package edu.brown.hstore.util; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.voltdb.utils.EstTime; import; import edu.brown.hstore.conf.HStoreConf; import edu.brown.hstore.txns.LocalTransaction; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean; import edu.brown.profilers.ProfileMeasurement; import edu.brown.profilers.TransactionProfiler; /** * Quick utility method to dump out profile information about a txn * to string arrays so that we can write them to a CSV file * @author pavlo */ public class TransactionProfilerDumper { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TransactionProfilerDumper.class); private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean(); private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean(); static { LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace); } private File outputFile; private final CSVWriter writer; public TransactionProfilerDumper(File outputFile) { this.outputFile = outputFile; try { FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile); this.writer = new CSVWriter(out); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.fatal(String.format("Failed to create CSVWriter for '%s'", this.outputFile), ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } this.writeHeader(); } private void flush() { try { this.writer.flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public synchronized void close() throws IOException { this.writer.close(); } public void writeHeader() { if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("Writing %s header to '%s'", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), this.outputFile)); List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(); // Base Information row.add("TXNID"); row.add("PROCEDURE_NAME"); // Execution Information row.add("EXEC_DURATION"); row.add("EXEC_STATUS"); row.add("EXEC_BASE_PARTITION"); row.add("EXEC_NUM_PARTITIONS"); row.add("EXEC_SYSPROC"); row.add("EXEC_SPECULATIVE"); row.add("EXEC_MAPREDUCE"); row.add("EXEC_RESTART_COUNTER"); // Query Exec Information row.add("QUERY_BATCHES"); row.add("QUERY_TOTAL_COUNT"); row.add("QUERY_REMOTE_COUNT"); row.add("QUERY_PREFETCH_COUNT"); // Prediction Information row.add("PREDICT_NUM_PARTITIONS"); row.add("PREDICT_ABORTABLE"); row.add("PREDICT_READONLY"); // Profiler Information if (HStoreConf.singleton().site.txn_profiling) { TransactionProfiler profiler = new TransactionProfiler(); for (ProfileMeasurement pm : profiler.getProfileMeasurements()) { row.add("PROFILE_" + pm.getName()); } } String ret[] = new String[row.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) { ret[i] = row.get(i).toString(); } this.writer.writeNext(ret); this.flush(); } public void writeRow(LocalTransaction ts) { if (debug.val) LOG.debug("Writing profile information for " + ts); HStoreConf hstore_conf = HStoreConf.singleton(); List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // TXN EXEC INFO // --------------------------------------------------------------- // TxnId row.add(ts.getTransactionId()); // Procedure Name row.add(ts.getProcedure().getName()); // Duration row.add(EstTime.currentTimeMillis() - ts.getInitiateTime()); // Status row.add(ts.getStatus()); // Base Partition row.add(ts.getBasePartition()); // # of Touched Partitions row.add(ts.getTouchedPartitions().getValueCount()); // Is SysProc row.add(ts.isSysProc()); // Is Speculative row.add(ts.isSpeculative()); // Is MapReduce row.add(ts.isMapReduce()); // Restart Counter row.add(ts.getRestartCounter()); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // QUERY INFO // --------------------------------------------------------------- if ( && ts.profiler != null) { // # of query batches row.add(ts.profiler.getBatchCount()); // # of queries row.add(ts.profiler.getQueryCount()); // # of remote queries row.add(ts.profiler.getRemoteQueryCount()); // # of prefetch queries row.add(ts.profiler.getPrefetchQueryCount()); } else { // # of query batches row.add(null); // # of queries row.add(null); // # of remote queries row.add(null); // # of prefetch queries row.add(null); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // PREDICT INFO // --------------------------------------------------------------- row.add(ts.getPredictTouchedPartitions().size()); row.add(ts.isPredictAbortable()); row.add(ts.isPredictReadOnly()); if (HStoreConf.singleton().site.txn_profiling && ts.profiler != null) { for (ProfileMeasurement pm : ts.profiler.getProfileMeasurements()) { row.add(pm.getTotalThinkTimeMS()); } } String ret[] = new String[row.size()]; int i = 0; for (Object obj : row) { ret[i++] = (obj == null ? "null" : obj.toString()); } // FOR synchronized (this) { this.writer.writeNext(ret); } // SYNCH } }