package org.pokenet.client.ui.frames; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import mdes.slick.sui.Frame; import mdes.slick.sui.Label; import mdes.slick.sui.TextArea; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; import org.newdawn.slick.Image; import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Polygon; import org.newdawn.slick.gui.GUIContext; import org.newdawn.slick.loading.LoadingList; import org.pokenet.client.GameClient; import org.pokenet.client.backend.FileLoader; /** * Base for speech pop-ups * @author ZombieBear * */ public class SpeechFrame extends Frame { Queue<String> speechQueue; TextArea speechDisplay; Timer printingTimer = new Timer(); TimerTask animAction; Polygon triangle; Image bg; boolean isGoingDown = true; protected String stringToPrint; /** * Default constructor * @param speech */ public SpeechFrame(String speech) { getContentPane().setX(getContentPane().getX() - 1); getContentPane().setY(getContentPane().getY() + 1); this.setBorderRendered(false); speechQueue = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String line : speech.split("/n")) { speechQueue.add(line); } triangulate(); initGUI(); } /** * Constructs a SpeechFrame, uses Seconds between next line. * @param speech * @param seconds */ public SpeechFrame(String speech, int seconds) { speechQueue = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String line : speech.split("/n")) { speechQueue.add(line); } triangulate(); initGUI(); this.advance(); // this.advance(); // while(canAdvance()){ // try { // wait(seconds*1000); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // advance(); // } } /** * Sends a packet when finished showing dialog * @param printed */ public void advancedPast(String printed) { } /** * Initializes the interface */ public void initGUI() { InputStream f; try { LoadingList.setDeferredLoading(true); String respath = System.getProperty("res.path"); if(respath==null) respath=""; f = FileLoader.loadFile(respath+"res/ui/speechbox.png"); bg = new Image(f, respath+"res/ui/speechbox.png", false); LoadingList.setDeferredLoading(false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Label bg = new Label(; bg.setSize(400, 100); bg.setLocation(0, -11); speechDisplay = new TextArea(); speechDisplay.setFocusable(false); speechDisplay.setSize(384, 100); speechDisplay.setLocation(16, 5); speechDisplay.setBorderRendered(false); speechDisplay.setFont(GameClient.getFontLarge()); speechDisplay.setOpaque(false); this.getContentPane().add(bg); this.getContentPane().add(speechDisplay); this.setWidth(400); this.setHeight(100); this.setX((GameClient.getInstance().getDisplay().getWidth() / 2) - getWidth() / 2); this.setY((GameClient.getInstance().getDisplay().getHeight() / 2) + getWidth() / 2); this.getTitleBar().setVisible(false); this.setResizable(false); this.setFocusable(false); this.setAlwaysOnTop(true); advance(); } /** * ??? * @param done */ public void advanced(String done) { } /** * Advances to next message */ public void advance() { triangle = null; if (animAction == null) { if (canAdvance()) { speechDisplay.setText(""); if (stringToPrint != null) advancedPast(stringToPrint); stringToPrint = speechQueue.poll(); if (stringToPrint != null) { animAction = new TimerTask() { public void run() { if (speechDisplay.getText().equals(stringToPrint)) { animAction = null; try { cancel(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } triangulate(); } else { try { speechDisplay.setText(stringToPrint.substring(0, speechDisplay .getText().length() + 1)); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { speechDisplay.setText(stringToPrint); } } }}; try { printingTimer.schedule(animAction, 0, 30);} catch (Exception e) { animAction = null; e.printStackTrace(); } advancing(stringToPrint); } } } else { speechDisplay.setText(""); animAction.cancel(); animAction = null; speechDisplay.setText(stringToPrint); triangulate(); } } /** * Returns true if the player can advance * @return */ public boolean canAdvance() { return true; } /** * Generates the triangle to show when you can continue */ public void triangulate() { triangle = new Polygon(); triangle.addPoint(getWidth() - 30 + getX(), 60 +getY()); triangle.addPoint(getWidth() - 30 + getX() + 10, 60 + getY()); triangle.addPoint(getWidth() - 30 + getX() + 5, 60 + getY() + 10); } /** * ????? * @param toPrint */ public void advancing(String toPrint) { } /** * Renders */ @Override public void render(GUIContext container, Graphics g) { super.render(container, g); if (triangle != null) { if (canAdvance()) { g.setColor(; g.fill(triangle); if (Math.round(triangle.getCenterY()) > 584) triangle.setCenterY(584); else if (Math.round(triangle.getCenterY()) < 574) triangle.setCenterY(574); if (Math.round(triangle.getCenterY()) == 574) { isGoingDown = true; } else if (Math.round(triangle.getCenterY()) == 584) { isGoingDown = false; } if (isGoingDown) { triangle.setCenterY(triangle.getCenterY() + .5f); } else { triangle.setCenterY(triangle.getCenterY() - .5f); } } } } /** * Adds a line to the queue * @param speech */ public void addSpeech(String speech) { speechQueue.add(speech); } }