package distributions; import java.util.*; /**A simple implementation of a data distribution*/ public class Data{ //Variables private Vector values = new Vector(); private int size; private double value, mean, meanSquare, mode; private String name; /**This general constructor creates a new data with a prescribed name.*/ public Data(String n){ setName(n); } /**This default constructor creates a new data with the name "X"*/ public Data(){ this("X"); } /**This method adds a new number to the data set and re-compute the mean, mean square, minimum and maximum values, and order statistics*/ public void setValue(double x){ double a, b; value = x; boolean notInserted = true; //Add the value to the data set for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++){ a = ((Double)values.elementAt(i)).doubleValue(); b = ((Double)values.elementAt(i + 1)).doubleValue(); if ((a <= x) & (x >= b)){ values.insertElementAt(new Double(x), i + 1); notInserted = false; } } if (notInserted) values.insertElementAt(new Double(x), 0); //Re-compute mean and mean square mean = ((double)(size - 1) / size) * mean + value / size; meanSquare = ((double)(size - 1) / size) * meanSquare + value * value / size; } /**Get the current value of the data set*/ public double getValue(){ return value; } /**This method returns the i'th value of the data set.*/ public double getValue(int i){ return ((Double)values.elementAt(i)).doubleValue(); } /**Get the mean*/ public double getMean(){ return mean; } /**Get the population variance*/ public double getPVariance(){ double var = meanSquare - mean * mean; if (var < 0) var = 0; return var; } /**Get the population standard deviation*/ public double getPSD(){ return Math.sqrt(getPVariance()); } /**Get the sample variance of the data set*/ public double getVariance(){ return ((double)size / (size - 1)) * getPVariance(); } /**Get the sample standard deviation of the data set*/ public double getSD(){ return Math.sqrt(getVariance()); } /**Get the minimum value of the data set*/ public double getMinValue(){ return getValue(0); } /**Get the maximum value of the data set*/ public double getMaxValue(){ return getValue(size - 1); } /**Reset the data set*/ public void reset(){ values.removeAllElements(); size = 0; } /**Get the number of pointCount in the data set*/ public int getSize(){ return size; } /**Get the name of the data set*/ public void setName(String name){ = name; } /**Set the name of the data set*/ public String getName(){ return name; } }