package org.jivesoftware.openfire.keystore; import org.junit.*; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Unit tests that verify the functionality of {@link OpenfireX509TrustManager#checkChainTrusted(CertSelector, X509Certificate...)}. * * @author Guus der Kinderen, */ @RunWith( Parameterized.class ) public class CheckChainTrustedTest { /** * All tests in this class are executed repeatedly. A new instance of this class is created for each element in the * iterable returned here (its values are passed to the constructor of this class). This allows us to execute the * same set of tests against a different configuration of the system under test. */ @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "acceptSelfSignedCertificates={0},checkValidity={1}" ) public static Iterable<Object[]> constructorArguments() { final List<Object[]> constructorArguments = new ArrayList<>(); constructorArguments.add( new Object[] { false, true } ); // acceptSelfSignedCertificates = false, check validity = true constructorArguments.add( new Object[] { false, false } ); // acceptSelfSignedCertificates = false, check validity = false constructorArguments.add( new Object[] { true, true } ); // acceptSelfSignedCertificates = true, check validity = true constructorArguments.add( new Object[] { true, false } ); // acceptSelfSignedCertificates = true, check validity = false return constructorArguments; } /** * Configuration for the system under test: does or does not accept self-signed certificates. */ private final boolean acceptSelfSigned; /** * Configuration for the system under test: does or does not check current validity (notBefore/notAfter). */ private final boolean checkValidity; /** * The keystore that contains the certificates used by the system under test (refreshed before every test invocation). */ private KeyStore trustStore; /** * A valid chain of certificates, where the first certificate represents the end-entity certificate and the last * certificate represents the trust anchor (the 'root certificate'). This root certificate is present * in {@link #trustStore} (refreshed before every test invocation). */ private X509Certificate[] validChain; /** * A chain of certificates where the first certificate represents the end-entity certificate and the last * certificate represents the trust anchor (the 'root certificate'). This root certificate is present * in {@link #trustStore}. One of the intermediate certificates in this chain is expired. The chain is otherwise * valid. (refreshed before every test invocation). */ private X509Certificate[] expiredIntChain; /** * A chain of certificates where the first certificate represents the end-entity certificate and the last * certificate represents the trust anchor (the 'root certificate'). This root certificate is present * in {@link #trustStore}. The root certificate in this chain is expired. The chain is otherwise * valid. (refreshed before every test invocation). */ private X509Certificate[] expiredRootChain; /** * The system under test (refreshed before every test invocation). */ private OpenfireX509TrustManager trustManager; public CheckChainTrustedTest( boolean acceptSelfSigned, boolean checkValidity ) { this.acceptSelfSigned = acceptSelfSigned; this.checkValidity = checkValidity; } @Before public void createFixture() throws Exception { trustStore = KeyStore.getInstance( KeyStore.getDefaultType() ); trustStore.load( null, null ); // Generate a valid chain and add its root certificate to the trust store. validChain = KeystoreTestUtils.generateValidCertificateChain(); trustStore.setCertificateEntry( getLast( validChain ).getSubjectDN().getName(), getLast( validChain ) ); // Generate a chain with an expired intermediate certificate and add its root certificate to the trust store. expiredIntChain = KeystoreTestUtils.generateCertificateChainWithExpiredIntermediateCert(); trustStore.setCertificateEntry( getLast( expiredIntChain ).getSubjectDN().getName(), getLast( expiredIntChain ) ); // Generate a chain with an expired root certificate and add its root certificate to the trust store. expiredRootChain = KeystoreTestUtils.generateCertificateChainWithExpiredRootCert(); trustStore.setCertificateEntry( getLast( expiredRootChain ).getSubjectDN().getName(), getLast( expiredRootChain ) ); // Reset the system under test before each test. trustManager = new OpenfireX509TrustManager( trustStore, acceptSelfSigned, checkValidity ); } /** * Returns the last element from the provided array. * * @param chain An array (cannot be null). * @return The last element of the provided array. */ private static <X> X getLast( X[] chain ) { return chain[ chain.length - 1 ]; } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { if ( trustStore != null) { trustStore = null; } } /** * Verifies that providing a null value for the first argument causes a runtime exception to be thrown. */ @Test( expected = RuntimeException.class ) public void testNullSelectorArgument() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final CertSelector selector = null; final X509Certificate[] chain = validChain; // Execute system under test. trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); // Verify results // (verified by 'expected' parameter of @Test annotation). } /** * Verifies that providing a null value for the first argument causes a runtime exception to be thrown. */ @Test( expected = RuntimeException.class ) public void testNullChainArgument() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); final X509Certificate[] chain = null; // Execute system under test. trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); // Verify results // (verified by 'expected' parameter of @Test annotation). } /** * Verifies that providing an empty array for the first argument causes a runtime exception to be thrown. */ @Test( expected = RuntimeException.class ) public void testEmptyChainArgument() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); final X509Certificate[] chain = new X509Certificate[0]; // Execute system under test. trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); // Verify results // (verified by 'expected' parameter of @Test annotation). } /** * Verifies that null values in the provided chain are silently ignored. */ @Test public void testIgnoreEmptyArraySlots() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); // Inject a null value, moving but not removing all other certificates. final List<X509Certificate> copy = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList( validChain ) ); // wrapping needed to support remove function. copy.add( 1, null ); final X509Certificate[] chain = copy.toArray( new X509Certificate[ copy.size() ] ); // Execute system under test. final CertPath result = trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); // Verify results Assert.assertNotNull( result ); } /** * Verifies that providing a complete and valid chain does not throw an exception (selection criteria during this * test: match on subject). This is a 'happy flow' test. */ @Test public void testFullChain() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( validChain[0].getSubjectX500Principal() ); final X509Certificate[] chain = validChain; // Execute system under test. final CertPath result = trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); // Verify results Assert.assertNotNull( result ); } /** * Verifies that providing a complete, valid but unordered chain does not throw an exception (selection criteria * during this test: match on subject). */ @Test public void testFullChainUnordered() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( validChain[0].getSubjectX500Principal() ); final List<X509Certificate> input = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList( validChain )); final List<X509Certificate> shuffled = new ArrayList<>( input ); while ( input.equals( shuffled ) ) { Collections.shuffle( shuffled ); } final X509Certificate[] chain = shuffled.toArray( new X509Certificate[ shuffled.size() ] ); // Execute system under test. final CertPath result = trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); // Verify results Assert.assertNotNull( result ); } /** * Verifies that providing a valid chain that does not contain the root certificate does not throw an exception * (selection criteria during this test: match on subject). This is a 'happy flow' test. */ @Test public void testPartialChain() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( validChain[0].getSubjectX500Principal() ); final X509Certificate[] chain = Arrays.copyOf( validChain, validChain.length - 1); // Execute system under test. final CertPath result = trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); // Verify results Assert.assertNotNull( result ); } /** * Verifies that providing a valid chain that does not contain the root certificate and is not ordered does not * throw an exception (selection criteria during this test: match on subject). */ @Test public void testPartialChainUnordered() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( validChain[0].getSubjectX500Principal() ); final List<X509Certificate> input = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList( validChain )); input.remove( input.size() - 1 ); final List<X509Certificate> shuffled = new ArrayList<>( input ); while ( input.equals( shuffled ) ) { Collections.shuffle( shuffled ); } final X509Certificate[] chain = shuffled.toArray( new X509Certificate[ shuffled.size() ] ); // Execute system under test. final CertPath result = trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); // Verify results Assert.assertNotNull( result ); } /** * Verifies that providing a chain that does not contain an intermediate certificate throws an exception * (selection criteria during this test: match on subject). */ @Test( expected = CertPathBuilderException.class ) public void testIncompleteChain() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( validChain[0].getSubjectX500Principal() ); // Copy all but the second certificate of a valid chain to a chain that's used for testing. final List<X509Certificate> copy = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList( validChain ) ); // wrapping needed to support remove function. copy.remove( 1 ); final X509Certificate[] chain = copy.toArray( new X509Certificate[ copy.size() ] ); // Execute system under test. trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); // Verify results // (verified by 'expected' parameter of @Test annotation). } /** * Verifies that providing chain for which the root certificate is not in the store (but is otherwise valid) * throw a CertPathBuilderException. */ @Test( expected = CertPathBuilderException.class ) public void testFullChainUnrecognizedRoot() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( validChain[0].getSubjectX500Principal() ); final X509Certificate[] chain = KeystoreTestUtils.generateValidCertificateChain(); // Execute system under test. trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); // Verify results // (verified by 'expected' parameter of @Test annotation). } /** * Verifies that providing chain for which an intermediate certificate is expired (but is otherwise valid) * throws a CertPathBuilderException only when the system under test is configured to enforce date validity. */ @Test public void testExpiredIntermediateChain() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( expiredIntChain[0].getSubjectX500Principal() ); final X509Certificate[] chain = expiredIntChain; // Execute system under test. CertPath result = null; CertPathBuilderException exception = null; try { result = trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); } catch ( CertPathBuilderException ex) { exception = ex; } // Verify results if ( checkValidity ) { Assert.assertNotNull( "Certificate validity is enforced. Validation should have thrown an exception.", exception ); } else { Assert.assertNotNull( "Certificate validity is not checked. Validation should have succeeded.", result ); } } /** * Verifies that providing chain for which the root certificate is expired (but is otherwise valid) * throws a CertPathBuilderException only when the system under test is configured to enforce date validity. */ @Test public void testExpiredRootChain() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( expiredRootChain[0].getSubjectX500Principal() ); final X509Certificate[] chain = expiredRootChain; // Execute system under test. CertPath result = null; CertPathBuilderException exception = null; try { result = trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); } catch ( CertPathBuilderException ex) { exception = ex; } // Verify results if ( checkValidity ) { Assert.assertNotNull( "Certificate validity is enforced. Validation should have thrown an exception.", exception ); } else { Assert.assertNotNull( "Certificate validity is not checked. Validation should have succeeded.", result ); } } /** * Identical to {@link #testExpiredRootChain()} but uses a partial chain (which does not include the root * certificate). */ @Test public void testExpiredRootChainPartial() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( expiredRootChain[0].getSubjectX500Principal() ); final X509Certificate[] chain = Arrays.copyOf( expiredRootChain, expiredRootChain.length - 1); // Execute system under test. CertPath result = null; CertPathBuilderException exception = null; try { result = trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); } catch ( CertPathBuilderException ex) { exception = ex; } // Verify results if ( checkValidity ) { Assert.assertNotNull( "Certificate validity is enforced. Validation should have thrown an exception.", exception ); } else { Assert.assertNotNull( "Certificate validity is not checked. Validation should have succeeded.", result ); } } /** * Verifies that self-signed certificates are accepted, but only when explicitly configured to do so. */ @Test public void testSelfSigned() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509Certificate[] chain = new X509Certificate[] { KeystoreTestUtils.generateSelfSignedCertificate() }; final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( chain[ 0 ].getSubjectX500Principal() ); // Execute system under test. CertPath result = null; CertPathBuilderException exception = null; try { result = trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); } catch ( CertPathBuilderException ex) { exception = ex; } // Verify results if ( acceptSelfSigned ) { Assert.assertNotNull( "Self-signed certificates are accepted. Validation should have succeeded.", result ); } else { Assert.assertNotNull( "Self-signed certificates are not accepted. Validation should have thrown an exception.", exception ); } } /** * Verifies that self-signed certificates that expired are accepted only when both self-signed certificates are * explicitly accepted, as well as validation is explictly skipped. */ @Test public void testSelfSignedExpired() throws Exception { // Setup fixture. final X509Certificate[] chain = new X509Certificate[] { KeystoreTestUtils.generateExpiredSelfSignedCertificate() }; final X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector(); selector.setSubject( chain[ 0 ].getSubjectX500Principal() ); // Execute system under test. CertPath result = null; CertPathBuilderException exception = null; try { result = trustManager.checkChainTrusted( selector, chain ); } catch ( CertPathBuilderException ex) { exception = ex; } // Verify results if ( acceptSelfSigned && !checkValidity) { Assert.assertNotNull( "Certificate validity is not checked, and self-signed certificates are accepted. Validation should have succeeded.", result ); } else { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if ( checkValidity ) { sb.append( "Certificate validity is checked. " ); } if ( !acceptSelfSigned ) { sb.append( "Self-signed certificates are not accepted. " ); } Assert.assertNotNull( sb.toString() + "Validation should have thrown an exception.", exception ); } } }