package weka.classifiers.lazy; import; import weka.core.*; import weka.core.EuclideanDistance; /* This class is a specialisation of kNN that can only be used with the efficient DTW distance * * The reason for specialising is this class has the option of searching for the optimal window length * through a grid search of values. * * By default this class does a search. * To search for the window size call * optimiseWindow(true); * By default, this does a leave one out cross validation on every possible window size, then sets the * proportion to the one with the largest accuracy. This will be slow. Speed it up by * * 1. Set the max window size to consider by calling * setMaxWindowSize(double r) where r is on range 0..1, with 1 being a full warp. * * 2. Set the increment size * setIncrementSize(int s) where s is on range 1...trainSetSize * * This is a basic brute force implementation, not optimised! There are probably ways of * incrementally doing this. It could further be speeded up by using PAA to reduce the dimensionality first. * */ public class DTW_kNN extends kNN { private boolean optimiseWindow=false; private double windowSize=0.1; private double maxWindowSize=1; private int incrementSize=10; private Instances train; private int trainSize; private int bestWarp; DTW_DistanceBasic dtw=new DTW_DistanceBasic(); // DTW_DistanceEfficient dtw=new DTW_DistanceEfficient(); public DTW_kNN(){ super(); dtw.setR(windowSize); setDistanceFunction(dtw); super.setKNN(1); } public void optimiseWindow(boolean b){ optimiseWindow=b;} public void setMaxR(double r){ maxWindowSize=r;} public DTW_kNN(int k){ super(k); dtw.setR(windowSize); optimiseWindow=true; setDistanceFunction(dtw); } public void buildClassifier(Instances d){ dist.setInstances(d); train=d; trainSize=d.numInstances(); if(optimiseWindow){ double maxR=0; double maxAcc=0; /*Set the maximum warping window: Not this is all a bit mixed up. The window size in the r value is range 0..1, but the increments should be set by the data*/ int dataLength=train.numAttributes()-1; int max=(int)(dataLength*maxWindowSize); // System.out.println(" MAX ="+max+" increment size ="+incrementSize); for(double i=0;i<max;i+=incrementSize){ //Set r for current value dtw.setR(i/(double)dataLength); double acc=crossValidateAccuracy(); // System.out.println("\ti="+i+" r="+(i/(double)dataLength)+" Acc = "+acc); if(acc>maxAcc){ maxR=i/dataLength; maxAcc=acc; // System.out.println(" Best so far ="+maxR +" Warps ="+i+" has Accuracy ="+maxAcc); } } bestWarp=(int)(maxR*dataLength); dtw.setR(maxR); // System.out.println(" Best R = "+maxR+" Best Warp ="+bestWarp+" Size = "+(maxR*dataLength)); } // Then just use the normal kNN with the DTW distance. Not doing this any more because its slow! super.buildClassifier(d); } /* No need to do this, since we can use the IBk version, which should be optimised! public double classifyInstance(Instance d){ //Basic distance, with early abandon, which has not been implemented in the distance comparison. This is only for nearest neighbour double minSoFar=Double.MAX_VALUE; double dist; int index=0; for(int i=0;i<train.numInstances();i++){ dist=dtw.distance(train.instance(i),d,minSoFar); if(dist<minSoFar){ minSoFar=dist; index=i; } } return train.instance(index).classValue(); } */ //Could do this for BER instead private double crossValidateAccuracy(){ double a=0,d=0, minDist; int nearest=0; Instance inst; for(int i=0;i<trainSize;i++){ //Find nearest to element i nearest=0; minDist=Double.MAX_VALUE; inst=train.instance(i); for(int j=0;j<trainSize;j++){ if(i!=j){ // if(i==0&&j<2) // System.out.println("\t"+inst+" and \n\t"+train.instance(j)+"\n\t\t ="+d); d=dtw.distance(inst,train.instance(j),minDist); if(d<minDist){ nearest=j; minDist=d; } } } // System.out.println("\t\tDistance between "+i+" and "+nearest+" ="+minDist); //Measure accuracy for nearest to element i if(inst.classValue()==train.instance(nearest).classValue()) a++; } return a/(double)trainSize; } public static void main(String[] args){ DTW_kNN c = new DTW_kNN(); String path="C:\\Research\\Data\\Time Series Data\\Time Series Classification\\"; Instances test=loadData(path+"Coffee\\Coffee_TEST.arff"); Instances train=loadData(path+"Coffee\\Coffee_TRAIN.arff"); train.setClassIndex(train.numAttributes()-1); c.buildClassifier(train); } public static Instances loadData(String fileName) { Instances data=null; try{ FileReader r; r= new FileReader(fileName); data = new Instances(r); data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes()-1); }catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(" Error ="+e+" in method loadData"); } return data; } }