/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* * AttributeExpression.java * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand * */ package weka.core; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; /** * A general purpose class for parsing mathematical expressions * involving attribute values. Values can be provided in an array * or in an Instance. Values are accessed in the expression by * prefixing their index (starting at 1) with the character 'a'. * * <pre> Example expression: a1^2*a5/log(a7*4.0) </pre> * * Supported opperators: +, -, *, /, ^, log, abs, cos, exp, sqrt, * floor, ceil, rint, tan, sin, (, ). * * @author Mark Hall * @version $Revision: 8034 $ */ public class AttributeExpression implements Serializable, RevisionHandler { /** for serialization */ static final long serialVersionUID = 402130123261736245L; /** * Interface implemented by operators and operants. */ private interface ExpressionComponent {}; /** * Inner class handling an attribute index as an operand */ private class AttributeOperand implements ExpressionComponent, Serializable, RevisionHandler { /** for serialization */ static final long serialVersionUID = -7674280127286031105L; /** the index of the attribute */ protected int m_attributeIndex; /** true if the value of the attribute are to be multiplied by -1 */ protected boolean m_negative; /** * Constructor * * @param operand * @param sign * @throws Exception */ public AttributeOperand(String operand, boolean sign) throws Exception { // strip the leading 'a' and set the index m_attributeIndex = (Integer.parseInt(operand.substring(1)))-1; m_negative = sign; } /** * Return a string describing this object * @return a string descibing the attribute operand */ public String toString() { String result = ""; if (m_negative) { result += '-'; } return result+"a"+(m_attributeIndex+1); } /** * Returns the revision string. * * @return the revision */ public String getRevision() { return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision: 8034 $"); } } /** * Inner class for storing numeric constant opperands */ private class NumericOperand implements ExpressionComponent, Serializable, RevisionHandler { /** for serialization */ static final long serialVersionUID = 9037007836243662859L; /** numeric constant */ protected double m_numericConst; /** * Constructor * * @param operand * @param sign * @throws Exception */ public NumericOperand(String operand, boolean sign) throws Exception { m_numericConst = Double.valueOf(operand).doubleValue(); if (sign) { m_numericConst *= -1.0; } } /** * Return a string describing this object * @return a string descibing the numeric operand */ public String toString() { return ""+m_numericConst; } /** * Returns the revision string. * * @return the revision */ public String getRevision() { return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision: 8034 $"); } } /** * Inner class for storing operators */ private class Operator implements ExpressionComponent, Serializable, RevisionHandler { /** for serialization */ static final long serialVersionUID = -2760353522666004638L; /** the operator */ protected char m_operator; /** * Constructor * * @param opp the operator */ public Operator(char opp) { if (!isOperator(opp)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized operator:" + opp); } m_operator = opp; } /** * Apply this operator to the supplied arguments * @param first the first argument * @param second the second argument * @return the result */ protected double applyOperator(double first, double second) { switch (m_operator) { case '+' : return (first+second); case '-' : return (first-second); case '*' : return (first*second); case '/' : return (first/second); case '^' : return Math.pow(first,second); } return Double.NaN; } /** * Apply this operator (function) to the supplied argument * @param value the argument * @return the result */ protected double applyFunction(double value) { switch (m_operator) { case 'l' : return Math.log(value); case 'b' : return Math.abs(value); case 'c' : return Math.cos(value); case 'e' : return Math.exp(value); case 's' : return Math.sqrt(value); case 'f' : return Math.floor(value); case 'h' : return Math.ceil(value); case 'r' : return Math.rint(value); case 't' : return Math.tan(value); case 'n' : return Math.sin(value); } return Double.NaN; } /** * Return a string describing this object * @return a string descibing the operator */ public String toString() { return ""+m_operator; } /** * Returns the revision string. * * @return the revision */ public String getRevision() { return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision: 8034 $"); } } /** Operator stack */ private Stack<String> m_operatorStack = new Stack<String>(); /** Supported operators. l = log, b = abs, c = cos, e = exp, s = sqrt, f = floor, h = ceil, r = rint, t = tan, n = sin */ private static final String OPERATORS = "+-*/()^lbcesfhrtn"; /** Unary functions. l = log, b = abs, c = cos, e = exp, s = sqrt, f = floor, h = ceil, r = rint, t = tan, n = sin */ private static final String UNARY_FUNCTIONS = "lbcesfhrtn"; /** Holds the original infix expression */ private String m_originalInfix; /** Holds the expression in postfix form */ private Vector<ExpressionComponent> m_postFixExpVector; /** True if the next numeric constant or attribute index is negative */ private boolean m_signMod = false; /** Holds the previous token */ private String m_previousTok = ""; /** * Handles the processing of an infix operand to postfix * @param tok the infix operand * @throws Exception if there is difficulty parsing the operand */ private void handleOperand(String tok) throws Exception { // if it contains an 'a' then its an attribute index if (tok.indexOf('a') != -1) { m_postFixExpVector.addElement(new AttributeOperand(tok,m_signMod)); } else { try { // should be a numeric constant m_postFixExpVector.addElement(new NumericOperand(tok, m_signMod)); } catch (NumberFormatException ne) { throw new Exception("Trouble parsing numeric constant"); } } m_signMod = false; } /** * Handles the processing of an infix operator to postfix * @param tok the infix operator * @throws Exception if there is difficulty parsing the operator */ private void handleOperator(String tok) throws Exception { boolean push = true; char tokchar = tok.charAt(0); if (tokchar == ')') { String popop = " "; do { popop = (String)(m_operatorStack.pop()); if (popop.charAt(0) != '(') { m_postFixExpVector.addElement(new Operator(popop.charAt(0))); } } while (popop.charAt(0) != '('); } else { int infixToc = infixPriority(tok.charAt(0)); while (!m_operatorStack.empty() && stackPriority(((String)(m_operatorStack.peek())).charAt(0)) >= infixToc) { // try an catch double operators and see if the current one can // be interpreted as the sign of an upcoming number if (m_previousTok.length() == 1 && isOperator(m_previousTok.charAt(0)) && m_previousTok.charAt(0) != ')') { if (tok.charAt(0) == '-') { m_signMod = true; } else { m_signMod = false; } push = false; break; } else { String popop = (String)(m_operatorStack.pop()); m_postFixExpVector.addElement(new Operator(popop.charAt(0))); } } if (m_postFixExpVector.size() == 0) { if (tok.charAt(0) == '-') { m_signMod = true; push = false; } } if (push) { m_operatorStack.push(tok); } } } /** * Converts a string containing a mathematical expression in infix form * to postfix form. The result is stored in the vector m_postfixExpVector * * @param infixExp the infix expression to convert * @throws Exception if something goes wrong during the conversion */ public void convertInfixToPostfix(String infixExp) throws Exception { m_originalInfix = infixExp; infixExp = Utils.removeSubstring(infixExp, " "); infixExp = Utils.replaceSubstring(infixExp,"log","l"); infixExp = Utils.replaceSubstring(infixExp,"abs","b"); infixExp = Utils.replaceSubstring(infixExp,"cos","c"); infixExp = Utils.replaceSubstring(infixExp,"exp","e"); infixExp = Utils.replaceSubstring(infixExp,"sqrt","s"); infixExp = Utils.replaceSubstring(infixExp,"floor","f"); infixExp = Utils.replaceSubstring(infixExp,"ceil","h"); infixExp = Utils.replaceSubstring(infixExp,"rint","r"); infixExp = Utils.replaceSubstring(infixExp,"tan","t"); infixExp = Utils.replaceSubstring(infixExp,"sin","n"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(infixExp, OPERATORS, true); m_postFixExpVector = new Vector<ExpressionComponent>(); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String tok = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (tok.length() > 1) { handleOperand(tok); } else { // probably an operator, but could be a single char operand if (isOperator(tok.charAt(0))) { handleOperator(tok); } else { // should be a numeric constant handleOperand(tok); } } m_previousTok = tok; } while (!m_operatorStack.empty()) { String popop = (String)(m_operatorStack.pop()); if (popop.charAt(0) == '(' || popop.charAt(0) == ')') { throw new Exception("Mis-matched parenthesis!"); } m_postFixExpVector.addElement(new Operator(popop.charAt(0))); } } /** * Evaluate the expression using the supplied Instance. * Assumes that the infix expression has been converted to * postfix and stored in m_postFixExpVector * * @param instance the Instance containing values to apply * the expression to * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public double evaluateExpression(Instance instance) throws Exception { double [] vals = new double [instance.numAttributes()+1]; for(int i = 0; i < instance.numAttributes(); i++) { if (instance.isMissing(i)) { vals[i] = Utils.missingValue(); } else { vals[i] = instance.value(i); } } evaluateExpression(vals); return vals[vals.length - 1]; } /** * Evaluate the expression using the supplied array of attribute values. * The result is stored in the last element of the array. Assumes that * the infix expression has been converted to postfix and stored in * m_postFixExpVector * @param vals the values to apply the expression to * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public void evaluateExpression(double [] vals) throws Exception { Stack<Double> operands = new Stack<Double>(); for (int i=0;i<m_postFixExpVector.size();i++) { Object nextob = m_postFixExpVector.elementAt(i); if (nextob instanceof NumericOperand) { operands.push(new Double(((NumericOperand)nextob).m_numericConst)); } else if (nextob instanceof AttributeOperand) { double value = vals[((AttributeOperand)nextob).m_attributeIndex]; /*if (Utils.isMissingValue(value)) { vals[vals.length-1] = Utils.missingValue(); break; }*/ if (((AttributeOperand)nextob).m_negative) { value = -value; } operands.push(new Double(value)); } else if (nextob instanceof Operator) { char op = ((Operator)nextob).m_operator; if (isUnaryFunction(op)) { double operand = ((Double)operands.pop()).doubleValue(); double result = ((Operator)nextob).applyFunction(operand); operands.push(new Double(result)); } else { double second = ((Double)operands.pop()).doubleValue(); double first = ((Double)operands.pop()).doubleValue(); double result = ((Operator)nextob).applyOperator(first,second); operands.push(new Double(result)); } } else { throw new Exception("Unknown object in postfix vector!"); } } if (operands.size() != 1) { throw new Exception("Problem applying function"); } Double result = ((Double)operands.pop()); if (result.isNaN() || result.isInfinite()) { vals[vals.length-1] = Utils.missingValue(); } else { vals[vals.length-1] = result.doubleValue(); } } /** * Returns true if a token is an operator * @param tok the token to check * @return true if the supplied token is an operator */ private boolean isOperator(char tok) { if (OPERATORS.indexOf(tok) == -1) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns true if a token is a unary function * @param tok the token to check * @return true if the supplied token is a unary function */ private boolean isUnaryFunction(char tok) { if (UNARY_FUNCTIONS.indexOf(tok) == -1) { return false; } return true; } /** * Return the infix priority of an operator * @param opp the operator * @return the infix priority */ private int infixPriority(char opp) { switch (opp) { case 'l' : case 'b' : case 'c' : case 'e' : case 's' : case 'f' : case 'h' : case 'r' : case 't' : case 'n' : return 3; case '^' : return 2; case '*' : return 2; case '/' : return 2; case '+' : return 1; case '-' : return 1; case '(' : return 4; case ')' : return 0; default : throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized operator:" + opp); } } /** * Return the stack priority of an operator * @param opp the operator * @return the stack priority */ private int stackPriority(char opp) { switch (opp) { case 'l' : case 'b' : case 'c' : case 'e' : case 's' : case 'f' : case 'h' : case 'r' : case 't' : case 'n' : return 3; case '^' : return 2; case '*' : return 2; case '/' : return 2; case '+' : return 1; case '-' : return 1; case '(' : return 0; case ')' : return -1; default : throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized operator:" + opp); } } /** * Return the postfix expression * * @return the postfix expression as a String */ public String getPostFixExpression() { return m_postFixExpVector.toString(); } public String toString() { return m_originalInfix; } /** * Returns the revision string. * * @return the revision */ public String getRevision() { return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision: 8034 $"); } }