package com.javamonitor.mbeans; /** * A thread deadlock reporter. This mbean makes the thread deadlocks simpler to * read. * * @author Kees Jan Koster <> */ public interface ThreadingMBean { /** * Get a more detailed report on the deadlocked threads. * * @return A list of threads that were deadlocked, with their stack traces, * in developer readable format, or <code>null</code> if there are * no deadlocks. */ public String getDeadlockStacktraces(); /** * Count the number of new threads. * * @return The number of new threads. */ public int getThreadsNew(); /** * Count the number of runnable threads. * * @return The number of runnable threads. */ public int getThreadsRunnable(); /** * Count the number of blocked threads. * * @return The number of blocked threads. */ public int getThreadsBlocked(); /** * Count the number of waiting threads. * * @return The number of waiting threads. */ public int getThreadsWaiting(); /** * Count the number of sleeping and waiting threads. * * @return The number of sleeping and waiting threads. */ public int getThreadsTimedWaiting(); /** * Count the number of terminated threads. * * @return The number of terminated threads. */ public int getThreadsTerminated(); }