package edu.brown.hstore.estimators.markov; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.voltdb.CatalogContext; import edu.brown.graphs.GraphvizExport; import edu.brown.hstore.conf.HStoreConf; import edu.brown.hstore.estimators.Estimate; import edu.brown.hstore.estimators.EstimatorState; import edu.brown.hstore.estimators.EstimatorUtil; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil; import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean; import edu.brown.markov.MarkovEdge; import edu.brown.markov.MarkovGraph; import edu.brown.markov.MarkovUtil; import edu.brown.markov.MarkovVertex; import edu.brown.pools.TypedPoolableObjectFactory; import edu.brown.utils.PartitionSet; import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil; /** * The current state of a transaction */ public final class MarkovEstimatorState extends EstimatorState { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MarkovEstimatorState.class); private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean(); private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean(); static { LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace); } protected final List<MarkovVertex> actual_path = new ArrayList<MarkovVertex>(); protected final List<MarkovEdge> actual_path_edges = new ArrayList<MarkovEdge>(); private MarkovGraph markov; private MarkovVertex current; private Object args[]; protected final PartitionSet cache_past_partitions = new PartitionSet(); protected final PartitionSet cache_last_partitions = new PartitionSet(); /** * State Factory */ public static class Factory extends TypedPoolableObjectFactory<MarkovEstimatorState> { private final CatalogContext catalogContext; public Factory(CatalogContext catalogContext) { super(HStoreConf.singleton().site.pool_profiling); this.catalogContext = catalogContext; } @Override public MarkovEstimatorState makeObjectImpl() throws Exception { return (new MarkovEstimatorState(this.catalogContext)); } }; /** * Constructor */ private MarkovEstimatorState(CatalogContext catalogContext) { super(catalogContext); } public void init(Long txn_id, int base_partition, MarkovGraph markov, Object args[], long start_time) { this.markov = markov; this.args = args; this.setCurrent(markov.getStartVertex(), null); super.init(txn_id, base_partition, start_time); } @Override public boolean isInitialized() { return (this.markov != null && super.isInitialized()); } @Override public void finish() { this.markov.incrementTransasctionCount(); this.actual_path.clear(); this.actual_path_edges.clear(); this.current = null; this.markov = null; this.args = null; super.finish(); } /** * Get the next Estimate object for this State * This will not add the Estimate to this the State's list * That must be done separately. * @return */ protected MarkovEstimate createNextEstimate(MarkovVertex v, boolean initial) { assert(v != null); MarkovEstimate next = new MarkovEstimate(this.catalogContext); int batchId = (initial ? EstimatorUtil.INITIAL_ESTIMATE_BATCH : this.getEstimateCount()); next.init(v, batchId); return (next); } @Override protected void addInitialEstimate(Estimate estimate) { super.addInitialEstimate(estimate); } @Override protected Estimate addEstimate(Estimate est) { return super.addEstimate(est); } @Override protected void shouldAllowUpdates(boolean enable) { super.shouldAllowUpdates(enable); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MARKOV GRAPH METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Object[] getProcedureParameters() { return (this.args); } public MarkovGraph getMarkovGraph() { return (this.markov); } /** * Get the actual path that the txn took through the MarkovGraph * This is only updated if transaction updates are enabled. * @return */ public List<MarkovVertex> getActualPath() { return (this.actual_path); } public MarkovVertex getCurrent() { return (this.current); } /** * Set the current vertex for this transaction and update the actual path * @param current */ public void setCurrent(MarkovVertex current, MarkovEdge e) { if (this.current != null) assert(this.current.equals(current) == false); this.actual_path.add(current); if (e != null) this.actual_path_edges.add(e); this.current = current; } /** * Debug method to dump out the Markov graph to a Graphviz file * Returns the path to the file */ public File dumpMarkovGraph() { List<MarkovEdge> initialPath = this.markov.getPath(((MarkovEstimate)this.getInitialEstimate()).getMarkovPath()); List<MarkovEdge> actualPath = this.markov.getPath(this.actual_path); GraphvizExport<MarkovVertex, MarkovEdge> gv = MarkovUtil.exportGraphviz(this.markov, true, initialPath); gv.highlightPath(actualPath, "blue"); return gv.writeToTempFile(this.markov.getProcedure()); } @Override public String toString() { Map<String, Object> m0 = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); m0.put("TransactionId", this.txn_id); m0.put("Procedure", (this.markov != null ? this.markov.getProcedure().getName() : null)); m0.put("MarkovGraph Id", (this.markov != null ? this.markov.getGraphId() : null)); Map<String, Object> m1 = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); m1.put("Initial Estimate", this.getInitialEstimate()); Map<String, Object> m2 = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); m2.put("Actual Partitions", this.getTouchedPartitions()); m2.put("Current Estimate", (this.current != null ? this.current.debug() : null)); return StringUtil.formatMaps(m0, m1, m2); } } // END CLASS