package org.pokenet.client; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.HashMap; import mdes.slick.sui.Container; import mdes.slick.sui.Display; import mdes.slick.sui.Label; import mdes.slick.sui.event.ActionEvent; import mdes.slick.sui.event.ActionListener; import org.apache.mina.core.RuntimeIoException; import org.apache.mina.core.future.ConnectFuture; import org.apache.mina.core.future.IoFuture; import org.apache.mina.core.future.IoFutureListener; import org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFilter; import org.apache.mina.filter.codec.textline.TextLineCodecFactory; import org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.NioDatagramConnector; import org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.NioSocketConnector; import org.newdawn.slick.AngelCodeFont; import org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer; import org.newdawn.slick.BasicGame; import org.newdawn.slick.BigImage; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.Font; import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer; import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; import org.newdawn.slick.Image; import org.newdawn.slick.Input; import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; import org.newdawn.slick.TrueTypeFont; import org.newdawn.slick.loading.DeferredResource; import org.newdawn.slick.loading.LoadingList; import org.newdawn.slick.muffin.FileMuffin; import org.pokenet.client.backend.Animator; import org.pokenet.client.backend.BattleManager; import org.pokenet.client.backend.ClientMap; import org.pokenet.client.backend.ClientMapMatrix; import org.pokenet.client.backend.ItemDatabase; import org.pokenet.client.backend.MoveLearningManager; import org.pokenet.client.backend.SoundManager; import org.pokenet.client.backend.SpriteFactory; import org.pokenet.client.backend.entity.OurPlayer; import org.pokenet.client.backend.entity.Player; import org.pokenet.client.backend.entity.Player.Direction; import org.pokenet.client.backend.time.TimeService; import org.pokenet.client.backend.time.WeatherService; import org.pokenet.client.backend.time.WeatherService.Weather; import; import; import; import; import org.pokenet.client.ui.LoadingScreen; import org.pokenet.client.ui.LoginScreen; import org.pokenet.client.ui.Ui; import org.pokenet.client.ui.base.ConfirmationDialog; import org.pokenet.client.ui.base.MessageDialog; import org.pokenet.client.ui.frames.PlayerPopupDialog; /** * The game client * @author shadowkanji * @author ZombieBear * @author Nushio * */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class GameClient extends BasicGame { //Some variables needed private static GameClient m_instance; private static AppGameContainer gc; private ClientMapMatrix m_mapMatrix; private OurPlayer m_ourPlayer = null; private boolean m_isNewMap = false; private int m_mapX, m_mapY, m_playerId; private PacketGenerator m_packetGen; private Animator m_animator; private static HashMap<String, String> options; //Static variables private static String m_filepath=""; private static Font m_fontLarge, m_fontSmall, m_trueTypeFont; private static String HOST; private static String CHATHOST = "localhost"; //UI private LoadingScreen m_loading; private LoginScreen m_login; //The gui display layer private Display m_display; private WeatherService m_weather;// = new WeatherService(); private TimeService m_time;// = new TimeService(); private Ui m_ui; private Color m_daylight; private static String m_language = "english"; private static boolean m_languageChosen = false; private ConfirmationDialog m_confirm; private PlayerPopupDialog m_playerDialog; private MoveLearningManager m_moveLearningManager; private static SoundManager m_soundPlayer; private static boolean m_disableMaps = false; public static String UDPCODE = ""; public static DeferredResource m_nextResource; private boolean m_started; Color m_loadColor = new Color(70,70,255); private boolean m_close = false; //Used to tell the game to close or not. private Image[] m_spriteImageArray = new Image[240]; /* WARNING: Replace with actual number of sprites */ public boolean m_chatServerIsActive; private Image m_loadImage; private Image m_loadBarLeft, m_loadBarRight, m_loadBarMiddle; /** * Load options */ static { try { try{ m_filepath = System.getProperty("res.path"); System.out.println("Path: "+m_filepath); if(m_filepath==null) m_filepath=""; }catch(Exception e){ m_filepath=""; } options = new FileMuffin().loadFile("options.dat"); if (options == null) { options = new HashMap<String,String>(); options.put("soundMuted", String.valueOf(true)); options.put("disableMaps", String.valueOf(false)); options.put("disableWeather", String.valueOf(false)); } m_instance = new GameClient("Pokenet: Valiant Venonat"); m_soundPlayer = new SoundManager(); m_soundPlayer.mute(Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get("soundMuted"))); m_soundPlayer.start(); //m_soundPlayer.setTrack("introandgym"); m_disableMaps = Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get("disableMaps")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); m_instance = new GameClient("Pokenet: Valiant Venonat"); m_disableMaps = false; m_soundPlayer = new SoundManager(); m_soundPlayer.mute(false); m_soundPlayer.start(); //m_soundPlayer.setTrack("introandgym"); } } /** * Default constructor * @param title */ public GameClient(String title) { super(title); } /** * Called before the window is created */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void init(GameContainer gc) throws SlickException { // gc.getGraphics().setBackground(Color.white); m_loadImage = new Image("res/load.jpg"); // m_loadImage = m_loadImage.getScaledCopy(gc.getWidth() / m_loadImage.getWidth()); m_loadImage = m_loadImage.getScaledCopy(800.0f / m_loadImage.getWidth()); m_loadBarLeft = new Image("res/ui/loadbar/left.png"); m_loadBarRight = new Image("res/ui/loadbar/right.png"); m_loadBarMiddle = new Image("res/ui/loadbar/middle.png"); LoadingList.setDeferredLoading(true); m_instance = this; gc.getGraphics().setWorldClip(-32, -32, 832, 832); gc.setShowFPS(false); m_display = new Display(gc); /* * Setup variables */ m_fontLarge = new AngelCodeFont(m_filepath+"res/fonts/dp.fnt",m_filepath+"res/fonts/dp.png"); m_fontSmall = new AngelCodeFont(m_filepath+"res/fonts/dp-small.fnt", m_filepath+"res/fonts/dp-small.png"); // Player.loadSpriteFactory(); loadSprites(); try { /*DOES NOT WORK YET!!! */ m_trueTypeFont = new TrueTypeFont(java.awt.Font.createFont(java.awt.Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, new File(m_filepath+"res/fonts/PokeFont.ttf")) .deriveFont(java.awt.Font.PLAIN, 10), false); //m_trueTypeFont = m_fontSmall; } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace(); m_trueTypeFont = m_fontSmall;} /* * Time/Weather Services */ // m_time = new TimeService(); // m_weather = new WeatherService(); // if(options != null) // m_weather.setEnabled(!Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get("disableWeather"))); /* * Add the ui components */ m_loading = new LoadingScreen(); m_display.add(m_loading); m_login = new LoginScreen(); m_login.showLanguageSelect(); m_display.add(m_login); // m_ui = new Ui(m_display); // m_ui.setAllVisible(false); /* * Item DB */ ItemDatabase m_itemdb = new ItemDatabase(); m_itemdb.reinitialise(); /* * Move Leraning Manager */ m_moveLearningManager = new MoveLearningManager(); m_moveLearningManager.start(); /* * The animator and map matrix */ m_mapMatrix = new ClientMapMatrix(); m_animator = new Animator(m_mapMatrix); gc.getInput().enableKeyRepeat(50, 300); // LoadingList.setDeferredLoading(false); } private void loadSprites() { try { String location; String respath = System.getProperty("res.path"); if(respath==null) respath=""; /* * WARNING: Change 224 to the amount of sprites we have in client * the load bar only works when we don't make a new SpriteSheet * ie. ss = new SpriteSheet(temp, 41, 51); needs to be commented out * in order for the load bar to work. */ for(int i = -5; i < 224; i++) { try { location = respath+"res/characters/" + String.valueOf(i) + ".png"; m_spriteImageArray[i + 5] = new Image(location); } catch (Exception e) { location = respath+"res/characters/" + String.valueOf(i) + ".png"; m_spriteImageArray[i + 5] = new Image(location); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } void setPlayerSpriteFactory() { Player.setSpriteFactory(new SpriteFactory(m_spriteImageArray)); } /** * Updates the game window */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void update(GameContainer gc, int delta) throws SlickException { if (m_nextResource != null) { try { m_nextResource.load(); } catch (Exception e) { //throw new SlickException("Failed to load: " + m_nextResource.getDescription(), e); System.err.println("Failed to load: " + m_nextResource.getDescription() + "\n" + "... WARNING: the game may or may not work because of this"); } m_nextResource = null; } if (LoadingList.get().getRemainingResources() > 0) { m_nextResource = LoadingList.get().getNext(); } else { if (!m_started) { m_started = true; m_soundPlayer.setTrack("introandgym"); // music.loop(); //; if(m_ui == null){ LoadingList.setDeferredLoading(false); setPlayerSpriteFactory(); m_weather = new WeatherService(); m_time = new TimeService(); if(options != null) m_weather.setEnabled(!Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get("disableWeather"))); m_ui = new Ui(m_display); m_ui.setAllVisible(false); } } } if(m_started){ // make sure we can't move while chaging maps if(m_loading.isVisible()){ gc.getInput().disableKeyRepeat(); }else{ gc.getInput().enableKeyRepeat(50, 300); } /* * Update the gui layer */ try { synchronized (m_display) { try{ m_display.update(gc, delta); } catch (Exception e) {} } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /* * Check if language was chosen. */ if(m_language != null && !m_language.equalsIgnoreCase("") && m_languageChosen==true && ((HOST != null && HOST.equalsIgnoreCase("")) || m_packetGen == null)){ m_login.showServerSelect(); } else if(m_language == null || m_language.equalsIgnoreCase("")){ m_login.showLanguageSelect(); } /* * Check if we need to connect to a selected server */ if(HOST != null && !HOST.equalsIgnoreCase("") && m_packetGen == null) { this.connect(); } /* * Check if we need to loads maps */ if(m_isNewMap && m_loading.isVisible()) { m_mapMatrix.loadMaps(m_mapX, m_mapY, gc.getGraphics()); while(m_ourPlayer == null); m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().setName(m_mapMatrix.getMapName(m_mapX, m_mapY)); m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().setXOffset(400 - m_ourPlayer.getX(), false); m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().setYOffset(300 - m_ourPlayer.getY(), false); m_mapMatrix.recalibrate(); m_ui.getMap().setPlayerLocation(); m_isNewMap = false; m_loading.setVisible(false); } /* * Animate the player */ if(m_ourPlayer != null) { m_animator.animate(); } /* * Update weather and daylight */ if(!m_isNewMap) { int a = 0; //Daylight m_time.updateDaylight(); a = m_time.getDaylight(); //Weather if(m_weather.isEnabled() && m_weather.getWeather() != Weather.NORMAL) { try { m_weather.getParticleSystem().update(delta); } catch (Exception e) { m_weather.setEnabled(false); } a = a < 100 ? a + 60 : a; } m_daylight = new Color(0, 0, 0, a); } } } /** * Renders to the game window */ public void render(GameContainer gc, Graphics g) throws SlickException { g.drawImage(m_loadImage, 0, 0); if (m_nextResource != null) { g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("Loading: "+m_nextResource.getDescription(), 10, gc.getHeight() - 90); } int total = LoadingList.get().getTotalResources(); int maxWidth = gc.getWidth() - 20; int loaded = LoadingList.get().getTotalResources() - LoadingList.get().getRemainingResources(); if(!m_started){ g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawRoundRect(10 ,gc.getHeight() - 122, maxWidth - 9, 24, 14); float bar = loaded / (float) total; g.drawImage(m_loadBarLeft, 13, gc.getHeight() - 120); g.drawImage(m_loadBarMiddle, 11 + m_loadBarLeft.getWidth(), gc.getHeight() - 120, bar*(maxWidth - 13), gc.getHeight() - 120 + m_loadBarMiddle.getHeight(), 0, 0, m_loadBarMiddle.getWidth(), m_loadBarMiddle.getHeight()); g.drawImage(m_loadBarRight, bar*(maxWidth - 13), gc.getHeight() - 120); // non-imagy loading bar // g.setColor(m_loadColor); // g.setAntiAlias(true); // g.fillRoundRect(15, gc.getHeight() - 120, bar*(maxWidth - 10), 20, 10); } if (m_started){ /* Clip the screen, no need to render what we're not seeing */ g.setWorldClip(-32, -32, 864, 664); /* * If the player is playing, run this rendering algorithm for maps. * The uniqueness here is: * For the current map it only renders line by line for the layer that the player's are on, * other layers are rendered directly to the screen. * All other maps are simply rendered directly to the screen. */ if(!m_isNewMap && m_ourPlayer != null) { ClientMap thisMap; g.setFont(m_fontLarge); g.scale(2, 2); for (int x = 0; x <= 2; x++) { for (int y = 0; y <= 2; y++) { thisMap = m_mapMatrix.getMap(x, y); if (thisMap != null && thisMap.isRendering()) { thisMap.render(thisMap.getXOffset() / 2, thisMap.getYOffset() / 2, 0, 0, (gc.getScreenWidth() - thisMap.getXOffset()) / 32, (gc.getScreenHeight() - thisMap.getYOffset()) / 32, false); } } } g.resetTransform(); try { m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().renderTop(g); }catch (ConcurrentModificationException e){ m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().renderTop(g); } if(m_mapX > -30) { //Render the current weather if(m_weather.isEnabled() && m_weather.getParticleSystem() != null) { try { m_weather.getParticleSystem().render(); } catch(Exception e) { m_weather.setEnabled(false); } } //Render the current daylight if(m_time.getDaylight() > 0 || (m_weather.getWeather() != Weather.NORMAL && m_weather.getWeather() != Weather.SANDSTORM)) { g.setColor(m_daylight); g.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 600); } } } /* * Render the UI layer */ try { synchronized(m_display) { try{ m_display.render(gc, g); } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e){m_display.render(gc, g);} } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Accepts the user input. * @param key The integer representing the key pressed. * @param c ??? */ @Override public void keyPressed(int key, char c) { if(m_started){ if (m_login.isVisible()){ if (key == (Input.KEY_ENTER) || key == (Input.KEY_NUMPADENTER)) m_login.enterKeyDefault(); if (key == (Input.KEY_TAB)) m_login.tabKeyDefault(); } if (key == (Input.KEY_ESCAPE)) { if(m_confirm==null){ ActionListener yes = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { try { System.exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; ActionListener no = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { m_confirm.setVisible(false); getDisplay().remove(m_confirm); m_confirm = null; } }; m_confirm = new ConfirmationDialog("Are you sure you want to exit?",yes,no); getUi().getDisplay().add(m_confirm); }else{ System.exit(0); } } if(m_ui.getNPCSpeech() == null && !m_ui.getChat().isActive() && !m_login.isVisible() && !getDisplay().containsChild(m_playerDialog) && !BattleManager.isBattling() && !m_isNewMap){ if(m_ourPlayer != null && !m_isNewMap /*&& m_loading != null && !m_loading.isVisible()*/ && !BattleManager.isBattling() && m_ourPlayer.canMove()) { if (key == (Input.KEY_DOWN) || key == (Input.KEY_S)) { if(!m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().isColliding(m_ourPlayer, Direction.Down)) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Down); m_ourPlayer.queueMovement(Direction.Down); } else if(m_ourPlayer.getDirection() != Direction.Down) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Down); m_ourPlayer.queueMovement(Direction.Down); } } else if (key == (Input.KEY_UP) || key == (Input.KEY_W)) { if(!m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().isColliding(m_ourPlayer, Direction.Up)) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Up); m_ourPlayer.queueMovement(Direction.Up); } else if(m_ourPlayer.getDirection() != Direction.Up) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Up); m_ourPlayer.queueMovement(Direction.Up); } } else if (key == (Input.KEY_LEFT) || key == (Input.KEY_A)) { if(!m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().isColliding(m_ourPlayer, Direction.Left)) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Left); m_ourPlayer.queueMovement(Direction.Left); } else if(m_ourPlayer.getDirection() != Direction.Left) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Left); m_ourPlayer.queueMovement(Direction.Left); } } else if (key == (Input.KEY_RIGHT) || key == (Input.KEY_D)) { if(!m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().isColliding(m_ourPlayer, Direction.Right)) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Right); m_ourPlayer.queueMovement(Direction.Right); } else if(m_ourPlayer.getDirection() != Direction.Right) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Right); m_ourPlayer.queueMovement(Direction.Right); } } else if (key == Input.KEY_C) { m_ui.toggleChat(); } else if (key == (Input.KEY_1)) { m_ui.toggleStats(); } else if (key == (Input.KEY_2)) { m_ui.togglePokemon(); } else if (key == (Input.KEY_3)) { m_ui.toggleBag(); } else if (key == (Input.KEY_4)) { m_ui.toggleMap(); } else if (key == (Input.KEY_5)) { m_ui.toggleFriends(); } else if (key == (Input.KEY_6)) { m_ui.toggleRequests(); } else if (key == (Input.KEY_7)) { m_ui.toggleOptions(); } else if (key == (Input.KEY_8)) { m_ui.toggleHelp(); } } } if ((key == (Input.KEY_SPACE) || key == (Input.KEY_E)) && !m_login.isVisible() && !m_ui.getChat().isActive() && !getDisplay().containsChild(MoveLearningManager.getInstance() .getMoveLearning()) && !getDisplay().containsChild(getUi().getShop())) { if(m_ui.getNPCSpeech() == null && !getDisplay().containsChild(BattleManager.getInstance() .getBattleWindow()) ){ m_packetGen.writeTcpMessage("Ct"); } if (BattleManager.isBattling() && getDisplay().containsChild(BattleManager.getInstance().getTimeLine().getBattleSpeech()) && !getDisplay().containsChild(MoveLearningManager.getInstance().getMoveLearning())) { BattleManager.getInstance().getTimeLine().getBattleSpeech().advance(); } else{ try { m_ui.getNPCSpeech().advance(); } catch (Exception e) { m_ui.nullSpeechFrame(); // m_packetGen.write("F"); } } } } } @Override public void controllerDownPressed(int controller){ if(m_ui.getNPCSpeech() == null && m_ui.getChat().isActive()==false && !m_login.isVisible() && !m_ui.getChat().isActive() && !getDisplay().containsChild(m_playerDialog)){ if(m_ourPlayer != null && !m_isNewMap /*&& m_loading != null && !m_loading.isVisible()*/ && m_ourPlayer.canMove()) { if(!m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().isColliding(m_ourPlayer, Direction.Down)) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Down); } else if(m_ourPlayer.getDirection() != Direction.Down) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Down); } } } } @Override public void controllerUpPressed(int controller){ if(m_ui.getNPCSpeech() == null && m_ui.getChat().isActive()==false && !m_login.isVisible() && !m_ui.getChat().isActive() && !getDisplay().containsChild(m_playerDialog)){ if(m_ourPlayer != null && !m_isNewMap /*&& m_loading != null && !m_loading.isVisible()*/ && m_ourPlayer.canMove()) { if(!m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().isColliding(m_ourPlayer, Direction.Up)) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Up); } else if(m_ourPlayer.getDirection() != Direction.Up) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Up); } } } } @Override public void controllerLeftPressed(int controller){ if(m_ui.getNPCSpeech() == null && m_ui.getChat().isActive()==false && !m_login.isVisible() && !m_ui.getChat().isActive() && !getDisplay().containsChild(m_playerDialog)){ if(m_ourPlayer != null && !m_isNewMap /*&& m_loading != null && !m_loading.isVisible()*/ && m_ourPlayer.canMove()) { if(!m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().isColliding(m_ourPlayer, Direction.Left)) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Left); } else if(m_ourPlayer.getDirection() != Direction.Left) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Left); } } } } @Override public void controllerRightPressed(int controller){ if(m_ui.getNPCSpeech() == null && m_ui.getChat().isActive()==false && !m_login.isVisible() && !m_ui.getChat().isActive() && !getDisplay().containsChild(m_playerDialog)){ if(m_ourPlayer != null && !m_isNewMap /*&& m_loading != null && !m_loading.isVisible()*/ && m_ourPlayer.canMove()) { if(!m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().isColliding(m_ourPlayer, Direction.Right)) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Right); } else if(m_ourPlayer.getDirection() != Direction.Right) { m_packetGen.move(Direction.Right); } } } } /** * Accepts the mouse input */ @Override public void mousePressed(int button, int x, int y) { // Right Click if (button == 1) { // loop through the players and look for one that's in the // place where the user just right-clicked for (Player p : m_mapMatrix.getPlayers()) { if ((x >= p.getX() + m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().getXOffset() && x <= p.getX() + 32 + m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().getXOffset()) && (y >= p.getY() + m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().getYOffset() && y <= p.getY() + 40 + m_mapMatrix.getCurrentMap().getYOffset())) { // Brings up a popup menu with player options if (!p.isOurPlayer()){ if (getDisplay().containsChild(m_playerDialog)) getDisplay().remove(m_playerDialog); m_playerDialog = new PlayerPopupDialog(p.getUsername()); m_playerDialog.setLocation(x, y); getDisplay().add(m_playerDialog); } } } } //Left click if (button == 0){ //Get rid of the popup if you click outside of it if (getDisplay().containsChild(m_playerDialog)){ if (x > m_playerDialog.getAbsoluteX() || x < m_playerDialog.getAbsoluteX() + m_playerDialog.getWidth()){ m_playerDialog.destroy(); } else if (y > m_playerDialog.getAbsoluteY() || y < m_playerDialog.getAbsoluteY() + m_playerDialog.getHeight()){ m_playerDialog.destroy(); } } //repeats space bar items (space bar emulation for mouse. In case you done have a space bar!) try { if(getDisplay().containsChild(m_ui.getChat())){ m_ui.getChat().dropFocus(); } if(m_ui.getNPCSpeech() == null && !getDisplay().containsChild(BattleManager.getInstance() .getBattleWindow()) ){ m_packetGen.writeTcpMessage("Ct"); } if (BattleManager.isBattling() && getDisplay().containsChild(BattleManager.getInstance().getTimeLine().getBattleSpeech()) && !getDisplay().containsChild(MoveLearningManager.getInstance().getMoveLearning())) { BattleManager.getInstance().getTimeLine().getBattleSpeech().advance(); } else{ try { m_ui.getNPCSpeech().advance(); } catch (Exception e) { m_ui.nullSpeechFrame(); // m_packetGen.write("F"); } } } catch (Exception e) {} } } /** * Connects to a selected server */ public void connect() { m_packetGen = new PacketGenerator(); /* * Connect via TCP to game server */ NioSocketConnector connector = new NioSocketConnector(); connector.getFilterChain().addLast("codec", new ProtocolCodecFilter( new TextLineCodecFactory(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")))); connector.setHandler(new TcpProtocolHandler(this)); ConnectFuture cf = connector.connect(new InetSocketAddress(HOST, 7002)); cf.addListener(new IoFutureListener() { public void operationComplete(IoFuture s) { try { if(s.getSession() != null && s.getSession().isConnected()) { m_packetGen.setTcpSession(s.getSession()); } else { messageDialog("Connection timed out.\n" + "The server may be offline.\n" + "Contact an administrator for assistance.", getDisplay()); HOST = ""; m_packetGen = null; } }catch(RuntimeIoException e){ messageDialog("Connection timed out.\n" + "The server may be offline.\n" + "Contact an administrator for assistance.", getDisplay()); HOST = ""; m_packetGen = null; }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); messageDialog("Connection timed out.\n" + "The server may be offline.\n" + "Contact an administrator for assistance.", getDisplay()); HOST = ""; m_packetGen = null; } } }); /* * Connect via UDP to game server */ NioDatagramConnector udp = new NioDatagramConnector(); udp.getFilterChain().addLast("codec", new ProtocolCodecFilter( new TextLineCodecFactory(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")))); udp.setHandler(new UdpProtocolHandler(this)); cf = udp.connect(new InetSocketAddress(HOST, 7005)); cf.addListener(new IoFutureListener() { public void operationComplete(IoFuture s) { try { if(s.getSession().isConnected()) { m_packetGen.setUdpSession(s.getSession()); } else { messageDialog("Connection timed out.\n" + "The server may be offline.\n" + "Contact an administrator for assistance.", getDisplay()); HOST = ""; m_packetGen = null; } }catch(RuntimeIoException e){ messageDialog("Connection timed out.\n" + "The server may be offline.\n" + "Contact an administrator for assistance.", getDisplay()); HOST = ""; m_packetGen = null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); messageDialog("Connection timed out.\n" + "The server may be offline.\n" + "Contact an administrator for assistance.", getDisplay()); HOST = ""; m_packetGen = null; } } }); /* * Connect via TCP to chat server */ NioSocketConnector chat = new NioSocketConnector(); chat.getFilterChain().addLast("codec", new ProtocolCodecFilter( new TextLineCodecFactory(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")))); chat.setHandler(new ChatProtocolHandler()); ConnectFuture cf2 = connector.connect(new InetSocketAddress(CHATHOST, 7001)); cf2.addListener(new IoFutureListener() { public void operationComplete(IoFuture s) { try { if(s.getSession() != null && s.getSession().isConnected()) { m_packetGen.setChatSession(s.getSession()); m_chatServerIsActive = true; } else { // messageDialog("Chat has been disabled.\n" + // "Could not connect to chat server.", getDisplay()); m_chatServerIsActive = false; m_packetGen.setChatSession(null); } }catch(RuntimeIoException e){ // messageDialog("Chat has been disabled.\n" + // "Could not connect to chat server.", getDisplay()); m_chatServerIsActive = false; m_packetGen.setChatSession(null); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // messageDialog("Chat has been disabled.\n" + // "Could not connect to chat server.", getDisplay()); m_chatServerIsActive = false; m_packetGen.setChatSession(null); } } }); /* * Show login screen */ if(!HOST.equals("")) m_login.showLogin(); } /** * Returns the map matrix * @return */ public ClientMapMatrix getMapMatrix() { return m_mapMatrix; } /** * If you don't know what this does, you shouldn't be programming! * @param args */ public static void main(String [] args) { boolean fullscreen = false; try { fullscreen = Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get("fullScreen")); } catch (Exception e) { fullscreen = false; } try { gc = new AppGameContainer(new GameClient("Pokenet: Valiant Venonat"), 800, 600, fullscreen); gc.setTargetFrameRate(50); gc.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * When the close button is pressed... * @param args */ public boolean closeRequested(){ if (m_confirm == null){ ActionListener yes = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { try { System.exit(0); m_close = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); m_close = true; } } }; ActionListener no = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { m_confirm.setVisible(false); getDisplay().remove(m_confirm); m_confirm = null; m_close = false; } }; m_confirm = new ConfirmationDialog("Are you sure you want to exit?",yes,no); getUi().getDisplay().add(m_confirm); } return m_close; } /** * Returns the font in large * @return */ public static Font getFontLarge() { return m_fontLarge; } /** * Returns the font in small * @return */ public static Font getFontSmall() { return m_fontSmall; } public static Font getTrueTypeFont() { return m_trueTypeFont; } /** * Sets the server host. The server will connect once m_host is not equal to "" * @param s */ public static void setHost(String s) { HOST = s; } /** * Returns this instance of game client * @return */ public static GameClient getInstance() { return m_instance; } /** * Returns the packet generator * @return */ public PacketGenerator getPacketGenerator() { return m_packetGen; } /** * Returns the login screen * @return */ public LoginScreen getLoginScreen() { return m_login; } /** * Returns the loading screen * @return */ public LoadingScreen getLoadingScreen() { return m_loading; } /** * Returns the weather service * @return */ public WeatherService getWeatherService() { return m_weather; } /** * Returns the time service * @return */ public TimeService getTimeService() { return m_time; } /** * Stores the player's id * @param id */ public void setPlayerId(int id) { m_playerId = id; } /** * Returns this player's id * @return */ public int getPlayerId() { return m_playerId; } /** * Resets the client back to the z */ public void reset() { m_packetGen = null; HOST = ""; try { if(BattleManager.getInstance() != null) BattleManager.getInstance().endBattle(); if(this.getUi().getNPCSpeech() != null) this.getUi().getNPCSpeech().setVisible(false); if(this.getUi().getChat() != null) this.getUi().getChat().setVisible(false); this.getUi().setVisible(false); } catch (Exception e) {} m_login.setVisible(true); m_login.showLanguageSelect(); } /** * Sets the map and loads them on next update() call * @param x * @param y */ public void setMap(int x, int y) { m_mapX = x; m_mapY = y; m_isNewMap = true; m_loading.setVisible(true); m_ui.getReqWindow().clearOffers(); m_soundPlayer.setTrackByLocation(m_mapMatrix.getMapName(x, y)); } /** * Returns our player * @return */ public OurPlayer getOurPlayer() { return m_ourPlayer; } /** * Sets our player * @param pl */ public void setOurPlayer(OurPlayer pl) { m_ourPlayer = pl; } /** * Returns the user interface */ public Ui getUi() { return m_ui; } /** * Returns the File Path, if any */ public static String getFilePath() { return m_filepath; } /** * Returns the options */ public static HashMap<String, String> getOptions() { return options; } /** * Reloads options */ public static void reloadOptions() { try { options = new FileMuffin().loadFile("options.dat"); if (options == null) options = new HashMap<String,String>(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(32); } } /** * Returns the sound player * @return */ public static SoundManager getSoundPlayer() { return m_soundPlayer; } /** * Creates a message Box */ public static void messageDialog(String message, Container container) { new MessageDialog(message.replace('~','\n'), container); } /** * Returns the display */ public Display getDisplay(){ return m_display; } /** * Returns the language selection * @return */ public static String getLanguage() { return m_language; } /** * Sets the language selection * @return */ public static String setLanguage(String lang) { m_language = lang; m_languageChosen=true; return m_language; } /** * Changes the playing track * @param fileKey */ public static void changeTrack(String fileKey){ m_soundPlayer.setTrack(fileKey); } /** * Returns false if the user has disabled surrounding map loading * @return */ public static boolean disableMaps() { return m_disableMaps; } /** * Sets if the client should load surrounding maps * @param b */ public static void setDisableMaps(boolean b) { m_disableMaps = b; } /** * Slick Native library finder. */ /*static { String s = File.separator; // Modify this to point to the location of the native libraries. String newLibPath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + s + "lib" + s + "native"; System.setProperty("java.library.path", newLibPath); Field fieldSysPath = null; try { fieldSysPath = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField("sys_paths"); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (fieldSysPath != null) { try { fieldSysPath.setAccessible(true); fieldSysPath.set(System.class.getClassLoader(), null); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }*/ }