package papers; import weka.filters.timeseries.shapelet_transforms.FullShapeletTransform; import; import; import; import; import; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.classifiers.bayes.BayesNet; import weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes; import weka.classifiers.functions.SMO; import weka.classifiers.lazy.IB1; import weka.classifiers.meta.RotationForest; import weka.classifiers.trees.J48; import weka.classifiers.trees.RandomForest; import weka.classifiers.trees.shapelet_trees.*; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.shapelet.*; import weka.filters.timeseries.*; public class DMKD_2013 { // There are two types of dataset assessment - LOOCV or Train/Test split private enum AssesmentType { LOOCV, TRAIN_TEST }; // An array containing all the file names of the datasets used in the experiments private static String[] fileNames = { //Number of train, test cases, length, classes "Adiac", // 390,391,176,37 "Beef", // 30,30,470,5 "ChlorineConcentration", // 467,3840,166,3 "Coffee", // 28,28,286,2 "DiatomSizeReduction", // 16,306,345,4 "DP_Little", // 400,645,250,3 "DP_Middle", // 400,645,250,3 "DP_Thumb", // 400,645,250,3 "ECGFiveDays", // 23,861,136,2 "ElectricDevices", // 8953,7745,96,7 "FaceFour", // 24,88,350,4 "GunPoint", // 50,150,150,2 "ItalyPowerDemand", // 67,1029,24,2 "Lighting7", // 70,73,319,7 "MedicalImages", // 381,760,99,10 "MoteStrain", // 20,1252,84,2 "MP_Little", // 400,645,250,3 "MP_Middle", // 400,645,250,3 "PP_Little", // 400,645,250,3 "PP_Middle", // 400,645,250,3 "PP_Thumb", // 400,645,250,3 "SonyAIBORobotSurface", // 20,601,70,2 "Symbols", // 25,995,398,6 "SyntheticControl", // 300,300,60,6 "Trace", // 100,100,275,4 "TwoLeadECG", // 23,1139,82,2 "Herrings", // 64,64,512,2 // "Herring500", // 100,100,500,2 "SyntheticData", // 10,1000,500,2 // "Beetle-fly", // 40,40,512,2 // "Bird-chicken", // 40,40,512,2 // "ShapesAll" // 600,600,512,60 }; private static final String userPath = "C:\\Users\\ajb\\Dropbox\\TSC Problems\\"; // Paths of the folders where the datasets are stored private static String[] filePaths = { userPath + "Adiac/", // Adiac userPath + "Beef/", // Beef userPath + "ChlorineConcentration/", // ChlorineConcentration userPath + "Coffee/", //Coffee userPath + "DiatomSizeReduction/", // DiatomSizeReduction userPath + "Bones/", // "DP_Little" userPath + "Bones/", // "DP_Middle" userPath + "Bones/", // "DP_Thumb" userPath + "ECGFiveDays/", // ECGFiveDays userPath + "ElectricDevices/", // ElectricDevices userPath + "FaceFour/", // FaceFour userPath + "GunPoint/", // GunPoint userPath + "ItalyPowerDemand/", // ItalyPowerDemand userPath + "Lighting7/", // Lighting7 userPath + "MedicalImages/", // MedicalImages userPath + "MoteStrain/", // MoteStrain userPath + "Bones/", // MP_Little userPath + "Bones/", // MP_Middle userPath + "Bones/", // PP_Little userPath + "Bones/", // PP_Middle userPath + "Bones/", // PP_Thumb userPath + "SonyAIBORobotSurface/", // SonyAIBORobotSurface userPath + "Symbols/", // Symbols userPath + "SyntheticControl/", // SyntheticControl userPath + "Trace/", // Trace userPath + "TwoLeadECG/", // TwoLeadECG userPath + "Otoliths/", // Herrings // userPath+"Otoliths/", // Herring500 userPath + "SyntheticData/", // SyntheticData userPath + "MPEG7Shapes/", // Beetle-fly userPath + "MPEG7Shapes/", // Bird-chicken // userPath+"MPEG7Shapes/" // ShapesAll }; // An array containing the assesment type for each of the datasets. private static AssesmentType[] assesmentTypes = { AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // Adiac AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // Beef AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // ChlorineConcentration AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // Coffee AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // DiatomSizeReduction AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // DP_Little AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // DP_Middle AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // DP_Thumb AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // ECGFiveDays AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // ElectricDevices AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // FaceFour AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // GunPoint AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // ItalyPowerDemand AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // Lighting7 AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // MedicalImages AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // MoteStrain AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // MP_Little AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // MP_Middle AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // PP_Little AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // PP_Middle AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // PP_Thumb AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // SonyAIBORobotSurface AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // Symbols AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // SyntheticControl AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // Trace AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // TwoLeadECG AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // Herrings AssesmentType.LOOCV, // Herring500 AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST, // SyntheticData AssesmentType.LOOCV, // Beetle-fly AssesmentType.LOOCV, // Bird-chicken AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST // ShapesAll }; // An array containing the shapelet min-max interval for each of the datasets. private static int[][] shapeletMinMax = { { 3, 10 }, // Adiac { 8, 30 }, // Beef { 7, 20 }, // ChlorineConcentration { 18, 30 }, // Coffee { 7, 16 }, // DiatomSizeReduction { 9, 36 }, // DP_Little { 15, 43 }, // DP_Middle { 11, 47 }, // DP_Thumb { 24, 76 }, // ECGFiveDays { 10, 42 }, // ElectricDevices { 20, 120 }, // FaceFour { 24, 55 }, // GunPoint { 7, 14 }, // ItalyPowerDemand { 20, 80 }, // Lighting7 { 9, 35 }, // MedicalImages { 16, 31 }, // MoteStrain { 15, 41 }, // MP_Little { 20, 53 }, // MP_Middle { 13, 38 }, // PP_Little { 14, 34 }, // PP_Middle { 14, 41 }, // PP_Thumb { 15, 36 }, // SonyAIBORobotSurface { 52, 155 }, // Symbols { 20, 56 }, // SyntheticControl { 62, 232 }, // Trace { 7, 13 }, // TwoLeadECG { 30, 101 }, // Herrings { 30, 101 }, // Herring500 { 25, 35 }, // SyntheticData { 30, 101 }, // Beetle-fly { 30, 101 }, // Bird-chicken { 30, 110 } // ShapesAll }; // Variables for holding filters for data transformation private static FullShapeletTransform shapeletFilter; // Variables for holding data private static Instances[] instancesTrain; private static Instances[] instancesTest; // Variables for holding the classifier information private static Classifier classifiers[]; private static String classifierNames[]; // Variables for holding user input private static int tableToProduceIndex; private static String outFileName; private static int fileToProcessIndex; private static int classifierToProcessIndex; // Method to load the datasets. private static void loadData() { instancesTrain = new Instances[fileNames.length]; instancesTest = new Instances[fileNames.length]; //Load all the datasets and set class index for loaded instances for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) { // Load test/train splits if (assesmentTypes[i] == AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST) { instancesTrain[i] = FullShapeletTransform.loadData(filePaths[i] + fileNames[i] + "_TRAIN.arff"); instancesTest[i] = FullShapeletTransform.loadData(filePaths[i] + fileNames[i] + "_TEST.arff"); } else if (assesmentTypes[i] == AssesmentType.LOOCV) { instancesTrain[i] = FullShapeletTransform.loadData(filePaths[i] + fileNames[i] + ".arff"); instancesTest[i] = null; } // Set class indices instancesTrain[i].setClassIndex(instancesTrain[i].numAttributes() - 1); if (assesmentTypes[i] == AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST) { instancesTest[i].setClassIndex(instancesTest[i].numAttributes() - 1); } } } public static void table2() throws Exception { // Initialise classifiers required for this experiment classifiers = new Classifier[4]; classifiers[0] = new ShapeletTreeClassifier("infoTree.txt"); classifiers[1] = new KruskalWallisTree("kwTree.txt"); classifiers[2] = new MoodsMedianTreeWithInfoGain("mmWithInfoTree.txt"); classifiers[3] = new FStatShapeletTreeWithInfoGain("fStatTree.txt"); // Set up names for the classifiers - only used for output classifierNames = new String[4]; classifierNames[0] = "IG"; classifierNames[1] = "KruskalWallis"; classifierNames[2] = "MoodMedIG"; classifierNames[3] = "F-stat"; if ((classifierToProcessIndex < 1 || classifierToProcessIndex > classifiers.length) && classifierToProcessIndex != -1) { throw new IOException("Invalid classifier identifier."); } else { if (classifierToProcessIndex != -1) { classifierToProcessIndex--; } } // Compute classifier accuracies for each classifier double accuracies[][] = new double[classifiers.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < classifiers.length; i++) { if (i == classifierToProcessIndex || classifierToProcessIndex == -1) { accuracies[i] = classifierAccuracy(i, false, true, false); } } // Write experiment output to file writeFileContent(accuracies); } public static void table3() throws Exception { // Initialise classifiers required for this experiment classifiers = new Classifier[4]; classifiers[0] = new ShapeletTreeClassifier("infoTree.txt"); classifiers[1] = new FStatShapeletTreeWithInfoGain("fStatTree.txt"); classifiers[2] = new KruskalWallisTree("kwTree.txt"); classifiers[3] = new MoodsMedianTree("mmTree.txt"); // Set up names for the classifiers - only used for output classifierNames = new String[4]; classifierNames[0] = "Information Gain"; classifierNames[1] = "F-stat"; classifierNames[2] = "Kruskal-Wallis"; classifierNames[3] = "Mood's Median"; if ((classifierToProcessIndex < 1 || classifierToProcessIndex > classifiers.length) && classifierToProcessIndex != -1) { throw new IOException("Invalid classifier identifier."); } else { if (classifierToProcessIndex != -1) { classifierToProcessIndex--; } } // Record classifier times to find single shapelet double times[][] = new double[classifiers.length][instancesTrain.length]; for (int i = 0; i < classifiers.length; i++) { if (i == classifierToProcessIndex || classifierToProcessIndex == -1) { for (int j = 0; j < instancesTrain.length; j++) { if (fileToProcessIndex == j || fileToProcessIndex == -1) { // Get training data Instances data = null; if (assesmentTypes[j] == AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST) { data = instancesTrain[j]; } else if (assesmentTypes[j] == AssesmentType.LOOCV) { data = instancesTrain[j].trainCV(instancesTrain[j].numInstances(), 0); } // Store time if (classifiers[i] instanceof ShapeletTreeClassifier) { times[i][j] = ((ShapeletTreeClassifier) classifiers[i]).timingForSingleShapelet(data, shapeletMinMax[j][0], shapeletMinMax[j][1]); } else if (classifiers[i] instanceof KruskalWallisTree) { times[i][j] = ((KruskalWallisTree) classifiers[i]).timingForSingleShapelet(data, shapeletMinMax[j][0], shapeletMinMax[j][1]); } else if (classifiers[i] instanceof MoodsMedianTree) { times[i][j] = ((MoodsMedianTree) classifiers[i]).timingForSingleShapelet(data, shapeletMinMax[j][0], shapeletMinMax[j][1]); } else if (classifiers[i] instanceof MoodsMedianTreeWithInfoGain) { times[i][j] = ((MoodsMedianTreeWithInfoGain) classifiers[i]).timingForSingleShapelet(data, shapeletMinMax[j][0], shapeletMinMax[j][1]); } else if (classifiers[i] instanceof FStatShapeletTreeWithInfoGain) { times[i][j] = ((FStatShapeletTreeWithInfoGain) classifiers[i]).timingForSingleShapelet(data, shapeletMinMax[j][0], shapeletMinMax[j][1]); } } } } } // Write experiment output to file writeFileContent(times); } public static void table4_5() throws Exception { // Initialise classifiers required for this experiment classifiers = new Classifier[8]; classifiers[0] = new ShapeletTreeClassifier("infoTree.txt"); classifiers[1] = new J48(); classifiers[2] = new IB1(); classifiers[3] = new NaiveBayes(); classifiers[4] = new BayesNet(); classifiers[5] = new RandomForest(); classifiers[6] = new RotationForest(); classifiers[7] = new SMO(); // Set up names for the classifiers - only used for output classifierNames = new String[8]; classifierNames[0] = "ShapeletTree"; classifierNames[1] = "C4.5"; classifierNames[2] = "1NN"; classifierNames[3] = "Naive Bayes"; classifierNames[4] = "Bayesian Network"; classifierNames[5] = "Random Forest"; classifierNames[6] = "Rotation Forest"; classifierNames[7] = "SVM (linear)"; if ((classifierToProcessIndex < 1 || classifierToProcessIndex > classifiers.length) && classifierToProcessIndex != -1) { throw new IOException("Invalid classifier identifier."); } else { if (classifierToProcessIndex != -1) { classifierToProcessIndex--; } } // Compute classifier accuracies for each classifier double accuracies[][] = new double[classifiers.length][]; boolean transFlag = false; for (int i = 0; i < classifiers.length; i++) { if (!(classifiers[i] instanceof ShapeletTreeClassifier)) { //shapeletFilter = new Shapelet(); //shapeletFilter.setQualityMeasure(Shapelet.ShapeletQualityChoice.INFORMATION_GAIN); //shapeletFilter.supressOutput(); transFlag = true; } if (i == classifierToProcessIndex || classifierToProcessIndex == -1) { accuracies[i] = classifierAccuracy(i, transFlag, false, true); } } // Write experiment output to file writeFileContent(accuracies); } /** * A method to validate a given classifier * * @param classifierIndex index of the classifier to be validated * @param useTransformedData flag indicating what type of data to use. * Shapelet is used for data transformation. * @param computeErrorRate flag indicating whether error rate is required * rather than classifier accuracy. * @param usePercentage flag indicating whether an accuracy/error rate * should be converted to percentage. * @return classifier accuracy/error rate */ private static double[] classifierAccuracy(int classifierIndex, boolean useTransformedData, boolean computeErrorRate, boolean usePercentage) { // Array for storing the classifier accuracies double[] accuracies = new double[instancesTrain.length]; // Generate average accuracies for (int n = 0; n < instancesTrain.length; n++) { if (fileToProcessIndex == n || fileToProcessIndex == -1) { try { if (assesmentTypes[n] == AssesmentType.TRAIN_TEST) { accuracies[n] = classiferAccuracyTrainTest(classifierIndex, n, useTransformedData); } else if (assesmentTypes[n] == AssesmentType.LOOCV) { accuracies[n] = classiferAccuracyLOOCV(classifierIndex, n, useTransformedData); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (computeErrorRate) { accuracies[n] = 1 - accuracies[n]; } if (usePercentage) { accuracies[n] *= 100; } } } return accuracies; } /** * A method to perform simple train/test split validation using given * classifier and data. * * @param classifierIndex index of the classifier to be used in validation. * @param dataIndex index of the data to be used in validation. * @param trainData data to be used to build the classifier. * @param testData data to be used to test the classifier * @return accuracy of the classifier. */ private static double classiferAccuracyTrainTest(int classifierIndex, int dataIndex, boolean useTransformedData) { double accuracy = 0.0; Instances trainData = null, testData = null; if (useTransformedData) { //Initialize filter try { shapeletFilter = FullShapeletTransform.createFilterFromFile(filePaths[dataIndex] + fileNames[dataIndex] + "_TRAIN_TRANS.txt", instancesTrain[dataIndex].numAttributes() / 2); shapeletFilter.supressOutput(); } catch (Exception e) { shapeletFilter = new FullShapeletTransform(); shapeletFilter.setQualityMeasure(QualityMeasures.ShapeletQualityChoice.INFORMATION_GAIN); shapeletFilter.supressOutput(); shapeletFilter.setNumberOfShapelets(instancesTrain[dataIndex].numAttributes() / 2); shapeletFilter.setShapeletMinAndMax(shapeletMinMax[dataIndex][0], shapeletMinMax[dataIndex][1]); shapeletFilter.setLogOutputFile(filePaths[dataIndex] + fileNames[dataIndex] + "_TRAIN_TRANS.txt"); } //Transform data try { trainData = shapeletFilter.process(instancesTrain[dataIndex]); testData = shapeletFilter.process(instancesTest[dataIndex]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { trainData = instancesTrain[dataIndex]; testData = instancesTest[dataIndex]; } // Build classifer using train split buildClassifier(classifierIndex, trainData, dataIndex); //Classify test instancs while recording accuracy for (int j = 0; j < testData.numInstances(); j++) { double classifierPrediction = 0.0; try { classifierPrediction = classifiers[classifierIndex].classifyInstance(testData.instance(j)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } double actualClass = testData.instance(j).classValue(); if (classifierPrediction == actualClass) { accuracy++; } // Compute average accuracy if it is the last test instance if (j == testData.numInstances() - 1) { accuracy /= testData.numInstances(); } } return accuracy; } /** * A method to perform leave one out cross validation using given classifier * and data. * * @param classifierIndex index of the classifier to be used in cross * validation. * @param dataIndex index of the data to be used in cross validation. * @param data data to be used in cross validation. * @return accuracy of the classifier. */ private static double classiferAccuracyLOOCV(int classifierIndex, int dataIndex, boolean useTransformedData) { //Variables for holding folds Instances data = instancesTrain[dataIndex]; Instances trainFold; Instances testFold; double accuracy = 0.0; //Generate average accuracies for (int n = 0; n < data.numInstances(); n++) { System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\nProcessing fold: " + n + "\n\n\n\n\n"); //Generate folds trainFold = data.trainCV(data.numInstances(), n); testFold = data.testCV(data.numInstances(), n); if (useTransformedData) { //Initialize filter try { shapeletFilter = FullShapeletTransform.createFilterFromFile(filePaths[dataIndex] + fileNames[dataIndex] + "_TRANS_" + n + ".txt", instancesTrain[dataIndex].numAttributes() / 2); shapeletFilter.supressOutput(); } catch (Exception e) { shapeletFilter = new FullShapeletTransform(); shapeletFilter.setQualityMeasure(QualityMeasures.ShapeletQualityChoice.INFORMATION_GAIN); shapeletFilter.supressOutput(); shapeletFilter.setNumberOfShapelets(instancesTrain[dataIndex].numAttributes() / 2); shapeletFilter.setShapeletMinAndMax(shapeletMinMax[dataIndex][0], shapeletMinMax[dataIndex][1]); shapeletFilter.setLogOutputFile(filePaths[dataIndex] + fileNames[dataIndex] + "_TRANS_" + n + ".txt"); } //Transform data try { trainFold = shapeletFilter.process(trainFold); testFold = shapeletFilter.process(testFold); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Build classifer using train fold buildClassifier(classifierIndex, trainFold, dataIndex); double classifierPrediction = 0.0; try { classifierPrediction = classifiers[classifierIndex].classifyInstance(testFold.instance(0)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } double actualClass = testFold.instance(0).classValue(); if (classifierPrediction == actualClass) { accuracy++; } // Compute average accuracy if it is the last test instance if (n == data.numInstances() - 1) { accuracy /= data.numInstances(); } } return accuracy; } /** * A method to build a classifier with given data. * * @param classifierID classifier ID, which determines which classifier is * built. * @param instances data to be used for building the classifier * @param dataSetIndex data set index, which determines what parameters are * used for building the classifier. */ private static void buildClassifier(int classifierIndex, Instances instances, int dataSetIndex) { // Set the shapelet min/max if the current classifer is a ShapeletTree or its variation if (classifiers[classifierIndex] instanceof ShapeletTreeClassifier) { ((ShapeletTreeClassifier) classifiers[classifierIndex]).setShapeletMinMaxLength(shapeletMinMax[dataSetIndex][0], shapeletMinMax[dataSetIndex][1]); } else if (classifiers[classifierIndex] instanceof KruskalWallisTree) { ((KruskalWallisTree) classifiers[classifierIndex]).setShapeletMinMaxLength(shapeletMinMax[dataSetIndex][0], shapeletMinMax[dataSetIndex][1]); } else if (classifiers[classifierIndex] instanceof MoodsMedianTree) { ((MoodsMedianTree) classifiers[classifierIndex]).setShapeletMinMaxLength(shapeletMinMax[dataSetIndex][0], shapeletMinMax[dataSetIndex][1]); } else if (classifiers[classifierIndex] instanceof MoodsMedianTreeWithInfoGain) { ((MoodsMedianTreeWithInfoGain) classifiers[classifierIndex]).setShapeletMinMaxLength(shapeletMinMax[dataSetIndex][0], shapeletMinMax[dataSetIndex][1]); } else if (classifiers[classifierIndex] instanceof FStatShapeletTreeWithInfoGain) { ((FStatShapeletTreeWithInfoGain) classifiers[classifierIndex]).setShapeletMinMaxLength(shapeletMinMax[dataSetIndex][0], shapeletMinMax[dataSetIndex][1]); } //Build classifier try { classifiers[classifierIndex].buildClassifier(instances); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * A method to write content to a given file. * * @param fileName file name including extension * @param content content of the file */ private static void writeFileContent(double content[][]) { // Check if file name is provided. if (outFileName == null || outFileName.isEmpty()) { outFileName = "Table_" + tableToProduceIndex + "_File_" + (fileToProcessIndex + 1) + "_Classifier_" + (classifierToProcessIndex + 1) + ".csv"; } // If a file with given name does not exists then create one and print // the header to it, which inlcudes all the classifier names used in the // experiment. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!isFileExists(outFileName)) { sb.append("Data Set, "); for (int i = 0; i < classifierNames.length; i++) { if (i == classifierToProcessIndex || classifierToProcessIndex == -1) { sb.append(classifierNames[i]); } if (-1 == classifierToProcessIndex && i != classifierNames.length - 1) { sb.append(", "); } } writeToFile(outFileName, sb.toString(), false); } // Print the experiment results to the file. sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) { if (fileToProcessIndex == i || fileToProcessIndex == -1) { for (int k = 0; k < classifiers.length; k++) { if (k == 0) { sb.append(fileNames[i]); sb.append(", "); } if (k == classifierToProcessIndex || classifierToProcessIndex == -1) { sb.append(content[k][i]); } if (-1 == classifierToProcessIndex && k != classifiers.length - 1) { sb.append(", "); } } } } writeToFile(outFileName, sb.toString(), true); } /** * A method to write text into a file. * * @param filename file name including the extension. * @param text content to be written into the file. * @param append flag indicating whether a file should be appended (true) or * replaced (false). */ private static void writeToFile(String filename, String text, boolean append) { BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = null; try { //Construct the BufferedWriter object bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename, append)); //Start writing to the output stream bufferedWriter.write(text); bufferedWriter.newLine(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { //Close the BufferedWriter try { if (bufferedWriter != null) { bufferedWriter.flush(); bufferedWriter.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * A method to check if file with a given name exists. * * @param filename file name including the extension. * @return true if file with given file name exists, otherwise false. */ private static boolean isFileExists(String filename) { File f = new File(filename); if (f.isFile() && f.canWrite()) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { tableToProduceIndex = 2; // Process user input try { tableToProduceIndex = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); outFileName = args[1]; fileToProcessIndex = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); classifierToProcessIndex = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); // Check if file index is correct if (fileToProcessIndex < 1 || fileToProcessIndex > fileNames.length) { throw new IOException("Invalid file identifier."); } else { fileToProcessIndex--; // indexed from 1 when using arguments } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Invalid user input. Using default values"); tableToProduceIndex = 2; // refer to paper for indices fileToProcessIndex = 0; // indexed from 0 if setting here. classifierToProcessIndex = -1; // -1 all classifiers } loadData(); try { switch (tableToProduceIndex) { case 2: table2(); break; case 3: table3(); break; case 4: table4_5(); break; case 5: table4_5(); break; default: throw new IOException("Unknow table identifier."); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }