package com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow; /** * jCumulus is a Java port of Cumulus OpenRTMP * * Copyright 2011 OpenRTMFP * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License received along this program for more * details (or else see * * * This file is a part of jCumulus. */ import com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.packet.*; import com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.publisher.E; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class B { private static final Logger D = Logger.getLogger(B.class); private Packet F; boolean C; int E; int K; int J; LinkedList A; LinkedList H; LinkedList B; LinkedList I; LinkedList G; public B(AudioPacket a) { A = new LinkedList(); H = new LinkedList(); B = new LinkedList(); I = new LinkedList(); G = new LinkedList(); F = a; } public void K() { C = true; } public void C() { C = false; } public String E() { A(); H h = G(); if(h == com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Null) { F.D(1); return ""; } if(h != com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.String) { D.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Type ").append(h).append(" is not a AMF String type").toString()); return null; } F.D(1); if(E != 0) return J(); if(F() == 12) return new String(F.F(F.C())); else return new String(F.F(F.E() & 0xffff)); } public void P() { A(); H h = G(); if(h == com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Null) { F.D(1); return; } else { D.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Type ").append(h).append(" is not a AMF Null type").toString()); return; } } public Double N() { A(); H h = G(); if(h == com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Null) { F.D(1); return Double.valueOf(0.0D); } if(h != com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Number) { D.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Type ").append(h).append(" is not a AMF Number type").toString()); return Double.valueOf(0.0D); } else { F.D(1); return Double.valueOf(F.B()); } } private int H() { A(); H h = G(); if(h == com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Null) { F.D(1); return 0; } if(h != com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Integer && h != com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Number) { D.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Type ").append(h).append(" is not a AMF Integer type").toString()); return 0; } F.D(1); if(h == com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Number) return (int)F.B(); int i = F.J(); if(i > 0xfffffff) i -= 0x20000000; return i; } public boolean O() { A(); H h = G(); if(h == com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Null) { F.D(1); return false; } if(h != com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Boolean) { D.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Type ").append(h).append(" is not a AMF Boolean type").toString()); return false; } if(E != 0) { return F.L() != 2; } else { F.D(1); return F.L() != 0; } } private C D() { A(); C c = new C(); H h = G(); if(h == com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Null) { F.D(1); c.A(false); return c; } if(h != com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Object) { D.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Type ").append(h).append(" is not a AMF Object type").toString()); c.A(false); return c; } if(E == 0) { if(C) I.push(Integer.valueOf(F.H())); if(F() == 16) { F.D(1); c.A(J()); } else { F.D(1); } D d = new D(E); A.push(d); if(J != 0) d.B = J; d.E = true; c.A(true); return c; } F.D(1); int i = F.H(); int j = F.J(); boolean flag = (j & 1) != 0; j >>= 1; if(!flag && j > B.size()) { D.error("AMF3 reference not found"); c.A(false); return c; } D d1 = new D(E); A.push(d1); if(flag) { if(C) B.push(Integer.valueOf(i)); } else { d1.B = F.H(); F.E(((Integer)B.get(j)).intValue()); j = F.J() >> 1; } flag = (j & 1) != 0; j >>= 1; if(flag) { G.push(Integer.valueOf(i)); c.A(J()); } else if(j <= G.size()) { K = F.H(); F.E(((Integer)G.get(j)).intValue()); j = F.J() >> 2; c.A(J()); } else { D.error("AMF3 classDef reference not found"); j = 2; } if((j & 1) != 0) d1.C = true; else if((j & 2) != 0) d1.E = true; j >>= 2; if(!d1.C) { d1.F = new LinkedList(); for(int k = 0; k < j; k++) { String s = J(); d1.F.add(s); } } A(); c.A(true); return c; } private G I() { G g = new G(); A(); if(A.size() == 0) { D.error("AMFReader::readItem called without a AMFReader::readObject or a AMFReader::readArray before"); g.A(com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.End); return g; } D d = (D)A.getLast(); E = d.D; boolean flag = false; if(d.G == 17) { D.error("AMFReader::readItem on a dictionary, used AMFReader::readKey and AMFReader::readValue rather"); g.A(com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.End); return g; } if(d.F.size() > 0) { g.A((String)d.F.getFirst()); d.F.removeFirst(); } else if(d.G == 10) { if(d.A == 0) { flag = true; } else { d.A--; g.A(""); } } else if(!d.E) { if(d.C) { d.C = false; g.A(com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.RawObjectContent); return g; } flag = true; } else { String s = J(); g.A(s); if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s)) { if(d.G == 9) { d.G = 10; return I(); } flag = true; } else if(d.G == 0); } if(flag) { if(E == 0 && d.G != 10) { byte byte0 = F.L(); if(byte0 != 9) D.error("AMF0 end marker object absent"); } K = d.B; A(); A.removeLast(); g.A(com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.End); return g; } else { g.A(G()); return g; } } private String J() { if(E == 0) return new String(F.A()); int i = F.H(); int j = F.J(); boolean flag = (j & 1) != 0; j >>= 1; String s; if(flag) { s = new String(F.F(j)); if(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s)) H.push(Integer.valueOf(i)); } else { if(j > H.size()) { D.error("AMF3 string reference not found"); return null; } K = F.H(); F.E(((Integer)H.get(j)).intValue()); s = new String(F.F(F.J() >> 1)); A(); } return s; } public H G() { A(); if(E != F.H()) if(A.size() > 0) E = ((D)A.getLast()).D; else E = 0; if(!B()) return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.End; byte byte0 = F(); if(E == 0 && byte0 == 17) { F.D(1); E = F.H(); if(!B()) return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.End; byte0 = F(); } if(E != 0) { switch(byte0) { case 0: // '\0' case 1: // '\001' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Null; case 2: // '\002' case 3: // '\003' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Boolean; case 4: // '\004' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Integer; case 5: // '\005' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Number; case 6: // '\006' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.String; case 8: // '\b' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Date; case 9: // '\t' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Array; case 17: // '\021' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Dictionary; case 10: // '\n' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Object; case 12: // '\f' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.ByteArray; case 7: // '\007' case 11: // '\013' case 13: // '\r' case 14: // '\016' case 15: // '\017' case 16: // '\020' default: D.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Unknown AMF3 type ").append(byte0).toString()); break; } F.D(1); return G(); } switch(byte0) { case 5: // '\005' case 6: // '\006' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Null; case 1: // '\001' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Boolean; case 0: // '\0' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Number; case 2: // '\002' case 12: // '\f' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.String; case 8: // '\b' case 10: // '\n' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Array; case 11: // '\013' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Date; case 3: // '\003' case 16: // '\020' return com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Object; case 7: // '\007' F.D(1); short word0 = F.E(); if(word0 > I.size()) { D.error("AMF0 reference not found"); return G(); } else { J = F.H(); F.E(((Integer)I.get(word0)).intValue()); return G(); } case 9: // '\t' D.error("AMF end object type without begin object type before"); F.D(1); return G(); case 13: // '\r' D.warn("Unsupported type in AMF format"); F.D(1); return G(); case 4: // '\004' case 14: // '\016' case 15: // '\017' default: D.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Unknown AMF type ").append(byte0).toString()); F.D(1); return G(); } } public com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.E L() { com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.E e = new com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.E(); C c = D(); if(!c.A()) return null; if(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(c.C())) D.warn((new StringBuilder()).append("Object seems not be a simple object because it has a ").append(c.C()).append(" type").toString()); do { G g; if((g = I()).B() == com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.End) break; String s = g.A(); if(com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Null == g.B()) { P(); e.G(s); continue; } if(com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Boolean == g.B()) { e.A(s, O()); continue; } if(com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Integer == g.B()) { e.A(s, H()); continue; } if(com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.String == g.B()) { String s1 = E(); e.B(s, s1); continue; } if(com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Number == g.B()) { e.A(s, N().doubleValue()); continue; } if(com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.H.Date == g.B()) break; D.error((new StringBuilder()).append("AMF ").append(g.B()).append(" type unsupported in an AMFDataObj conversion").toString()); F.D(1); } while(true); return e; } private byte F() { return F.G()[0]; } public boolean B() { A(); return F.I() > 0; } private void A() { if(K > 0) { F.E(K); K = 0; } } public Packet M() { return F; } }