package fileIO; import*; import java.util.*; public class InFile{ private FileReader fr; private BufferedReader in; private StreamTokenizer token; private StreamTokenizer markerToken; private static int MAXBUFFERSIZE =1000000; //Standard File public InFile(){} public InFile(String name) { try { fr = new FileReader(name); in = new BufferedReader(fr,MAXBUFFERSIZE); token = new StreamTokenizer(in); markerToken= new StreamTokenizer(in); token.wordChars(' ',' '); token.wordChars('_','_'); token.whitespaceChars(',',','); token.slashStarComments(true); markPoint(); //Mark start of file for rewind } catch(FileNotFoundException exception) { System.out.println("EXIT:: Exception in InFile constructor :"+exception.toString()); System.exit(0); } } //CSV file public void openFile(String name) throws FileNotFoundException { fr = new FileReader(name); in = new BufferedReader(fr,MAXBUFFERSIZE); token = new StreamTokenizer(in); markerToken= new StreamTokenizer(in); token.wordChars(' ',' '); token.wordChars('_','_'); token.whitespaceChars(',',','); token.slashStarComments(true); } /* public void openFile(String name) { try { fr = new FileReader(name); in = new BufferedReader(fr,MAXBUFFERSIZE); } catch(FileNotFoundException exception) { System.out.println(" FILE IO Error:"+ exception.toString()); } catch(Exception exception) { System.out.println(" Other Error :"+ exception.toString()); } } */ public InFile(String name, char sep) { try { fr = new FileReader(name); in = new BufferedReader(fr,MAXBUFFERSIZE); token = new StreamTokenizer(in); token.whitespaceChars(sep,sep); token.ordinaryChar('_'); token.slashStarComments(true); markPoint(); //Mark start of file for rewind } catch(FileNotFoundException exception) { System.out.println(" File "+ name+" Not found"); } } public char readChar() { char c; try { c=(char); } catch(IOException exception) { System.out.println("ERROR: in readChar"); return('?'); } return(c); } //Reads and returns //Problems: Ignoring comments prior to the line //Returns null if EOF?? public String readLine() { String v=null; try { //To force ignore of comments preceeding the line /* //CHECK token.pushBack(); token.nextToken(); */ v=in.readLine(); } catch(IOException exception) { System.out.println("ERROR: reading line"); return("ERROR"); } return(v); } public Object read() { int v=0; int t; Object o=null; try { t=token.nextToken(); if(t==StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) o= new Double(token.nval); else o=token.sval; } catch(IOException exception) { System.out.println("ERROR: Attempting to read WHAT??"); System.out.println("Current token is >"+token.sval); System.exit(0); //return(-999); } return o; } public int readInt() { int v=0; int t; try { t=token.nextToken(); if(t!=StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { System.out.println("ERROR: Attempting to read a non integer"); System.out.println("Current token is >"+token.sval); System.exit(0); //return(-999); } v= (int)token.nval; } catch(IOException exception) { System.out.println("Exception in readInt :"+exception.toString()); return(-999); } return(v); } public double readDouble() { double v=0; try { int t =token.nextToken(); if(t!=StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { System.out.println("ERROR: Attempting to read a non double"); System.out.println("Current token is >"+token.sval); System.exit(0); return(-999); } v= token.nval; } catch(IOException exception) { System.out.println("ERROR: wrong Format"); return(-999); } return(v); } public float readFloat() { double v=0; try { int t =token.nextToken(); if(t!=StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { System.out.println("ERROR: Attempting to read a non double"); System.out.println("Current token is >"+token.sval); System.exit(0); return(-999); } v= token.nval; } catch(IOException exception) { System.out.println("ERROR: wrong Format"); return(-999); } return((float)v); } public String readStringToChar(char delimit) { String v=""; char[] name = new char[1]; try{ name[0]=readChar(); while(name[0]==' '||name[0]=='\n'|| name[0]=='\t') name[0]=readChar(); while(name[0]!=' ' && name[0]!='\n' && name[0]!='\t' && name[0]!=delimit) //name!=EOF && ) { v+=new String(name); name[0]=readChar(); } while(name[0]!=delimit) //name!=EOF && ) { name[0]=readChar(); } } catch(NoSuchElementException exception) { System.out.println("IO Exception caught in readStringUpTo"); } return(v); } public String readStringIgnoreWhite() { String v=""; char[] name = new char[1]; try{ name[0]=readChar(); while(name[0]==' '||name[0]=='\n'|| name[0]=='\t') name[0]=readChar(); while(name[0]!=' ' && name[0]!='\n' && name[0]!='\t') //name!=EOF && ) { v+=new String(name); name[0]=readChar(); } } catch(NoSuchElementException exception) { System.out.println("IO Exception caught in readStringUpTo"); } return(v); } public String readString() { String v; int t; try { t=token.nextToken(); if(t!=StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { System.out.println("ERROR: Attempting to read a non string"); System.out.println("Current token is >"+token.sval+"\t t ="+token.nval+"\t"+token.toString()); return(""); } v= token.sval; } catch(IOException exception) { System.out.println("ERROR: wrong Format"); return(""); } return(v); } //Reads header line delimited by public Vector readStringLine(String delimit) { Vector headers = new Vector(); String line; String name; try{ line=readLine(); StringTokenizer sToke = new StringTokenizer(line,delimit); while(sToke.hasMoreTokens()) { name=sToke.nextToken(); headers.addElement(name); } } catch(NoSuchElementException exception) { System.out.println("IO Exception caught in readStringLine"); } return(headers); } public Vector readStringLine() { Vector headers = new Vector(); String line; String name; try{ line=readLine(); StringTokenizer sToke = new StringTokenizer(line); while(sToke.hasMoreTokens()) { name=sToke.nextToken(); headers.addElement(name); } } catch(NoSuchElementException exception) { System.out.println("IO Exception caught in readStringLine"); } return(headers); } //PRE: EOF NOT reached during the line //POST: Returns NULL if first read is EOF public double[] readDoubleLine(int size) { double d=readDouble(); if(token.ttype==StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) return(null); double[] data = new double[size]; data[0]=d; for(int i=1;i<size;i++) data[i]=readDouble(); return(data); } //POST: Returns FALSE if first read is EOF public boolean readDoubleLine(double[] data) { data[0]=this.readDouble(); if(token.ttype==StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) return(false); for(int i=1;i<data.length;i++) data[i]=this.readDouble(); return(true); } //Reads upto the first occurence of delimit string //VERY INEFFICIENT AND HACKED //String conversion bad //Should check EOF //Shouldnt use += for string public String readStringUpTo(char delimit) { char[] name = new char[1]; String header=""; try{ name[0]=readChar(); while(name[0]!=delimit) //name!=EOF && ) { header+=new String(name); name[0]=readChar(); } } catch(NoSuchElementException exception) { System.out.println("IO Exception caught in readStringUpTo"); } return(header); } //Sets a marker in the BufferedStream that should persist until the //file is finished public void markPoint() { try { in.mark(MAXBUFFERSIZE-1); } catch(IOException exception) { //eeerrrrm } } public void rewind() { try { in.reset(); } catch(IOException exception){ } } public int countLines() { int count =0; String str=readLine(); while(str!=null) { str=readLine(); count++; } rewind(); return(count); } public boolean isEmpty() //WARNING: DOESNT WORK!!!! { // if((token.toString()).equals("Token[EOF]")) if(token.ttype==StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) return true; return false; } //Test Harness static public void main(String[] args) { InFile t=new InFile("C:/JavaSource/FileIO/test.csv"); int a,b; double x; String s,s2; a=t.readInt(); x=t.readDouble(); s=t.readStringUpTo(','); System.out.println(s+"\tEND"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s); s2=st.nextToken("-"); System.out.println(s2+"STRING"); a= Integer.parseInt(s2); System.out.println(a+"INTEGER"); // a=(Integer.getInteger(s2)).intValue(); // System.out.println(a+"\tEND"); } }