package org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin.gojara.messagefilter.processors; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.interceptor.PacketRejectedException; import org.xmpp.packet.IQ; import org.xmpp.packet.Packet; /** * This class implements the XEP-xxx Remote Roster Management standard * "2.4 Client sends user update". Part of command pattern used in * {@link MainInterceptor} * * Further information: <a * href="" * >Here</a> * * @author Holger Bergunde * * Example IQ: * <iq id="FSwIU-68" type="set" from="user@example/resource"> * <query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"> <item jid="123456789@subdomain" name="wulschti" subscription="both"> * <group>General</group> </item> </query> </iq> */ public class ClientToComponentUpdateProcessor extends AbstractRemoteRosterProcessor { private Set<String> watchedSubdomains; public ClientToComponentUpdateProcessor(Set<String> activeTransports) { watchedSubdomains = activeTransports;"Created ClientToComponentUpdateProcessor"); } private String searchJIDforSubdomain(String jid) { for (String subdomain : watchedSubdomains) { if (jid.contains(subdomain)) return subdomain; } return ""; } @Override public void process(Packet packet, String subdomain, String to, String from) throws PacketRejectedException { Log.debug("Processing packet in ClientToComponentUpdateProcessor: " + packet.toString()); Element query = ((IQ) packet).getChildElement(); List<Node> nodes = findNodesInDocument(query.getDocument(), "//roster:item"); if (nodes.size() > 0) { // We now know we have to check the JID of the to be added User // against our valid subdomains. for (Node n : nodes) { String jid = n.valueOf("@jid"); // TODO: We ignore remove iq packets for now. There might be // conflicts // when we remove our legacy network registration. String found_subdomain = searchJIDforSubdomain(jid); if (found_subdomain.length() > 0 && !n.valueOf("@subscription").equals("remove")) { Log.debug("Mirroring packet from local network to legacy component " + found_subdomain); IQ forward = (IQ) packet.createCopy(); forward.setTo(found_subdomain); dispatchPacket(forward); } } } } }