package org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin.gojara.sessions; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin.gojara.database.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This is the central point for doing anything Gojara GatewaySession related. We keep track of Users connected to * Transports, stats about these and provide some methods for Presentation in JSP Pages. * * @author axel.frederik.brand */ public class TransportSessionManager { private static TransportSessionManager myself; private DatabaseManager db; private GojaraAdminManager adminManager; private Map<String, Map<String, Long>> transportSessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, Long>>(16, 0.75f, 1); private static final Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransportSessionManager.class); private TransportSessionManager() { db = DatabaseManager.getInstance(); adminManager = GojaraAdminManager.getInstance();" Created TransportSessionManager"); } public static synchronized TransportSessionManager getInstance() { if (myself == null) { myself = new TransportSessionManager(); } return myself; } /** * adds a subdomain to watched transports * * @param subdomain */ public void addTransport(String subdomain) { transportSessions.put(subdomain, new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>(64, 0.75f, 1)); Log.debug("Added key to transportSessionMap: " + subdomain); } /** * removes subdomain from watched transports * * @param subdomain */ public void removeTransport(String subdomain) { transportSessions.remove(subdomain); Log.debug("Removed " + subdomain + "from TransportSessionMap "); } public boolean isTransportActive(String subdomain) { return transportSessions.containsKey(subdomain) ? true : false; } /** * register is seperate to connect because a user may register to transport but not connect to it, e.g. with wrong credentials. * we still want to keep track of those registrations so we know they happened and we can reset them * * @param transport * @param user */ public void registerUserTo(String transport, String user) { db.insertOrUpdateSession(transport, user, 0); } /** * Add the session of user that connected to gateway and update or create timestamp for session * * @param transport * @param user * @return */ public boolean connectUserTo(String transport, String user) { //dont update if user is already present, else lots of away to online changes might be spammed if (transportSessions.get(transport) != null && transportSessions.get(transport).get(user) == null) { long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); transportSessions.get(transport).put(user, millis); db.insertOrUpdateSession(transport, user, millis); return true; } return false; } public boolean disconnectUserFrom(String transport, String user) { // Log.debug("Trying to remove User " + JID.nodeprep(user) + " from Session for Transport " + transport); if (isUserConnectedTo(transport, user)) { transportSessions.get(transport).remove(user); return true; } return false; } public boolean isUserConnectedTo(String transport, String user) { return transportSessions.get(transport).containsKey(user); } /** * Removes registration from our database. * * @param transport * @param user * @return String that describes what happened. */ public void removeRegistrationOfUserFromDB(String transport, String user) { db.removeSessionEntry(transport, user); } /** * Initializes Sessions through adminmanager, ofc needs to be called at a point where there are Transports registered in * transportSessions */ public void initializeSessions() {"Initializing Sessions."); for (String transport : transportSessions.keySet()) { adminManager.getOnlineUsersOf(transport); } } /** * @return Set of currently active Gateways */ public final Set<String>getActiveGateways() { return transportSessions.keySet(); } public final Map<String, Map<String, Long>> getSessions() { return transportSessions; } /** * Puts all Sessions into an ArrayList of GatewaySession Objects, and sorts it according to specified sorting * attributes. * * @param sortby * username, transport or LoginTime * @param sortorder * ASC or DESC * @return Sorted/Unsorted ArrayList of GatewaySession Objects */ public ArrayList<GatewaySession> getSessionsSorted(String sortby, String sortorder) { ArrayList<GatewaySession> result = new ArrayList<GatewaySession>(getNumberOfActiveSessions()); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String,Long>> gateway : transportSessions.entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : gateway.getValue().entrySet()) { Timestamp stamp = new Timestamp(entry.getValue()); Date date = new Date(stamp.getTime()); result.add(new GatewaySession(entry.getKey(), gateway.getKey(), date)); } } if (sortby.equals("username")) { Collections.sort(result, new SortUserName()); } else if (sortby.equals("transport")) { Collections.sort(result, new SortTransport()); } else if (sortby.equals("loginTime")) { Collections.sort(result, new SortLastActivity()); } if (sortorder.equals("DESC")) { Collections.reverse(result); } return result; } /** * @return count of recognized active Sessions */ public int getNumberOfActiveSessions() { int result = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String,Long>> gateway : transportSessions.entrySet()) { result += gateway.getValue().size(); } return result; } /** * Returns number of active Sessions for specified transport or 0 if not valid transport. * @param transport * @return */ public int getNumberOfActiveSessionsFor(String transport) { if (transportSessions.containsKey(transport)) return transportSessions.get(transport).size(); return 0; } /** * Searches for Sessions with given Username and returns them as ArrList * * @param username * @return */ public ArrayList<GatewaySession> getConnectionsFor(String username) { ArrayList<GatewaySession> userconnections = new ArrayList<GatewaySession>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Long>> transport : transportSessions.entrySet()) { if (transport.getValue().containsKey(username)) { Timestamp stamp = new Timestamp(transport.getValue().get(username)); Date date = new Date(stamp.getTime()); userconnections.add(new GatewaySession(username, transport.getKey(), date)); } } return userconnections; } /** * Returns Registrations associated with Username * * @param username * @return ArrayList of SessionEntries */ public ArrayList<SessionEntry> getRegistrationsFor(String username) { return db.getSessionEntriesFor(username); } /** * Get all registrations sorted by attribute and order. Validation for correctness of attributes is done in DB * Manager, returns default sorting: username ASC when not valid */ public ArrayList<SessionEntry> getAllRegistrations(String orderAttr, String order) { return db.getAllSessionEntries(orderAttr, order); } public int getNumberOfRegistrations() { return db.getNumberOfRegistrations(); } public int getNumberOfRegistrationsForTransport(String transport) { if (transportSessions.containsKey(transport)) { return db.getNumberOfRegistrationsForTransport(transport); } return 0; } }