package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Random; import org.pokenet.server.backend.DataLoader; import org.pokenet.server.backend.entity.Char; import org.pokenet.server.backend.entity.HMObject; import org.pokenet.server.backend.entity.NonPlayerChar; import org.pokenet.server.backend.entity.PlayerChar; import org.pokenet.server.backend.entity.PlayerChar.Language; import org.pokenet.server.backend.entity.Positionable.Direction; import org.pokenet.server.battle.DataService; import org.pokenet.server.battle.Pokemon; import org.pokenet.server.battle.impl.NpcBattleLauncher; import org.pokenet.server.feature.TimeService; import org.pokenet.server.feature.TimeService.Weather; import; import; import; import; import tiled.core.Map; import tiled.core.TileLayer; /** * Represents a map in the game world * @author shadowkanji * */ public class ServerMap { public enum PvPType { DISABLED, ENABLED, ENFORCED } //Stores the width, heigth, x, y and offsets of this map private int m_width; private int m_heigth; private int m_x; private int m_y; private int m_xOffsetModifier; private int m_yOffsetModifier; private PvPType m_pvpType = PvPType.ENABLED; private ServerMapMatrix m_mapMatrix; private Weather m_forcedWeather = null; //Players and NPCs private HashMap<String, PlayerChar> m_players; private ArrayList<NonPlayerChar> m_npcs; private ArrayList<WarpTile> m_warps; private ArrayList<MapItem> m_items; //The following stores information for day, night and water wild pokemon private HashMap<String, int[]> m_dayPokemonLevels; private HashMap<String, Integer> m_dayPokemonChances; private HashMap<String, int[]> m_nightPokemonLevels; private HashMap<String, Integer> m_nightPokemonChances; private HashMap<String, int[]> m_waterPokemonLevels; private HashMap<String, Integer> m_waterPokemonChances; private HashMap<String, int[]> m_fishPokemonLevels; private HashMap<String, Integer> m_fishPokemonChances; private int m_wildProbability; //The following stores collision information private ServerTileLayer m_blocked = null; private ServerTileLayer m_surf = null; private ServerTileLayer m_grass = null; private ServerTileLayer m_ledgesDown = null; private ServerTileLayer m_ledgesLeft = null; private ServerTileLayer m_ledgesRight = null; //Misc private Random m_random = DataService.getBattleMechanics().getRandom(); /** * Default constructor * @param map * @param x * @param y */ public ServerMap(Map map, int x, int y) { m_x = x; m_y = y; m_heigth = map.getHeight(); m_width = map.getWidth(); /* * Store all the map layers */ for(int i = 0; i < map.getTotalLayers(); i++) { if(map.getLayer(i).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Grass")) { m_grass = new ServerTileLayer((TileLayer) map.getLayer(i)); } else if(map.getLayer(i).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Collisions")) { m_blocked = new ServerTileLayer((TileLayer) map.getLayer(i)); } else if(map.getLayer(i).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("LedgesLeft")) { m_ledgesLeft = new ServerTileLayer((TileLayer) map.getLayer(i)); } else if(map.getLayer(i).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("LedgesRight")) { m_ledgesRight = new ServerTileLayer((TileLayer) map.getLayer(i)); } else if(map.getLayer(i).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("LedgesDown")) { m_ledgesDown = new ServerTileLayer((TileLayer) map.getLayer(i)); } else if(map.getLayer(i).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Water")) { m_surf = new ServerTileLayer((TileLayer) map.getLayer(i)); } } m_players = new HashMap<String, PlayerChar>(); m_npcs = new ArrayList<NonPlayerChar>(); /* * Load pvp settings */ try { String type = map.getProperties().getProperty("pvp"); if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("disabled")) { m_pvpType = PvPType.DISABLED; } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("enabled")) { m_pvpType = PvPType.ENABLED; } else { m_pvpType = PvPType.ENFORCED; } } catch (Exception e) { m_pvpType = PvPType.ENABLED; } /* * Add enforced weather if any */ try { if(x < -30) { if(x != -49 || y != -3) { m_forcedWeather = Weather.NORMAL; } else if(x!= -36 || y != -49) { m_forcedWeather = Weather.NORMAL; } } else if(map.getProperties().getProperty("forcedWeather") != null && !map.getProperties().getProperty("forcedWeather").equalsIgnoreCase("")) { m_forcedWeather = Weather.valueOf(map.getProperties().getProperty("forcedWeather")); } } catch (Exception e) { m_forcedWeather = null; } /* * Load offsets */ try { m_xOffsetModifier = Integer.parseInt(map.getProperties().getProperty("xOffsetModifier")); } catch (Exception e) { m_xOffsetModifier = 0; } try { m_yOffsetModifier = Integer.parseInt(map.getProperties().getProperty("yOffsetModifier")); } catch (Exception e) { m_yOffsetModifier = 0; } /* * Load wild pokemon */ try { if(!map.getProperties().getProperty("wildProbabilty").equalsIgnoreCase("")) { m_wildProbability = Integer.parseInt(map.getProperties().getProperty("wildProbabilty")); } else { m_wildProbability = 28; } } catch (Exception e) { m_wildProbability = 28; } String[] species; String[] levels; //Daytime Pokemon try { if(!map.getProperties().getProperty("dayPokemonChances").equalsIgnoreCase("")) { species = map.getProperties().getProperty("dayPokemonChances").split(";"); levels = map.getProperties().getProperty("dayPokemonLevels").split(";"); if (!species[0].equals("") && !levels[0].equals("") && species.length == levels.length) { m_dayPokemonChances = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); m_dayPokemonLevels = new HashMap<String, int[]> (); for (int i = 0; i < species.length; i++) { String[] speciesInfo = species[i].split(","); m_dayPokemonChances.put(speciesInfo[0], Integer.parseInt(speciesInfo[1])); String[] levelInfo = levels[i].split("-"); m_dayPokemonLevels.put(speciesInfo[0], new int[] { Integer.parseInt(levelInfo[0]), Integer.parseInt(levelInfo[1]) }); } } } } catch (Exception e) { m_dayPokemonChances = null; m_dayPokemonLevels = null; species = new String[] { "" }; levels = new String[] { "" }; } //Nocturnal Pokemon try { if(!map.getProperties().getProperty("nightPokemonChances").equalsIgnoreCase("")) { species = map.getProperties().getProperty("nightPokemonChances").split(";"); levels = map.getProperties().getProperty("nightPokemonLevels").split(";"); if (!species[0].equals("") && !levels[0].equals("") && species.length == levels.length) { m_nightPokemonChances = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); m_nightPokemonLevels = new HashMap<String, int[]> (); for (int i = 0; i < species.length; i++) { String[] speciesInfo = species[i].split(","); m_nightPokemonChances.put(speciesInfo[0], Integer.parseInt(speciesInfo[1])); String[] levelInfo = levels[i].split("-"); m_nightPokemonLevels.put(speciesInfo[0], new int[] { Integer.parseInt(levelInfo[0]), Integer.parseInt(levelInfo[1]) }); } } } } catch (Exception e) { m_nightPokemonChances = null; m_nightPokemonLevels = null; species = new String[] { "" }; levels = new String[] { "" }; } //Surf Pokemon try { if(!map.getProperties().getProperty("waterPokemonChances").equalsIgnoreCase("")) { species = map.getProperties().getProperty("waterPokemonChances").split(";"); levels = map.getProperties().getProperty("waterPokemonLevels").split(";"); if (!species[0].equals("") && !levels[0].equals("") && species.length == levels.length) { m_waterPokemonChances = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); m_waterPokemonLevels = new HashMap<String, int[]> (); for (int i = 0; i < species.length; i++) { String[] speciesInfo = species[i].split(","); m_waterPokemonChances.put(speciesInfo[0], Integer.parseInt(speciesInfo[1])); String[] levelInfo = levels[i].split("-"); m_waterPokemonLevels.put(speciesInfo[0], new int[] { Integer.parseInt(levelInfo[0]), Integer.parseInt(levelInfo[1]) }); } } } } catch (Exception e) { m_waterPokemonChances = null; m_waterPokemonLevels = null; species = new String[] { "" }; levels = new String[] { "" }; } //Fish Pokemon try { if(!map.getProperties().getProperty("fishPokemonChances").equalsIgnoreCase("")) { species = map.getProperties().getProperty("fishPokemonChances").split(";"); levels = map.getProperties().getProperty("fishPokemonLevels").split(";"); if (!species[0].equals("") && !levels[0].equals("") && species.length == levels.length) { m_fishPokemonChances = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); m_fishPokemonLevels = new HashMap<String, int[]> (); for (int i = 0; i < species.length; i++) { String[] speciesInfo = species[i].split(","); m_fishPokemonChances.put(speciesInfo[0], Integer.parseInt(speciesInfo[1])); String[] levelInfo = levels[i].split("-"); m_fishPokemonLevels.put(speciesInfo[0], new int[] { Integer.parseInt(levelInfo[0]), Integer.parseInt(levelInfo[1]) }); } } } } catch (Exception e) { m_fishPokemonChances = null; m_fishPokemonLevels = null; species = new String[] { "" }; levels = new String[] { "" }; } } /** * Loads all npc and warp tile data */ public void loadData() { /* * Load all npcs and warptiles */ File f = new File("res/npc/" + m_x + "." + m_y + ".txt"); if(f.exists()) { try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") DataLoader d = new DataLoader(f, this); } catch (Exception e) { } } } /** * Sends a chat message to everyone of the same language * @param message * @param l */ public void sendChatMessage(String message, Language l) { synchronized(m_players) { Collection<PlayerChar> list = m_players.values(); for(PlayerChar p: list) { if(p.getLanguage() == l) { TcpProtocolHandler.writeMessage( p.getTcpSession(), new ChatMessage(ChatMessageType.LOCAL, message)); } } } } /** * Returns the pvp type of the map * @return */ public PvPType getPvPType() { return m_pvpType; } /** * Adds a warp tile to the map * @param w */ public void addWarp(WarpTile w) { if(m_warps == null) m_warps = new ArrayList<WarpTile>(); m_warps.add(w); } /** * Adds an item to the map * @param x * @param y * @param id */ public void addItem(int x, int y, int id) { m_items.add(new MapItem(x, y, id)); } /** * Allows a player to pick up an item * @param p */ public void pickupItem(PlayerChar p) { } /** * Returns true if this map has a forced weather * @return */ public boolean isWeatherForced() { return m_forcedWeather != null; } /** * Returns the enforced weather on this map * @return */ public Weather getWeather() { return m_forcedWeather; } /** * Sets forced weather * @param w */ public void setWeather(Weather w) { m_forcedWeather = w; } /** * Removes forced weather */ public void removeWeather() { m_forcedWeather = null; } /** * Returns the weather id for the enforced weather on this map * @return */ public int getWeatherId() { if(m_forcedWeather != null) { switch(m_forcedWeather) { case NORMAL: return 0; case RAIN: return 1; case HAIL: return 2; case SANDSTORM: return 3; case FOG: return 4; default: return 0; } } else return 0; } /** * Sets the map matrix * @param matrix */ public void setMapMatrix(ServerMapMatrix matrix) { m_mapMatrix = matrix; } /** * Adds a player to this map and notifies all other clients on the map. * @param player */ public void addChar(Char c) { if(c instanceof PlayerChar) { m_players.put(c.getName(), (PlayerChar) c); } else if(c instanceof NonPlayerChar || c instanceof HMObject) { //Set the id of the npc c.setId(-1 - m_npcs.size()); m_npcs.add((NonPlayerChar) c); } synchronized(m_players) { for(PlayerChar p : m_players.values()) { if(c.getId() != p.getId()) { String name = c.getName(); if(c instanceof NonPlayerChar) { name = "!NPC!"; } p.getTcpSession().write("ma" + name + "," + c.getId() + "," + c.getSprite() + "," + c.getX() + "," + c.getY() + "," + (c.getFacing() == Direction.Down ? "D" : c.getFacing() == Direction.Up ? "U" : c.getFacing() == Direction.Left ? "L" : "R")); } } } } /** * Adds a char and sets their x y based on a 32 by 32 pixel grid. * Allows easier adding of NPCs as the x,y can easily be counted via Tiled * @param c * @param tileX * @param tileY */ public void addChar(Char c, int tileX, int tileY) { this.addChar(c); c.setX(tileX * 32); c.setY((tileY * 32) - 8); } /** * Returns the x co-ordinate of this servermap in the map matrix * @return */ public int getX() { return m_x; } /** * Returns the y co-ordinate of this servermap in the map matrix * @return */ public int getY() { return m_y; } /** * Returns the width of this map * @return */ public int getWidth() { return m_width; } /** * Returns the height of this map * @return */ public int getHeight() { return m_heigth; } /** * Returns the x offset of this map * @return */ public int getXOffsetModifier() { return m_xOffsetModifier; } /** * Returns the y offset of this map * @return */ public int getYOffsetModifier() { return m_yOffsetModifier; } /** * Removes a char from this map * @param c */ public void removeChar(Char c) { if(c instanceof PlayerChar) { synchronized(m_players) { m_players.remove(c.getName()); } } else if(c instanceof NonPlayerChar) { m_npcs.remove((NonPlayerChar) c); m_npcs.trimToSize(); } synchronized(m_players) { for(PlayerChar p : m_players.values()) { p.getTcpSession().write("mr" + c.getId()); } } } /** * Allows a player to talk to the npc in front of them, if any * @param p */ public void talkToNpc(PlayerChar p) { int x = 0, y = 0; switch(p.getFacing()) { case Up: x = p.getX(); y = p.getY() - 32; break; case Down: x = p.getX(); y = p.getY() + 32; break; case Left: x = p.getX() - 32; y = p.getY(); break; case Right: x = p.getX() + 32; y = p.getY(); break; default: break; } for(int i = 0; i < m_npcs.size(); i++) { if(m_npcs.get(i).getX() == x && m_npcs.get(i).getY() == y) { if (!(m_npcs.get(i) instanceof HMObject)) p.setTalking(true); m_npcs.get(i).talkToPlayer(p); break; } } } /** * Returns true if there is an obstacle * @param x * @param y * @param d * @return */ private boolean isBlocked(int x, int y, Direction d) { if (m_blocked.getTileAt(x, y) == '1') return true; if(m_npcs.size() < 4) { for(int i = 0; i < m_npcs.size(); i++) { if(m_npcs.get(i).getX() == (x * 32) && m_npcs.get(i).getY() == ((y * 32) - 8)) return true; } } else { for(int i = 0; i <= m_npcs.size() / 2; i++) { if(m_npcs.get(i).getX() == (x * 32) && m_npcs.get(i).getY() == ((y * 32) - 8)) return true; else if(m_npcs.get(m_npcs.size() - 1 - i).getX() == (x * 32) && m_npcs.get(m_npcs.size() - 1 - i).getY() == ((y * 32) - 8)) return true; } } if(m_ledgesRight != null && m_ledgesRight.getTileAt(x, y) == '1') { if(d != Direction.Right) return true; } if(m_ledgesLeft != null && m_ledgesLeft.getTileAt(x, y) == '1') { if(d != Direction.Left) return true; } if(m_ledgesDown != null && m_ledgesDown.getTileAt(x, y) == '1') { if(d != Direction.Down) return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if the char was warped * @param x * @param y * @param c * @return */ private boolean isWarped(int x, int y, Char c) { if(m_warps != null) { for(int i = 0; i < m_warps.size(); i++) { if(m_warps.get(i).getX() == x && m_warps.get(i).getY() == y) { m_warps.get(i).warp(c); return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns true if a fishing attempt was deemed successful(Will the player pull up any pogey or find nothing?) * @param c * @param d * @param rod */ public boolean caughtFish(PlayerChar c, Direction d, int rod) { int failureRate = 75; //Subtract the rod's power from the failure rate. failureRate -= rod; //If that tile is a water tile, determine if you pulled anything, if not, autofail(You can't fish on dry land) if(facingWater(c, d)) { //If facing water c.setFishing(true); if((int)(Math.random()* 101) > failureRate) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { c.getTcpSession().write("Ff"); // Tell the player he can't fish on land } return false; } /** * Returns true if the player is facing water * @param c * @param newX * @param newY * @return */ public boolean facingWater(PlayerChar c, Direction d) { int playerX = c.getX(); int playerY = c.getY(); int newX = 0; int newY = 0; //Determine what tile the player is facing switch(d) { case Up: newX = playerX / 32; newY = ((playerY + 8) - 32) / 32; break; case Down: newX = playerX / 32; newY = ((playerY + 8) + 32) / 32; break; case Left: newX = (playerX - 32) / 32; newY = (playerY + 8) / 32; break; case Right: newX = (playerX + 32) / 32; newY = (playerY + 8) / 32; break; } if(m_surf != null && m_surf.getTileAt(newX, newY) == '1') { //If facing water return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if the char is able to move * @param c * @param d */ public boolean moveChar(Char c, Direction d) { int playerX = c.getX(); int playerY = c.getY(); int newX; int newY; switch(d) { case Up: newX = playerX / 32; newY = ((playerY + 8) - 32) / 32; if (playerY >= 1) { if (!isBlocked(newX, newY, Direction.Up)) { if(m_surf != null && m_surf.getTileAt(newX, newY) == '1') { if(c.isSurfing()) { return true; } else { if(c instanceof PlayerChar) { PlayerChar p = (PlayerChar) c; if(p.canSurf()) { p.setSurfing(true); return true; } else { return false; } } } } else { if(c.isSurfing()) c.setSurfing(false); if(!isWarped(newX, newY, c)) return true; } } } else { ServerMap newMap = m_mapMatrix.getMapByGamePosition(m_x, m_y - 1); if (newMap != null) { m_mapMatrix.moveBetweenMaps(c, this, newMap); } } break; case Down: newX = playerX / 32; newY = ((playerY + 8) + 32) / 32; if (playerY + 40 < m_heigth * 32) { if (!isBlocked(newX, newY, Direction.Down)) { if(m_surf != null && m_surf.getTileAt(newX, newY) == '1') { if(c.isSurfing()) { return true; } else { if(c instanceof PlayerChar) { PlayerChar p = (PlayerChar) c; if(p.canSurf()) { p.setSurfing(true); return true; } else { return false; } } } } else { if(c.isSurfing()) c.setSurfing(false); if(!isWarped(newX, newY, c)) return true; } } } else { ServerMap newMap = m_mapMatrix.getMapByGamePosition(m_x, m_y + 1); if (newMap != null) { m_mapMatrix.moveBetweenMaps(c, this, newMap); } } break; case Left: newX = (playerX - 32) / 32; newY = (playerY + 8) / 32; if (playerX >= 32) { if (!isBlocked(newX, newY, Direction.Left)) { if(m_surf != null && m_surf.getTileAt(newX, newY) == '1') { if(c.isSurfing()) { return true; } else { if(c instanceof PlayerChar) { PlayerChar p = (PlayerChar) c; if(p.canSurf()) { p.setSurfing(true); return true; } else { return false; } } } } else { if(c.isSurfing()) c.setSurfing(false); if(!isWarped(newX, newY, c)) return true; } } } else { ServerMap newMap = m_mapMatrix.getMapByGamePosition(m_x - 1, m_y); if (newMap != null) { m_mapMatrix.moveBetweenMaps(c, this, newMap); } } break; case Right: newX = (playerX + 32) / 32; newY = (playerY + 8) / 32; if (playerX + 32 < m_width * 32) { if (!isBlocked(newX, newY, Direction.Right)) { if(m_surf != null && m_surf.getTileAt(newX, newY) == '1') { if(c.isSurfing()) { return true; } else { if(c instanceof PlayerChar) { PlayerChar p = (PlayerChar) c; if(p.canSurf()) { p.setSurfing(true); return true; } else { return false; } } } } else { if(c.isSurfing()) c.setSurfing(false); if(!isWarped(newX, newY, c)) return true; } } } else { ServerMap newMap = m_mapMatrix.getMapByGamePosition(m_x + 1, m_y); if (newMap != null) { m_mapMatrix.moveBetweenMaps(c, this, newMap); } } break; } return false; } /** * Starts an npc battle with the player if the player was challenged * @param p * @return */ public boolean isNpcBattle(PlayerChar p) { NonPlayerChar n = null; for(int i = 0; i < m_npcs.size(); i++) { n = m_npcs.get(i); if(n != null && n.isTrainer() && !n.isGymLeader()) { /* * For the npc to be able to challenge the player, the must be on the same * axis as the player, the x axis or the y axis */ if(n.getX() == p.getX()) { /* Same column */ if(n.getY() > p.getY()) { /* NPC is above the player */ if(n.getFacing() == Direction.Up && n.canSee(p)) { NpcBattleLauncher l = new NpcBattleLauncher(n, p); l.start(); return true; } } else { /* NPC is below the player */ if(n.getFacing() == Direction.Down && n.canSee(p)) { NpcBattleLauncher l = new NpcBattleLauncher(n, p); l.start(); return true; } } } else if(n.getY() == p.getY()) { /* Same row */ if(n.getX() > p.getX()) { /* NPC is right of the player */ if(n.getFacing() == Direction.Left && n.canSee(p)) { NpcBattleLauncher l = new NpcBattleLauncher(n, p); l.start(); return true; } } else { /* NPC is left of the player */ if(n.getFacing() == Direction.Right && n.canSee(p)) { NpcBattleLauncher l = new NpcBattleLauncher(n, p); l.start(); return true; } } } } } return false; } /** * Returns true if a wild pokemon was encountered. * @return */ public boolean isWildBattle(int x, int y, PlayerChar p) { if (m_random.nextInt(2874) < m_wildProbability * 16) { if(p.isSurfing()) { if(m_waterPokemonChances != null && m_waterPokemonLevels != null) return true; } else { if (m_grass != null && m_grass.getTileAt(x / 32, (y + 8) / 32) == '1') if((m_dayPokemonChances != null && m_dayPokemonLevels != null) || (m_nightPokemonChances != null && m_nightPokemonLevels != null)) return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns a wild pokemon. * Different players have different chances of encountering rarer Pokemon. * @return */ public Pokemon getWildPokemon(PlayerChar player) { int [] range; String species; if(player.isSurfing()) { //Generate a Pokemon from the water species = getWildSpeciesWater(); range = m_waterPokemonLevels.get(species); return Pokemon.getRandomPokemon(species, (m_random.nextInt((range[1] - range[0]) + 1)) + range[0]); } else if(player.isFishing()) { //Generate a pokemon caught by fishing species = getWildSpeciesFish(); range = m_fishPokemonLevels.get(species); return Pokemon.getRandomPokemon(species, (m_random.nextInt((range[1] - range[0]) + 1)) + range[0]); } else { if(TimeService.isNight()) { //Generate a nocturnal Pokemon species = getWildSpeciesNight(); range = m_nightPokemonLevels.get(species); return Pokemon.getRandomPokemon(species, (m_random.nextInt((range[1] - range[0]) + 1)) + range[0]); } else { //Generate a day Pokemon species = getWildSpeciesDay(); range = m_dayPokemonLevels.get(species); return Pokemon.getRandomPokemon(species, (m_random.nextInt((range[1] - range[0]) + 1)) + range[0]); } } } /** * Returns a wild species for day * @return */ private String getWildSpeciesDay() { ArrayList<String> potentialSpecies = new ArrayList<String>(); do { for (String species : m_dayPokemonChances.keySet()) { if (m_random.nextInt(101) < m_dayPokemonChances.get(species)) potentialSpecies.add(species); } } while (potentialSpecies.size() <= 0); return potentialSpecies.get(m_random.nextInt(potentialSpecies.size())); } /** * Returns a wild species for night * @return */ private String getWildSpeciesNight() { ArrayList<String> potentialSpecies = new ArrayList<String>(); do { for (String species : m_nightPokemonChances.keySet()) { if (m_random.nextInt(101) < m_nightPokemonChances.get(species)) potentialSpecies.add(species); } } while (potentialSpecies.size() <= 0); return potentialSpecies.get(m_random.nextInt(potentialSpecies.size())); } /** * Returns a wild species for water * @return */ private String getWildSpeciesWater() { ArrayList<String> potentialSpecies = new ArrayList<String>(); do { for (String species : m_waterPokemonChances.keySet()) { if (m_random.nextInt(101) < m_waterPokemonChances.get(species)) potentialSpecies.add(species); } } while (potentialSpecies.size() <= 0); return potentialSpecies.get(m_random.nextInt(potentialSpecies.size())); } /** * Returns a wild species for fishing * @return */ private String getWildSpeciesFish() { ArrayList<String> potentialSpecies = new ArrayList<String>(); do { for (String species : m_fishPokemonChances.keySet()) { if (m_random.nextInt(101) < m_fishPokemonChances.get(species)) potentialSpecies.add(species); } } while (potentialSpecies.size() <= 0); return potentialSpecies.get(m_random.nextInt(potentialSpecies.size())); } /** * Sends a packet to all players on the map * @param message */ public void sendToAll(PokenetMessage m) { synchronized(m_players) { Collection<PlayerChar> list = m_players.values(); for(PlayerChar p: list) { TcpProtocolHandler.writeMessage(p.getTcpSession(), m); } } } /** * Returns the arraylist of players * @return */ public HashMap<String, PlayerChar> getPlayers() { return m_players; } /** * Returns the arraylist of npcs * @return */ public ArrayList<NonPlayerChar> getNpcs() { return m_npcs; } /** * Sends a movement packet to everyone * @param moveMessage * @param char1 */ public void sendMovementToAll(Direction d, Char c) { if(c instanceof PlayerChar) { /* * If a player, send movement to everyone but themselves * Movement for themself is sent over TCP */ PlayerChar p = (PlayerChar) c; synchronized(m_players) { Collection<PlayerChar> list = m_players.values(); for(PlayerChar pl: list) { if(p != pl) { pl.queueOtherPlayerMovement(d, c.getId()); } } } } else { /* * Else, send the movement to everyone */ synchronized(m_players) { Collection<PlayerChar> list = m_players.values(); for(PlayerChar pl: list) { pl.queueOtherPlayerMovement(d, c.getId()); } } } } }