package weka.classifiers.rules; import java.lang.*; import*; import java.util.*; import weka.core.Instances; public class L3implementation implements Serializable { int CLASS_NUM = 200; String[] class_labels; public int num_features; public int num_samples; public int num_classes; public void get_header(String dataset_name, String format) { try { if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("arff")== true) { // let's suppose arff format // count the number of rows starting with "@attribute" and subtract // the last one refering to the class labels. FileReader file = new FileReader(dataset_name); BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file); boolean eof = false; boolean start_count_samples = false; String line = null; String s = null; String s2 = null; StringTokenizer st, st2; int count_genes = 0; // number of "@attribute" string occurences int count_classes = 0; // number of class labels occurences in the last attribute definition int count_samples = 0; // number of samples equal to the number of lines after "@data" line // read the input file while (!eof) { line = buff.readLine(); // System.out.println("la riga letta �: "+line2); if (line == null) eof = true; else { st = new StringTokenizer(line); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { s = st.nextToken(); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("@attribute")) count_genes++; if (s.indexOf("{")!= -1) { // s contains the list of possibile class labels st2 = new StringTokenizer(s, ","); while (st2.hasMoreTokens()) { s2 = st2.nextToken(); //class_labels[count_classes]= new String(s2); count_classes++; } } if (start_count_samples == true) count_samples++; if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("@data")== true) start_count_samples = true; } } // end else if (line2 == null) } // end while (!eof) num_features = count_genes-1; //num_classes = count_classes; num_samples = count_samples; } // end else: arff format else { // let's suppose csv format FileReader file = new FileReader(dataset_name); BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file); boolean eof = false; boolean start_count_samples = false; String line = null; String s = null; String s2 = null; boolean firstline = true; StringTokenizer st, st2; int count_features = 0; int count_samples = 0; int count_classes = 0; // read the input file while (!eof) { line = buff.readLine(); // System.out.println("la riga letta �: "+line2); if (line == null) eof = true; else { if (firstline) { st = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { s = st.nextToken(); count_features++; } count_features--; // ignore class attribute } else { count_samples++; } } // end else } // end while (!eof) num_features = count_features; //num_classes = count_classes; num_samples = count_samples; } } catch (IOException e) { e.getMessage(); } } public String[] read_Class_Labels_not_well_formed(String dataset_name, String format) { String[] temp = new String[100]; FileReader file; boolean eof = false; boolean start = false; String line = null; String line2 = null; StringTokenizer st; int count_features = 0; num_classes = 0; try { file = new FileReader(dataset_name); BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file); if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("Arff")==true) { while (!eof) { line = buff.readLine(); if (line == null) eof = true; else { if (start == true) { st = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = st.nextToken(); if (count_features == num_features) { // check if the class label already exists boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i<num_classes; i++) if (temp[i].equalsIgnoreCase(s)== true) found = true; if (!found) { num_classes++; temp[num_classes-1] = new String(s); } } count_features++; } } if ((line.equalsIgnoreCase("@data")== true)) start = true; //from the next cycle let's start reading! } count_features = 0; } } // end if (format == arff) if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("csv")==true) { // read the first header line counting the number of features line = buff.readLine(); if (line == null) return null; // error!! num_features = -1; st = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s2 = st.nextToken(); num_features++; } while (!eof) { line = buff.readLine(); if (line == null) eof = true; else { st = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = st.nextToken(); if (count_features == num_features) { // check if the class label already exists boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i<num_classes; i++) if (temp[i].equalsIgnoreCase(s)== true) found = true; if (!found) { num_classes++; temp[num_classes-1] = new String(s); } } count_features++; } } count_features = 0; } } // end if (format == csv) if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("data")==true) { // read the first header line counting the number of features line = buff.readLine(); if (line == null) return null; // error!! num_features = -1; st = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s2 = st.nextToken(); num_features++; } // restart reading the file file.close(); buff.close(); file = new FileReader(dataset_name); buff = new BufferedReader(file); while (!eof) { line = buff.readLine(); if (line == null) eof = true; else { st = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = st.nextToken(); if (count_features == num_features) { // check if the class label already exists boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i<num_classes; i++) if (temp[i].equalsIgnoreCase(s)== true) found = true; if (!found) { num_classes++; temp[num_classes-1] = new String(s); } } count_features++; } } count_features = 0; } } // end if (format == data) } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // copy temp values in class_labels vector class_labels = new String[num_classes]; for (int i = 0; i< num_classes; i++) class_labels[i] = new String(temp[i]); return class_labels; } String[] read_Class_Labels_well_formed(String dataset_name, String format) { class_labels = new String[num_classes]; try { if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("arff")== true) { // let's suppose arff format // count the number of rows starting with "@attribute" and subtract // the last one refering to the class labels. FileReader file = new FileReader(dataset_name); BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file); boolean eof = false; boolean start_count_samples = false; String line = null; String s = null; String s2 = null; StringTokenizer st, st2; int count_genes = 0; // number of "@attribute" string occurences int count_classes = 0; // number of class labels occurences in the last attribute definition int count_samples = 0; // number of samples equal to the number of lines after "@data" line // read the input file while (!eof) { line = buff.readLine(); if (line == null) eof = true; else { st = new StringTokenizer(line); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { s = st.nextToken(); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("@attribute")) count_genes++; if (s.indexOf("{")!= -1) { // s contains the list of possibile class labels st2 = new StringTokenizer(s, ","); while (st2.hasMoreTokens()) { s2 = st2.nextToken(); if (s2.indexOf("{")!= -1) s2 = s2.substring(s2.indexOf("{")+1, s2.length()); if (s2.indexOf("}")!= -1) s2 = s2.substring(0, s2.indexOf("}")); class_labels[count_classes]= new String(s2); count_classes++; } } } } // end else if (line2 == null) } // end while (!eof) } // end else: arff format } catch (IOException e) { e.getMessage(); } return class_labels; } public Hashtable creabin(String filename, int label, String[] class_labels, Hashtable hash, String class_path, String bin_name) { // read transactions file and save them into a binary file RandomAccessFile file; BinaryFile binFile; // set the endian mode to LITTLE_ENDIAN final short endian = BinaryFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN; // set the signed mode to unsigned final boolean signed = false; boolean eof = false; int j = 0; BufferedReader buff_rd; FileReader file_rd; FileWriter cl_file = null; boolean start = false; // start to read after "@data" line int attrib_counter= 0; String line2 = null; StringTokenizer st; Integer n2; String myStr2 = null; int current_value = 0; long t_id = 0; long c_id = 0; try { file_rd = new FileReader(filename); buff_rd = new BufferedReader(file_rd); file = new RandomAccessFile(bin_name, "rw"); binFile = new BinaryFile(file); // set the endian mode to LITTLE_ENDIAN try { binFile.setEndian(BinaryFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // set the signed mode to unsigned binFile.setSigned(false); if (label == 1) { // create also class labels file cl_file = new FileWriter(class_path); cl_file.write(Integer.toString(CLASS_NUM)+"\n"); for (int i = 0; i< num_classes; i++) { cl_file.write(class_labels[i]+"\n"); } cl_file.close(); } while (!eof) { line2 = buff_rd.readLine(); if (line2 == null) eof = true; else { if (start == true) { st = new StringTokenizer(line2, ","); binFile.writeDWord(t_id); binFile.writeDWord(c_id); t_id++; c_id++; // write X number of objects to be read in the current rows, class label included //file_wr.write(num_features); binFile.writeDWord((long)(num_features+1)); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = st.nextToken(); if ((attrib_counter == num_features) && (s!= null)) { // last column contains class label for that gene // write the correspondent number of the class for (j= 0; j< num_classes; j++) // look for the index of the class label if (class_labels[j].equals(s) == true) break; binFile.writeDWord((long)(CLASS_NUM+j)); } // end if else { // Attributo predittivo e non di classe if (s!= null) { //here I have to check if the couple (attr, value) already exists. //if yes return the correspondent number and write down it in the binary file // otherwise add the couple to the hash table writing down in the binary file // the correspondent number of the first avaible couple associated to that attribute String myStr = "Attr"+attrib_counter+"Value"+s; Integer n = (Integer)hash.get(myStr); if (n != null) { // I find the key (Attrib, Value) so we must write the correspondent number n into the binary file binFile.writeDWord(n.longValue()); } else { // value assigned is the next incremental value available current_value++; hash.put(myStr, new Integer(current_value)); binFile.writeDWord((long)current_value); } } } attrib_counter++; } } // end if (start== true) if ((line2.equalsIgnoreCase("@data")== true)) start = true; //from the next cycle let's start reading! } // end else (line == null) attrib_counter = 0; } buff_rd.close(); file_rd.close(); binFile = null; file.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.getMessage(); } return hash; } public void leggiDWordbin(String filename) { RandomAccessFile file; BinaryFile binFile; // set the endian mode to LITTLE_ENDIAN final short endian = BinaryFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN; // set the signed mode to unsigned final boolean signed = false; long tid, cid, numItems, item; long i; try { file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r"); binFile = new BinaryFile(file); // set the endian mode to LITTLE_ENDIAN binFile.setEndian(BinaryFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // set the signed mode to unsigned binFile.setSigned(false); while (true) { // read tid, cid, and number of items tid=binFile.readDWord(); cid=binFile.readDWord(); numItems=binFile.readDWord(); for (i=0;i<numItems-1;i++) { item=binFile.readDWord(); } item=binFile.readDWord(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("**Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void leggiWordbin(String filename) { RandomAccessFile file; BinaryFile binFile; // set the endian mode to LITTLE_ENDIAN final short endian = BinaryFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN; // set the signed mode to unsigned final boolean signed = false; int tid, cid, numItems, item; long i; try { //System.out.println("Open file "+filename); file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r"); binFile = new BinaryFile(file); // set the endian mode to LITTLE_ENDIAN binFile.setEndian(BinaryFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // set the signed mode to unsigned binFile.setSigned(false); while (true) { // read tid, cid, and number of items tid=binFile.readWord(); cid=binFile.readWord(); numItems=binFile.readWord(); for (i=0;i<numItems-1;i++) { item=binFile.readWord(); } item=binFile.readWord(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("**Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void readbin(String filename) { try { FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(filename); boolean eof = false; int count = 0; while (!eof) { int input =; //System.out.println("input"+input+"\n"); if (input == -1) eof = true; else count++; } file.close(); //System.out.println("Byte read: "+count+"\n"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String create_arff_from_data(String dataset, String path_name) { String arff_filename = path_name + "dataset_converted.Arff"; try { //count the number of attributes FileReader file_rd = new FileReader(dataset); BufferedReader buff_rd = new BufferedReader(file_rd); // read the first line and parse different elements in order to understand number and types of attributes // let's suppose that class attribute is last one by default String line2 = buff_rd.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line2, ","); // count the number of attributes int attributes = 0; String s; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { s = st.nextToken(); attributes++; } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(arff_filename); // write the header part fw.write("@relation Arff_dataset"+"\n"+"\n"); for (int counter = 1; counter < (attributes+1); counter++) { if (counter != attributes) fw.write("@attribute "+"attr"+counter+" numeric"+"\n"); else { fw.write("@attribute class {"); for (int i=0; i< class_labels.length; i++) { if (i!= class_labels.length-1) fw.write(class_labels[i]+","); else fw.write(class_labels[i]+"}"+"\n"); } } } fw.write("\n"+"@data"); buff_rd.close(); file_rd.close(); boolean eof = false; file_rd = new FileReader(dataset); buff_rd = new BufferedReader(file_rd); while (!eof) { line2 = buff_rd.readLine(); if (line2 == null) eof = true; else { //write the line in the arff data file fw.write("\n"); fw.write(line2); } } fw.close(); buff_rd.close(); file_rd.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return arff_filename; } String create_arff_from_csv(String dataset, String pathname) { String arff_filename = null; String conversion_path = null; try { //count the number of attributes FileReader file_rd = new FileReader(dataset); BufferedReader buff_rd = new BufferedReader(file_rd); // read the first line and parse different elements in order to understand number and types of attributes // let's suppose that class attribute is last one by default String line2 = buff_rd.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line2, ","); // count the number of attributes int attributes = 0; String s; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { s = st.nextToken(); attributes++; } arff_filename = dataset.substring(dataset.lastIndexOf("/")+1,dataset.lastIndexOf(".")); conversion_path =pathname+ arff_filename+".Arff"; FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(conversion_path); // write the header part fw.write("@relation Arff_dataset"+"\n"+"\n"); for (int counter = 1; counter < (attributes+1); counter++) { if (counter != attributes) fw.write("@attribute "+counter+" string"+"\n"); else { fw.write("@attribute class string"+"\n"); } } fw.write("@data"); boolean eof = false; while (!eof) { line2 = buff_rd.readLine(); if (line2 == null) eof = true; else { fw.write("\n"); fw.write(line2); } } fw.close(); buff_rd.close(); file_rd.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return conversion_path; } void converti_in_numerico(String dataset, String numerico_path, String format) { boolean eof = false; int j = 0; BufferedReader buff_rd; FileReader file_rd; FileWriter cl_file = null; boolean start = false; // start to read after "@data" line int attrib_counter= 0; int sample_index=0; int feature = -1; String line2 = null; StringTokenizer st; Integer n2; String myStr2 = null; int current_value = 0; int current_class_value = 0; Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); try { file_rd = new FileReader(dataset); buff_rd = new BufferedReader(file_rd); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(numerico_path); if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("Arff")== true) { while (!eof) { line2 = buff_rd.readLine(); if (line2 == null) eof = true; else { if (start == true) { st = new StringTokenizer(line2, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = st.nextToken(); if ((attrib_counter == (feature)) && (s!= null)) { // last column contains class label for that gene // here I have to check if the couple (attr, value) already exists. // if yes return the correspondent number and write down it in the binary file // otherwise add the couple to the hash table writing down in the binary file // the correspondent number of the first avaible couple associated to that attribute String myStr = "Attr"+attrib_counter+"Value"+s; Integer n = (Integer)hash.get(myStr); if (n != null) { // I find the key (Attrib, Value) so we must write the correspondent number n into the binary file //file_wr.write(n.intValue()); fw.write(n+"\n"); } else { // value assigned is the next incremental value aviable current_class_value++; hash.put(myStr, new Integer(current_class_value)); fw.write(current_class_value+"\n"); } } // end if else { if (s!= null) { //here I have to check if the couple (attr, value) already exists. //if yes return the correspondent number and write down it in the binary file // otherwise add the couple to the hash table writing down in the binary file // the correspondent number of the first avaible couple associated to that attribute String myStr = "Attr"+attrib_counter+"Value"+s; Integer n = (Integer)hash.get(myStr); if (n != null) { // I find the key (Attrib, Value) so we must write the correspondent number n into the binary file //file_wr.write(n.intValue()); fw.write(n+","); } else { // value assigned is the next incremental value aviable current_value++; hash.put(myStr, new Integer(current_value)); fw.write(current_value+","); } } } attrib_counter++; } } // end if (start== true) else { fw.write(line2+"\n"); if (line2.contains("@attribute")== true) feature++; } if ((line2.equalsIgnoreCase("@data")== true)) start = true; //from the next cycle let's start reading! } // end else (line == null) attrib_counter = 0; } } if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("csv")== true) { while (!eof) { line2 = buff_rd.readLine(); if (line2 == null) eof = true; else { if (start == true) { st = new StringTokenizer(line2, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = st.nextToken(); if ((attrib_counter == (feature)) && (s!= null)) { // last column contains class label for that gene // here I have to check if the couple (attr, value) already exists. // if yes return the correspondent number and write down it in the binary file // otherwise add the couple to the hash table writing down in the binary file // the correspondent number of the first avaible couple associated to that attribute String myStr = "Attr"+attrib_counter+"Value"+s; Integer n = (Integer)hash.get(myStr); if (n != null) { // I find the key (Attrib, Value) so we must write the correspondent number n into the binary file fw.write(n+"\n"); } else { // value assigned is the next incremental value aviable current_class_value++; hash.put(myStr, new Integer(current_class_value)); fw.write(current_class_value+"\n"); } } // end if else { if (s!= null) { //here I have to check if the couple (attr, value) already exists. //if yes return the correspondent number and write down it in the binary file // otherwise add the couple to the hash table writing down in the binary file // the correspondent number of the first avaible couple associated to that attribute String myStr = "Attr"+attrib_counter+"Value"+s; Integer n = (Integer)hash.get(myStr); if (n != null) { // I find the key (Attrib, Value) so we must write the correspondent number n into the binary file fw.write(n+","); } else { // value assigned is the next incremental value aviable current_value++; hash.put(myStr, new Integer(current_value)); fw.write(current_value+","); } } } attrib_counter++; } } // end if (start== true) else { fw.write(line2+"\n"); StringTokenizer st2; st2 = new StringTokenizer(line2, ","); while (st2.hasMoreTokens()) { String s2 = st2.nextToken(); feature++; } start = true; } } // end else (line == null) attrib_counter = 0; } } if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("data")== true) { boolean firstline = true; while (!eof) { line2 = buff_rd.readLine(); if (firstline) { StringTokenizer st3; st3 = new StringTokenizer(line2, ","); while (st3.hasMoreTokens()) { String s3 = st3.nextToken(); feature++; } firstline = false; } if (line2 == null) eof = true; else { st = new StringTokenizer(line2, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = st.nextToken(); if ((attrib_counter == (feature)) && (s!= null)) { // last column contains class label for that gene // here I have to check if the couple (attr, value) already exists. // if yes return the correspondent number and write down it in the binary file // otherwise add the couple to the hash table writing down in the binary file // the correspondent number of the first avaible couple associated to that attribute String myStr = "Attr"+attrib_counter+"Value"+s; Integer n = (Integer)hash.get(myStr); if (n != null) { // I find the key (Attrib, Value) so we must write the correspondent number n into the binary file //file_wr.write(n.intValue()); fw.write(n+"\n"); } else { // value assigned is the next incremental value aviable hash.put(myStr, new Integer(current_class_value)); //file_wr.write((int)current_value); fw.write(current_class_value+"\n"); current_class_value++; } } // end if else { if (s!= null) { //here I have to check if the couple (attr, value) already exists. //if yes return the correspondent number and write down it in the binary file // otherwise add the couple to the hash table writing down in the binary file // the correspondent number of the first avaible couple associated to that attribute String myStr = "Attr"+attrib_counter+"Value"+s; Integer n = (Integer)hash.get(myStr); if (n != null) { // I find the key (Attrib, Value) so we must write the correspondent number n into the binary file //file_wr.write(n.intValue()); fw.write(n+","); } else { // value assigned is the next incremental value aviable current_value++; hash.put(myStr, new Integer(current_value)); //file_wr.write((int)current_value); fw.write(current_value+","); } } } attrib_counter++; } } // end else (line == null) attrib_counter = 0; } } buff_rd.close(); fw.close(); file_rd.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.getMessage(); } } public String[] read_Class_Labels_from_instances(Instances inst) { num_classes = inst.numClasses(); String[] classes = new String[num_classes]; //initialization for (int g = 0; g < num_classes; g++) classes[g] = ""; int cur_num_classes = -1; boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < inst.numInstances(); i++) { if (cur_num_classes >= 0) // search for the current class label for (int k = 0; k < (cur_num_classes) && (found== false) ; k++) { if (inst.instance(i).classValue() == Double.parseDouble(classes[k])) found = true; } if (!found) { if (cur_num_classes == -1) cur_num_classes++; classes[cur_num_classes]= new String(String.valueOf(inst.instance(i).classValue())); cur_num_classes++; } found = false; } return classes; } public Hashtable creabin_from_instances(Instances inst, int label, String[] class_labels, Hashtable hash, String pathname, String dataset, int current_fold) { // read transactions file and save them into a binary file RandomAccessFile file; BinaryFile binFile; // set the endian mode to LITTLE_ENDIAN final short endian = BinaryFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN; // set the signed mode to unsigned final boolean signed = false; int j = 0; FileWriter cl_file = null; int current_value = 0; long t_id = 0; long c_id = 0; boolean found = false; try { String dataset_name = dataset.substring(dataset.lastIndexOf("/")+1, dataset.lastIndexOf(".")); String bin_name = pathname + dataset_name + "k"+ current_fold +".bin"; String class_path = pathname + dataset_name + "k"+ current_fold + ".cls"; //System.out.println("class path name: "+ class_path+"\n"); //System.out.println("bin_name: "+bin_name+"\n"); file = new RandomAccessFile(bin_name, "rw"); binFile = new BinaryFile(file); // set the endian mode to LITTLE_ENDIAN try { binFile.setEndian(BinaryFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // set the signed mode to unsigned binFile.setSigned(false); num_classes = inst.numClasses(); if (label == 1) { // create also class labels file cl_file = new FileWriter(class_path); cl_file.write(Integer.toString(CLASS_NUM)+"\n"); for (int i = 0; i< num_classes; i++) { cl_file.write(class_labels[i]+"\n"); } cl_file.close(); } for (int i = 0; i < inst.numInstances(); i++) { binFile.writeDWord(t_id); binFile.writeDWord(c_id); t_id++; c_id++; // write X number of objects to be read in the current rows, class label included //file_wr.write(num_features); binFile.writeDWord((long)(inst.firstInstance().numAttributes())); for (int k = 0; k < inst.instance(i).numAttributes()-1; k++) { // hash table handling // here I have to check if the couple (attr, value) already exists. // if yes return the correspondent number and write down it in the binary file // otherwise add the couple to the hash table writing down in the binary file // the correspondent number of the first avaible couple associated to that attribute String myStr = "Attr"+k+"Value"+String.valueOf(inst.instance(i).value(k)); Integer n = (Integer)hash.get(myStr); if (n != null) { // I find the key (Attrib, Value) so we must write the correspondent number n into the binary file binFile.writeDWord(n.longValue()); } else { // value assigned is the next incremental value aviable current_value++; hash.put(myStr, new Integer(current_value)); binFile.writeDWord((long)current_value); } } for (j= 0; j< num_classes; j++) // look for the index of the class label if (Double.parseDouble(class_labels[j])==(inst.instance(i).classValue()) == true) break; binFile.writeDWord((long)(CLASS_NUM+j)); found = false; } file.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.getMessage(); } return hash; } String create_csv_from_data(String dataset, String[] class_labels, String path_name) { String csv_filename = path_name + "dataset_converted.csv"; try { //count the number of attributes FileReader file_rd = new FileReader(dataset); BufferedReader buff_rd = new BufferedReader(file_rd); // read the first line and parse different elements in order to understand number and types of attributes // let's suppose that class attribute is last one by default String line2 = buff_rd.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line2, ","); // count the number of attributes int attributes = 0; String s; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { s = st.nextToken(); attributes++; } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(csv_filename); // write the header part for (int counter = 1; counter < (attributes+1); counter++) { if (counter != attributes) fw.write("Attr"+counter+","); else { fw.write("class"); } } buff_rd.close(); file_rd.close(); boolean eof = false; file_rd = new FileReader(dataset); buff_rd = new BufferedReader(file_rd); while (!eof) { line2 = buff_rd.readLine(); if (line2 == null) eof = true; else { //write the line in the arff data file fw.write("\n"); fw.write(line2); } } fw.close(); buff_rd.close(); file_rd.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return csv_filename; } void update_class_values(String training_filename, String training_filename_new, String[] class_labels) { try { FileReader file_rd = new FileReader(training_filename); BufferedReader buff_rd = new BufferedReader(file_rd); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(training_filename_new); // write the same file except for the attribute class boolean eof = false; String line = null; int contatore = 1; while (!eof) { line = buff_rd.readLine(); if (line == null) eof = true; else { //write the line in the arff data file if (line.indexOf("@attribute")==-1) fw.write(line+"\n"); else { if (line.indexOf("@attribute class")!=-1) { // write the full class list fw.write("@attribute class {"); for (int i= 0; i < class_labels.length; i++) { fw.write("'"+class_labels[i]+"'"); if (i !=(class_labels.length -1) ) fw.write(","); } fw.write("}"); fw.write("\n"); } else { String linea = "@attribute attr"+contatore+" String"; fw.write(linea+"\n"); contatore++; } } } } fw.close(); buff_rd.close(); file_rd.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }