package weka.classifiers.rules.sortinghandler; /** * This code is from the book: * * Winder, R and Roberts, G (1998) <em>Developing Java * Software</em>, John Wiley & Sons. * * It is copyright (c) 1997 Russel Winder and Graham Roberts. */ import ; import ; import ; import ; import java.util.Vector ; /** * A function object delivering a polyphase merge sort of a file on * the filestore. * * @see Record * @see RecordReader * @see RecordWriter * @see RecordInformation * @see RecordCopyFile * @version 1.0 19.5.97 * @author Russel Winder */ public final class PolyphaseMergeSort implements FileSort { /** * A per object sort operation. * * @param fileName the <code>String</code> giving the name of the * file to be sorted. * * @param r the <code>RecordInformation</code> factory object for * creating <code>RecordReader</code>s and * <code>RecordWriters</code>s and able to deliver a * <code>Comparator</code>. */ public final void sort(final String fileName, final RecordInformation r) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { execute(fileName, 20, 2, r) ; } /** * A per object sort operation. * * @param fileName the <code>String</code> giving the name of the * file to be sorted. * * @param blockSize the number of data items in the initial * sorted blocks. * * @param numberOfFiles the number of files to use for initial * dispersion. * * @param r the <code>RecordInformation</code> factory object for * creating <code>RecordReader</code>s and * <code>RecordWriters</code>s and able to deliver a * <code>Comparator</code>. */ public final void sort(final String fileName, final int blockSize, final int numberOfFiles, final RecordInformation r) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { execute(fileName, blockSize, numberOfFiles, r) ; } /** * A statically accessible sort operation. * * @param fileName the <code>String</code> giving the name of the * file to be sorted. * * @param r the <code>RecordInformation</code> factory object for * creating <code>RecordReader</code>s and * <code>RecordWriters</code>s and able to deliver a * <code>Comparator</code>. */ public static void execute(final String fileName, final RecordInformation r) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { execute(fileName, 20, 2, r) ; } /** * A statically accessible sort operation. * * @param fileName the <code>String</code> giving the name of the * file to be sorted. * * @param blockSize the number of data items in the initial * sorted blocks. * * @param numberOfFiles the number of files to use for initial * dispersion. * * @param r the <code>RecordInformation</code> factory object for * creating <code>RecordReader</code>s and * <code>RecordWriters</code>s and able to deliver a * <code>Comparator</code>. */ public static void execute(final String fileName, final int approximateBlockSize, int numberOfFiles, final RecordInformation rInfo) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { numberOfFiles++ ; // // Forceably stick to 3 files. // numberOfFiles = 3 ; // // Create all the files needed for the sorting. // File file = new File (fileName) ; File[] temp = new File [numberOfFiles] ; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfFiles ; i++) { temp[i] = new File ("tmp_"+i) ; } // // Calculate the block size. Must get things into the // Fibonacci series for it to work properly. // // Have to run through the file to find the number of // records. We need to copy the file anyway so this is not a // wasted activity. // // We use the array F to calculate the Fibonacci numbers as // we go, calculating the initialBlockSize to best fit the // nearest Fibonacci number. // int indexOfNumberOfBlocks = 1 ; int initialBlockSize = 1 ; int numberOfRecords = RecordCopyFile.execute(file, temp[0], rInfo) ; int F[] = new int[numberOfRecords] ; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfFiles ; i++) { F[i] = 1 ; } for (int i = numberOfFiles ; i < numberOfRecords ; i++) { F[i] = 0 ; for (int j = i-1 ; j > i-numberOfFiles ; j--) { F[i] += F[j] ; } initialBlockSize = numberOfRecords / F[i] ; if (initialBlockSize < approximateBlockSize) { indexOfNumberOfBlocks = i-1 ; break ; } } while (true) { if (++initialBlockSize * F[indexOfNumberOfBlocks] > numberOfRecords) break ; } // // Ceate the support arrays containing current block size // and block count in the various files. // int[] blockSizes = new int[numberOfFiles] ; int[] blockCounts = new int[numberOfFiles] ; blockSizes[0] = 0 ; blockCounts[0] = 0 ; for (int i = 1, j = indexOfNumberOfBlocks-1 ; i < numberOfFiles ; i++, j--) { blockSizes[i] = initialBlockSize ; blockCounts[i] = F[j] ; } // // Create the files of blocks of sorted records. // distributeSortedBlocks(temp, 0, initialBlockSize, blockCounts, rInfo) ; // // Set up the file readers for all the files. // RecordReader[] readers = new RecordReader[numberOfFiles] ; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfFiles ; i++) { readers[i] = rInfo.newRecordReader(temp[i]) ; } while (true) { // // Check what work there is to do. If there is, // find out which is the empty file // int toIndex = -1 ; int numberOfNonEmptyFiles = 0 ; int indexOfNonEmptyFile = -1 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfFiles ; i++) { if (blockCounts[i] == 0) { toIndex = i ; } else { indexOfNonEmptyFile = i ; numberOfNonEmptyFiles++ ; } } // // Exit if everthing is done but close all the files // and copy the result back before exiting. // if (numberOfNonEmptyFiles <= 1) { for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfFiles ; i++) { readers[i].close() ; } RecordCopyFile.execute(temp[indexOfNonEmptyFile], file, rInfo) ; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfFiles ; i++) { temp[i].delete() ; } break ; } // // Perform the next round of merging. // readers[toIndex].close() ; RecordWriter writer = rInfo.newRecordWriter(temp[toIndex]); merge(readers, writer, toIndex, blockSizes, blockCounts, rInfo) ; writer.close() ; readers[toIndex] = rInfo.newRecordReader(temp[toIndex]) ; } } /** * Perform the initial dispersion of the data. */ private static void distributeSortedBlocks(File[] files, int fromIndex, int blockSize, int[] blockCounts, RecordInformation rInfo) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { // // Create a Reader for the original data and a set of Writers // for the output files. // RecordReader reader = rInfo.newRecordReader(files[fromIndex]); RecordWriter[] writers = new RecordWriter[files.length] ; for (int i = 0 ; i < files.length ; i++) { writers[i] = i == fromIndex ? null : rInfo.newRecordWriter(files[i]) ; } for (int i = 0 ; i < writers.length ; i++) { if (i != fromIndex) { for (int j = 0 ; j < blockCounts[i] ; j++) { // // Pull in a few records, put them into the // Vector that is where we are performing the // internal sort that creates us the sorted // block. // Vector v = new Vector () ; for (int k = 0 ; k < blockSize ; k++) { Record r = reader.readRecord() ; if (r == null) break ; v.addElement(r) ; } // // Sort the Vector then write it out to the // appropriate file. // QuicksortVector.execute(v, rInfo.getComparator()); for (int k = 0 ; k < v.size() ; k++) { writers[i].writeRecord((Record)v.elementAt(k)); } } } } // // Be tidy and close all the files. Actually this is // essential to ensure we get a flush. // for (int i = 0 ; i < writers.length ; i++) { if (i != fromIndex) { writers[i].close() ; } } reader.close() ; } /** * Undertake a round of merging. */ private static void merge(RecordReader[] readers, RecordWriter writer, int toIndex, int[] blockSizes, int[] blockCounts, RecordInformation rInfo) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { Record[] items = new Record[readers.length] ; int[] counts = new int[readers.length] ; int numberOfBlocksMerged = 0 ; while (true) { boolean allDone = false ; for (int i = 0 ; i < readers.length ; i++) { counts[i] = 0 ; if (i == toIndex) { items[i] = null ; } else { readers[i].mark(64) ; items[i] = readers[i].readRecord() ; if (items[i] == null) { for (int j = 0 ; j < i ; j++) { if (j != toIndex) { readers[j].reset() ; } } allDone = true ; break ; } else { counts[i] = 1 ; } } } if (allDone) break ; numberOfBlocksMerged++ ; while (true) { int i = findAppropriate(items, toIndex, rInfo.getComparator()) ; if (i < 0) break ; writer.writeRecord(items[i]) ; if (counts[i] < blockSizes[i]) { items[i] = readers[i].readRecord() ; if (items[i] != null) { counts[i]++ ; } } else { items[i] = null ; } } } blockSizes[toIndex] = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < readers.length ; i++) { if (i != toIndex) { blockSizes[toIndex] += blockSizes[i] ; } } for (int i = 0 ; i < readers.length ; i++) { blockCounts[i] -= numberOfBlocksMerged ; } blockCounts[toIndex] = numberOfBlocksMerged ; } /** * Determine which Record is the one to be output next. * * @param items the array of <code>Records</code> from which to * select the next according to the order relation defined bu * <code>c</code>. * * @param toIndex the index into the array of the target. The * otheres are assumed to be sources. * * @param c the <code>Comparator</code> defining the required * order relation on the <code>Record</code>s. * * @return the index in the array of the item that should be * chosen next. */ private static int findAppropriate(Record[] items, int toIndex, Comparator c) { // // Assume no output is to be done and then find the first // non-empty entry. // int index = -1 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < items.length ; i++) { if (i != toIndex) { if (items[i] != null) { index = i ; break ; } } } // // If there were no non-empty entries then do nothing, we are // finshied. Otherwise... // if (index >= 0) { // // a linear search through the items to see which // is the next one to select. // Record value = items[index] ; for (int i = index+1 ; i < items.length ; i++) { if (i != toIndex) { if (items[i] != null) { if (c.relation(items[i], value)) { index = i ; value = items[i] ; } } } } } return index ; } }