package org.pokenet.client.ui.frames; import org.pokenet.client.GameClient; /** * NPC speech pop-up * @author ZombieBear * */ public class NPCSpeechFrame extends SpeechFrame { /** * Default Constructor * @param text */ public NPCSpeechFrame(String text) { super(text); } /** * Modified constructor, sets time to auto-skip to the next line. * @param text * @param seconds */ public NPCSpeechFrame(String text,int seconds) { super(text,seconds); } /** * Sends a packet when finished displaying text */ public void advancedPast(String advancedMe) { if (speechQueue.peek() == null) { triangle = null; setVisible(false); GameClient.getInstance().getUi().nullSpeechFrame(); GameClient.getInstance().getPacketGenerator().writeTcpMessage("Cf"); } } }