package edu.brown.benchmark.seats; import java.util.BitSet; import org.junit.Test; import org.voltdb.CatalogContext; import org.voltdb.ClientResponseImpl; import org.voltdb.VoltTable; import org.voltdb.VoltType; import org.voltdb.types.TimestampType; import edu.brown.BaseTestCase; import edu.brown.benchmark.seats.SEATSClient.NewReservationCallback; import edu.brown.benchmark.seats.util.Reservation; import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreConstants; import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.Status; public class TestSEATSClient extends SEATSBaseTestCase { static long FLIGHT_ID = 100001; static long AIRLINE_ID = 100; static long DEPART_AIRPORT_ID = 10; static long ARRIVE_AIRPORT_ID = 15; static int SEATNUM = 13; static TimestampType BENCHMARK_START = new TimestampType(); static TimestampType FLIGHT_DATE = new TimestampType(BENCHMARK_START.getTime() + 1000000l); static long TXN_ID = 1000; static long CLIENT_HANDLE = 1234; static long RESERVATION_ID = 9999; protected static final double SCALE_FACTOR = 1000; protected static final String MOCK_ARGS[] = { "CLIENT.SCALEFACTOR=" + SCALE_FACTOR, "HOST=localhost", "NUMCLIENTS=1", "NOCONNECTIONS=true", "" }; private class MockClient extends SEATSClient { public MockClient(String[] args) { super(args); super.clearCache(); } @Override public CatalogContext getCatalogContext() { return (BaseTestCase.catalogContext); } } private long flight_id; private long customer_id; private SEATSClient client; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); this.flight_id = 10000l; this.customer_id = 99999l; MOCK_ARGS[MOCK_ARGS.length-1] = HStoreConstants.BENCHMARK_PARAM_PREFIX + "DATADIR=" + SEATSBaseTestCase.AIRLINE_DATA_DIR; // System.err.println(StringUtil.join("\n", MOCK_ARGS)); this.client = new MockClient(MOCK_ARGS); } /** * testSeatBitMap */ @Test public void testSeatBitMap() throws Exception { BitSet seats = client.getSeatsBitSet(flight_id); assertNotNull(seats); assertFalse(client.isFlightFull(seats)); for (int i = 0; i < SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_NUM_SEATS; i++) { assertFalse("SEAT #" + i, seats.get(i)); seats.set(i); assertTrue("SEAT #" + i, seats.get(i)); if (i+1 < SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_NUM_SEATS) assertFalse(client.isFlightFull(seats)); } // FOR assertTrue(client.isFlightFull(seats)); } /** * testIsFlightFull */ @Test public void testIsFlightFull() throws Exception { BitSet seats = new BitSet(SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_NUM_SEATS); int seatnum = rand.nextInt(SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_NUM_SEATS); assertFalse(seats.get(seatnum)); seats.set(seatnum); assertTrue(seats.get(seatnum)); assertFalse(client.isFlightFull(seats)); } /** * testNewReservationCallback */ @Test public void testNewReservationCallback() throws Exception { int seatnum = rand.nextInt(SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_NUM_SEATS); BitSet seats = client.getSeatsBitSet(this.flight_id); assertNotNull(seats); assertFalse(seats.toString(), client.isFlightFull(seats)); assertFalse(seats.get(seatnum)); // System.err.println(seats); // Fake a ClientResponse from a NewReservation txn VoltTable results[] = new VoltTable[] { new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("id", VoltType.BIGINT)), new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("id", VoltType.BIGINT)) }; results[0].addRow(new Long(1)); ClientResponseImpl cresponse = new ClientResponseImpl(TXN_ID, CLIENT_HANDLE, 0, Status.OK, results, ""); Reservation r = new Reservation(RESERVATION_ID, this.flight_id, customer_id, seatnum); assertNotNull(r); NewReservationCallback callback = NewReservationCallback(r); callback.clientCallback(cresponse); // Check to make sure that our seat is now reserved assertFalse("Flight is incorrectly marked as full\n" + seats, client.isFlightFull(seats)); // FIXME assertTrue("Failed to mark seat as reserved?", seats.get(seatnum)); } }