package papers; /** * * @author Author 1 and Author 2 */ import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.TreeMap; import weka.classifiers.lazy.kNN; import weka.core.elastic_distance_measures.BasicDTW; import weka.core.elastic_distance_measures.SakoeChibaDTW; import weka.core.elastic_distance_measures.WeightedDTW; import weka.core.elastic_distance_measures.LCSSDistance; import weka.filters.timeseries.DerivativeFilter; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.EuclideanDistance; public class ICDM2013_Lines { /* DATA_DIR is the location of the arff instance files. Each dataset should be included in this folder witin a subfolder of the dataName, * which contains the training and test data in the form 'dataName/dataName_TRAIN.arff' and dataName/dataName_TEST.arff' * * OUTPUT_DIR is the location where experimental results will be written. The CV and TRAIN_TEST subfolders are used to keep the different * experiments seperate and are relative to the overall OUTPUT_DIR String. */ public static final String DATA_DIR = "TSC Problems"; public static final String OUTPUT_DIR = "Results"; public static final String OUTPUT_DIR_CV = OUTPUT_DIR+"/cv"; public static final String OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST = OUTPUT_DIR+"/trainTest"; //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Initialisation Methods"> public static void initCv(String dataName) throws Exception{ // create outputDir (if it doesn't exist) File outputDir = new File(OUTPUT_DIR); File outputDirCv = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV); outputDir.mkdir(); outputDirCv.mkdir(); // write decision log //if dataset doesn't have a dir in the cv dir yet, make one. Else, throw exception to alert user //to possiblility of overwriting results File datasetDir = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName); if(datasetDir.exists()){ throw new Exception("WARNING! Cross-validation results already exist for dataset '"+dataName+"'. Please remove these (or rename), then re-run if you wish to continue."); } datasetDir.mkdir(); } public static void initTrainTest(String dataName) throws Exception{ // create results outputDir (if it doesn't exist) File outputDirTrainTest = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST); outputDirTrainTest.mkdir(); // make specific data dir File datasetDir = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName); datasetDir.mkdir(); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Cross-Validation Methods"> // generic cross-validation method public static double crossValidate(Instances data, int k, EuclideanDistance distanceMetric, StringBuilder st) throws Exception { Instances trainLoocv; Instance testInstance; kNN knn; int correct = 0; int total = 0; double decision, classValue; for (int i = 0; i < data.numInstances(); i++) { testInstance = data.instance(i); trainLoocv = new Instances(data, data.numInstances() - 1); classValue = testInstance.classValue(); // add all instances to trainLoocv EXCEPT instance[i] for (int j = 0; j < data.numInstances(); j++) { if (j != i) { trainLoocv.add(data.instance(j)); } } if (trainLoocv.numInstances() != data.numInstances() - 1) { throw new Exception("Incorrect initialisation of instances!"); } // build classifier and classify knn = new kNN(k); knn.setDistanceFunction(distanceMetric); knn.buildClassifier(trainLoocv); decision = knn.classifyInstance(testInstance); if (decision == classValue) { correct++; } total++; if(st!=null){ st.append(decision).append(",").append(classValue).append("\n"); } } return 100.0/total*correct; } // start of experiment-specific cross-validation methods public static double cv_01_Euclidean_1NN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ EuclideanDistance euclid = new EuclideanDistance(); euclid.setDontNormalize(true); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); double euclidean_1nn = crossValidate(data, 1, euclid,st); // write log FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_01_Euclidean_1NN.txt"); log.append(euclidean_1nn+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return euclidean_1nn; } public static double cv_02_DTW_fullWindow_1NN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ BasicDTW fullWindowDtw = new BasicDTW(); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); double dtw_fullWindow_1nn = crossValidate(data, 1, fullWindowDtw,st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_02_DTW_fullWindow_1NN.txt"); log.append(dtw_fullWindow_1nn+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return dtw_fullWindow_1nn; } public static double[] cv_03_DTW_bestWindow_1NN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ double r; double thisAcc; double bsfAcc = -1; double bsfR = -1; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int window = 0; window <= 100; window++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); r = (double)window/100; // to avoid double imprecision thisAcc = crossValidate(data, 1, new SakoeChibaDTW(r),thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfR = r; bsfSt = thisSt; } } double[] dtw_cvWindow_1nn = {bsfAcc,bsfR}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_03_DTW_bestWindow_1NN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfR+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return dtw_cvWindow_1nn; } public static double[] cv_04_WDTW_1NN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ double g; double thisAcc = - 1; double bsfAcc = -1; double bsfG = -1; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int weight = 0; weight <= 100; weight++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); g = (double)weight/100; // to avoid double imprecision thisAcc = crossValidate(data, 1, new WeightedDTW(g),thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfG = g; bsfSt = thisSt; } } double[] wdtw_1nn = {bsfAcc,bsfG}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_04_WDTW_1NN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfG+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return wdtw_1nn; } public static double[] cv_05_Euclidean_kNN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ int bsfK = -1; double thisAcc = - 1; double bsfAcc = -1; EuclideanDistance euclid; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int k = 1; k <= 100; k++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); euclid = new EuclideanDistance(); euclid.setDontNormalize(true); thisAcc = crossValidate(data, k, euclid,thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfK = k; bsfSt = thisSt; } } double[] euclidean_knn = {bsfAcc,bsfK}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_05_Euclidean_kNN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfK+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return euclidean_knn; } public static double[] cv_06_DTW_fullWindow_kNN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ int bsfK = -1; double thisAcc = - 1; double bsfAcc = -1; BasicDTW dtw; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int k = 1; k <= 100; k++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); dtw = new BasicDTW(); thisAcc = crossValidate(data, k, dtw,thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfK = k; bsfSt = thisSt; } } double[] dtw_fullWindow_knn = {bsfAcc,bsfK}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_06_DTW_fullWindow_kNN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfK+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return dtw_fullWindow_knn; } public static double[] cv_11_DTW_optimalWindow_kNN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ int bsfK = -1; double bsfR = -1; double thisAcc = - 1; double bsfAcc = -1; SakoeChibaDTW dtw; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int window = 0; window <= 100; window++){ double r = (double)window/100; // avoid double imprecision // System.out.println("r: "+r); for(int k = 1; k <=100; k++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); dtw = new SakoeChibaDTW(r); thisAcc = crossValidate(data, k, dtw, thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfK = k; bsfR = r; bsfSt = thisSt; } } } double [] dtw_rn_knn = {bsfAcc,bsfK,bsfR}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_11_DTW_optimalWindow_kNN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfK+","+bsfR+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return dtw_rn_knn; } public static double[] cv_12_WDTW_kNN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ int bsfK = -1; double bsfG = -1; double thisAcc = - 1; double bsfAcc = -1; WeightedDTW wdtw; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int weight = 0; weight <= 100; weight++){ double g = (double)weight/100; // avoid double imprecision // System.out.println("g: "+g); for(int k = 1; k <=100; k++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); wdtw = new WeightedDTW(g); thisAcc = crossValidate(data, k, wdtw,thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfK = k; bsfG = g; bsfSt = thisSt; } } } double [] wdtw_knn = {bsfAcc,bsfK,bsfG}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_12_WDTW_kNN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfK+","+bsfG+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return wdtw_knn; } public static double cv_21_DDTW_fullWindow_1NN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ if(!data.relationName().contains("derivative")){ throw new Exception("WARNING! Instances object does not include derivative in the relation name! If this is intentional, please either update relation name, or remove this exception from the code."); } BasicDTW fullWindowDtw = new BasicDTW(); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); double cv_21_ddtw_fullWindow_1nn = crossValidate(data, 1, fullWindowDtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_21_DDTW_fullWindow_1NN.txt"); log.append(cv_21_ddtw_fullWindow_1nn+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return cv_21_ddtw_fullWindow_1nn; } public static double[] cv_22_DDTW_bestWindow_1NN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ if(!data.relationName().contains("derivative")){ throw new Exception("WARNING! Instances object does not include derivative in the relation name! If this is intentional, please either update relation name, or remove this exception from the code."); } double r; double thisAcc; double bsfAcc = -1; double bsfR = -1; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int window = 0; window <= 100; window++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); r = (double)window/100; // to avoid double imprecision thisAcc = crossValidate(data, 1, new SakoeChibaDTW(r),thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfR = r; bsfSt = thisSt; } } double[] ddtw_cvWindow_1nn = {bsfAcc,bsfR}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_22_DDTW_bestWindow_1NN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfR+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return ddtw_cvWindow_1nn; } public static double[] cv_23_WDDTW_1NN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ if(!data.relationName().contains("derivative")){ throw new Exception("WARNING! Instances object does not include derivative in the relation name! If this is intentional, please either update relation name, or remove this exception from the code."); } double bsfG = -1; double thisAcc = - 1; double bsfAcc = -1; WeightedDTW wdtw; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int weight = 0; weight <= 100; weight++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); double g = (double)weight/100; // avoid double imprecision wdtw = new WeightedDTW(g); thisAcc = crossValidate(data, 1, wdtw,thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfG = g; bsfSt = thisSt; } } double [] wddtw_knn = {bsfAcc,bsfG}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_23_WDDTW_1NN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfG+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return wddtw_knn; } public static double[] cv_24_DDTW_fullWindow_kNN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ if(!data.relationName().contains("derivative")){ throw new Exception("WARNING! Instances object does not include derivative in the relation name! If this is intentional, please either update relation name, or remove this exception from the code."); } int bsfK = -1; double thisAcc = - 1; double bsfAcc = -1; BasicDTW dtw; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int k = 1; k <= 100; k++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); dtw = new BasicDTW(); thisAcc = crossValidate(data, k, dtw,thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfK = k; bsfSt = thisSt; } } double[] ddtw_fullWindow_knn = {bsfAcc,bsfK}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_24_DDTW_fullWindow_kNN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfK+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return ddtw_fullWindow_knn; } public static double[] cv_25_DDTW_optimalWindow_kNN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ if(!data.relationName().contains("derivative")){ throw new Exception("WARNING! Instances object does not include derivative in the relation name! If this is intentional, please either update relation name, or remove this exception from the code."); } int bsfK = -1; double bsfR = -1; double thisAcc = - 1; double bsfAcc = -1; SakoeChibaDTW dtw; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int window = 0; window <= 100; window++){ double r = (double)window/100; // avoid double imprecision for(int k = 1; k <=100; k++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); dtw = new SakoeChibaDTW(r); thisAcc = crossValidate(data, k, dtw,thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfK = k; bsfR = r; bsfSt = thisSt; } } } double [] ddtw_rn_knn = {bsfAcc,bsfK,bsfR}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_25_DDTW_optimalWindow_kNN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfK+","+bsfR+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return ddtw_rn_knn; } public static double[] cv_26_WDTW_kNN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ if(!data.relationName().contains("derivative")){ throw new Exception("WARNING! Instances object does not include derivative in the relation name! If this is intentional, please either update relation name, or remove this exception from the code."); } int bsfK = -1; double bsfG = -1; double thisAcc = - 1; double bsfAcc = -1; WeightedDTW wdtw; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int weight = 0; weight <= 100; weight++){ double g = (double)weight/100; // avoid double imprecision for(int k = 1; k <=100; k++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); wdtw = new WeightedDTW(g); thisAcc = crossValidate(data, k, wdtw,thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfK = k; bsfG = g; bsfSt = thisSt; } } } double [] wddtw_knn = {bsfAcc,bsfK,bsfG}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_26_WDTW_kNN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfK+","+bsfG+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return wddtw_knn; } public static double[] cv_31_LCSS_1NN(String dataName, Instances data) throws Exception{ // get the 10 delta and 10 epsilon readings between the ranges specified by <citation> int seriesLength = data.numAttributes()-1; // -1 to remove class value double dataStdv = LCSSDistance.stdv_p(data); //compute delta params int[] deltas = LCSSDistance.getInclusive10(0, seriesLength/4); // compute epsilon params double stdvFloor = dataStdv*0.2; double[] epsilons = LCSSDistance.getInclusive10(stdvFloor, dataStdv); int thisDelta; double thisEpsilon; double thisAcc; int bsfDelta = -1; double bsfEpsilon = 1; double bsfAcc = -1; LCSSDistance lcss; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int d = 0; d < deltas.length; d++){ for(int e = 0; e < epsilons.length; e++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); thisDelta = deltas[d]; thisEpsilon = epsilons[e]; lcss = new LCSSDistance(thisDelta, thisEpsilon); thisAcc = crossValidate(data, 1, lcss,thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfDelta = thisDelta; bsfEpsilon=thisEpsilon; bsfSt = thisSt; }else if(thisAcc == bsfAcc && thisDelta <= bsfDelta && thisEpsilon <= bsfEpsilon){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfDelta = thisDelta; bsfEpsilon=thisEpsilon; bsfSt = thisSt; } } } double[] lcss_1nn = {bsfAcc,bsfDelta,bsfEpsilon}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_31_LCSS_1NN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+bsfDelta+","+bsfEpsilon+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return lcss_1nn;// accuracy, delta, epsilon } /* * Due to time constratints, we could not investigate all possible paramater options for * k = 1, 2, ..., 100. As a comprmise, we investigate 100 k values using the best LCSS * parameters found in the LCSS 1NN cross-validation. */ public static double[] cv_32_LCSS_kNN(String dataName, Instances data, int delta, double epsilon) throws Exception{ // get the 10 delta and 10 epsilon readings between the ranges specified by <citation> int bsfK = -1; double thisAcc = - 1; double bsfAcc = -1; LCSSDistance lcss; StringBuilder bsfSt = null; StringBuilder thisSt; for(int k = 1; k <= 100; k++){ thisSt = new StringBuilder(); lcss = new LCSSDistance(delta, epsilon); thisAcc = crossValidate(data, k, lcss,thisSt); if(thisAcc > bsfAcc){ bsfAcc = thisAcc; bsfK = k; bsfSt = thisSt; } } double[] lcss_knn = {bsfAcc,delta,epsilon,bsfK}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_32_LCSS_kNN.txt"); log.append(bsfAcc+","+delta+","+epsilon+","+bsfK+"\n"); log.append(bsfSt); log.close(); return lcss_knn; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Train/Test Methods"> // generic train/test code public static double trainTest(Instances train, Instances test, int k, EuclideanDistance distanceMetric, StringBuilder st) throws Exception{ kNN knn = new kNN(k); knn.setDistanceFunction(distanceMetric); knn.buildClassifier(train); int correct = 0; double decision, classValue; for(int i = 0; i < test.numInstances(); i++){ classValue = test.instance(i).classValue(); decision = knn.classifyInstance(test.instance(i)); st.append(decision).append(",").append(classValue).append("\n"); if(classValue==decision){ correct++; } } return 100.0/test.numInstances()*correct; } // start of experiment-specific train/test code public static double trainTest_01_Euclidean_1NN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); EuclideanDistance euclid = new EuclideanDistance(); euclid.setDontNormalize(true); double trainTest_01_euclidean_1nn = trainTest(train, test, 1, euclid, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_01_Euclidean_1NN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_01_euclidean_1nn+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_01_euclidean_1nn; } public static double trainTest_02_DTW_fullWindow_1NN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); BasicDTW dtw = new BasicDTW(); double trainTest_02_dtw_fullwindow_1nn = trainTest(train, test, 1, dtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_02_DTW_fullWindow_1NN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_02_dtw_fullwindow_1nn+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_02_dtw_fullwindow_1nn; } public static double trainTest_03_DTW_optimalWindow_1NN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_03_DTW_bestWindow_1NN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); double bestR = Double.parseDouble(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); SakoeChibaDTW sdtw = new SakoeChibaDTW(bestR); double trainTest_03_DTW_optimalWindow_1NN = trainTest(train, test, 1, sdtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_03_DTW_optimalWindow_1NN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_03_DTW_optimalWindow_1NN+","+bestR+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_03_DTW_optimalWindow_1NN; } public static double trainTest_04_WDTW_1NN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_04_WDTW_1NN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); double bestG = Double.parseDouble(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); WeightedDTW wdtw = new WeightedDTW(bestG); double trainTest_04_WDTW_1NN = trainTest(train, test, 1, wdtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_04_WDTW_1NN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_04_WDTW_1NN+","+bestG+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_04_WDTW_1NN; } public static double trainTest_05_Euclidean_kNN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_05_Euclidean_kNN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); int bestK = Integer.parseInt(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); EuclideanDistance euclid = new EuclideanDistance(); euclid.setDontNormalize(true); double trainTest_05_Euclidean_kNN = trainTest(train, test, bestK, euclid, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_05_Euclidean_kNN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_05_Euclidean_kNN+","+bestK+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_05_Euclidean_kNN; } public static double trainTest_06_DTW_fullWindow_kNN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_06_DTW_fullWindow_kNN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); int bestK = Integer.parseInt(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); BasicDTW dtw = new BasicDTW(); double trainTest_06_DTW_fullWindow_kNN = trainTest(train, test, bestK, dtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_06_DTW_fullWindow_kNN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_06_DTW_fullWindow_kNN+","+bestK+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_06_DTW_fullWindow_kNN; } public static double trainTest_11_DTW_bestWindow_kNN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_11_DTW_optimalWindow_kNN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); int bestK = Integer.parseInt(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); double bestR = Double.parseDouble(resultsAndParams[2].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); SakoeChibaDTW sdtw = new SakoeChibaDTW(bestR); double trainTest_11_DTW_bestWindow_kNN = trainTest(train, test, bestK, sdtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_11_DTW_bestWindow_kNN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_11_DTW_bestWindow_kNN+","+bestK+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_11_DTW_bestWindow_kNN; } public static double trainTest_12_WDTW_kNN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_12_WDTW_kNN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); int bestK = Integer.parseInt(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); double bestG = Double.parseDouble(resultsAndParams[2].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); WeightedDTW wdtw = new WeightedDTW(bestG); double trainTest_12_WDTW_kNN = trainTest(train, test, bestK, wdtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_12_WDTW_kNN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_12_WDTW_kNN+","+bestK+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_12_WDTW_kNN; } public static double trainTest_21_DDTW_fullWindow_1NN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ if(!train.relationName().contains("derivative") || !test.relationName().contains("derivative")){ throw new Exception("WARNING! Instances object does not include derivative in the relation name! If this is intentional, please either update relation name, or remove this exception from the code."); } StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); BasicDTW dtw = new BasicDTW(); double trainTest_21_DDTW_fullWindow_1NN = trainTest(train, test, 1, dtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_21_DDTW_fullWindow_1NN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_21_DDTW_fullWindow_1NN+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_21_DDTW_fullWindow_1NN; } public static double trainTest_22_DDTW_optimalWindow_1NN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_22_DDTW_bestWindow_1NN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); double bestR = Double.parseDouble(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); SakoeChibaDTW sdtw = new SakoeChibaDTW(bestR); double trainTest_22_DDTW_optimalWindow_1NN = trainTest(train, test, 1, sdtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_22_DDTW_optimalWindow_1NN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_22_DDTW_optimalWindow_1NN+","+bestR+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_22_DDTW_optimalWindow_1NN; } public static double trainTest_23_WDDTW_1NN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_23_WDDTW_1NN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); double bestG = Double.parseDouble(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); WeightedDTW wdtw = new WeightedDTW(bestG); double trainTest_23_WDDTW_1NN = trainTest(train, test, 1, wdtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_23_WDDTW_1NN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_23_WDDTW_1NN+","+bestG+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_23_WDDTW_1NN; } public static double trainTest_24_DDTW_fullWindow_kNN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_24_DDTW_fullWindow_kNN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); int bestK = Integer.parseInt(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); BasicDTW dtw = new BasicDTW(); double trainTest_24_DDTW_fullWindow_kNN = trainTest(train, test, bestK, dtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_24_DDTW_fullWindow_kNN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_24_DDTW_fullWindow_kNN+","+bestK+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_24_DDTW_fullWindow_kNN; } public static double trainTest_25_DDTW_bestWindow_kNN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_25_DDTW_optimalWindow_kNN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); int bestK = Integer.parseInt(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); double bestR = Double.parseDouble(resultsAndParams[2].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); SakoeChibaDTW sdtw = new SakoeChibaDTW(bestR); double trainTest_25_DDTW_bestWindow_kNN = trainTest(train, test, bestK, sdtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_25_DDTW_bestWindow_kNN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_25_DDTW_bestWindow_kNN+","+bestK+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_25_DDTW_bestWindow_kNN; } public static double trainTest_26_WDDTW_kNN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_26_WDTW_kNN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); int bestK = Integer.parseInt(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); double bestG = Double.parseDouble(resultsAndParams[2].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); WeightedDTW wdtw = new WeightedDTW(bestG); double trainTest_26_WDDTW_kNN = trainTest(train, test, bestK, wdtw, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_26_WDDTW_kNN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_26_WDDTW_kNN+","+bestK+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_26_WDDTW_kNN; } public static double trainTest_31_LCSS_1NN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_31_LCSS_1NN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); int bestDelta = Integer.parseInt(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); double bestEpsilon = Double.parseDouble(resultsAndParams[2].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); LCSSDistance lcss = new LCSSDistance(bestDelta, bestEpsilon); double trainTest_31_LCSS_1NN = trainTest(train, test, 1, lcss, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_31_LCSS_1NN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_31_LCSS_1NN+","+bestDelta+","+bestEpsilon+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_31_LCSS_1NN; } public static double trainTest_32_LCSS_kNN(String dataName, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception{ // get best window with from cv file //1. check that the cv file exists: File cvFile = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName+"/cv_32_LCSS_kNN.txt"); if(!cvFile.exists()){ throw new Exception("ERROR! CV hasn't been carried out for fully for "+cvFile.getName()+"."); } Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); String[] resultsAndParams =","); int bestDelta = Integer.parseInt(resultsAndParams[1].trim()); double bestEpsilon = Double.parseDouble(resultsAndParams[2].trim()); int bestK = Integer.parseInt(resultsAndParams[3].trim()); StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); LCSSDistance lcss = new LCSSDistance(bestDelta, bestEpsilon); double trainTest_32_LCSS_kNN = trainTest(train, test, bestK, lcss, st); FileWriter log = new FileWriter(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName+"/trainTest_32_LCSS_kNN.txt"); log.append(trainTest_32_LCSS_kNN+","+bestDelta+","+bestEpsilon+","+bestK+"\n"); log.append(st); log.close(); return trainTest_32_LCSS_kNN; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Complete Dataset CV and Train/Test Methods"> public static void datasetCrossValidation(String dataName) throws Exception{ initCv(dataName); Instances train_raw = loadData(DATA_DIR+"/"+dataName+"/"+dataName+"_TRAIN.arff"); // get derivative training data (can store locally and read in to save computation time for large datasets) DerivativeFilter df = new DerivativeFilter(); Instances train_derivative = df.process(train_raw); double cv_01_euclidean_1nn = cv_01_Euclidean_1NN(dataName,train_raw); // 01 Euclidean 1NN double cv_02_dtw_fullWindow_1nn = cv_02_DTW_fullWindow_1NN(dataName,train_raw); // 02 DTW Full Window 1NN double[] cv_03_dtw_cvWindow_1nn = cv_03_DTW_bestWindow_1NN(dataName,train_raw); // 03 DTW variable window 1NN (try all possible values of R from 0% to 100% in increments of 1%) double[] cv_04_wdtw_1nn = cv_04_WDTW_1NN(dataName,train_raw); // 04 Weighted DTW with cv to find the optimal weight, g. Possible values for g range from 0 to 1 in increments of 0.01 double[] cv_05_euclidean_knn = cv_05_Euclidean_kNN(dataName,train_raw); // 05 Euclidean kNN (k = 1, 2, ..., 100) double[] cv_06_dtw_fullWindow_knn = cv_06_DTW_fullWindow_kNN(dataName,train_raw); // 06 DTW Full Window kNN (k = 1, 2, ..., 100) double[] cv_11_dtw_optimalWindow_knn = cv_11_DTW_optimalWindow_kNN(dataName,train_raw); // 11 DTW Optimal Window kNN (r = 0, 0.01, 0.02, ..., 1) (k = 1, 2, ..., 100) double[] cv_12_wdtw_knn = cv_12_WDTW_kNN(dataName,train_raw); // 12 WDTW kNN (g = 0, 0.01, 0.02, ..., 1) (k = 1, 2, ..., 100) double cv_21_ddtw_fullWindow_1nn = cv_21_DDTW_fullWindow_1NN(dataName,train_derivative); // 21 Derivative DTW Full Window 1NN double[] cv_22_ddtw_cvWindow_1nn = cv_22_DDTW_bestWindow_1NN(dataName,train_derivative); // 22 Derivative DTW Variable Window 1NN (r 0-100%, increaments of 1%) double[] cv_23_wdtw_1nn = cv_23_WDDTW_1NN(dataName,train_derivative); // 23 Erighted Derivative DTW 1NN (g 0-1, increments of 0.01) double[] cv_24_ddtw_fullWindow_knn = cv_24_DDTW_fullWindow_kNN(dataName,train_derivative); // 24 Derivative DTW Full Window kNN (k 1-100, increments of 1) double[] cv_25_ddtw_optimalWindow_knn = cv_25_DDTW_optimalWindow_kNN(dataName,train_derivative); // 25 Derivative DTW Variable Window double[] cv_26_wddtw_knn = cv_26_WDTW_kNN(dataName,train_derivative); double[] cv_31_lcss_1nn = cv_31_LCSS_1NN(dataName,train_raw); double[] cv_32_lcss_knn = cv_32_LCSS_kNN(dataName,train_raw,(int)cv_31_lcss_1nn[1],cv_31_lcss_1nn[2]); // print results /***** RAW DATA ****/ System.out.printf("Euclidean 1NN:%33.3f%n",cv_01_euclidean_1nn); System.out.printf("DTW Full Window 1NN:%27.3f%n",cv_02_dtw_fullWindow_1nn); System.out.printf("DTW Optimal Window 1NN (r=%1.2f):%15.3f%n",cv_03_dtw_cvWindow_1nn[1],cv_03_dtw_cvWindow_1nn[0]); System.out.printf("WDTW 1NN (g=%1.2f):%29.3f%n",cv_04_wdtw_1nn[1],cv_04_wdtw_1nn[0]); System.out.printf("Euclidean kNN (k=%3.0f):%25.3f%n",cv_05_euclidean_knn[1],cv_05_euclidean_knn[0]); System.out.printf("DTW Full Window kNN (k=%3.0f):%19.3f%n",cv_06_dtw_fullWindow_knn[1],cv_06_dtw_fullWindow_knn[0]); System.out.printf("DTW Optimal Window kNN (k=%3.0f, r=%1.2f):%9.3f%n",cv_11_dtw_optimalWindow_knn[1],cv_11_dtw_optimalWindow_knn[2],cv_11_dtw_optimalWindow_knn[0]); System.out.printf("WDTW kNN (k=%3.0f, g=%1.2f):%22.3f%n",cv_12_wdtw_knn[1],cv_12_wdtw_knn[2],cv_12_wdtw_knn[0]); /***** DERIVATIVE TRANSFORMED DATA ****/ System.out.printf("DDTW Full Window 1NN:%26.3f%n",cv_21_ddtw_fullWindow_1nn); System.out.printf("DDTW Optimal Window 1NN (r=%1.2f):%14.3f%n",cv_22_ddtw_cvWindow_1nn[1],cv_22_ddtw_cvWindow_1nn[0]); System.out.printf("WDDTW 1NN (g=%1.2f):%28.3f%n",cv_23_wdtw_1nn[1],cv_23_wdtw_1nn[0]); System.out.printf("DDTW Full Window kNN (k=%3.0f):%18.3f%n",cv_24_ddtw_fullWindow_knn[1],cv_24_ddtw_fullWindow_knn[0]); System.out.printf("DDTW Optimal Window kNN (k=%3.0f, r=%1.2f):%7.3f%n",cv_25_ddtw_optimalWindow_knn[1],cv_25_ddtw_optimalWindow_knn[2],cv_25_ddtw_optimalWindow_knn[0]); System.out.printf("WDDTW kNN (k=%3.0f, g=%1.2f):%21.3f%n",cv_26_wddtw_knn[1],cv_26_wddtw_knn[2],cv_26_wddtw_knn[0]); /***** LCSS ******/ System.out.printf("LCSS (d=%3.0f, e=%1.3f) 1NN:%21.3f%n",cv_31_lcss_1nn[1],cv_31_lcss_1nn[2],cv_31_lcss_1nn[0]); System.out.printf("LCSS (d=%3.0f, e=%1.3f) kNN (k=%3.0f):%13.3f%n",cv_32_lcss_knn[1],cv_32_lcss_knn[2],cv_32_lcss_knn[3],cv_32_lcss_knn[0]); } public static void datasetTrainTest(String dataName) throws Exception{ // Pre-requisite of train/test classification is that necessary params have been found in CV stage. // Therefore, check to see if CV has been carried out previously. If not, begin then CV automatically. File cvDir = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV); if(!cvDir.exists()){ System.out.println("Cross-validation for "+dataName+" doesn't appear to have taken place in '"+OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"'. Starting cross-validation."); datasetCrossValidation(dataName); } initTrainTest(dataName); Instances train_raw = loadData(DATA_DIR+"/"+dataName+"/"+dataName+"_TRAIN.arff"); Instances test_raw = loadData(DATA_DIR+"/"+dataName+"/"+dataName+"_TEST.arff"); DerivativeFilter df = new DerivativeFilter(); Instances train_derivative = df.process(train_raw); df = new DerivativeFilter(); Instances test_derivative = df.process(test_raw); /***** RAW DATA ****/ System.out.printf("Euclidean 1NN:%33.3f%n",trainTest_01_Euclidean_1NN(dataName, train_raw, test_raw)); System.out.printf("DTW Full Window 1NN:%27.3f%n",trainTest_02_DTW_fullWindow_1NN(dataName, train_raw, test_raw)); System.out.printf("DTW Best Window 1NN:%27.3f%n",trainTest_03_DTW_optimalWindow_1NN(dataName, train_raw, test_raw)); System.out.printf("WDTW 1NN:%38.3f%n",trainTest_04_WDTW_1NN(dataName, train_raw, test_raw)); System.out.printf("Euclidean kNN:%33.3f%n",trainTest_05_Euclidean_kNN(dataName, train_raw, test_raw)); System.out.printf("DTW Full Window kNN:%27.3f%n",trainTest_06_DTW_fullWindow_kNN(dataName, train_raw, test_raw)); System.out.printf("DTW Best Window kNN:%27.3f%n",trainTest_11_DTW_bestWindow_kNN(dataName, train_raw, test_raw)); System.out.printf("WDTW kNN:%38.3f%n",trainTest_12_WDTW_kNN(dataName, train_raw, test_raw)); /***** DERIVATIVE TRANSFORMED DATA ****/ System.out.printf("DDTW Full Window 1NN:%26.3f%n",trainTest_21_DDTW_fullWindow_1NN(dataName, train_derivative, test_derivative)); System.out.printf("DDTW Best Window 1NN:%26.3f%n",trainTest_22_DDTW_optimalWindow_1NN(dataName, train_derivative, test_derivative)); System.out.printf("WDDTW 1NN:%37.3f%n",trainTest_23_WDDTW_1NN(dataName, train_derivative, test_derivative)); System.out.printf("DDTW Full Window kNN:%26.3f%n",trainTest_24_DDTW_fullWindow_kNN(dataName, train_derivative, test_derivative)); System.out.printf("DDTW Best Window kNN:%26.3f%n",trainTest_25_DDTW_bestWindow_kNN(dataName, train_derivative, test_derivative)); System.out.printf("WDDTW kNN:%37.3f%n",trainTest_26_WDDTW_kNN(dataName, train_derivative, test_derivative)); /***** LCSS ******/ System.out.printf("LCSS 1NN:%38.3f%n",trainTest_31_LCSS_1NN(dataName, train_raw, test_raw)); System.out.printf("LCSS kNN:%38.3f%n",trainTest_32_LCSS_kNN(dataName, train_raw, test_raw)); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Result Parsing for CV and Train/Test"> public static void printPreCalculatedCvResults(String dataset) throws Exception{ Scanner scan; File[] cvResults = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataset).listFiles(); String classifierName; String[] resultLineParts; for(int i = 0; i < cvResults.length; i++){ classifierName = cvResults[i].getName().substring(6).replace(".txt", "").replaceAll("_", " "); scan = new Scanner(cvResults[i]); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); resultLineParts =","); double accuracy = Double.parseDouble(resultLineParts[0]); System.out.printf(classifierName+"%"+(40-classifierName.length())+".3f\n",accuracy); } } public static void printPrecalculatedTrainTestResults(String dataset) throws Exception{ Scanner scan; File[] cvResults = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataset).listFiles(); String classifierName; String[] resultLineParts; for(int i = 0; i < cvResults.length; i++){ classifierName = cvResults[i].getName().substring(13).replace(".txt", "").replaceAll("_", " "); scan = new Scanner(cvResults[i]); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); resultLineParts =","); double accuracy = Double.parseDouble(resultLineParts[0]); System.out.printf(classifierName+"%"+(40-classifierName.length())+".3f\n",accuracy); } } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Ensemble Classification Methods"> public static double ensembleClassification_best(String dataName) throws Exception{ // prerequisites: // 1. Cv must have been carried out for all classifiers // 2. Train/Test must have been carried out for all classifiers // Step 1. Get cv accuracies for all classifiers (either single classifier, or multiple if classifiers are tied) double[] cvAccuracies = getCvAccuracies(dataName); // Step 2: Find the best classifier according to cv accuracies. // in case there isn't a single best classifier, need to store the id's of each of the best classifier // justification: to chose a random classifier from the best on each classification decision, otherwise // random selection must happen before classification, and then only one classifier would be used. ArrayList<Integer> bestClassifiers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); double bestAccuracy = -1; for(int i = 0; i < cvAccuracies.length;i++){ if(cvAccuracies[i]>bestAccuracy){ bestClassifiers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); bestClassifiers.add(i); bestAccuracy = cvAccuracies[i]; }else if(cvAccuracies[i]==bestAccuracy){ bestClassifiers.add(i); } } Instances test = loadData(DATA_DIR+"/"+dataName+"/"+dataName+"_TEST.ARFF"); //3. get test predictions for all classifiers double[][] predictions = getTestPredictions(dataName, test); //4. get actual class vlaues double[] actualClassValues = getClassValues(test); // if there is more than one best classifier, we must radomly pick one of this subset each time we make // a classification decision. boolean moreThanOneBest = false; if(bestClassifiers.size() > 1){ moreThanOneBest = true; } Random r = new Random(); double[] ensemblePredictions = new double[actualClassValues.length]; for(int i = 0; i < actualClassValues.length; i++){ if(moreThanOneBest){ ensemblePredictions[i] = predictions[i][bestClassifiers.get(r.nextInt(bestClassifiers.size()))]; }else{ ensemblePredictions[i] = predictions[i][bestClassifiers.get(0)]; } } int correct = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ensemblePredictions.length; i++){ // System.out.println(ensemblePredictions[i]+","+actualClassValues[i]); if(ensemblePredictions[i]==actualClassValues[i]){ correct++; } } // System.out.println("Best: "+100.0/test.numInstances()*correct); return 100.0/test.numInstances()*correct; } public static double ensembleClassification_equal(String dataName) throws Exception{ // for each instances, we get the predictions for all classifiers. Then we count the occurances // of each class value as votes, and the class value with the highest vote is selected as the // classification decision. In cases where there is no majority, ties are split randomly // 1. We don't need to use the cv accuracies with this ensemble strategy, so we can go straight // to getting the class values and test predictions Instances test = loadData(DATA_DIR+"/"+dataName+"/"+dataName+"_TEST.arff"); double[] actualClassValues = getClassValues(test); double[][] predictions = getTestPredictions(dataName, test); // 2. For each instances, count all votes. When voting has finished, extact the most frequent // class value(s) and make classification decision TreeMap<Double, Integer> votes; ArrayList<Double> majorityClasses; Random r = new Random(); int count, bsfCount; double[] ensemblePredictions = new double[actualClassValues.length]; for(int i = 0; i < actualClassValues.length; i++){ // for instance i votes = new TreeMap<Double, Integer>(); for(int j = 0; j < predictions[i].length; j++){ // for classifier j if(votes.containsKey(predictions[i][j])){ // add vote from classifier j on instance i count = votes.get(predictions[i][j]); count+=1; votes.put(predictions[i][j], count); }else{ votes.put(predictions[i][j], 1); } } // extract top class(es) bsfCount = -1; majorityClasses = new ArrayList<Double>(); for(Double d:votes.keySet()){ if(votes.get(d) > bsfCount){ // if better than bsf, must be better than all others so reinitialise store majorityClasses = new ArrayList<Double>(); majorityClasses.add(d); bsfCount = votes.get(d); }else if(votes.get(d)==bsfCount){ // if equal to bsf, store but don't remove previous. majorityClasses.add(d); } } // if there is a dominant class, no need to randomly select (will be @ index 0). Else, randomly pick on of the best class values // as they must be equally represented to be included in the majority classes store. if(majorityClasses.size()==1){ ensemblePredictions[i] = majorityClasses.get(0); }else{ ensemblePredictions[i] = majorityClasses.get(r.nextInt(majorityClasses.size())); } } int correct = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ensemblePredictions.length; i++){ if(ensemblePredictions[i]==actualClassValues[i]){ correct++; } } // System.out.println("Equal: "+100.0/test.numInstances()*correct); return 100.0/test.numInstances()*correct; } public static double ensembleClassification_proportional(String dataName) throws Exception{ // for each classifier, we calcaulte a voting weight according to cv performance. The classifier then proceeds much like the ensemble_equal // strategy; for each instance, a vote is taken from each classifier. However, rather than each classifier having an equal vote (i.e. 1 each), // the vote is adjusted according to the classifier's weighting. // 1. get cv accuracies for all classifiers double[] cvAccuracies = getCvAccuracies(dataName); // 2. calculate weights double[] weights = new double[cvAccuracies.length]; // get sum of accuracy double sumOfAccuracies = 0; for(int i = 0; i < cvAccuracies.length;i++){ sumOfAccuracies+=cvAccuracies[i]; } // assign values to weights according to cv accuracy for(int i = 0; i < cvAccuracies.length; i++){ weights[i] = 100.0/sumOfAccuracies*cvAccuracies[i]; } // 3. get predictions Instances test = loadData(DATA_DIR+"/"+dataName+"/"+dataName+"_TEST.arff"); double[][] predictions = getTestPredictions(dataName, test); double[] actualClassValues = getClassValues(test); // 4. get classification decisions TreeMap<Double, Double> classVotes; ArrayList<Double> electedClasses; double vote; double bsfVote; double[] ensemblePredictions = new double[test.numInstances()]; Random r = new Random(); for(int i = 0;i < test.numInstances(); i++){ // for each instance i classVotes = new TreeMap<Double, Double>(); for(int j = 0; j < predictions[i].length; j++){ // for each classifier j if(classVotes.containsKey(predictions[i][j])){ // if class value has already been voted for, update vote vote = classVotes.get(predictions[i][j]); vote += weights[j]; classVotes.put(predictions[i][j], vote); }else{ // else, add a new entry for this class value classVotes.put(predictions[i][j], weights[j]); } } bsfVote = -1; electedClasses = new ArrayList<Double>(); for(Double d:classVotes.keySet()){ if(classVotes.get(d) > bsfVote){ // if best so far, re-initialise the store and add this class electedClasses = new ArrayList<Double>(); electedClasses.add(d); bsfVote = classVotes.get(d); }else if(classVotes.get(d) == bsfVote){ // else if it is equal to the best so far, retain original value(s) and add this too. electedClasses.add(d); } } // if there is a dominant class value, pick that. Else, randomly pick one from the set of best classes if(electedClasses.size()==1){ ensemblePredictions[i] = electedClasses.get(0); }else{ ensemblePredictions[i] = electedClasses.get(r.nextInt(electedClasses.size())); } } int correct = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ensemblePredictions.length; i++){ if(ensemblePredictions[i]==actualClassValues[i]){ correct++; } } // System.out.println("Proportional: "+100.0/test.numInstances()*correct); return 100.0/test.numInstances()*correct; } public static double ensembleClassification_significant(String dataName) throws Exception{ // 1. get cv accuracies for all classifiers Instances train = loadData(DATA_DIR+"/"+dataName+"/"+dataName+"_TRAIN.arff"); double[] cvAccuracies = getCvAccuracies(dataName); // 2. calculate weights, with McNemar's taken into consideration double[] weights = new double[cvAccuracies.length]; int[] mcNemarsInclusion = mcNemars(dataName, train); // get sum of accuracy double sumOfAccuracies = 0; for(int i = 0; i < cvAccuracies.length;i++){ if(mcNemarsInclusion[i]==1){ sumOfAccuracies+=cvAccuracies[i]; } } // assign values to weights according to cv accuracy for(int i = 0; i < cvAccuracies.length; i++){ if(mcNemarsInclusion[i]==1){ weights[i] = 100.0/sumOfAccuracies*cvAccuracies[i]; }else{ weights[i]=0; } } // 3. get predictions Instances test = loadData(DATA_DIR+"/"+dataName+"/"+dataName+"_TEST.arff"); double[][] predictions = getTestPredictions(dataName, test); double[] actualClassValues = getClassValues(test); // 4. get classification decisions TreeMap<Double, Double> classVotes; ArrayList<Double> electedClasses; double vote; double bsfVote; double[] ensemblePredictions = new double[test.numInstances()]; Random r = new Random(); for(int i = 0;i < test.numInstances(); i++){ // for each instance i classVotes = new TreeMap<Double, Double>(); for(int j = 0; j < predictions[i].length; j++){ // for each classifier j if(classVotes.containsKey(predictions[i][j])){ // if class value has already been voted for, update vote vote = classVotes.get(predictions[i][j]); vote += weights[j]; classVotes.put(predictions[i][j], vote); }else{ // else, add a new entry for this class value classVotes.put(predictions[i][j], weights[j]); } } bsfVote = -1; electedClasses = new ArrayList<Double>(); for(Double d:classVotes.keySet()){ if(classVotes.get(d) > bsfVote){ // if best so far, re-initialise the store and add this class electedClasses = new ArrayList<Double>(); electedClasses.add(d); bsfVote = classVotes.get(d); }else if(classVotes.get(d) == bsfVote){ // else if it is equal to the best so far, retain original value(s) and add this too. electedClasses.add(d); } } // if there is a dominant class value, pick that. Else, randomly pick one from the set of best classes if(electedClasses.size()==1){ ensemblePredictions[i] = electedClasses.get(0); }else{ ensemblePredictions[i] = electedClasses.get(r.nextInt(electedClasses.size())); } } int correct = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ensemblePredictions.length; i++){ if(ensemblePredictions[i]==actualClassValues[i]){ correct++; } } // System.out.println("Significant: "+100.0/test.numInstances()*correct); return 100.0/test.numInstances()*correct; } public static int[] mcNemars(String dataName, Instances train)throws Exception{ //1. Get the cv predictions for each classifier double[][] cvPredictions = getCVPredictions(dataName, train); //2. get cv accuracies double[] cvAccuracies = getCvAccuracies(dataName); //3. pick the best classifier to build ensemble around double bsfAccuracy = -1; ArrayList<Integer> bestClassifierIds = null; for(int i = 0; i < cvAccuracies.length;i++){ if(cvAccuracies[i] > bsfAccuracy){ // new single-best classifier, so reinitialise store and add the id of this classifier bsfAccuracy = cvAccuracies[i]; bestClassifierIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); bestClassifierIds.add(i); }else if(cvAccuracies[i] == bsfAccuracy){ // equals best so far, so retain previous best classifier(s) and add this id to the store bestClassifierIds.add(i); } } int bestClassifierId = -1; // split ties randomly if(bestClassifierIds.size() > 1){ Random r = new Random(); bestClassifierId = bestClassifierIds.get(r.nextInt(bestClassifierIds.size())); }else{ bestClassifierId = bestClassifierIds.get(0); } double[] bestClassifierPredictions = new double[train.numInstances()]; for(int i = 0; i < train.numInstances();i++){ bestClassifierPredictions[i] = cvPredictions[i][bestClassifierId]; } int numClassifiers = cvAccuracies.length; double[] actualClassValues = getClassValues(train); int[] logicalOutput = new int[numClassifiers]; for(int c = 0; c < numClassifiers; c++){ if(c==bestClassifierId){ logicalOutput[c] = 1; }else if(cvAccuracies[c]==100){ logicalOutput[c] = 1; // if classifier isn't picked as the best and still has 100%, must be equivilient, as best must also be 100% so all class decision were the same }else{ // create contingency table // best classifier = classifier a // other = classificer b int wrongByBoth = 0; // top-left int rightByAWrongByB = 0; // bottom-left int wrongByaRightByB = 0; // top-right int rightByBoth = 0; // bottom-right double actualClass, a, b; for(int i = 0; i < train.numInstances();i++){ actualClass = actualClassValues[i]; a = bestClassifierPredictions[i]; b = cvPredictions[i][c]; if(a!=actualClass && b!=actualClass){ wrongByBoth++; }else if(a==actualClass && b!=actualClass){ rightByAWrongByB++; }else if(a!=actualClass&&b==actualClass){ wrongByaRightByB++; }else if(a==actualClass && b==actualClass){ rightByBoth++; } } if(wrongByBoth+rightByAWrongByB+wrongByaRightByB+rightByBoth!=train.numInstances()){ throw new Exception("Count of instances is incorrect. Please ensure inputs are correct"); } if(rightByAWrongByB+wrongByaRightByB==0){ logicalOutput[c] = 1; // equivilent to the best classifier, so include it to add weight to proportional votes }else{ double chiPart = (Math.abs(wrongByaRightByB-rightByAWrongByB)-1); double chi = (chiPart*chiPart)/(wrongByaRightByB+rightByAWrongByB); if(chi >= 6.634897){ // Alpha = 0.01 logicalOutput[c] = 0; }else{ logicalOutput[c] = 1; } } } } return logicalOutput; } public static void print10RunEnsembles(String dataset) throws Exception{ double best = 0; double equal = 0; double prop = 0; double sig = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ best += ensembleClassification_best(dataset); equal += ensembleClassification_equal(dataset); prop += ensembleClassification_proportional(dataset); sig += ensembleClassification_significant(dataset); } System.out.printf("Best%36.3f\n",(best/10)); System.out.printf("Equal%35.3f\n",(equal/10)); System.out.printf("Proportional%28.3f\n",(prop/10)); System.out.printf("Significant%29.3f\n",(sig/10)); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Utility Methods"> public static Instances loadData(String fileName){ Instances data = null; try{ FileReader r; r = new FileReader(fileName); data = new Instances(r); data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(" Error =" + e + " in method loadData"); } return data; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Helper Methods"> private static double[] getCvAccuracies(String dataName) throws Exception{ // get cv accuracies for each classifier File cvFolder = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName); File[] cvFiles = cvFolder.listFiles(); double[] cvAccuracies = new double[16]; for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++){ File classifierFile = cvFiles[i]; Scanner scan = new Scanner(classifierFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n"); cvAccuracies[i] = Double.parseDouble(",")[0].trim()); } return cvAccuracies; } private static double[][] getCVPredictions(String dataName, Instances train) throws Exception{ // read in train/test predictions File cvFolder = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName); File[] cvFiles = cvFolder.listFiles(); double[][] predictions = new double[train.numInstances()][cvFiles.length]; for(int c = 0; c < cvFiles.length; c++){ File cvFile = cvFiles[c]; Scanner scan = new Scanner(cvFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n");; // header int idx = 0; while(scan.hasNext()){ String[] resultLineParts =","); double prediction = Double.parseDouble(resultLineParts[0]); double classVal = Double.parseDouble(resultLineParts[1]); if(classVal!=train.instance(idx).classValue()){ throw new Exception("Class value mismatch! Found:"+classVal+", expected:"+train.instance(idx).classValue()); } predictions[idx][c] = prediction; idx++; } if(idx!=train.numInstances()){ throw new Exception("Incorrect number of instances! Found:"+idx+", expected: "+train.numInstances()); } } return predictions; } private static double[][] getTestPredictions(String dataName, Instances test) throws Exception{ // read in train/test predictions File testFolder = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName); File[] testFiles = testFolder.listFiles(); double[][] predictions = new double[test.numInstances()][testFiles.length]; for(int c = 0; c < testFiles.length; c++){ File trainTestFile = testFiles[c]; Scanner scan = new Scanner(trainTestFile); scan.useDelimiter("\n");; // header int idx = 0; while(scan.hasNext()){ String[] resultLineParts =","); double prediction = Double.parseDouble(resultLineParts[0]); double classVal = Double.parseDouble(resultLineParts[1]); if(classVal!=test.instance(idx).classValue()){ throw new Exception("Class value mismatch! Found:"+classVal+", expected:"+test.instance(idx).classValue()); } predictions[idx][c] = prediction; idx++; } if(idx!=test.numInstances()){ throw new Exception("Incorrect number of instances! Found:"+idx+", expected: "+test.numInstances()); } } return predictions; } public static double[] getClassValues(Instances input){ double[] classValues = new double[input.numInstances()]; for(int i = 0; i < input.numInstances();i++){ classValues[i]=input.instance(i).classValue(); } return classValues; } //</editor-fold> public static void main(String[] args) { // A main method to carry out CV, train/test, and ensemble classification for a given dataset name. Before running, please ensure that // the static fields at the start of this class suit your needs (i.e. correct output location and input Instances data location). // Contained in this method are two options that are automatically selected according to the results that are in place: // 1. If no experiments have been carried out for the dataset specified in the field dataName: String dataName = "ItalyPowerDemand"; // then all cross-validation and train/test experiments will be carried out when the code is executed. // 2. If 'dataName' has previously been processed and the results are stored under the paths listed in the 'OUTPUT_DIR' fields, // summary methods will be read in to parse the existing results. This is much faster on all datasets, as classification will // not need to be repeated unecessarily. try{ // Part 1: Cross-Validation // If CV hasn't been carried out, perform CV (ASSUMPTION: if cv folder exists, cv has been carried out FULLY) // Else, print CV results System.out.println("Cross-Validation Results"); System.out.println("----------------------------------------"); File cvResultsDir = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_CV+"/"+dataName); if(cvResultsDir.exists()){ printPreCalculatedCvResults(dataName); }else{ datasetCrossValidation(dataName); } System.out.println(); // Part 2: Train/Test // If train/test hasn't been carried out, perform Train/Test (ASSUMPTION: if results dir exists, Train/Test has been fully carried out) // Else, print Train/Test results System.out.println("Train/Test Results"); System.out.println("----------------------------------------"); File trainTestResultsDir = new File(OUTPUT_DIR_TRAIN_TEST+"/"+dataName); if(trainTestResultsDir.exists()){ printPrecalculatedTrainTestResults(dataName); }else{ datasetTrainTest(dataName); } System.out.println(); // Part 3: Ensembles // CV and Train/Test results must be in place to reach this statement under the intended conditions when this code was released. If code has // been modified, please ensure CV and train/test classification has been carried out before running ensembles (CV needed for weighting, // Train/Test for final classification) // Note: in method below, ensembling is carried out 10 times for each strategy and the average for each is reported. This is justified because // it is not unlikely that classifiers of very similar natures (i.e. all time-domain NN) may have very similar CV performance on some datasets, // therefore leading to slightly different ensembles when ties are settled randomly. Since ensembling takes place on pre-calculated results, it is very // time efficient and allows us to average over multilpe runs to smooth the results to obtain consistent results from multiple runs. System.out.println("Ensemble Results"); System.out.println("----------------------------------------"); print10RunEnsembles(dataName); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }