltdb.jni.ExecutionEngine; import org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode; import org.voltdb.plannodes.IndexScanPlanNode; import org.voltdb.plannodes.SeqScanPlanNode; import org.voltdb.utils.VoltTableUtil; import edu.brown.BaseTestCase; import edu.brown.benchmark.AbstractProjectBuilder; import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil; import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.Status; import edu.brown.hstore.conf.HStoreConf; import edu.brown.plannodes.PlanNodeUtil; import edu.brown.profilers.AntiCacheManagerProfiler; import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil; import edu.brown.utils.FileUtil; import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil; import edu.brown.utils.ThreadUtil; /** * Anti-Cache Manager Test Cases for TPC-C * @author pavlo */ public class TestAntiCacheManagerTPCC extends BaseTestCase { private static final int NUM_PARTITIONS = 1; private static final int NUM_TUPLES = 1000; private static final String TARGET_TABLE = TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_ORDER_LINE; private static final String SEQSCAN_PROCEDURE = "GetRecordNoLimit"; private static final String SEQSCANLIMIT_PROCEDURE = "GetRecordWithLimit"; private static final String INDEXSCAN_PROCEDURE = "GetRecordWithIndex"; private static final String statsFields[] = { "ANTICACHE_TUPLES_EVICTED", "ANTICACHE_BLOCKS_EVICTED", "ANTICACHE_BYTES_EVICTED" }; private HStoreSite hstore_site; private HStoreConf hstore_conf; private File anticache_dir; private Client client; private PartitionExecutor executor; private ExecutionEngine ee; private AntiCacheManagerProfiler profiler; private Table catalog_tbl; private int locators[]; private final AbstractProjectBuilder builder = new TPCCProjectBuilder() { { this.markTableEvictable(TARGET_TABLE); this.addAllDefaults(); this.addStmtProcedure(SEQSCAN_PROCEDURE, "SELECT * FROM " + TARGET_TABLE); this.addStmtProcedure(SEQSCANLIMIT_PROCEDURE, "SELECT * FROM " + TARGET_TABLE + " LIMIT ?"); this.addStmtProcedure(INDEXSCAN_PROCEDURE, "SELECT * FROM " + TARGET_TABLE + " WHERE OL_O_ID >= ?" + " AND OL_D_ID >= ?" + " AND OL_W_ID >= ?" + " LIMIT ?"); } }; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(builder, false); initializeCatalog(1, 1, NUM_PARTITIONS); this.anticache_dir = FileUtil.getTempDirectory(); // Just make sure that the Table has the evictable flag set to true this.catalog_tbl = getTable(TARGET_TABLE); assertTrue(catalog_tbl.getEvictable()); this.locators = new int[] { catalog_tbl.getRelativeIndex() }; Site catalog_site = CollectionUtil.first(catalogContext.sites); this.hstore_conf = HStoreConf.singleton(); = true; = true; = Integer.MAX_VALUE; = this.anticache_dir.getAbsolutePath(); this.hstore_site = createHStoreSite(catalog_site, hstore_conf); this.executor = hstore_site.getPartitionExecutor(0); assertNotNull(this.executor); = executor.getExecutionEngine(); assertNotNull(this.executor); this.profiler = hstore_site.getAntiCacheManager().getDebugContext().getProfiler(0); assertNotNull(profiler); this.client = createClient(); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { if (this.client != null) this.client.close(); if (this.hstore_site != null) this.hstore_site.shutdown(); FileUtil.deleteDirectory(this.anticache_dir); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UTILITY METHODS // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void loadData() throws Exception { // Load in a bunch of dummy data for this table VoltTable vt = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(catalog_tbl); assertNotNull(vt); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TUPLES; i++) { Object row[] = VoltTableUtil.getRandomRow(catalog_tbl); row[0] = i; // OL_O_ID row[1] = (byte)i; // OL_D_ID row[2] = (short)i; // OL_W_ID vt.addRow(row); } // FOR this.executor.loadTable(1000l, catalog_tbl, vt, false); VoltTable stats[] =, this.locators, false, 0L); assertEquals(1, stats.length); System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(stats)); } private VoltTable evictData() throws Exception { VoltTable results[] =, this.locators, false, 0L); assertEquals(1, results.length); // System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(results)); for (String col : statsFields) { results[0].advanceRow(); int idx = results[0].getColumnIndex(col); assertEquals(0, results[0].getLong(idx)); } // FOR // Now force the EE to evict our boys out // We'll tell it to remove 1MB, which is guaranteed to include all of our tuples VoltTable evictResult =, 1024 * 256, 1); System.err.println("-------------------------------"); System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(evictResult)); assertNotNull(evictResult); assertEquals(1, evictResult.getRowCount()); assertNotSame(results[0].getColumnCount(), evictResult.getColumnCount()); evictResult.resetRowPosition(); boolean adv = evictResult.advanceRow(); assertTrue(adv); return (evictResult); } private void simpleScan(String procName, int expected, boolean useLimit) throws Exception { assert(expected <= NUM_TUPLES); this.loadData(); // We should have all of our tuples evicted VoltTable evictResult = this.evictData(); long evicted = evictResult.getLong("ANTICACHE_TUPLES_EVICTED"); assertTrue("No tuples were evicted!\n"+evictResult, evicted > 0); // System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(evictResult)); // Now execute a query that needs to access data from this block Procedure proc = this.getProcedure(procName); // Special Single-Stmt Proc ClientResponse cresponse = null; if (useLimit) { cresponse = this.client.callProcedure(proc.getName(), expected); } else { cresponse = this.client.callProcedure(proc.getName()); } assertEquals(Status.OK, cresponse.getStatus()); // Make sure that we tracked that we tried to touch evicted data assertEquals(1, this.profiler.evictedaccess_history.size()); // And then check to make sure that we get the correct number of rows back VoltTable results[] = cresponse.getResults(); System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(results[0])); assertEquals(1, results.length); assertEquals(expected, results[0].getRowCount()); } private void scanWithParams(String procName, int expected) throws Exception { assert(expected < NUM_TUPLES); this.loadData(); // We should have all of our tuples evicted VoltTable evictResult = this.evictData(); long evicted = evictResult.getLong("ANTICACHE_TUPLES_EVICTED"); assertTrue("No tuples were evicted!\n"+evictResult, evicted > 0); // System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(evictResult)); // Now execute a query that needs to access data from this block Procedure proc = this.getProcedure(procName); // Special Single-Stmt Proc Object params[] = { 1, 1, 1, expected }; ClientResponse cresponse = this.client.callProcedure(proc.getName(), params); assertEquals(Status.OK, cresponse.getStatus()); // Make sure that we tracked that we tried to touch evicted data assertEquals(1, this.profiler.evictedaccess_history.size()); // And then check to make sure that we get the correct number of rows back VoltTable results[] = cresponse.getResults(); System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(results[0])); assertEquals(1, results.length); assertEquals(expected, results[0].getRowCount()); } private void validateStmt(String procName, Class<? extends AbstractPlanNode> target) throws Exception { // Just make sure that our target query plan contains the proper plan node. // This in case somebody changes something and we don't actually // execute a query with the expected query plan Procedure proc = this.getProcedure(procName); Statement stmt = CollectionUtil.first(proc.getStatements()); assertNotNull(stmt); AbstractPlanNode root = PlanNodeUtil.getRootPlanNodeForStatement(stmt, true); assertNotNull(root); Collection<?> scans = PlanNodeUtil.getPlanNodes(root, target); assertEquals(1, scans.size()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TEST CASES // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * testSeqScanPlanValidate */ @Test public void testSeqScanPlanValidate() throws Exception { this.validateStmt(SEQSCAN_PROCEDURE, SeqScanPlanNode.class); } /** * testIndexScanPlanValidate */ @Test public void testIndexScanPlanValidate() throws Exception { this.validateStmt(INDEXSCAN_PROCEDURE, IndexScanPlanNode.class); } /** * testSeqScanReadOneEvictedTuple */ @Test public void testSeqScanNotLimit() throws Exception { this.simpleScan(SEQSCAN_PROCEDURE, NUM_TUPLES, false); } /** * testSeqScanReadOneEvictedTuple */ @Test public void testSeqScanReadOneEvictedTuple() throws Exception { this.simpleScan(SEQSCANLIMIT_PROCEDURE, 1, true); } /** * testSeqScanReadMultipleEvictedTuples */ @Test public void testSeqScanReadMultipleEvictedTuples() throws Exception { this.simpleScan(SEQSCANLIMIT_PROCEDURE, 19, true); // Pick a screwy number } /** * testIndexScanReadOneEvictedTuple */ @Test public void testIndexScanReadOneEvictedTuple() throws Exception { this.scanWithParams(INDEXSCAN_PROCEDURE, 1); } /** * testIndexScanReadMultipleEvictedTuples */ @Test public void testIndexScanReadMultipleEvictedTuples() throws Exception { this.scanWithParams(INDEXSCAN_PROCEDURE, 13); } /** * testEvictTuples */ @Test public void testEvictTuples() throws Exception { this.loadData(); VoltTable evictResult = this.evictData(); evictResult.advanceRow(); // Our stats should now come back with at least one block evicted VoltTable results[] =, this.locators, false, 0L); assertEquals(1, results.length); System.err.println("-------------------------------"); System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(results)); results[0].advanceRow(); for (String col : statsFields) { assertEquals(col, evictResult.getLong(col), results[0].getLong(col)); if (col == "ANTICACHE_BLOCKS_EVICTED") { assertEquals(col, 1, results[0].getLong(col)); } else { assertNotSame(col, 0, results[0].getLong(col)); } } // FOR } /** * testMultipleEvictions */ @Test public void testEvictTuplesMultiple() throws Exception { // Just checks whether we can call evictBlock multiple times this.loadData(); VoltTable results[] =, this.locators, false, 0L); assertEquals(1, results.length); System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(results)); results[0].advanceRow(); for (String col : statsFields) { int idx = results[0].getColumnIndex(col); assertEquals(0, results[0].getLong(idx)); } // FOR System.err.println(StringUtil.repeat("=", 100)); // Now force the EE to evict our boys out in multiple rounds VoltTable evictResult = null; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i > 0) { System.err.println(StringUtil.repeat("-", 100)); ThreadUtil.sleep(1000); } System.err.println("Eviction #" + i); evictResult =, 512, 1); System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(evictResult)); assertNotNull(evictResult); assertEquals(1, evictResult.getRowCount()); assertNotSame(results[0].getColumnCount(), evictResult.getColumnCount()); evictResult.resetRowPosition(); boolean adv = evictResult.advanceRow(); assertTrue(adv); } // FOR } /** * testReadNonExistentBlock */ @Test public void testReadNonExistentBlock() throws Exception { int block_ids[] = new int[]{ 1111 }; int offsets[] = new int[]{0}; boolean failed = false; try { ee.antiCacheReadBlocks(catalog_tbl, block_ids, offsets); } catch (UnknownBlockAccessException ex) { // This is what we want! assertEquals(block_ids[0], ex.getBlockId()); failed = true; System.err.println(ex); } assertTrue(failed); } }